Standard 2.4.2

Edible Oil Spreads



This Standard defines edible oil spreads and margarine and sets compositional requirements for these products.  Butter is standardised in Standard 2.5.5.

Table of Provisions


1 Interpretation

2 Composition of edible oil spreads and margarine


1 Interpretation

In this Code -

edible oil spreads means a spreadable food composed of edible oils and water in the form of an emulsion of the type water-in-oil.

margarine means an edible oil spread containing no less than 800g/kg of edible oils.

2 Composition of edible oil spreads and margarine

(1) Edible oil spreads and margarine may contain -

(a) water;  and

(b) edible proteins;  and

(c) salt;  and

(d) lactic acid producing microorganisms;  and

(e) flavour producing microorganisms;  and

(f) milk products.

(2) Subclause (3) does not apply to table edible oil spreads and table margarine produced in, or imported into, New Zealand.

(3) Table edible oil spreads and table margarine, must contain no less than 55g/kg of vitamin D.

Editorial note:


Subclauses (2) and (3) of clause 2 in this Standard will be reviewed prior to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code becoming the sole Food Standards Code in Australia and New Zealand.