1. Preamble


The variations set forth in the Schedule below are variations to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (hereinafter called ‘the Code’) which was published by the National Health and Medical Research Council in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. P 27, on 27 August 1987, and which has been varied from time to time.


These variations are published pursuant to section 23A of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991.


2. Citation


These variations may be collectively known as Amendment No. 68 to the Code.


3. Commencement


These variations commence on the date of gazettal. 


Note:  These variations were published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. FSC 10 on 18 September 2003.




[1] Standard 1.3.3 is varied by inserting into the Table to clause 17


Hexose oxidase

EC []

Hansenula polymorpha, containing the gene for Hexose oxidase isolated from Chondrus crispus


[2] Standard 1.6.1 is varied by omitting from the Schedule the entry for Fermented comminuted meat which has not been cooked, substituting


All comminuted fermented meat which has not been cooked during the production process

Coagulase-positive staphylococci/g





Escherichia coli/g





Salmonella/25 g






[3] Standard 1.6.2 is varied by –


[3.1] omitting the Editorial note after subclause 8(4), substituting –


Editorial note:


Processed meat in this clause includes processed meat and manufactured meat in accordance with Standard 2.2.1, irrespective of the prescribed names set out in that Standard.


Guidelines for the Safe Manufacture of Smallgoods published by Meat and Livestock Australia, will assist manufacturers and appropriate enforcement agencies to give effect to the provisions in this clause and in clause 9.


[3.2] omitting clause 9, substituting –


9 Production of uncooked comminuted fermented meat (UCFM)


(1) In this clause –


audit means a review or examination of any, or all requirements of a food safety program which has been conducted by a person approved as being competent in food safety matters relating to UCFM.


batter mix means all the ingredients in the UCFM recipe that have been combined prior to filling a casing.


food safety program means a food safety program in accordance with Division 2 of Standard 3.2.1 and which has been validated by the producer.


starter culture means a preparation of micro-organisms prepared for the purpose of fermenting meat which -


(i)                      successfully competes for the nutrients in the meat medium; and

(ii)                   produces microbial inhibitors; and

(iii) is microbiologically safe; and

(iv) produces a controlled reduction of the pH of the meat mix.


UCFM means a comminuted fermented meat which has not had its core temperature maintained at 65C for at least 10 minutes or an equivalent combination of time and higher temperature during production.  To avoid doubt, a UCFM includes comminuted fermented meat which has been heat treated.


validation means obtaining evidence to confirm that the food safety program is complete and effective and will deliver the expected food safety outcomes.


verification means the use of methods, procedures and tests in addition to monitoring to determine compliance with the food safety program.


(2) Unless expressly provided elsewhere in this Code, a UCFM must not be sold unless it is produced in accordance with this clause.


(3) For the purposes of subclause 9(2), a UCFM may be sold where it is produced using an alternative technology or method specified elsewhere in this Code, provided that the equivalent food safety outcome in this clause is achieved.


(4) A UCFM must be produced in accordance with a food safety program which –


(a) has been verified and audited to ensure the number of Escherichia coli organisms in the final UCFM comply with the microbiological limits in Standard 1.6.1 in this Code; and

(b) demonstrates that the production process handles the variations of Escherichia coli contamination in the ingoing raw meat ingredients.


(5) As part of the validation or verification requirements of the food safety program, the number of Escherichia coli organisms must be recorded for the –


(a) raw meat ingredients used to make a UCFM; and

(b) product after fermentation and any subsequent process.


(6) During UCFM production the following matters must be monitored and recorded at suitable frequencies –


(a) the pH of a fermenting UCFM; and

(b) the temperature and time of fermentation of UCFM; and

(c) the temperature and time of maturation/drying of UCFM; and

(d) the temperature and time of smoking of UCFM; and

(e) the weight loss or water activity.


(7) The measurements recorded under subclauses (5) and (6) must be kept for 12 months after the use-by date or best-before date of a UCFM.


(8) The fermentation of a UCFM must be initiated through the use of a starter culture.


(9) A previously fermented or fermenting meat must not be used as –


(a) a starter culture; or

(b) an ingredient in a UCFM.


(10) Meat and batter mix used in the preparation of a UCFM must, if stored by the manufacturer, be stored at 5C or below prior to fermentation.


(11) The pH of a fermenting UCFM must be measured in accordance with Method 1 in the Schedule.


Editorial note:


UCFM food businesses should note the skills and knowledge requirements in clause 3 of Standard 3.2.2.


Editorial note for New Zealand:


For New Zealand the processing of UCFM is regulated under the Food Act 1981.


[3.3] omitting from the Schedule, Method 1, substituting –


1 Meat Determination of pH.


Mince a representative portion of the sample of the UCFM and place that portion in a stoppered bottle with twice its weight of water.  Shake at five minute intervals for 30 minutes and determine the pH value of the liquid electrometrically at 20°C.


Alternatively, the pH can be determined through the use of calibrated, direct-contact pH probes or meters.


[3.4] omitting from the Schedule, Method 2.