Fisheries Management (Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery Management Plan) Temporary Order 2009 (No. 2)
Fisheries Management Act 1991
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority makes this order under sub section 43(2) of the Fisheries Management Act 1991, being satisfied that:
(a) it is necessary to take action under s43 of the Fisheries Management Act;
(b) the action is consistent with AFMA objectives; and
(c) no other action is appropriate.
Dated 25 November 2009
The Common Seal of the Australian
Fisheries Management Authority
was affixed in accordance with a
resolution of the Commission
Executive Secretary
Temporary Order
1 Name of Order
This Order is the Fisheries Management (Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery Management Plan) Temporary Order 2009 (No. 2).
2 Commencement
This Order commences the day after it is registered
3. Reason for Temporary Order
This Temporary Order is necessary due to:
Time for Determination of Live Weight Value for the Season
4. In accordance with s43(2) of the Fisheries Management Act 1991 it is ordered that the sub sections 18.2, 18.3, 18.5, 18.8 and 20.1 of the Plan be suspended during the term of this temporary order.
Live Weight Values Applying to Parts of the Season
5. The actual live weight value of a Statutory Fishing Right under the Plan shall be calculated and specified for publication in the legislative instrument setting Australia’s national catch allocation for the 2009-2011 season.
Revocation of Previous Temporary Order
6. The Temporary Order Registered on 26th October 2009 F2009L04004 is revoked.
This is a Legislative Instrument and must be registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003