Marriage (Recognised Denominations) Proclamation 2007

Marriage Act 1961

I, PROFESSOR MARIE BASHIR, AC, CVO, Administrator of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make this Proclamation under section 26 of the Marriage Act 1961.

Signed and sealed with the
Great Seal of Australia
on 4 October 2007



By Her Excellency’s Command





1 Name of Proclamation

  This Proclamation is the Marriage (Recognised Denominations) Proclamation 2007.

2 Commencement

  This Proclamation commences on the day after it is registered.

3 Revocation of previous Proclamation

  The Marriage (Recognised Denominations) Proclamation 2006 is revoked.

4 Declaration of recognised denominations

  For section 26 of the Act, each religious body and religious organisation mentioned in Schedule 1 is declared to be a recognised denomination.


Schedule 1 Recognised denominations

(section 4)


Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship of Australia

Ananda Marga

Anglican Catholic Church in Australia, The 

Anglican Church of Australia, The

Antiochian Orthodox Church

Apostolic Church (Australia), The

Apostolic Church of Queensland, The

Armenian Apostolic Church in Australia, The

Assemblies of God in Australia

Associated Christian Ministries

Associated Christian Spiritual Churches of Australia

Associated Mission Churches of Australasia Incorporated

Association of Vineyard Churches Australia, The

Australian Christadelphian Ecclesia

Australian Church of Antioch, The

Australian Fellowship of Biblebelieving Churches

Australian Fellowship of Mission Centres (Youth with a Mission)

Australian Indigenous Ministries

Autocephalic Greek Orthodox Church of America and Australia

Baha’I Faith

Baptist Union of Australia, The

Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Australia and Abroad

Bethesda Ministries International Incorporated


Calvary Life Assemblies

Christian and Missionary Alliance of Australia, The

Christian Brethren

Christian Church in Australia

Christian Church, The

Christian City Church

Christian Israelite Church

Christian Life Churches International

Christian Outreach Centre

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia

Churches of Christ in Australia

Church of God (Australia) Limited

Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints

Church of Scientology Incorporated, The

Church of the Foursquare Gospel (Australia) Limited

Church of the Foursquare Gospel in Australia

Church of the Nazarene

Church of Tonga in Australia, The

Community of Christ

Congregational Christian Church in Samoa, The

Congregational Federation of Australia

Coptic Orthodox Church of Australia

CRC Churches International

Crosslink Christian Network

Dream Centre Christian Church Limited

Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia, The

Federation of Reformed Christian Churches of the Pacific Australia Incorporated

Fellowship of Congregational Churches

Fellowship of Evangelical Churches in Australia

Free Reformed Church of Australia

Free Serbian Orthodox Church, Diocese for Australia and New Zealand

Full Gospel Churches of Australia

German Evangelical Lutheran Church

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

Hindu Council of Australia, The

Hungarian Reformed Church of Australia, The

Independent Baptist Fellowship

Independent Baptists of Australia

Independent Church of Australia, The

International Council of Spiritualists

International Society for Krishna Consciousness


Jehovah’s Witnesses


Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Victoria, The

Liberal Catholic Church, The

Lutheran Church of Australia Incorporated, The

MacedonianBulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church

Macedonian Orthodox Church, Diocese of Australia and New Zealand

Ministers Fellowship International

National Ministries of the Church of God Australia

New Apostolic Church in Australia, The

New Church in Australia, The

New Life Churches of Australia

Potters House Christian Fellowship of Australia, The

Presbyterian Church of Australia, The

Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia

Presbyterian Reformed Church

Reach Out for Christ Limited

Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia, The

Religious Society of Friends, The

Revival Centres International

Revival Fellowship, The

Roman Catholic Church

Romanian Orthodox Church

Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Salvation Army, The

Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand, The

Seventhday Adventist Church

Sikh Council of Australia Incorporated, The

Society of Saint Pius X Limited

Southern Cross Association of Churches, The

Strict and Particular Baptist Churches of Australia, The

Torres United Pentecostal Outreach Association Incorporated

Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church in Diaspora,
Diocese of Australia and New Zealand


United Aborigines Mission

United Pentecostal Church of Australia

United Spiritualism of Australia

Uniting Church in Australia, The

Victorian Spiritualists’ Union

Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Connexion in Victoria, The

Wesleyan Methodist Church, The

Westminster Presbyterian Church, The

Worldwide Church of God