

Medical Practitioners Registration

Ordinance 1985


No. 1 of 1985

I, The ADMINISTRATOR of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Ordinance under the Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954.

 Dated 22 August 1985.




 By His Excellency’s Command,




Minister of State for Science

for and on behalf of the

Minister of State for Health



An Ordinance to amend the Medical Practitioners Registration Ordinance 1930 of the Australian Capital Territory, as in force in the Australian Antarctic Territory.

Short title

 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Medical Practitioners Registration Ordinance 1985.1


Persons who may practise medicine

 2. Section 34 of the Medical Practitioners Registration Ordinance 1930 2 of the Australian Capital Territory, as in force in the Australian Antarctic Territory, is amended by inserting after sub-section (1) the following sub-section:

“(1A)  A person authorised under section 10A of the Poisons and Narcotic Drugs Ordinance 1978 of the Australian Capital Territory, as in force in the Australian Antarctic Territory, does not contravene sub-section (1) by reason only that that person takes or uses the title ‘surgeon’s assistant’.”.


1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 29 August 1985.

2. Ordinance No. 13, 1930, as amended by No. 7, 1931; No. 23, 1933; No. 27, 1937; No. 2, 1939; No. 4, 1950; No. 9, 1954; No. 5, 1956; No. 13, 1958; No. 2, 1962; No. 3, 1963; No. 1, 1964; No. 19, 1966; Nos. 14 and 15, 1967; No. 21, 1969; No. 34, 1970; No. 44, 1973; No. 17, 1975, No. 40, 1976; No. 65, 1977; Nos. 43 and 46, 1978; Nos. 26 and 38, 1979; No. 47, 1980; No. 48, 1981; Nos. 30 and 41, 1982; and No. 13, 1984; all of the Australian Capital Territory, in force in the Australian Antarctic Territory under section 6 of the Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954.