Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 13/0013/00 – Installation of Lighting and Light Signalling Devices on other than L-Group Vehicles) 2005 Amendment 22

I, JAMES ERIC LLOYD, Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, determine this vehicle standard under subsection 7 (1) of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989.





Dated   15th August 2007
















James Eric Lloyd


Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads




1. legislative provisions..............................................

2. amendment of vehicle standard......................................

Schedule 1.............................................................

Schedule 2.............................................................

  1. legislative provisions
    1.                                  Name of Legislative Instrument
      1.                            This instrument is the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 13/00 – Installation of Lighting and Light Signalling Devices on other than L-Group Vehicles) 2005 Amendment 2.
    2.                                  Commencement
      1.                            This instrument commences on the day after it is registered.
    3.                                  Sunsetting
      1.                            This amending instrument ceases to have effect as of midnight 1 January 2009. [1]
  2. amendment of vehicle standard
    1.                                  The changes specified in Schedule 1 and 2 amend Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 13/00 – Installation of Lighting and Light Signalling Devices on other than L-Group Vehicles) 2005.



Schedule 1

[1]               Clause 4.1, amend to read “… clauses (4.1.1-4.1.3) …”

[2]               Insert a new clause “4.1.3.  For vehicles with headlamps containing LED modules, Appendix A as varied by Appendix B. 1/. 

[3]               Insert a footnote “1/ Note that this option is a temporary measure and will be replaced with a finalised UNECE regulation as of 1 January 2009.  For more information see Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 13/00 – Installation of Lighting and Light Signalling Devices on other than L-Group Vehicles) 2005 Amendment 2.”



Schedule 2

[1]               Insert the following as Appendix B

Appendix B[*/]


Insert a new paragraph, to read:


" "LED module" means a light source module containing as light sources only LEDs."


Insert a new paragraph, to read:


" "Principal passing beam (principal dipped beam)" means the dipped beam produced without the contribution of infrared (IR) emitter and/or additional light sources for bend lighting.


Paragraph 2.7.27., amend to read:


"2.7.27. "Objective luminous flux" means a design value of the luminous flux of a replaceable light source or light source module.  It shall be achieved, within the specified tolerances, when the replaceable light source or light source module is energized by the power supply at the specified test voltage, as indicated in the data sheet of the light source or the technical specification as submitted with the light source module."


Paragraph 6.2.7., amend to read:


"6.2.7. Electrical connections




One additional light source or one or more LED module(s), located inside the dipped-beam headlamps or in a lamp (except the main-beam headlamp) grouped or reciprocally incorporated with the respective dipped-beam headlamps, may be activated to produce bend lighting, provided that the horizontal radius of curvature of the trajectory of the centre of gravity of the vehicle is 500 m or less.  This may .… "


Paragraph 6.2.8., amend to read:


"6.2.8. Tell-tale Tell-tale optional. A visual tell-tale whether flashing or not is mandatory:

(a) in the case where the whole beam or the kink of the elbow of the cut-off is moved to produce bend lighting, or

(b) if one or more LED modules are used to produce the principal dipped-beam.


(a) in the event of a malfunction of the displacement of the kink of the elbow of the cut-off, or

(b) in case of a failure of any one of the LED module(s) producing the principal dipped-beam."


It shall remain activated while the failure is present.  It may be cancelled temporarily, but shall be repeated whenever the device, which starts and stops the engine, is switched on and off.


Paragraph 6.2.9., amend to read:


"6.2.9. Other requirements




 Dipped-beam headlamps with a light source or LED module(s) producing the principal dipped beam and having a total objective luminous flux which exceeds 2,000 lumen shall only be installed in conjunction with the installation of headlamp cleaning device(s) according to Regulation No. 45. 8/


 With respect to vertical inclination the provisions of paragraph above shall not be applied for dipped-beam headlamps:

(a) with LED module(s) producing the principal dipped beam, or

(b) with a light source producing the principal dipped beam and having an objective luminous flux which exceeds 2,000 lumen.


 Only dipped-beam headlamps according to .… "

[1] The requirements for LED headlamps set out in this instrument will be replaced with the requirements adopted by the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29).



World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29)

Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE)

Fifty-seventh session

2-6 October 2006

Item 13.1. of the provisional agenda


PROPOSAL FOR DRAFT AMENDMENTS TO REGULATION No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)

Submitted by the expert from the Working Party "Brussels 1952" (GTB)


Note:  The text reproduced below was prepared by the expert from GTB in order to introduce provisions for light-emitting diode (LED) modules to be used as light sources for headlamps.  The proposal consolidates and supersedes TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2005/36 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2005/36/Corr.1 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/56, para. 57).  The modifications to the existing text of the Regulation (up to Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments) are marked in bold characters.


Further amended by corrigendum compiled by Vehicle Safety Standards, Department of Transport and Regional Services