Trade Practices Act 1974

Consumer Protection Notice No. 5 of 2010


I, Craig Emerson, pursuant to subsection 65E (1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 and for the purposes of section 65C of that Act, hereby DECLARE that from 1 July 2010 the consumer product safety standard for children’s toys containing magnets is the clauses of the standard approved by Standards Australia as specified in Division 1 of the Schedule and varied in Division 2 of the Schedule.

Division 3 of the Schedule defines children’s toys for the purposes of this safety standard and defines the scope of the standard.



Division 1: The Standard

Clause 4.28 of Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS ISO 8124.1:2002, Safety of toys Part 1 – Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties, published by Standards Australia on 16 May 2002 and Amendment 2 to AS/NZS ISO 8124.1 published by Standards Australia on 20 February 2009, and the following clauses as referenced by clause 4.28:

i)                    Clause 3;

ii)                  Clause 4.1 first paragraph only;

iii)                Clause 5.24.1 first paragraph only;

iv)                Clauses 5.24.2, 5.24.3, 5.24.5,, 5.24.7, omitting the last paragraph of each of these clauses;

v)                  Clause 5.25 and Figure 22;

vi)                Clause C.2.19.

vii)              Clause E.2

Division 2: Variations to Standard

Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS ISO 8124.1:2002 and Amendment 2 to that Standard are varied as follows:

i)                    In Clause 4.28 a) delete the words “(see C.2.19 for guidance)” and substitute “as specified in C.2.19”;

ii)                  In Clause C.2.19 delete the words “should include a statement similar to the following” and substitute the words “shall include the following words or words to the same effect”.

Division 3: Definition of children’s toys and scope of the standard

Children’s toys are products supplied new that are designed or clearly intended for use in play by children under the age of 14 years.

Products not included in the scope of this standard include sporting goods, camping goods, bicycles, home and public playground equipment, trampolines, electronic game units, models powered by combustion or steam engines and fashion jewellery.