Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Amendment No. 108 – 2009


Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991




The variations set forth in the Schedule below are variations to Standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code published by the National Health and Medical Research Council in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. P 27, on 27 August 1987, which have been varied from time to time.




These variations may be collectively known as the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Amendment No. 108 – 2009.




These variations commence on 28 May 2009.


Correction of Typographical Error


Amendment No. 107 published on 30 April 2009 contained the following typographical error:


Item [2.1] – the two defined terms should be in lower case, not capitals as gazetted.



Note:  These variations were published in the Commonwealth of Australia Food Standards Gazette No. FSC 50 on 28 May 2009.




[1] Standard 1.2.3 is varied by omitting from the Table to clause 4, the entry for Fish and fish products, substituting


Fish and fish products, except for isinglass derived from swim bladders and used as a clarifying agent in beer and wine.


[2] Standard 1.3.3 is varied by inserting the following Source in Column 2 of the Table to clause 17 for the enzyme Cellulase in Column 1


Penicillium funiculosum


[3] Standard 2.9.1 is varied by


[3.1] omitting the column headings from the Table to clause 7, substituting


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Nutritive substance

Permitted forms

Minimum amount per   100 kJ

Maximum amount     per 100 kJ


[3.2] inserting in the Table to clause 7



Lutein from Tagetes erecta L.

1.5 µg

5 µg


[4] Standard 2.9.3 is varied by inserting


6A Lutein


(1) Lutein from Tagetes erecta L. is a nutritive substance which may be added to a formulated supplementary food for young children, provided the total of the naturally occurring and added amounts of lutein is no more than 100 µg per serving.


(2) The label on a package of formulated supplementary food for young children must not include any words indicating, or any other indication, that the product contains lutein unless the total amount of lutein is no less than 30 µg per serving.