ANU College Governance Statute 2006




The Council of the Australian National University makes these Rules under section 4 of the ANU College Governance Statute 2006.


Dated: 1 June 2007.






Allan Hawke



1 Name of Rules and commencement

1.1 These Rules are the ANU College Governance Rules 2007.

1.2 These Rules commence on the day after they are registered.

[General note: The governance arrangements for ANU Colleges are intended to provide for collegial contributions by staff and students to College operations and plans.  It is intended that ANU College advisory bodies be an integral part of the strategic planning process of the University, and assist in ensuring the quality and integration of the teaching and research activities of the College.  It is also intended that they provide a forum where wide consultation is possible, and each constituent part of the College is appropriately represented.]

2 Interpretation

2.1 In these Rules, unless the contrary intention appears:

Convener, of a College, means the person appointed under rule 3 as Convener of an ANU College.

Dean, of a College, means the person appointed under rule 3 as Dean of an ANU College.

department includes centre, school or division.

Statute means the ANU College Governance Statute 2006.

[Note: College and Dean (of a College) are defined in the Statute.]

3 Convener and Dean

3.1 The Vice-Chancellor must appoint a Convener and a Dean for each College.

4 College advisory bodies

4.1 There is to be an advisory body for each College.

4.2 Unless the Vice-Chancellor approves another similar body to be the advisory body for a College, each College advisory body is to be as constituted under subrules 4.3 to 4.7.

4.3 Each of the following is to be a member of the College advisory body:

 (a) the Convener of the College;

 (b) the Dean of the College;

 (c) the Executive Officer of the College;

 (d) each of the members of the Executive Committee of the College;

 (e) each of the Directors of the Research Schools and University Centres within the College;

 (f) each Chair of a specialist committee established under rule 12;

 (g) not less than 3 representatives elected by and from the academic staff of the College;

 (h) not less than one representative elected by and from the general staff of the College;

 (i) not less than 3 students of the College, including undergraduate and postgraduate students, chosen by the Convener and Dean in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate and Research Students' Association Inc. and the President of the Australian National University Students' Association;

 (j) if the Convener in consultation with the Chair determines that it is appropriate to do so, a representative from each College with cognate research or education interests, being a person nominated by the Convener of that College;

 (k) such other members, if any, as the Convener in consultation with the Chair appoints.

4.4 The Convener, or his or her nominee, is to Chair meetings of the College advisory body to which subrule 4.3 applies.

4.5 The number of members to be elected under paragraph (g) or (h), and the method of their election, and the number of members to be chosen under paragraph (i), is to be determined by the Convener in consultation with the Chair.

4.6 The term of each member’s appointment, for a member to which paragraph (g), (h), (i), (j) or (k) applies, is to be determined by the Convener in consultation with the Chair.

4.7 Unless the Vice-Chancellor otherwise approves, the number of members of a College advisory body must be not less than 15. 

5 College advisory body: terms of reference

5.1 A College advisory body may advise the Convener and Dean of the College on each of the following:

5.2 However, the College advisory body may not advise on a matter relating solely to a particular person.

6 College advisory body meetings

6.1 The Convener of a College or the Chair of the College advisory body must convene a meeting of the College advisory body not less than 3 times in each year and at least once in each semester.

6.2 The Convener of a College or the Chair of the College advisory body must convene a meeting of the College advisory body at any time if asked to do so by not less than 20% of the College advisory body’s members.

6.3 The Chair, after consulting the members of the College advisory body present at a meeting, is to determine the procedure for the meeting.

6.4 At a meeting of the College advisory body, 50% of its members constitute a quorum, or, if that number is not a whole number, then the next whole number greater than the first-mentioned number.

6.5 The Convener must arrange for the provision of secretariat and other support to the College advisory body.

7 College Executive Committee

7.1 There is to be an Executive Committee for each College.

7.2 The members of the Executive Committee are to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, in consultation with the Convener and Dean, from the senior officers of the College.

7.3 The term of each member’s appointment is to be determined by the Convener in consultation with the Dean and with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

7.4 The Convener or the Dean, as determined by the Vice-Chancellor, is to Chair meetings of the Executive Committee.

8 Executive Committee: terms of reference

8.1 The Executive Committee may advise the Convener and Dean on each of the following matters:

8.2 However, the Executive Committee may not advise on a matter relating solely to a particular person.

9 Meetings of Executive Committee

9.1 The Chair of each Executive Committee of a College must convene regular meetings of the Executive Committee.

[Note: It is expected that meetings of an Executive Committee will be held at least monthly.]

9.2 The Chair of an Executive Committee must convene a meeting of the Committee at any time if asked to do so by not less than 20% of its members.

9.3 The Chair, after consulting the members of the Executive Committee present at a meeting, is to determine the procedure for the meeting.

9.4 At a meeting of the Executive Committee, 50% of the members constitute a quorum, or if that number is not a whole number, then the next whole number greater than the first-mentioned number.

9.5 The Convener of a College must arrange for the provision of secretariat and other support to the Executive Committee.

10 Faculty meetings and departmental committees

10.1 The Director of a research school or University centre, or the Dean of a faculty may hold faculty meetings or establish departmental committees within his or her research school, University centre or faculty.

10.2 Each of the following may be a member of a faculty or a departmental committee:

 (a) each full-time and part-time member of the academic staff of the research school, University centre, faculty or department concerned;

 (b) such casual academic staff of the research school, University centre, faculty or department as the head of the research school, University centre, faculty or department concerned determines;

 (c) at least one general staff member of the research school, University centre, faculty or department appointed by the head of the research school, University centre, faculty or department concerned;

 (d) the number of students from the classes of students enrolled in the research  school, University centre, faculty or department concerned as its head determines;

 (e) such other members, if any, as the head of the research school, University centre, faculty or department concerned determines.

10.3 The Convener and Dean of the College are ex officio members of each faculty meeting or departmental committee of the College.

10.4 The head of the research school, University centre, faculty or department concerned, or a person nominated by the relevant head, is to Chair the relevant faculty meeting or departmental committee.

10.5 A faculty meeting or departmental committee may advise the head of the research school, University centre, faculty or department concerned on any matter affecting the academic work or administration of the academic area, other than a matter relating solely to a particular person.

11 Faculty and departmental committee meetings

11.1 The Chair of a faculty meeting or a departmental committee in a College must convene a faculty meeting or departmental committee meeting at least once in each semester.

11.2 The Chair of a faculty meeting or a departmental committee must convene a faculty meeting or departmental committee meeting, as the case requires, at any other time if asked to do so by not less than 20% of the members of the faculty or committee.

11.3 The Chair, after consulting the members present at the meeting, is to determine the procedure for the faculty meeting or departmental committee meeting.

11.4 At a meeting of a faculty or a departmental committee, 50% of the members constitute a quorum, or if that number is not a whole number, then the next whole number greater than the first-mentioned number.

11.5 The head of the appropriate area in the College must arrange for the provision of secretariat and other support to the faculty or departmental committee meetings.

12 Specialist committees

12.1 The Convener or Dean of a College must, after taking advice from the College advisory body, establish specialist committees, as sub-committees of the College advisory body, to advise the College advisory body, Convener or Dean on matters relating to education and research.

12.2 The Convener or Dean of a College may, after taking advice from the College advisory body, establish one or more specialist committees, as a sub-committee of the College advisory body, to advise the College advisory body, Convener or Dean on matters relating to other specific areas of College activity.

12.3 The Chair and members of a specialist committee and the term of each member’s appointment are to be determined by the Convener and Dean of the College, having taken advice from the College advisory body.

12.4 The Convener and Dean of the College are ex officio members of each of its specialist committees.

13 Specialist committees’ terms of reference and meetings

13.1 The terms of reference of specialist committees on education and research are to be determined by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Dean (for an education committee) or the Convener (for a research committee).

13.2 The Convener and Dean of the College, acting with the advice of the College advisory body, are to determine the terms of reference of other specialist committees of the College.

13.3 The timing and frequency of meetings of specialist committees are to be determined by the Chair of the relevant committee in consultation with the Convener, or with the Dean for an education committee.

13.4 The Chair, after consulting the members of the committee present at a meeting, is to determine the procedure for the meeting of a specialist committee.

13.5 At a meeting of a specialist committee, 50% of the members constitute a quorum, or if that number is not a whole number, then the next whole number greater than the first-mentioned number.

13.6 The Convener of a College must arrange for the provision of secretariat and other support to each specialist committee of the College.

14 College forums

14.1 At least once in each year the College Convener and Dean, acting jointly, must convene a staff and student forum (for all academic and general staff and enrolled students of the College) at which the Convener and Dean are to report to and discuss with the meeting matters relevant to the operation and development of the College.

14.2 The Convener and Dean are to determine the procedure at a staff and student forum.

14.3 A College forum may not discuss a matter relating to a particular person.

15 Repeal

15.1 The ANU College Governance Rules 2006, as amended and in force immediately before the commencement of these Rules, are repealed.



