Standard 2.7.4

Wine and Wine Product



This Standard sets general definitions for wine and wine product and provides permissions for the addition of certain foods during the production of wine.  This Standard, however, requires wine produced in Australia to comply with the provisions of Standard P4 of the Australian Food Standards Code.

The Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act 1980 and the Regulations made under the Act should also be consulted.  The Act and the Regulations contain provisions which, for example, regulate:

- the use of geographical indications for wine, sparkling wine and fortified  wine;

- limited derogations from the requirements in this Standard for wine,  sparkling wine and fortified wine for export;

- blending rules for wine, sparkling wine and fortified wine;  and

- the compositional and other requirements for wine, sparkling wine and  fortified wine imported into Australia from countries with which Australia has a wine trading agreement prescribed by the Act.

Editorial Note:


The New Zealand Geographical Indications Act 1995 applies to appellations in relation to wine.  The Act will come into effect when the relevant regulations are adopted.

Table of Provisions


1 Interpretation

2 Addition of other foods to wine during production

3 Wine and wine product produced in Australia


1 Interpretation

In this Standard -

wine means the product of the complete or partial fermentation of fresh grapes, or a mixture of that product and products derived solely from grapes.

wine product means a food containing no less than 700 mL/L of wine as defined in this Standard, which has been formulated, processed, modified or mixed with other foods such that is not wine.

2 Addition of other foods to wine during production

The following foods may be added to wine during production -

(a) grape juice and grape juice products;  and

(b) sugars;  and

(c) brandy or other spirit;  and

(d) added water, where the water is necessary to incorporate any permitted food additive or processing aid.

3 Wine and wine product produced in Australia

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Standard, wine and wine product produced in Australia must comply with the provisions of Standards P4 and P6 respectively of the Australian Food Standards Code.

(2) For the purposes of subclause (1), a reference to brandy or grape spirit in Standard P4 is a reference to those products as standardised in Standard P3 of the Australian Food Standards Code.

Editorial Notes:


It is anticipated that clause 3 of this Standard will be amended to reflect expected amendments to the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act 1980.

Additive permissions and permitted processing aids for the products referred to in this Standard are contained in Standards 1.3.1 Food Additives and 1.3.3 Processing Aids respectively.


Specific labelling requirements for alcoholic beverages are contained in Standard 2.7.1.