Determination of the amount of Community Care Subsidy under subsection 48-1(3)
I, JUSTINE ELLIOT, Minister for Ageing, acting under subsection 48-1(3) of the Aged Care Act 1997 (the Act), REVOKE Determination ACA Ch. 3 No. 16/2007, and DETERMINE that the amount of COMMUNITY CARE SUBSIDY payable under section 47-1 of the Act in respect of a community care recipient in respect of a day is the amount worked out in accordance with the following method:
Step 1 Determine whether the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) score for the geographical location at which the care recipient resides is 3.52 or more. If the ARIA score for that location is less than 3.52, the additional daily amount of Community Care Subsidy determined under this Step 1 is $0. If the ARIA score for that location is 3.52 or more, determine the additional daily amount of Community Care Subsidy that corresponds to the ARIA score for that location by reference to the following table:
ARIA score
| Additional daily amount of Community Care Subsidy |
ARIA score of 3.52 to 4.66 inclusive | $2.72
ARIA score of 4.67 to 5.80 inclusive | $3.27
ARIA score of 5.81 to 7.44 inclusive | $4.58
ARIA score of 7.45 to 9.08 inclusive | $5.50
ARIA score of 9.09 to 10.54 inclusive
| $7.70 |
ARIA score of 10.55 to 12.00 inclusive | $9.24
In this Determination:
ARIA score, in relation to a location, means the score given to that location under the document titled ‘Viability Funding — ARIA scores for locations as at 30 July 1999’, published by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.
Step 2 Add the amount of $34.75 to the amount determined under Step 1.
The Determination commences on 1 July 2008.
Dated …………16th………….……………day of …………June…………. 2008
Signed by
Minister for Ageing