1. Preamble


The variations set forth in the Schedule below are variations to the Food Standards Code (hereinafter called 'the Code') which was published by the National Health and Medical Research Council in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. P 27, on 27 August 1987, and which has been varied from time to time.


The Schedule contains variations adopted by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Council in March 2002.


These variations are published pursuant to section 32 of the Australia New Zealand Food Authority Act 1991.


2. Citation


These variations may be collectively known as Amendment No. 59 to the Code.


3. Commencement


These variations commence on the date of gazettal.


4. Correction of Typographical Error (Australia only)


Amendment 58 published on 21 December 2001 contained the following typographical error -



Note:  These variations were published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. FSC 1 on 9 May 2002.



[1]  Standard A18 of Volume 1 and Standard 1.5.2 of Volume 2 are varied by inserting in Column 1 of the Table to clause 2 -


Food derived from glufosinate ammonium-tolerant corn line T25

Food derived from glyphosate-tolerant sugarbeet line 77

Oil and linters derived from bromoxynil-tolerant cotton transformation events 10211 and 10222

Oil derived from glufosinate-ammonium tolerant canola lines Topas 19/2 and T45 and glufosinate-ammonium tolerant and pollination controlled canola lines Ms1, Ms8, Rf1, Rf2 and Rf3


[2] Standard 1.2.4 is varied by –


[2.1] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 1, Food Additive Code Numbers (alphabetical order), immediately following the entry for Brown HT -


Butane  -


[2.2] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 1, Food Additive Code Numbers (alphabetical order), immediately following the entry for Erythorbic acid -


Erythritol  968


[2.3] omitting from columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 1, Food Additive Code Numbers (alphabetical order), immediately following the entry for Guar gum -


4-hexylresorcinol -




4-hexylresorcinol 586


[2.4] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 1, Food Additive Code Numbers (alphabetical order), immediately following the entry for Hydrochloric acid -


Hydroxypropyl cellulose 463


[2.5] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 1, Food Additive Code Numbers (alphabetical order), immediately following the entry for Iron oxide -


Isobutane  -


[2.6] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 1, Food Additive Code Numbers (alphabetical order), immediately following the entry for Nitrous oxide -


Octafluorocyclobutane -


[2.7] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 1, Food Additive Code Numbers (alphabetical order), immediately following the entry for Processed eucheuma seaweed -


Propane  -


[2.8] omitting from columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 2, Food Additive Code Numbers (numerical order), immediately before the entry for Curcumin -


4-hexylresorcinol -


inserting immediately following the entry for Magnesium gluconate -


4-hexylresorcinol 586


[2.9] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 2, Food Additive Code Numbers (numerical order), immediately before the entry for Curcumin -


Butane  -


[2.10] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 2, Food Additive Code Numbers (numerical order), immediately following the entry for Butane -


Isobutane  -


[2.11] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 2, Food Additive Code Numbers (numerical order), immediately following the entry for Neotame -


Octafluorocyclobutane -


[2.12] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 2, Food Additive Code Numbers (numerical order), immediately following the entry for Octafluorocyclobutane -


Propane  -


[2.13] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 2, Food Additive Code Numbers (numerical order), immediately following the entry for Methyl cellulose -


Hydroxypropyl cellulose 463


[2.14] inserting in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 2, Part 2, Food Additive Code Numbers (numerical order), immediately following the entry for Xylitol -


Erythritol  968


[3] Standard 1.3.1 of Volume 2 is varied by -


[3.1] omitting from clause 1, the definition technological function and inserting directly following the Editorial note to the definition of processed food


technological function means a function set out in Schedule 5, but does not include the addition of a food additive to a single ingredient food that is not required by this Code to be labelled where a single process is applied and the food is presented in a manner which suggests that the organoleptic qualities have been altered, other than through the process.


Editorial note:


When prawns are cooked, they generally turn red in colour. If a red food  colour was also added to cooked prawns, consumers may be misled into believing that the red quality was attributable to the cooking process, and not the addition of a red food colour.


Food that has been smoked generally has a ‘smoky’ taste. If a smoke flavouring substance was also added to a smoked food, consumers may be misled into believing that the smoke taste was attributable to the smoking process, and not the addition of a smoke flavouring substance.

[3.2] omitting from subclause 6(2) -


amount permitted




permitted level


[3.3] omitting from subclause 6(2) and the Example following subclause 6(2) wherever occurring –


fraction or fractions




quantity or quantities


[3.4] omitting clause 8, inserting –


8 Food for use in preparation of another food


Any food additive permitted in a food may be added to an ingredient intended for use in the preparation of that food provided that the level in the final food when prepared complies with the maximum permitted level in this Standard.


[3.5] omitting clause 11, substituting –


11 Permitted flavouring substances


Permitted flavouring substances, for the purposes of this Standard, are those flavouring substances which are either –


 (a) Listed in at least one of the following publications -


(i) Food Technology, A Publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) lists of flavouring substances published by the Flavour and Extract Manufacturers’ Association of the United States from 1960 to June 2000; or

(ii) Flavouring Substances and Natural Sources of Flavourings, 4th Edition, Volume 1, Chemically-defined flavouring substances, Council of Europe, 1992; or

(iii) United States Code of Federal Regulations, 1966, 21 CFR Part 172.515; or


(b) a substance that is a single chemical entity obtained by physical, microbiological, enzymatic, synthetic or chemical processes, from material of vegetable or animal origin either in its raw state or after processing by traditional preparation process including drying, roasting, and fermentation.


[3.6] omitting the Editorial note to clause 11, substituting –

Editorial note:


The Flavour and Fragrance Association of Australia and New Zealand (FFAANZ) has prepared a consolidated list of permitted artificial flavouring substances in the three publications for ease of reference. This list is available from FFAANZ or from the Australia New Zealand Food Authority.


[3.7] omitting the term must not be present in throughout Schedule 1, substituting must not be added to.


[3.8] inserting in Schedule 1, immediately before item 0.1 Preparation of food additives


For an explanation and examples of the different food additive classifications in Schedule 1, please refer to ANZFA user guide to Standard 1.3.1 - Food Additives.


The asterisk (*) in Schedule 1 indicates that additives in Schedules 2, 3 and 4 are permitted.


[3.9] omitting from Schedule 1, items 1.5, 1.6, 6.4, 7 and 20.2, including Max Level and Applications, wherever occurring


481 Sodium lactylates


[3.10] omitting from Schedule 1, items 6.4, 7 and 20.2, including Max Level and Applications, wherever occurring


482 Calcium lactylates


[3.11] omitting from Schedule 1 the item heading 8.2 Processed meat, poultry and game products in whole pieces or cuts*, substituting -


8.2 Processed meat, poultry and game products in whole cuts or pieces*


[3.12] omitting from Schedule 1 approval for nitrates under cured meat in item 8.2. 


[3.13] inserting in Schedule 1 under item heading 8.4 Edible casings*, before the entry for Sulphur dioxide and sodium and potassium sulphites


200 201 202 203

Sorbic acid and sodium, potassium and calcium sorbates

100 mg/kg


[3.14] omitting from Schedule 1, item 9.1 -


- 4-hexylresorcinol




586 4-hexylresorcinol


[3.15] omitting from Schedule 1, item 11.4 -







[3.16] omitting from Schedule 1, items 12.3 and 14.2.1, wherever occurring –


(including permitted synthetic flavourings) but


[3.17] omitting from Schedule 1, item 12.5, heading dried yeast, including INS Number and Applications -


Sodium lactylates


[3.18] omitting from Schedule 1, item 13.2 -


(excluding synthetic flavourings) but


[3.19] omitting from Schedule 1, item 13.2, including INS Number and Max Level -


Ethyl vanillin


[3.20] omitting from Schedule 1, item 13.2, including INS Number and Max Level -




[3.21] omitting from Schedule 1, items, 14.1.3 and 20.2, wherever occurring -


sucrose acetate isobutrate




sucrose acetate isobutyrate


[3.22] omitting from Schedule 1, the headings -


INS Number Additive Name Max Level Applications




INS Number Additive Name Max Permitted Level  Qualifications


[3.23] inserting in Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, the following Additive name, immediately following the entry for Bleached starch -


- Butane (for pressurised food containers only)


[3.24] inserting in Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, the following INS number and Additive name, immediately following the entry for Calcium lactate -


482 Calcium lactylates


[3.25] inserting in Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, the following INS number and Additive name, immediately following the entry for Erythorbic acid -


968 Erythritol


[3.26] omitting from Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, immediately following the entry for Ferrous gluconate -


Flavourings (including permitted synthetic flavourings) but excluding quinine and caffeine




Flavourings, excluding quinine and caffeine


[3.27] inserting in Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, the following INS number and Additive name, immediately following the entry for Hydrochloric acid -


463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose


[3.28] inserting in Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, the following Additive name, immediately following the entry for Hydroxylpropyl starch -


- Isobutane (for pressurised food containers only)


[3.29] inserting in Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, the following Additive name, immediately following the entry for Nitrous oxide -


- Octafluorocyclobutane (for pressurised food containers only)


[3.30] inserting in Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, the following Additive name immediately following the entry for Processed eucheuma seaweed -


- Propane (for pressurised food containers only)


[3.31] inserting in Schedule 2, Alphabetical Listing, the following INS number and Additive name, immediately following the entry for Sodium lactate -


481 Sodium lactylates


[3.32] inserting in Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, the following Additive name, preceding the entry for Flavourings (including permitted synthetic flavourings) but excluding quinine and caffeine -


- Butane (for pressurised food containers only)


[3.33] inserting in Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, the following Additive name, immediately following the entry for Flavourings (including permitted synthetic flavourings) but excluding quinine and caffeine -


- Isobutane (for pressurised food containers only)


[3.34] inserting in Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, the following Additive name, immediately following the entry for Neotame -


- Octafluorocyclobutane (for pressurised food containers only)

[3.35] inserting in Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, the following Additive name, immediately following the entry for Octafluorocyclobutane -


- Propane (for pressurised food containers only)


[3.36] omitting from Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, immediately before the entry for 170 Calcium carbonates -


- Flavourings (including permitted synthetic flavourings) but excluding quinine and caffeine




- Flavourings, excluding quinine and caffeine


[3.37] inserting in Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, the following INS Number and Additive name, immediately following the entry for Methyl cellulose -


463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose


[3.38] inserting in Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, the following INS Number and Additive name, immediately following the entry for Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids -


481 Sodium lactylates


[3.39] inserting in Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, the following INS Number and Additive name, immediately following the entry for Sodium lactylates -


482 Calcium lactylates


[3.40] inserting in Schedule 2, Numeric Listing, the following INS Number and Additive name, immediately following the entry for Xylitol -


968 Erythritol


[4] Standard 1.3.3 is varied by omitting from the Table to clause 17 -



EC []

Aspergillus niger var awamori

Escherichia coli K-12 strain GE81

Kluyveromyces lactis CHY 1


inserting -



EC []

Aspergillus niger

Escherichia coli K-12 strain GE81

Kluyveromyces lactis