Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986


Determination of Warlike and Non-warlike Service



I, Bruce Billson, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs:


  1. revoke the non-warlike determination made under subsection 5C(1) of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (the Act) on 27 May 2003 in relation to Operation SOUTHERN WATCH, and
  2. determine that:

(i).            the area of operations comprises Iraq; and

(ii).           service rendered as a member of the Australian Defence Force assigned for service with the United States elements of the coalition force operation to patrol the Iraq No-Fly-Zones on Operation SOUTHERN WATCH during the period 31 August 1992 to 12 January 2003 in the area of operations outlined at b(i) is warlike service for the purposes of the definition of “warlike service” in subsection 5C(1) of the Act.

c.                       determine that:

(i).            the area of operations comprises Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Incirlik airbase in Turkey; and

(ii).           service rendered as a member of the Australian Defence Force assigned for service with the United States elements of the coalition force operation to patrol the Iraq No-Fly-Zones on Operation SOUTHERN WATCH during the period 23 September 1999 to 12 January 2003 in the area of operations outlined at c(i) is non-warlike service for the purposes of the definition of “non-warlike service” in subsection 5C(1) of the Act.

d.                      this Determination is taken to have commenced on 16 April 2007.



Dated          15 October 2007



      Signed Bruce Billson



                 BRUCE BILLSON         

             Minister for Veterans’ Affairs