Australian Capital Territory

(Planning and Land Management) Act 1988




May 1999




Amend the National Capital Plan as follows:

1. Amend Figure 10 in Part One of the National Capital Plan by -

1.1 altering the Predominant Land Use Category that applies to Section 24 City from "Social/Community/Educational" to "Residential";

1.2 deleting the words "Social/Community/Educational" from the legend of Predominant Land Uses; and

1.3 deleting notation "F" from the face of the figure and replacing it with notation "D" which will then apply to Sections 7, 8 & 24 City.

Figure 10, amended in accordance with 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 herein, is as set out at Attachment A.

2. Amend the conditions on the double page following Figure 10 in Part One of the National Capital Plan by -

2.1 deleting section "D" with all the provisions contained in that section;

2.2 altering the heading of section "F" from "F - City Sections 7 & 8" to "D - City Sections 7, 8 & 24";

2.3 under "Other land uses permitted" in Land Use Policy for section D, as altered, amend the references to "Bank" and "Co-operative society" to read as follows:

 Bank and Co-operative society for Sections 7 & 8

 Bank and Co-operative society (ancillary to primary use) for Section 24

2.4 adding a new condition under "Development Guidelines" within the newly altered section "D" which states:

Development on Section 24 City shall be in accordance with the recommendations of a Conservation Management Plan agreed to by the Australian Heritage Commission.

The double page following Figure 10, amended in accordance with 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 herein, is as set out at Attachment B.

Attachment A

Figure 10

The Central National Area (City)


A City

Section 34


The objectives of the land use policy for the public open space areas are to:

 develop attractive parks in Civic for the use of workers, shoppers visitors and residents

 Provide parks as a venue for recreation to increase the enjoyment of the facilities of Civic

 Provide areas for rest and relaxation

 Provide 'Green Spaces' as a relief in, and element of, the centre structure

 Facilitate the construction of convenient and attractive pedestrian routes.

Land Use Policy

The primary land use for Precinct A is:


Limited uses complementary and ancillary to the primary use will be considered.

B City

Sections 63, 18 & 19


The main objectives of the land use policy for this precinct are to:

 Provide land for administrative uses

 Provides for a wider range of uses to add diversity to Civic, including hotels, tourist and entertainment facilities, private sector offices, offices and carparks.

Land Use Policy

The primary land use for precinct B is:

 Administrative Use.

Other land uses permitted are:


 Cafe, bar restaurant

 Personal service



 Tourist facility

 Indoor recreation facility

 Cultural facility

 Social/Community facility

 Health centre

 Place of assembly

 Education establishment

 Scientific Research Establishment

 Community protection facility






Development Guidelines

 High quality development with a low building form in a landscape setting

 Development opposite the Sydney and Melbourne Buildings must reflect the historical character of those buildings

 Maximum building height:

- Vernon Circle (3 storeys)

- London Circuit (6 storeys)

C City

Sections 10 (Part), 37 & 62


The main objective of the land use policy for the tourist and recreation area is to ensure that the area in Civic is reserved for the provision of commercial recreation facilities to serve the health, fitness and leisure needs of the workforce, Canberra residents, tourists and visitors to the Centre. Complementary to this main objective it is also intended that the area accommodate tourist facilities and accommodation which can benefit from a location close to the Convention Centre and that a limited amount of office development may be allowed.

Land Use Policy

The primary land uses for Precinct C are:

 Tourist facility

 Indoor recreation facility

 Outdoor recreation facility but a publicly accessible Olympic Pool complex must be included.

Other land uses permitted are:

 Office (Part Section 10 only), up to a maximum gross floor area of 35,000m2 inclusive of offices associated with any Administrative uses

 Retail (ancillary to primary use)

 Cafe, bar, restaurant.

 Personal service establishment


 Cultural facility

 Social/Community facility

 Place of assembly

 Administrative uses (Section 10 only)

 Community protection facility





 Public utility


Redevelopment proposals must always ensure that floodwater is catered for as the south-east corner of the precinct is subject to flooding by overland stormwater flow, and in rare circumstances possibly by Lake Burley Griffin.

Development and redevelopment shall accord with the development conditions set out at Appendix S.

D City

Sections 7, 8 & 24


The objective of the land use policy for the area is to promote a range of intensive residential uses so that Civic can benefit from increased use of services at evening and weekends.

The precinct is close to leisure, recreation, retailing and business facilities and services offered by Civic and is close to the recreational opportunities provided by the lake.

Land Use Policy

The primary land uses permitted in Precinct D are:




Other land uses permitted are:

 Retail (ancillary to primary use)

 Cafe, bar, restaurant

 Bank and Co-operative society for Sections 7 & 8

 Bank and Co-operative society (ancillary to primary use) for Section 24

 Personal service establishment

 Office (ancillary to primary use)


 Tourist facility

 Indoor recreation facility

 Cultural facility

 Social/Community facility

 Place of assembly



Development Guidelines

 Development to reflect importance of Edinburgh Avenue and London Circuit frontages.

 Development on Section 24 City shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the Conservation Management Plan for the site agreed to by the Australian Heritage Commission.

 Developments in Section 6 City to abut the front property boundary on London Circuit.

E City

Section 10

Blocks 14 & 15


The objectives of the land use policy for the office areas are to:

 Maintain Civic as the main metropolitan office employment location

 Group employment opportunities in close support of retail areas.

Land Use Policy

The primary land use for Precinct E is:


Other land uses permitted are:


 Cafe, bar, restaurant


 Co-operative society

 Personal services establishment

 Consulting rooms


 Indoor recreation facility

 Cultural facility

 Social/Community facility

 Church use

 Health care

 Place of assembly

 Administrative use

 Community protection facility




 Passenger transport facility


Design and Siting Conditions apply to all blocks (Refer to Appendix H)

*Townscape Conditions apply to all blocks (Refer to Appendix