Wool Services Privatisation (Research Body) Declaration 20081

Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000

I, TONY BURKE, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, make this declaration under subsection 30 (1) of the Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000.

Dated 17 July 2008


Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry



1 Name of Declaration

  This Declaration is the Wool Services Privatisation (Research Body) Declaration 2008.

2 Commencement

  This Declaration is taken to have commenced on 1 October 2006.

3 Revocation

  All prior declarations under subsection 30 (1) of the Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000 are revoked.

4 Declaration

  Australian Wool Innovation Limited, ABN 12 095 165 558, is declared to be the research body for the purposes of Division 7 of Part 2 of the Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000.


1. All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See http://www.frli.gov.au.