Part 8 Australian Capital Territory
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
ACT Cleaning Industry Long Service Leave Board Authority | |||
1.1 | ACT Cleaning Industry Long Service Leave levy | Long Service Leave (Contract Cleaning Industry) Act 1999 | Levy imposed on the Contract Cleaning Industry employers and contractors who choose to opt-in to the scheme for contributions to workers long service leave |
ACT Construction Industry Long Service Leave Board Authority | |||
1.2 | ACT Building and Construction Industry Long Service Leave levy | Long Service Leave (Building and Construction Industry) Act 1981 | Levy imposed on building and construction industry employers and contractors who choose to opt-in to the scheme for contributions to workers long service leave |
Business AND Industry Development | |||
1.3 | Sponsored visa applications | Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth), paragraph 37(a) | Service fee charged by Business and Industry Development to defray the cost of processing and otherwise administering applications for business and skilled migrant visas that are sponsored by Business and Industry Development |
2 — Department of JUSTICE AND COMMUNITY SAFETY | |||
ACT Electoral Commission | |||
2.1 | Payment, return or forfeiture of candidate’s deposit | Electoral Act 1992 |
ACT Law Courts and Tribunals Administration | |||
2.2 | Court and Tribunal Fees and charges | Court Procedures Act 2004 | All fees and charges payable under this Act |
Magistrates Court | |||
2.3 | Criminal Injuries Compensation Levy | Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Act 1983 | Levy |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
2.4 | Victims’ Services Levy | Victims of Crime Act 1994 | New levy; added component to court-imposed fines |
Supreme Court | |||
2.5 | Criminal Injuries Compensation levy | Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Act 1983 | Levy |
2.6 | Victims’ Services Levy | Victims of Crime Act 1994 | New levy; added component to court-imposed fines |
ACT Policing | |||
2.7 | Weapon licences | Firearms Act 1996, section 125 | Fees are payable under the Act for the issue of licences and permits, pertaining to the use of firearms |
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission | |||
2.8 | Utility Services Licence fee | Utilities Act 2000 | Licence to supply utility services |
Office of Regulatory Services | |||
Charitable Collections | |||
2.9 | Charitable Collections Licence | Charitable Collection Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
Hawkers | |||
2.10 | Hawker’s Licence | Hawkers Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
2.11 | Permits for Hawkers to stand | Hawkers Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
Outdoor Cafes | |||
2.12 | Outdoor Cafes Permit | Roads and Public Places Act 1937 | Fee for a permit, renewal of a permit or issue of a duplicate permit |
2.13 | Vehicle Verge Display Permit | Roads and Public Places Act 1937 | Fees for a permit, renewal of a permit or issue of a duplicate permit |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
Parking | |||
2.14 | Parking Labels and/or Permits | Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation 2000 | Fee payable pursuant to the Act for the provision of parking labels and/or permits for vehicles |
Tobacco | |||
2.15 | Wholesale tobacco merchant’s licence | Tobacco Act 1927, section 70 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
2.16 | Retail tobacconist’s licence | Tobacco Act 1927, section 70 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
ACT Workcover | |||
2.17 | Certificates | Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989 | Application for a new, varied converted or lost or stolen certificate of Competency |
2.18 | Accreditation of Competency Assessors | Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989 | Applications for accreditation as an assessor and the accreditation of assessors |
2.19 | Licence fees | Dangerous Substances Act 2004 | Licence fees covering such issues as use of (including use of fireworks for fireworks displays), storage of, carriage of, importation of, factory and non-factory manufacture of and sale/supply of dangerous substances (explosives) and security sensitive substances |
2.20 | Explosives Driver | Dangerous Substances Act 2004 | Licence fee for driver involved in driving a vehicle carrying dangerous substances (explosives) |
2.21 | Permit fees | Dangerous Substances Act 2004 | Permit fees covering the conduct of public displays involving dangerous substances (explosives) |
2.22 | Permit fees | Dangerous Substances Act 2004 | Permit authorising the use of explosives at a premises stated in a blast plan |
2.23 | Licence to sell consumer fireworks | Dangerous Substances Act 2004 | Fee for a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
2.24 | Registration fee | Dangerous Substances Act 2004 | Registration fee for premises where dangerous substances are stored or handled. |
2.25 | Inspection | Machinery Act 1949 | Inspection fees for boilers and pressure vessels and applications for exemptions to inspection |
2.26 | Design review | Scaffolding and Lifts Act 1912 | The review of the design of cranes, hoists, lifts, plant scaffolding and other gear |
2.27 | Notification of intentions | Scaffolding and Lifts Act 1912 | Notice of intention to commence building, excavation or compresses air work |
2.28 | Fee | Scaffolding and Lifts Act 1912 | Testing and re-testing of lifts |
2.29 | Costs of Administration of Act | Workers Compensation Act 1951 | Liability for the costs of administration of the Act, including relevant costs incurred by the ACT Magistrates Court, are apportioned between all approved insurers and exempt self-insuring employers |
2.30 | Fee | Workers Compensation Act 1951 | Fee paid by commercial insurers and self-insuring employers to be approved as such in the ACT |
2.31 | Infringement Notice | Workers Compensation Act 1951 | Final Infringement notice for a prescribed offence under the Act – an additional fee to be paid by persons not wishing the prescribed offence to be prosecuted in court |
Office of Fair Trading | |||
2.32 | Pawnbrokers licence fee | Pawnbrokers Act 1902 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
2.33 | Second-hand Dealer’s licence fee | Second-hand Dealers Act 1906 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
2.34 | Credit provider registration fee | Consumer Credit (Administration) Act 1996 | Fee for registration, renewal of registration or duplicate certificate of registration |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
2.35 | Finance broker registration fee | Consumer Credit (Administration) Act 1996 | Fee for registration, renewal of registration or duplicate certificate of registration |
2.36 | Vehicle sale licence fee | Sale of Motor Vehicles Act 1977 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
2.37 | Vehicle wholesale licence fee | Sale of Motor Vehicles Act 1977 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
2.38 | Car market operator’s licence fee | Sale of Motor Vehicles Act 1977 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
2.39 | Motor vehicle dealer compensation fund levy | Sale of Motor Vehicles Act 1977 | Levy fee for a licence or renewal of a licence |
2.40 | Security industry master licence fee | Security Industry Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
2.41 | Security industry employee licence fee | Security Industry Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence or duplicate crowd controller identification card |
2.42 | Security industry trainer licence fee | Security Industry Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
2.43 | Security industry temporary licence fee | Security Industry Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
2.44 | Trade Measurement fees | Trade Measurement (Administration) Act 1991 | All fees and charges payable under this Act, except where the Trade Measurement Unit is supplying a commercial service in competition with another person or organisation authorised to supply verification or certification services, or is hiring test equipment |
2.45 | X18+ Film licence fee | Classifications (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
2.46 | Liquor licence fee | Liquor Act 1975 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of a duplicate licence |
2.47 | Liquor licence transfer fee | Liquor Act 1975 | Fee for the transfer of a licence |
2.48 | Liquor licence alteration fee | Liquor Act 1975 | Fee for the alteration of a liquor licence or the alteration of a licensed premises |
2.49 | Permit fee | Liquor Act 1975 | Fee for a permit, alteration to a permit or the issue of a duplicate permit |
2.50 | Proof of age card fee | Liquor Act 1975 | Fee for the issue of a proof of age card or the issue of a duplicate proof of age card |
2.51 | Brothel and Escort Agency registration fee | Prostitution Act 1992 | Fee for registration, renewal of registration or issue of duplicate certificate of registration |
2.52 | Motor Vehicle Service and Repair industry registration fee | Fair Trading Act 1992 | Fee for registration, renewal of registration or issue of duplicate certificate of registration |
2.53 | Salesperson registration fee | Agents Act 2003 | Fee for registration, renewal of registration or issue of duplicate certificate of registration or registration card |
2.54 | Real estate agent, stock and station agent and business agent licences fees | Agents Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
2.55 | Travel agent licence fee | Agents Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
2.56 | Employment agent licence fee | Agents Act 2003 | Fee for a licence, renewal of a licence or issue of duplicate licence |
2.57 | Incorporated Limited Partnership registration fee | Partnership Act 1963 | Fee for registration, renewal of registration or issue of duplicate certificate of registration |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
Registrar-General | |||
2.58 | Fees and charges | Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1997 | All fees and charges set by government under this Act for the purpose of changes in names and gender applications, access fee and search fee including the extract and copy of information. |
2.59 | Fees and charges | Instruments Act 1933 | All fees and charges set by government under this Act for the purpose of registration, transfer or discharge applications, search fees, including the extract and copy of information. |
2.60 | Fees and charges | Registration of Deeds Act 1957 | All fees and charges set by government under this Act for the purpose of deed registration, search fees and the extract of information required. |
Business, Names and Associations | |||
2.61 | Fees and charges | Associations Incorporation Act 1991 | All fees and charges set by government under this Act for the purpose of lodgment of applications, search fees and production of documents. Also, for any other approval given or Act done by the Registrar-General for the purpose of the Act and for which a fee is not elsewhere provided. |
2.62 | Fees and charges | Business Names Act 1963 | All fees and charges set by government under this Act for the purpose of registration, notification, lodgment or production of documents. Also, for approval given, or other Act done, by the Registrar-General for the purposes of this Act for which a fee is not otherwise determined. |
Land Titles | |||
2.63 | Fees and charges | Land Titles Act 1925 | All fees and charges set by government under this Act for the purpose of registration, lodgment or production of documents affecting Land. |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
2.64 | Fees and charges | Community Titles Act 2001 | All fees and charges set by government under this Act for the purpose of registration, lodgment and production of documents in relation to the Community Titles Scheme. |
ACT Emergency Services Agency | |||
2.65 | Building Certification fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | Issue of Fire Brigade clearance to private certifiers per hour or part thereof, which will include initial consultation, any required report preparation, site inspections, testing of fire systems and preparation of clearance inspections. |
2.66 | Building Certification fee — Post Occupancy | Emergencies Act 2004 | Post Occupancy Building Fire Safety Inspections per hour or part thereof. General fire safety inspection of occupied premises including preparation of a fire report |
2.67 | Fire incident reports | Emergencies Act 2004 | Fire Incident Reports, and fire safety policies, search, duplication and dispatch of 1 x Fire Report on request each Fire Incident Report or part thereof |
2.68 | Fire Investigation Reports | Emergencies Act 2004 | Fire Investigation Report. Each Fire Investigation Report is determined at an average of 2 hrs at the same rate as Fire Safety Investigations. |
2.69 | Monitoring for Automatic Fire Alarm System fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | Monitoring for Automatic Fire Alarm System |
2.70 | Monitoring for Automatic Fire Alarm System fee — additional | Emergencies Act 2004 | Monitoring fee for second and subsequent alarm installation at the same protected premises |
2.71 | Registration Fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | Fee for registration of Automatic Fire Alarm System |
2.72 | Registration Fee — additional | Emergencies Act 2004 | Fee for second and subsequent alarm installation at the same protected premises |
2.73 | AFANP Connection Fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | AFANP Connection Fee |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
2.74 | AFANP Maintenance Fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | AFANP Maintenance Fee |
2.75 | AFANP Retesting fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | AFANP Retesting fee |
2.76 | Alarm transfer fees | Emergencies Act 2004 | All alarm installation transfer fees |
2.77 | Residential False Alarm fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | Residential False Alarm fee |
2.78 | Incorrect Alarm Type fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | Incorrect Alarm Type fee |
2.79 | Commercial False Alarm fee | Emergencies Act 2004 | Commercial False Alarm fee |
2.80 | Third party IVU false alarm fees | Emergencies Act 2004 | Third party IVU false alarm fees |
2.81 | Approval | Emergencies Act 2004 | Approval for person to provide ambulance service under section 61 for medical treatment and transport |
2.82 | Approval | Emergencies Act 2004 | Approval for person to provide ambulance service under section 61 for medical treatment not including transport |
2.83 | Approval | Emergencies Act 2004 | Approval for person to provide a non-emergency ambulance service under section 61 for medical treatment and transport by an Intensive Care Paramedic Ambulance |
2.84 | Approval | Emergencies Act 2004 | Approval for person to provide transportation of patients not requiring emergency care by the Patient Transport Service under section 61 |
2.85 | Approval | Emergencies Act 2004 | Approval for person to provide emergency, fire fighting or rescue services under section 61 |
Miscellaneous — other fees | |||
2.86 | Fidelity fund levies | Legal Profession Act 2006 | Contributions and levies to Solicitors Fidelity Fund of the ACT |
2.87 | Fee for practising certificate | Legal Profession Act 2006 | Fee for issue or renewal of practising certificate |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
Office of the Public Trustee | |||
2.88 | Examination of accounts of external managers | Guardianship and Management of Property Act 1991, section 27 | The Public Trustee makes an annual examination of the accounts of external managers of represented persons |
2.89 | Annual management fee for trust funds | Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act 2003 Regulation 12 | Fee in relation to declaration about distributable and reserved funds |
2.90 | Remuneration for realisation of confiscated assets | Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act 2003 Section 132 (1) (e) | Cost and Charges determined under this Act. |
2.91 | Management fees for administration of unclaimed moneys | Unclaimed Moneys Act 1950 Public Trustee Act 1985 | Fees are charged under determination of the Attorney-General under section 75 of the Public Trustee Act 1985 The Public Trustee administers unclaimed moneys, administers the register, maintains web pages and admits and handles claims |
Legal Policy | |||
2.92 | Freedom of Information (FOI) fees and charges | Freedom Information Act 1989 | FOI fees and charges, which include application fees, search fees, the extract of information required, consultation and copying of document. |
Registrar of Cooperatives | |||
2.93 | Fees and charges | Cooperatives Act 2002 | Fees and charges payable under the Act for the purpose of the regulatory scheme including, registration, production of a duplicate certificate, special resolution, inspection and exemption. |
3 — Department of TREASURY | |||
ACT Gambling and Racing Commission | |||
Gaming Machines | |||
3.1 | Licence application | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied to the application for a gaming machine licence |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
3.2 | Licence variation fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied to increase or reduce the number of licensed gaming machines |
3.3 | Licence variation fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied in respect of each variation to the licensed premises |
3.4 | Licence variation fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied in respect of moving the licensed gaming machines to a different premises |
3.5 | Licence variation fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied in respect of changing the percentage payout of a licensed gaming machine |
3.6 | Licence variation fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied in respect of changing the basic stake denomination of a licensed gaming machine |
3.7 | Licence variation fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied in respect of changing the kind of licensed gaming machine |
3.8 | Licence variation fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied in respect of changing a detail mentioned in the Schedule to the gaming machine licence |
3.9 | Licence transfer fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the transfer of a gaming machine licence |
3.10 | Copy of licence | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the issue of a replacement gaming machine licence |
3.11 | Approval of gaming machines and peripherals | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the approval of a gaming machine or peripheral equipment for a gaming machine |
3.12 | Supplier approval fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for approval as a supplier for an individual |
3.13 | Supplier approval fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for approval as a supplier that is a corporation |
3.14 | Supplier approval fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for issuing a replacement copy of an approved suppliers certificate |
3.15 | Technician approval fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for approval as a Technician |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
3.16 | Technician transfer fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for transfer of a Technician from 1 supplier to another |
3.17 | Technician copy fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for issuing a replacement copy of a Technician’s identity card or certificate |
3.18 | Technician renewal fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the renewal of a Technician’s approval |
3.19 | Attendant approval fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the approval as an Attendant |
3.20 | Attendant transfer fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the approval of an Attendant for another licensee or the transfer of the approval of the Attendant from one licensee to another |
3.21 | Attendant copy fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the issue of a replacement copy of an Attendant’s certificate |
3.22 | Attendant renewal fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the renewal of Attendant’s approval |
3.23 | Gaming machine acquisition fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the acquisition of a gaming machine |
3.24 | Gaming machine repossession fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for approval to repossess a gaming machine |
3.25 | Gaming machine disposal fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for approval to dispose of a gaming machine |
3.26 | Single user linked jackpot approval fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the operation of a single-user authorisation linked jackpot arrangement |
3.27 | Multi user linked jackpot approval fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee applied for the operation of a multi-user permit linked jackpot arrangement |
3.28 | Multi user linked jackpot amendment fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee for an amendment to the multi-user permit linked jackpot arrangement |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
3.29 | Multi user linked jackpot amendment fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee for an amendment to the financial or operational aspects of a multi-user permit linked jackpot arrangement |
3.30 | Multi user linked jackpot transfer fee | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Fee for the transfer of a multi-user permit linked jackpot arrangement |
3.31 | Tax on gaming machine revenue | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Monthly tax imposed on licensees’ gross gaming machine revenue |
3.32 | Community contribution shortfall tax | Gaming Machine Act 2004 | Tax imposed on a community contribution shortfall of a licensee that is a club |
Interstate lotteries | |||
3.33 | Levy on interstate lottery sales in the ACT | Lotteries Act 1964 | Levy payable by interstate promoters on sales of lottery games in the ACT |
3.34 | Levy on interstate pool betting sales in the ACT | Pool Betting Act 1964 | Levy payable by interstate promoters on sales of pool betting games in the ACT |
3.35 | Unclaimed prize moneys Victorian (TATTERSALL’S) Lotteries | Pool Betting Act 1964 and Lotteries Act 1964 | Unclaimed prize money forfeited to the Territory |
Lotteries | |||
3.36 | Lottery permit application fee | Lotteries Act 1964 | Fee applied to the application for a lottery permit |
3.37 | Fee on withdrawal of lottery application prior to assessment | Lotteries Act 1964 | Fee applied to the withdrawal of a lottery application prior to assessment of the application |
3.38 | Fee on withdrawal of lottery application after commencement of assessment | Lotteries Act 1964 | Fee applied to the withdrawal of a lottery application after commencement of assessment of the application |
3.39 | Fee to vary a lottery approval | Lotteries Act 1964 | Fee applied to vary a lottery approval |
3.40 | Unclaimed prize moneys | Lotteries Act 1964 | Shall be dealt with in the way that the Commission directs |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
3.41 | Levy on Keno sales | Pool Betting Act 1964 and Lotteries Act 1964 | Levy on subscriptions to ACTTAB Keno |
3.42 | Fee to vary lottery application | Lotteries Act 1964 | Fee applied to vary a lottery application |
3.43 | Levy on ‘Trackside’ sales | Lotteries Act 1964 | Levy on subscriptions to ‘Trackside’ |
Racing and Wagering | |||
3.44 | Racing and Betting Approvals | Racing Act 1999 | Bonds relating to racing appeals hearings. |
3.45 | Race bookmaking licence application fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied to the application for a race bookmaking licence |
3.46 | Race bookmakers licence fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied to the issue/ongoing/renewal of a race bookmakers licence |
3.47 | Race bookmakers agent licence application fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied to the application for a race bookmakers agents licence |
3.48 | Race bookmakers agent licence fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied to the issue/ongoing/renewal of a race bookmakers agents licence |
3.49 | Sports bookmaking licence application fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied to the application for a sports bookmaking licence |
3.50 | Sports bookmakers licence fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied to the issue/ongoing/renewal of a sports bookmakers licence |
3.51 | Sports bookmakers agent licence application fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied to the application for a sports bookmakers agents licence |
3.52 | Sports bookmakers agents licence fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied to the issue/ongoing/renewal of a sports bookmakers agents licence |
3.53 | Replacement Licence Fee | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Fee applied for a replacement licence |
3.54 | Race Bookmakers Tax | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Tax based on Race bookmakers turnover |
3.55 | Sports Bookmakers Tax | Race and Sports Bookmaking Act 2001 | Tax based on Sports bookmaker turnover |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
Casino | |||
3.56 | Application for approval for change of ownership | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application by the owner of the casino for approval to sell or otherwise dispose of the owner’s interest in the lease of the casino |
3.57 | Application for approval of proposed casino lease | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application by the owner of the casino for approval to enter into a lease of the casino with someone else |
3.58 | Application for approval to amend casino lease | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee when the parties to a casino lease apply for approval to amend the lease |
3.59 | Determination of casino licence fee | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for the casino licence |
3.60 | Application for transfer of casino licence | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application for approval to transfer the casino licence to another corporation. |
3.61 | Application for approval of a casino employee licence | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application to the Commission from an individual for a casino employee licence. |
3.62 | Amendment of application for casino employee licence | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application to amend information submitted in an initial casino employee licence. |
3.63 | Replacement of casino employee licence | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application to replace a lost, stolen or destroyed casino employee licence. |
3.64 | Renewal of casino employee licence | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application to the Commission from an individual for the renewal of a casino employee licence. |
3.65 | Change of prescribed functions | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application to amend the prescribed functions that may be performed by the holder of a casino employee licence. |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
3.66 | Revocation of exclusion notice | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application to revoke an exclusion notice. |
3.67 | Declaration of authorised games | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application for a declaration that a game is an authorised game. |
3.68 | Approval of rules for authorised games. | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application for approval of the rules for an authorised game. |
3.69 | Amendment of rules for authorised games. | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application for approval of an amendment to the rules for an authorised game. |
3.70 | General tax | Casino Control Act 2006 | The tax payable on the non‑commission-based profit derived by the casino each month. |
3.71 | Commission-based player tax | Casino Control Act 2006 | The tax payable on the completed commission-based profit derived by the casino each month. |
3.72 | Approval of banking accounts. | Casino Control Act 2006 | The determined fee for an application for approval to use a banking account. |
Interactive Gambling | |||
3.73 | Licence application | Interactive Gambling Act 1998 | Fee applied to the application for the grant of a Interactive Gambling licence |
3.74 | Licence fee | Interactive Gambling Act 1998 | Annual fee applied to the holder of a Interactive Gambling licence |
3.75 | Tax | Interactive Gambling Act 1998 | Tax based on the amount of gross gaming revenue |
3.76 | Key person licence | Interactive Gambling Act 1998 | Fee applied to applications for a key person licence |
3.77 | Replacement of a key person licence | Interactive Gambling Act 1998 | Fee applied to applications for the issuance of a replacement key person licence |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
3.78 | Approval of equipment | Interactive Gambling Act 1998 | Fee applied to applications to obtain approval for regulated interactive gambling equipment |
3.79 | Prohibition application fee | Interactive Gambling Act 1998 | Fee applied to the application for a person to be prohibited from interactive gambling |
3.80 | Prize and unclaimed moneys | Interactive Gambling Act 1998 | Prize and unclaimed moneys forfeited to the Territory |
ACT Revenue Office | |||
3.81 | Fire and Emergency Services Levy | Rates Act 2004 | Levy applied to all rateable properties as contribution toward the cost of provision of fire and emergency services |
3.82 | City Centre Marketing and Improvement Levy | Rates Act 2004 | Levy applied to all rateable properties within specified city limits for the maintenance and improvements of the amenity of the city centre |
3.83 | Utilities (Network Facilities) Tax | Utilities (Network Facilities Tax) Act 2006 | Tax imposed upon all owners of utility network facilities running on, over or under land in the ACT |
3.84 | Ambulance service levy | Emergencies Act 2004, schedule 1 Emergency Management Act 1999 | Tax based on contributions to health benefit organisations |
3.85 | Debits Tax | Debits Tax Act 1997 | Tax based on debits from cheque linked accounts of financial institutions |
3.86 | Financial Institutions Duty | Financial Institutions Duty Act 1987 | Tax based on credits to accounts of financial institutions - ceased 1 July 2001. |
3.87 | Insurance levy | Insurance Levy Act 1998 | Tax based on the market share of an insurer calculated as a percentage of the total levy amount - ceased 1 July 2001. |
3.88 | Payroll tax | Payroll Tax Act 1987 | Tax based on wages payable to employees above the threshold |
3.89 | Conveyances | Duties Act 1999 | Duty based on value of real property to be transferred |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
3.90 | Leases | Duties Act 1999 | Duty based on the value of lease arrangements |
3.91 | Business Acquisitions | Duties Act 1999 | Duty based on the value of the business to be acquired |
3.92 | Marketable securities | Duties Act 1999 | Duty based on the value of off-market securities being transferred |
3.93 | Insurance | Duties Act 1999 | Duty based on the value of the premium |
3.94 | Rates | Rates and Land Tax Act 1926 Rates Act 2004 | Municipal tax for the provision of services |
3.95 | Land Tax | Rates and Land Tax Act 1926 Land Tax Act 2004 | Territorial tax |
3.96 | Objection lodgment fee | First Home Grant Owner Act 2000 Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Act 1970 Rates and Land Tax Act 1926 Taxation Administration Act 1999 | Fee required to accompany the lodgment of an objection to any revenue assessment or related decision |
3.97 | Motor Vehicles | Duties Act 1999 | Duty based on the greater of purchase price or market value of the vehicle to be registered or transferred |
3.98 | Hire of goods | Duties Act 1999 | Duty is based on the total amount of the hiring charges |
3.99 | Concessional Duty — Trusts and Superannuation | Duties Act 1999 | Duty payable on an instrument executed over property that is non-dutiable and on instruments relating to managed investment schemes and superannuation |
3.100 | Duplicates and counterparts | Duties Act 1999 | Duty charged on duplicate or counterpart not lodged at same time as original instrument |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
3.101 | Replicas | Duties Act 1999 | Duty payable on a replica |
3.102 | Motor Vehicle Dealers Authorisation Scheme | Duties Act 1999 | Annual fee to exempt motor vehicle dealers from duty for certain demonstrator and/or trading stock vehicles. |
3.103 | Stamp duties and taxes | Stamp Duties and Taxes Act 1987 |
3.104 | Conveyancing Certificate (Certificate of rates, land tax and other charges) | Rates and Land Tax Act 1926, section 34B Rates Act 2004, section 76 Land Tax Act 2004, section 41 | Fee imposed for the production of a certificate for a particular property detailing the status of rates and land tax liabilities |
3.105 | Statement of account fee — general rates, land tax and other charges (Statement of amounts payable and payments made) | Rates and Land Tax Act 1926, section 34C Rates Act 2004, section 77 Land Tax Act 2004, section 42 | Fee imposed for the production of additional statements of account relating to general rates, land tax or other charges |
ACTTAB | |||
3.106 | ACT TAB payments to the Territory | Betting (ACTTAB Limited) Act 1964 | ACTTAB payments to the Territory |
3.107 | Racing Development Fund Levy | Betting (ACTTAB Limited) Act 1964 | Levy on ACTTAB turnover for racing development fund |
3.108 | Licence fee | Betting (ACTTAB Limited) Act 1964 | Licence fee equal to 10 per cent of the capital value of ACTTAB payable in twelve monthly instalments |
3.109 | Tax equivalent | Betting (ACTTAB Limited) Act 1964 | Tax equivalent regime |
3.110 | Dividends | Betting (ACTTAB Limited) Act 1964 | ACTTAB payments to the Territory |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
Finance and Budget | |||
3.111 | Borrowing levy | Territory Owned Corporations Act 1990, section 31 | Levy imposed on public sector agencies under competitive neutrality policy to offset benefits of Government guarantee on borrowings |
Investment and Economics | |||
3.112 | Income Tax Equivalents | Taxation (Government Business Enterprises) Act 2003 | Charges equivalent to income tax for certain Government Business Enterprises |
3.113 | Licence and other fees | Motor Sport (Public Safety) Act 2006 | All fee and charges payable to under this Act in relation to the regulation of motor sport activities |
3.114 | Annual fees | Annual fees to the Professional Standards Council by the occupational associations whose members are subject to a professional standards scheme | |
3.115 | Applications fees | Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 — Schedule 4 and Regulations | Fee for an application to the Professional Standards Council to approve, amend or revoke a professional standards scheme |
Miscellaneous — other fees | |||
3.116 | Road Safety Contribution | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 | Levy on Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance policies to fund road safety campaigns |
3.117 | Third Party Insurance Administration Fee | Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Bill 2007 | All fees set by the government under this Bill for the purpose of administering the compulsory third party insurance scheme in the ACT |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
4 — ACT Health | |||
Health Professionals Registration Board | |||
4.1 | Accreditation and registration of Health Professionals | Health Professionals Act 2004 | All fees including those for registration, temporary registration, renewal, accreditation and examination of health professionals All fees for alteration and inspection of a register, copy of an entry in a register and provision of a duplicate certificate |
4.2 | Mutual recognition registration | Health Professionals Act 2004 Mutual Recognition Act 1992 (Cwlth) Mutual Recognition (Australian Capital Territory) Act 1992 | Fee for lodgment of application to practice for remainder of the annual practising period on proof of registration in another participating jurisdiction |
Population Health | |||
4.3 | Application fee for a registrable public health risk activity | Public Health Act 1997, section 56F | Regulatory fee |
4.4 | Renewal fee for a registrable public health risk activity | Public Health Act 1997, section 56K | Regulatory fee |
4.5 | Application fee for transfer of registrable public health risk activity | Public Health Act 1997, section 56M | Regulatory fee |
4.6 | Application fee for licence to manufacture a drug of dependence | Drugs of Dependence Act 1989, section 5 | Regulatory fee |
4.7 | Renewal fee for licence to manufacture a drug of dependence | Drugs of Dependence Act 1989, section 14 | Regulatory fee |
4.8 | Application fee for licence to wholesale a drug of dependence | Drugs of Dependence Act 1989, section 19 | Regulatory fee |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
4.9 | Renewal fee for licence to wholesale a drug of dependence | Drugs of Dependence Act 1989, section 28 | Regulatory fee |
4.10 | Application fee for approval to conduct a treatment centre | Drugs of Dependence Act 1989, section 149 | Regulatory fee |
4.11 | Renewal fee for approval to conduct a treatment centre | Drugs of Dependence Act 1989, section 158 | Regulatory fee |
4.12 | Licence fee to sell poisons and related substances | Poisons Act 1933, section 5 | Regulatory fee |
4.13 | Application fee for licence to manufacture or sell a poison | Poisons and Drugs Act 1978, section 13 | Regulatory fee |
4.14 | Renewal fee for licence to manufacture or sell a poison | Poisons and Drugs Act 1978, section 21 | Regulatory fee |
4.15 | Application fee for modification of an activity accreditation scheme | Public Health Act 1997, section 23 | Regulatory fee |
4.16 | Application fee for an approval to alter a premises or appliance | Public Health Act 1997, section 25 | Regulatory fee |
4.17 | Application fee for licence to carry on a public health risk activity | Public Health Act 1997, section 29 | Regulatory fee |
4.18 | Renewal fee for a licence to carry on a public health risk activity | Public Health Act 1997, section 33 | Regulatory fee |
4.19 | Application fee for transfer of a licence to carry on a public health risk activity | Public Health Act 1997, section 36 | Regulatory fee |
4.20 | Application fee for modification of a procedure accreditation scheme | Public Health Act 1997, section 42E | Regulatory fee |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
4.21 | Application fee for an approval to alter an appliance | Public Health Act 1997, section 42G | Regulatory fee |
4.22 | Application fee for licence to perform a public health risk procedure | Public Health Act 1997, section 43 | Regulatory fee |
4.23 | Annual fee for a licence to perform a public health risk procedure | Public Health Act 1997, section 47 | Regulatory fee |
4.24 | Application for installation of septic tank or chemical toilet | Public Health Regulation 2002, regulation 70 | Regulatory fee |
4.25 | Application for a licence to use radioactive material | Radiation Act 1983, section 17 | Regulatory fee |
4.26 | Application for registration of irradiating apparatus | Radiation Act 1983, section 26 | Regulatory fee |
4.27 | Fees for inspection of food premises | Food Act 2001, section 46 | Regulatory fee |
4.28 | Fee for notification of conduct of exempt food business | Food Act 2001, section 90 | Regulatory fee |
4.29 | Application for registration of food business | Food Act 2001, section 92 | Regulatory fee |
4.30 | Renewal of registration of a food business | Food Act 2001, section 93 | Regulatory fee |
4.31 | Fee for change of details of registration or change of operation of food business | Food Act 2001, section 97 | Regulatory fee |
4.32 | Fees for inspection or purchase of food business register | Food Act 2001, section 106 | Regulatory fee |
4.33 | Application for a licence to deal with a radiation source | Radiation Protection Act 2006, section 16 | Regulatory fee |
4.34 | Amendment’s to a licence to deal with a radiation source | Radiation Protection Act 2006, section 23 | Regulatory fee |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
4.35 | Application for registration of a radiation source | Radiation Protection Act 2006, section 25 | Regulatory fee |
4.36 | Amendment’s to a registration of a radiation source | Radiation Protection Act 2006, section 32 | Regulatory fee |
Canberra Hospital | |||
4.37 | Medical Practitioner/Health Professional medical report preparation Fees | Health Act 1993 | Preparation of a medical report by a treating medical practitioner/health professional appointed to or employed by ACT Health requiring no further examination of the patient |
4.38 | Medical Practitioner/Health Professional medical report preparation Fees | Health Act 1993 | Preparation of a medical report by a medical practitioner/health professional appointed to or employed by ACT Health who has not previously treated the patient and no further examination of the patient is required |
4.39 | Medical Practitioner/Health Professional medical report preparation Fees | Health Act 1993 | A report made by a treating medical practitioner/health professional appointed to or employed by ACT Health where a re-examination is required |
4.40 | Medical Practitioner/Health Professional medical report preparation Fees | Health Act 1993 | A report made by a treating medical practitioner/health professional appointed to or employed by ACT Health who has not previously treated the patient and where an examination is required |
4.41 | Search Fees other than requests made by a party concerned with a patient’s continued treatment or future management | Health Act 1993 | A search fee is to be charged where the applicant subsequently advises that a report/record is no longer required |
4.42 | Search Fees other than requests made by a party concerned with a patient’s continued treatment or future management | Health Act 1993 | A search fee is to be charged where a thorough search has ascertained that the patient has never attended the hospital for that episode of illness |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
4.43 | Search Fees other than requests made by a party concerned with a patient’s continued treatment or future management | Health Act 1993 | A search fee is to be charged for Motor Accident and Comcare medical certificates completed other than at the time of consultation |
4.44 | Search Fees other than requests made by a party concerned with a patient’s continued treatment or future management | Health Act 1993 | A search fee is to be charged where requests for information on date and/or time of birth |
4.45 | Health records provided to patient’s solicitor | Health Act 1993 | Upon receipt of written consent from the patient for the solicitor to have copies of all or part of the health records - Provision of a copy of the health record or part thereof, e.g. Clinical notes, continuation notes, pathology materials (blockers and slides), pathology reports and charts |
4.46 | Health records provided to an insurer | Health Act 1993 | Upon written consent from the patient allowing the insurer to have copies of all or part of their Health records - Provision of a copy of the health record, or part thereof, for example, clinical notes, continuation notes, pathology materials (blockers and slides), pathology reports and charts |
4.47 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | 18 cm x 24 cm sheet |
4.48 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | 24 cm x 30 cm sheet |
4.49 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | 35 cm x 43 cm sheet |
4.50 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | 35 mm slides |
4.51 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | Digital slides |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
4.52 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | Laminating |
4.53 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | CDs |
4.54 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | OPG sheets |
4.55 | Copies of films to patients/solicitors/coroner/ police/insurers etc | Health Act 1993 | DVB Laser Film |
4.56 | Fee for viewing a health record | Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 | To view a record pursuant to section 13C(2)(a) of the Act. |
4.57 | Fee for the provision of a health record | Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 | Provision of a grey scale copy of a health record pursuant to section 13C(2)(b)(i) of the Act up to 50 pages inclusive of any search fee other than a request by a consumer to provide access to their solicitor or insurer. |
4.58 | Fee for the provision of a health record | Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 | Provision of a copy of a health record pursuant to section 13C(2)(b)(i) of the Act for health records containing more than 50 pages inclusive of any search fee other than a request by a consumer to provide access to their solicitor or insurer. |
4.59 | Fee for the provision of a health record summary | Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 | Provision of a written summary of a health record in accordance with section 13C(2)(b)(ii) or (iii). |
4.60 | Fee for the provision of a health record | Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 | Provision of a copy of a record where the record is or contains an image of a hardcopy, which is owned by the record keeper (that is, where the service has not been paid for by the health consumer.) |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
4.61 | Fee for viewing a health record | Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 | A request to view a record and have its contents explained pursuant to section 13C(2)(c) of the Act or by accepting an offer from the record keeper to discuss the record with the health consumer pursuant to section 16(2) or section 16C of the Act. |
4.62 | Fees for transfer of health records under Principle 12 | Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 | Provision of a copy of a health record (including a written summary if provided) pursuant to Principle 12 of the Act inclusive of any search fee. |
Capital Region Cancer Service | |||
4.63 | Copies of mammograms | Health Act 1993 |
Community Health | |||
4.64 | Driver Rehabilitation Service | Health Act 1993 | Initial Assessment Report and Driving Instruction |
4.65 | Driver Rehabilitation Service | Health Act 1993 | Re-assessment Report and Driving Instruction |
5 — Department of Territory and municipal SERVICES | |||
Community and Infrastructure Services Network | |||
5.1 | Dimensions and Mass Permits | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 | Permit fee for a vehicle with a loaded mass exceeding 125 tonnes |
5.2 | Road opening fee — Road Carriageway Opening Permit | Roads and Public Places Act 1937 | Permit to open up or break the surface of a carriageway |
5.3 | Footpath, Driveway and Gutter Opening Permit | Roads and Public Places Act 1937 | For opening up or breaking the surface of a public place, other than a carriageway |
5.4 | Fees for Public Land Use | Roads and Public Places Act 1937 | Use of public land (green areas) for storage during construction projects and for short term commercial use |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
5.5 | Miscellaneous regulatory fees | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2000 and Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 2000 | Fees for licences, permits, authorisations and approvals under the Act |
5.6 | Road Rescue fees | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2000 | Annual levy on motor vehicle registrations |
5.7 | Motor Vehicle Registration | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2000 | Fee payable pursuant to the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for the grant, renewal or transfer of registration of any motor vehicle, including sedans, goods vehicles, tractors, trailers and motor cycles etc |
5.8 | (Number) Plates | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2000 | Fee payable pursuant to the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for the provision, replacement or remake of traders, standard and non‑standard number plates as well as fees for reservation or transfer of such plates |
5.9 | Driver Licences | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport Regulation 2000 | Fee payable pursuant to the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for the grant or renewal of drivers’ licences, including learner, probationary, provisional and special licences as well as fee for written driving examinations for cars and motorbikes |
5.10 | Bus service accreditation | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001 | Annual and application fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for accreditation |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
5.11 | Taxi service accreditation | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001 | Annual and application fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for accreditation |
5.12 | Taxi Network accreditation | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001 | Annual and application fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for accreditation |
5.13 | Hire Car service accreditation | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger services) Act 2001 | Annual and application fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for accreditation |
5.14 | Restricted Hire Car Service Accreditation | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger services) Act 2001 | Annual and application fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for accreditation |
5.15 | Demand Responsive Service Accreditation | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger services) Act 2001 | Annual and application fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for accreditation |
5.16 | Leased Hire Car Licence | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger services) Act 2001 | Annual fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for leased hire car licences |
5.17 | Restricted Hire Car licence | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger services) Act 2001 | Annual fees payable for under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for restricted hire car licences |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
5.18 | Restricted Taxi Licence | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001 | Annual fees payable pursuant to the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for restricted taxi licences |
5.19 | Transferable leased taxi licence | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger services) Act 2001 | Annual fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for transferable leased taxi licences |
5.20 | Non-transferable leased taxi licence | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger services) Act 2001 | Annual fees payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for non-transferable leased taxi licences |
5.21 | Transfer of Taxi Licence | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger services) Act 2001 | Fee payable under of Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for the transfer of a taxi licence |
5.22 | Authorisation to operate a Demand Responsive Service | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001 | Application fee (including renewal) payable under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for a Demand Responsive Service authorisation |
5.23 | Copy of an image of a red light and or speed infringement | Road Transport (General) Act 1999 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 | The service provided is a copy of an image of a red light and or speed infringement captured by a mobile or fixed red light speed camera |
Victims’ Services Levy | Victims of Crime Act 1994 | New levy; added component to Traffic Infringement Notices | |
Environment and Recreation Network | |||
5.25 | Landfill Fees for household waste | Waste Minimisation Act 2001 | The non-commercial waste disposal levy contributes to strategies focusing on waste minimisation |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
5.26 | Licence Fees | Fisheries ACT 2000 | All fees under this Act |
5.27 | Fees for Use of Public Spaces | Roads and Public Places Act 1937 | Fee for temporary permits for use of public places or nature strips |
5.28 | Dog Licences | Domestic Animal Act 2000 | A licence to keep 4 or more dogs or a licence to keep a dangerous dog |
5.29 | Dog Registration | Domestic Animal Act 2000 | The fee for the initial or subsequent registration of a dog by a keeper |
5.30 | Replacement Dog Tags and Registration Certificates | Domestic Animal Act 2000 | The fee for the replacement of a registration tag or Certificate |
5.31 | Dog transport | Domestic Animal Act 2000 | Fee for transportation of a dog |
5.32 | Entire animal fee | Domestic Animal Act 2000 | Fee for permit to keep a cat or dog sexually entire |
5.33 | Dog Poundage | Domestic Animal Act 2000 | Fees imposed upon the keeper of an impounded dog for accommodation and sustenance which must be paid before a dog will be released to the keeper |
5.34 | Circus and Travelling Zoo Permits | Animal Welfare Act 1992 | Allows a circus and travelling zoo to hold performances in the ACT |
5.35 | Trapping Permits | Animal Welfare Act 1992 | A permit to trap animals (for commercial or non‑commercial purposes) |
5.36 | Licence to Breed Animals | Animal Welfare Act 1992 | Licence to use or breed an animal for the purpose of research or teaching |
5.37 | Application fee for a licence to take water | Water Resources Act 2007 |
5.38 | License to take water yearly administration fee | Water Resources Act 2007 | Annual License fee in relation to administration of licence |
5.39 | Driller’s licence application fee | Water Resources Act 2007 |
5.40 | Bore work licence application fee | Water Resources Act 2007 |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
5.41 | Waterway Works licence application fee | Water Resources Act 2007 |
5.42 | Water Access Entitlement Fee | Water Resources Act 2007 | Payable upon grant of water access entitlement (fee per megalitre) |
5.43 | Recharge licence application fee | Water Resources Act 2007 |
5.44 | Environmental Authorisations granted under section 49 of the Environment Protection Act | Environment Protection Act 1997 | Application, annual and period fees payable under the Environment Protection Act in respect of an authorisation to undertake the specified activities |
5.45 | Submission to the Environment Protection Authority of an environment improvement plan, an environmental audit or an emergency plan | Environment Protection Act 1997 | Fees payable under the Environment Protection Act at the time of lodgment of a plan, an audit report or an emergency plan |
5.46 | Administrative charge | Environment Protection Act 1997 | Payable in addition to on the spot fine when a final notice is issued |
5.47 | Stock Control | Stock Act 2005 | Pound fees, driving charges, deterrent fees, trespass rates, sustenance fees, and inspection of books fees under the Act |
5.48 | Emergency NLIS Devices | Animal Diseases Act 2005 | All Fees and Charges under this Act |
5.49 | Stock Marks | Stock Act 2005 | Fee for the registration of a mark |
5.50 | Stock Levy | Stock Act 2005 | Annual levy on land held under a lease which authorises the carrying of stock on the land. |
5.51 | Wildlife Permits | Nature Conservation Act 1980 | Fees in relation to the regulation of keeping, trading and otherwise dealing with native and exotic species of flora, fauna and fish and for the regulation of activities in reserves and wilderness areas |
5.52 | Administrative Fee | Nature Conservation Act 1980 | Payable in addition to an infringement when a final notice is issued. |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
5.53 | Licence Fee | Clinical Waste Act 1990 | Fee payable for a licence to carry on a business of transporting clinical waste |
5.54 | Licence Fee | Hemp Fibre Industry Facilitation Act 2004 | Fee payable for a licence to supply or grow hemp plants or seed. |
5.55 | Permit | Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005 | Fee payable for permit to supply or propagate pest plant or supply pest animals |
5.56 | Assessment, Search and Access to Information Fees | Heritage Act 2004 | All fees and charges under this Act |
5.57 | Application fee to conduct a boxing event | Boxing Control Act 1993 | Application fee charged to process applications for approval to promote or arrange a professional boxing contest. |
Water & Sewerage charges | |||
5.58 | All connection fees under the provisions of this Act | Utilities Act 2000 |
5.59 | Charges for the supply of sewerage services | Utilities Act 2000 | Charges for the supply of sewerage services to various classes of chargeable land |
5.60 | Charges for additional flushing cistern or flush valve | Utilities Act 2000 | Charges for each flushing cistern or flush valve on various classes of chargeable land in excess of 2 flushing cisterns or flush valves |
5.61 | Water charge other than through a meter or to property | Utilities Act 2000 |
5.62 | Water charge through a metered hydrant standpipe | Utilities Act 2000 |
5.63 | Standard charge | Utilities Act 2000 |
5.64 | Multiple domestic charge | Utilities Act 2000 |
5.65 | Units and common property charge | Utilities Act 2000 |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
5.66 | Unmetered charge | Utilities Act 2000 |
5.67 | Unconnected charge | Utilities Act 2000 |
5.68 | Water Head-works Capital Contribution charge | Utilities Act 2000 | Charges paid by land developers in relation to Head-works |
5.69 | Sewerage Head-works Capital Contribution charge | Utilities Act 2000 | Charges paid by land developers in relation to Head-works |
Miscellaneous fees | |||
5.70 | Attendance fee | Utilities Act 2000 | Attendance (debt/collection or disconnection/restriction) first visit in a twelve month period (in office hours) |
5.71 | Attendance fee | Utilities Act 2000 | Attendance (debt/collection or disconnection/ restriction) within a year of a previous visit (in office hours) |
5.72 | Reconnection fee | Utilities Act 2000 | Reconnection fee (following disconnection/ restriction for non‑payment) |
5.73 | Water meter reading fee | Utilities Act 2000 | Fee for special reading of a water meter |
5.74 | Certificate request fee | Utilities Act 2000 | Fee payable for a certificate showing the amount of rates that is payable in respect of a quantity of water or of a parcel of land |
6 — department of DISABILITY, housing and community services | |||
Office for Children, Youth and Family Support | |||
Adoption Fees | |||
6.1 | Adoptions Information Seminar | Adoption Act 1993 | The Act allows adult adopted persons, birth parents, relatives and adoptive parents to obtain identifying information in relation to their adoptions |
6.2 | Adoptions Administrative Fee | Adoption Act 1993 | The Act allows adult adopted persons, birth parents, relatives and adoptive parents to obtain identifying information in relation to their adoptions |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
6.3 | Adoptions Home Study | Adoption Act 1993 | The Act allows adult adopted persons, birth parents, relatives and adoptive parents to obtain identifying information in relation to their adoptions |
6.4 | Adoptions Post Placement Visits and Reports | Adoption Act 1993 | The Act allows adult adopted persons, birth parents, relatives and adoptive parents to obtain identifying information in relation to their adoptions |
6.5 | Adoptions Step Parent Fee | Adoption Act 1993 | The Act allows adult adopted persons, birth parents, relatives and adoptive parents to obtain identifying information in relation to their adoptions |
7 — Department of EDUCATION and training | |||
Building And Construction Industry Training Board | |||
7.1 | Training levy | Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Act 1999 | Compulsory levy to fund training in the building and construction industry |
Training and Adult Education | |||
7.2 | Registration, application and accreditation charges | Tertiary Accreditation and Registration Act 2003 | Registration, application and accreditation charges for training providers |
7.3 | Registration, application and accreditation charges | Tertiary Accreditation and Registration Act 2003 | Registration, application and accreditation charges for higher education providers |
8.1 | Refunds | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee for refund of application fee where approval has yet to be given |
8.2 | Lease preparation | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Fee for preparation lease where no lease premium is charged |
8.3 | Production or reprint of a lease | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee for the production/reprint of a lease |
8.4 | Conveyancing inquiry | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee to search Territory Land file and report |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
8.5 | Survey Examination fee | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee to examine survey plan following amendment to lease |
8.6 | Plan approvals | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Examination of plans for fitout works |
8.7 | Certified copies | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee to provide certified copies of various certificates such as lease compliance, section 28DA, crown lease |
8.8 | Extension of time for lease covenants | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Extension of time for lessee to meet lease covenants |
8.9 | Public Notification fee | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Fee to public notify development |
8.10 | Application for an Order | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Application fee to obtain an order for a lessee to comply with the Land Act |
8.11 | Bond preparation fee | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee to prepare bond for incomplete works prior to issue of compliance Certificate |
8.12 | Energy rating information package | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee for retrieval and copy of energy rating assessment |
8.13 | Application for the amendment of plans | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee for the amendment of residential and commercial plans |
8.14 | Fee for providing certified copy of certificates, for example, Compliance, Section 28DA, Motor Vehicle dealer advice and Liquor Licence advices. | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee for providing advice to motor vehicles dealers & liquor licences application |
8.15 | Inspections | Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) | Fee for inspections (includes landscape and site) |
8.16 | Registration Certificate | Architects Act 2004 | Application fee for initial or renewal of registration and replacement of registration ID card |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
8.17 | Appointment of Nominees | Architects Act 2004 | Fee for the appointment of nominees |
8.18 | Architectural Practice Examination Submission Fee | Architects Act 2004 | Fee to sit, re-sit, interview and use logbook for the Architectural Practice Examination |
8.19 | Approval/Amendments to Plans | Building Act 2004 | Registration of amended plans to already registered building plans |
8.20 | Building re‑registration of work that has not been completed within the statutory time frame | Building Act 2004 | Fee for providing a DA/BA after carrying out building work |
8.21 | Building Levy | Building Act 2004 | Building Levy for commercial and residential building. It also applies to all building plans lodged by private certifiers |
8.22 | Certificate of Regularisation | Building Act 2004 | Fees for the continuing occupation of a building that was constructed by the Commonwealth or ACT Government |
8.23 | Examination and Accreditation | Gas Safety Act 2000 | Fees payable to allow accreditation under this act |
8.24 | Start of work Notice | Water & Sewerage Act 2000 | Approval to commence work |
8.25 | Plan registration/ Approval | Water & Sewerage Act 2000 | Plan submission and approval fees |
8.26 | Plumbing, Drainer’s and Minor Work Permits | Water & Sewerage Act 2000 | Permit to commence work on site |
8.27 | Amendment to Plans | Water & Sewerage Act 2000 | Plan re-examination fees |
8.28 | Preliminary Assessment | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Lodgment and notification fee for a Preliminary assessment |
8.29 | Provision of copy of PA | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Fees to provide copy of Preliminary Assessment lodged and notified |
8.30 | Application for Direct Grant of lease | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Application fee for the direct grant of a lease over a parcel of land |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
8.31 | Application for Grant of Further lease | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Fee for grant on new lease over the same parcel of land for up to a further 99 years |
8.32 | Certificate of Compliance | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Issue of certificate that stating development complies with the lease conditions |
8.33 | Transfer of lease | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Application fee to gain Minister’s consent to allow transfer of lease, where development is incomplete |
8.34 | Industrial Area Licence | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Application fee for grant of licence over industrial land |
8.35 | Licence to occupy or use Territory land | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Application fee for grant of licence for temporary occupation of Territory land (including home business and mining activities), subdivision implementation Plan Approval |
8.36 | Development Application | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Application fee that will cover erection, alteration, encroachment or demolition of a building structure, carrying out of earthworks, or works that landscape of land |
8.37 | Lease variation fee | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Application fee to vary clause within the lease |
8.38 | Copies and Extracts | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Fee to obtain copies from the Register of Applications, Approvals and Orders |
8.39 | Certificate of registration | Surveyors Act 2001 | Various fees associated with examination and registration of Surveyors |
8.40 | Inspection of Register | Surveyors Act 2001 | Fee to allow a person to inspect the register of surveyors |
8.41 | Unit title fees | Unit Titles Act 2001 | Application fee for approval for subdivision of a lease under the Act provided the subdivision is not less than 2 units and common property |
8.42 | Change of use charge | Land (Planning & Environment) Act 1991 | Tax assessed as added value to a lease due to change in lease conditions/clauses |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
8.43 | Authority’s consent under sec 167 or 180 of the Land Act | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Authority’s consent to transfer or assign a lease or an interest in a lease |
8.44 | Application for initial network plan | Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 | Fee for application and update for initial network plan |
8.45 | Application Fees | Construction Occupations (Licensing) Act 2004 | Application fee for licence class under the construction occupation |
8.46 | Licence Fees | Construction Occupations (Licensing) Act 2004 | Licence fees for licence class under the construction occupation |
8.47 | Adjustment Fees | Construction Occupations (Licensing) Act 2004 | Fee for individual / entity / company / partnership, that has multiple licences who may choose to bring expiry dates into alignment |
8.48 | Other Fees | Construction Occupations (Licensing) Act 2004 | Other fees including the reissue of licence card, certificate, reapplication fee for the reissue of expired licences, endorsement on an existing licence |
8.49 | Application Fees | Community Title Act 2001 | Application for residential and commercial development |
8.50 | Lapse of endorsement of community title scheme after 3 months | Community Title Act 2001 | Fee for lapse of endorsement of community title scheme after 3 months |
8.51 | Amendment of a community title scheme after registration | Community Title Act 2001 | Fee for the amendment of a community title scheme after registration |
8.52 | Preparation of Bond for unfinished works | Community Title Act 2001 | Fee for preparation of Bond for unfinished works |
8.53 | Appliance worker accreditation | Gas Safety (Fees) Determination 2002 | Fees for appliance worker accreditation include practical skills test and theory examination |
8.54 | Lodgment of Type B technical submission per appliance — Domestic premises | Gas Safety (Fees) Determination 2002 | Fee for domestic appliance |
Item | Australian tax, fee or charge | Australian law | Description and notes |
8.55 | Lodgment of Type B technical submission per appliance — Commercial premises | Gas Safety (Fees) Determination 2002 | Fee for commercial appliance |
8.56 | Lodgment of Type B technical submission — Commercial premises (each additional identical appliance in the same submission as above) | Gas Safety (Fees) Determination 2002 | Fee for additional commercial appliances |