Instrument number CASA 414/08
I, JAMES COYNE, Manager, New Technologies & Systems, Airworthiness Engineering Group, a delegate of CASA, make this instrument under subregulation 38 (1) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.
James Coyne
Manager, New Technologies & Systems
Airworthiness Engineering Group
7 August 2008
Direction — accomplishment of State of Design Airworthiness Directives for Boeing B777 aircraft
1 Commencement
This instrument commences on 31 August 2008.
2 Application
This instrument applies to the Boeing B777 aircraft (the aircraft) operated by the registered operator Virgin Blue International Airlines Pty Ltd, trading as V Australia, Aviation Reference Number 768593.
3 Direction
I direct that:
(a) each Airworthiness Directive (AD) issued by the National Airworthiness Authority (NAA) of the State of Design for the aircraft and any aeronautical product installed on the aircraft must be completed within the compliance time set out in each AD; and
(b) the registered operator must ensure that each State of Design AD is certified upon completion as if it were an Australian AD; and
(c) CASA may accept an alternative means of compliance against an AD, as approved by the NAA of the State of Design, as an acceptable means of compliance; and
(d) the registered operator of the aircraft may submit to CASA a request for non‑compliance with a State of Design AD if supported by a safety justification. CASA may approve in writing the details of the non‑compliance, including any special conditions.
Note 1 State of Design means the State having jurisdiction over the organisation responsible for the type design.
Note 2 Any AD issued by CASA applicable to Boeing B777 aircraft must also be completed within the compliance time set out in the AD.