Superannuation (PSS)

Maximum Benefits (20087-20098) Determination 20087



Select Legislative Instrument 2007 No. 


I, JONATHON EDWARD HALE MATTHEW ARTHUR CASTLE, Manager of the Australian Public Service Sector Defined Benefit Schemes, Commonwealth Superannuation Administration, Position No. 44, and Delegate of the PSS BoardAustralian Reward Investment Alliance, , pursuant to rules B5.6.5 and B5.7.7 of of Section B of the PSS Rules, DETERMINE as follows:



Dated 30 June                                             20087







Delegate of the PSS BoardAustralian Reward Investment Alliance 

































































1 Name of Determination


This Determination is the Superannuation (PSS) Maximum Benefits

(20087-20098) Determination 20087.



2 Commencement


  This determination shall take effect from and including 1 July 20087.     



3 Maximum Benefits – Lump Sums


For rules B5.6.5 and B5.7.7 of the PSS Rules, the tables in rules B5.6.1 and B5.7.11 have has effect, for the financial year starting on 1 July 20087, as if the amounts specified in the following table were substituted for the amounts specified in those that tables:





Maximum Benefits


Average Salary

Maximum Benefit

Less than $52,000



$52,000 and over

10 times average salary





Maximum Benefits


Average Salary

Maximum Benefit

    Less than $51,010


    $51,010 or more

         but less than $81,610

8 times average salary

    $81,610 or more

         But less than $151,500


plus 6 times average salary

    $151,500 or more


plus 3 times average salary




4                    4              Maximum Benefits – PensionsAFP Lump Sums


For rule 5.7.7 of the PSS Rules, the table in rule 5.7.1 has effect, for the financial year starting on 1 July 2008, as if the amounts specified in the following table were substituted for the amounts specified in that table:




Maximum Benefits


Average Salary

Preliminary Maximum Benefit

Less than $52,000



$52,000 and over

10 times average salary




For rule B5.7.7 of the PSS Rules, the table in rule B5.7.2 have effect, for the financial year starting on 1 July 2007, as if the amounts specified in the following table were substituted for the amounts specified in that table:


5                     Maximum Benefits  AFP Pensions



For rule 5.7.7 of the PSS Rules, the table in rule 5.7.2 has effect, for the financial year starting on 1 July 2008, as if the amounts specified in the following table were substituted for the amounts specified in that table:

























































AFP Preliminary Maximum Benefits



Final Average Salary

Preliminary Maximum Benefit

Less than $51,010


$51,010 or more

but less than $81,610

11.25 times average salary

$81,610 or more

but less than $151,500


plus 8.25 times average salary

$151,500 or more



plus 5.25 times average salary




AFP Preliminary Maximum Benefits



Final Average Salary

Preliminary Maximum Benefit

Less than $52,000



$52,000 and over

14 times average salary