Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Amendment No. 109 – 2009


Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991




The variations set forth in the Schedule below are variations to Standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code published by the National Health and Medical Research Council in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. P 27, on 27 August 1987, which have been varied from time to time.




These variations may be collectively known as the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Amendment No. 109 – 2009.




These variations commence on 18 June 2009.


Note:  These variations were published in the Commonwealth of Australia Food Standards Gazette No. FSC 51 on 18 June 2009.




[1] Standard 1.2.8 is varied by omitting the Editorial note to subclause 5(2), substituting –


Editorial note:


‘Average quantity’ is determined in accordance with the definition set out in clause 2 of Standard 1.1.1.  Average quantities may be indicated, for example, by inserting the word ‘Average’ or an abbreviation for average at the beginning of ‘Quantity per Serving’ and the ‘Quantity per 100 g (or 100 mL)’ columns, or including a note at the end of the panel stating that all specified values are averages.


No format is prescribed for the indication of minimum and maximum quantities. They may be indicated, for example, by inserting the bracketed abbreviations ‘(min)’ and ‘(max)’ immediately after the relevant quantities in the Quantity per Serving column and the Quantity per 100 g (or 100 mL) column.


Clause 12 explains when minimum and maximum quantities may be indicated.


[2] Standard 1.4.1 is varied by omitting the Editorial Note to clause 1, substituting


Editorial note:


It is recognised both lead and cadmium are ubiquitous in the environment and occur at low levels in foods other than those listed in this Standard.  Therefore, in order to assist with the enforcement of MLs in mixed foods which may contain these contaminants, the calculation requires the inclusion of a representative contaminant level for those foods that do not have an allocated ML. 
In the past, an ML was set for ‘all other foods’.  As the category for ‘all other foods’ was discontinued, a representative level is selected for the contaminants cadmium and lead.  These levels are set at the limit of quantification (LOQ), and are 0.01 mg/kg for lead and 0.005 mg/kg for cadmium. 


The calculation for mixed food for all other contaminants with an ML will assume that the contributing commodity, e.g. peanuts in peanut sauce, contains all of the contaminant.


[3] Standard 1.6.2 is varied by omitting the Editorial note at the end of clause 8, substituting –


Editorial note:


Processed meat in this clause includes processed meat and manufactured meat in accordance with Standard 2.2.1, irrespective of the prescribed names set out in that Standard.


Guidelines for the Safe Manufacture of Smallgoods published by Meat and Livestock Australia, will assist manufacturers and appropriate enforcement agencies to give effect to the provisions in this clause.


[4] Standard 2.2.3 is varied by inserting immediately before the first paragraph in the Editorial Note following clause 1


This Standard does not define specific names for fish.  An Australian Fish Names Standards (AS SSA 5300 – 2007) has been published.


[5] Standard 4.2.4A is varied by omitting the first paragraph from the Editorial Note after the Table to clause 1, substituting –


Editorial note:


Legislation or documentation will only be listed in the Table to clause 1 if it incorporates or provides for methods which provide a level of safety protection equivalent to that provided by a process that includes treatment of the milk or milk product in accordance with paragraph 2(1)(a) of Standard 1.6.2 before 5 October 2008 and then with paragraphs 16(a) and (b) of Standard 4.2.4 after 5 October 2008, and has adequate hazard identification and process controls.