1. Enabling legislation
The Australian Communications and Media Authority makes this instrument under subsection 26(2) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992.
2. Name of Instrument
This instrument is the Variation to the Licence Area Plan for Coffs Harbour Radio – No. 1 of 2010.
3. Commencement
This instrument commences the day after it is registered.
Note: An instrument is registered when it is recorded on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) in electronic form: see the Legislative Instruments Act 2003, s4 (definition of register). The FRLI may be accessed at http://www.frli.gov.au
4. Variation
The Licence Area Plan for Coffs Harbour Radio determined by the Australian Broadcasting Authority on 22 October 1998 is varied as follows:
(a) on the title page – omit the words “October 1998”;
(b) number each of the paragraphs in the determination consecutively as clauses (1), (2), (3) and (4);
(c) in clause (2):
(i) omit the words “Four national” and substitute the words “Five national”; and
(ii) omit the words “1.2 – 1.9” and substitute the words “1.2 to 1.11”;
(d) insert the following clause after clause (4):
“(5) One community radio broadcasting service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 4.1 to this Determination with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that is to be available in the area described at Attachment 4.1 are set out in Schedule Four and Attachment 4.2 to this Determination”.
(e) insert the following clause after clause (5):
“(6) A reference in this determination to a schedule or an attachment includes a reference to a schedule or attachment as amended from time to time.”;
(f) immediately following the determination:
(i) omit the heading “SCHEDULES”;
(ii) omit the words “Each of the Schedules sets out:” and all eight paragraphs marked with dots points that follow;
(g) omit Schedules One to Three and substitute the schedules of this instrument having the same numbers;
(h) omit all the text following Schedule Three from and including the words ‘* The information in the status column and the frequency column is provided as additional information to the licence area plan, and is accurate as at the date of the publication.’ up to and including the words ‘The frequency shown is the centre frequency of the channel.’
(i) insert Schedule Four of this instrument immediately after Schedule Three;
(j) omit attachments 1.1 to 1.9 and substitute attachments 1.1 to 1.9 of this instrument;
(k) insert Attachment 1.10 and Attachment 1.11 of this instrument immediately after Attachment 1.9;
(l) omit attachments 2.1 to 3.3 and substitute attachments 2.1 to 3.3 of this instrument; and
(m) insert Attachment 4.1 and Attachment 4.2 of this instrument.
The Common Seal of the
Australian Communications and Media Authority
was affixed to this document
in the presence of:
__________________________ _______________________________
Signature of Member Signature of Member/General Manager
__________________________ _______________________________
Name (Please Print) Name (Please Print)
Dated this 24 day of June 2010.
Schedule One
Licence Area Plan : Coffs Harbour Radio
Licence Area : COFFS HARBOUR RA1
Service Category | Channel/ Frequency | Service Licence No | Transmitter Specification No | Attach No | Area Served |
National | 91.5 MHz | N/A | TS10003251 | 1.2 | Grafton/Kempsey |
National | 92.3 MHz | N/A | TS2044001 | 1.3 | Grafton/Kempsey |
National | 97.9 MHz | N/A | TS2043001 | 1.4 | Grafton/Kempsey |
National | 99.5 MHz | N/A | TS6299001 | 1.5 | Grafton/Kempsey |
National | 90.7 MHz | N/A | TS10013857 | 1.10 | Grafton/Kempsey |
Commercial | 639 kHz | SL1759 | TS1759001 | 1.6 | Coffs Harbour |
| 100.5 MHz | SL1759 | TS1133375 | 1.11 | Woolgoolga |
Commercial | 105.5 MHz | SL10410 | TS10006008 | 1.7 | Coffs Harbour |
Commercial | 106.3 MHz | SL1150055 | TS10005491 | 1.8 | Coffs Harbour |
Open Narrowcasting | 107.1 MHz | N/A | TS10005047 | 1.9 | Coffs Harbour |
Schedule Two
Licence Area Plan : Coffs Harbour Radio
Licence Area : COFFS HARBOUR RA2
Service Category | Channel/ Frequency | Service Licence No | Transmitter Specification No | Attach No | Area Served |
Community | 104.1 MHz | SL3045 | TS10005046 | 2.2 | Coffs Harbour |
Community | 107.9 MHz | SL1150056 | TS10005042 | 2.3 | Coffs Harbour |
Schedule Three
Licence Area Plan : Coffs Harbour Radio
Licence Area : BELLINGEN RA1
Service Category | Channel/ Frequency | Service Licence No | Transmitter Specification No | Attach No | Area Served |
Community | 107.3 MHz | SL3041 | TS3041001 | 3.2 | Bellingen |
| 93.3 MHz | SL3041 | TS3041602 | 3.3 | Dorrigo |
Schedule Four
Licence Area Plan : Coffs Harbour Radio
Licence Area : COFFS HARBOUR RA3
Service Category | Channel/ Frequency | Service Licence No | Transmitter Specification No | Attach No | Area Served |
Community | 94.1 MHz | SL1130116 | TS1133155 | 4.2 | Coffs Harbour |
Attachment 1.1
Licence Area - COFFS HARBOUR RA1
Commercial Radio Service Licence numbers: SL1759, SL10410, SL1150055
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
Area Description |
Coffs Harbour (C) - Pt A (SLA) |
NSW CD 080101 |
NSW CD 080103 |
NSW CD 080104 |
NSW CD 080105 |
NSW CD 080106 |
NSW CD 080107 |
NSW CD 080108 |
NSW CD 080109 |
NSW CD 080110 |
NSW CD 080111 |
NSW CD 080112 |
NSW CD 080113 |
NSW CD 080114 |
NSW CD 080115 |
NSW CD 080116 |
NSW CD 080201 |
NSW CD 080202 |
NSW CD 080203 |
NSW CD 080204 |
NSW CD 080209 |
NSW CD 080210 |
NSW CD 080211 |
NSW CD 080213 |
NSW CD 080214 |
NSW CD 080215 |
NSW CD 080217 |
NSW CD 080702 NSW CD 080703 NSW CD 080704 NSW CD 080705 NSW CD 080706 NSW CD 080707 NSW CD 080708 NSW CD 080709 NSW CD 080710 NSW CD 080711 NSW CD 080712 NSW CD 080801 NSW CD 080802 NSW CD 080803 |
NSW CD 080804 |
NSW CD 080805 |
NSW CD 080806 |
NSW CD 080807 |
NSW CD 080808 |
NSW CD 080809 |
NSW CD 080810 |
NSW CD 080811 |
NSW CD 080812 |
NSW CD 081602 |
NSW CD 081608 |
NSW CD 081609 |
NSW CD 081612 |
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(C) = City
(SLA) = Statistical Local Area
(CD) = Collection District
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : National
General Area Served : Grafton/Kempsey (NSW)
Service Licence Number : Not applicable
Specification Number : TS10003251
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast Mast 26 km WSW of Coffs
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 486410 6645845
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 91.5 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 113 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
0°T - 60°T | 100 kW |
60°T - 180°T | 50 kW |
180°T - 250°T | 100 kW |
250°T - 360°T | 50 kW |
Attachment 1.3
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : National
General Area Served : Grafton/Kempsey (NSW)
Service Licence Number : Not applicable
Specification Number : TS2044001
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast Mast 26 km WSW of Coffs
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 486410 6645845
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 92.3 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 113 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
0°T - 60°T | 26 kW |
60°T - 180°T | 13 kW |
180°T - 250°T | 26 kW |
250°T - 360°T | 13 kW |
Attachment 1.4
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : National
General Area Served : Grafton/Kempsey (NSW)
Service Licence Number : Not applicable
Specification Number : TS2043001
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast Mast 26 km WSW of Coffs
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 486410 6645845
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 97.9 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 113 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
0°T - 60°T | 100 kW |
60°T - 180°T | 50 kW |
180°T - 250°T | 100 kW |
250°T - 360°T | 50 kW |
Attachment 1.5
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : National
General Area Served : Grafton/Kempsey (NSW)
Service Licence Number : Not applicable
Specification Number : TS6299001
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast Mast 26 km WSW of Coffs
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 486410 6645845
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 99.5 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 113 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
0°T - 60°T | 100 kW |
60°T - 180°T | 50 kW |
180°T - 250°T | 100 kW |
250°T - 360°T | 50 kW |
Attachment 1.6
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Commercial
General Area Served : Coffs Harbour (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL1759
Specification Number : TS1759001
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast Site 3km N of Urunga
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 503000 6628900
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode MF-AM
Carrier Frequency : 639 kHz
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Elevation | Maximum CMF |
0°T - 0°T | 0 | 1.015 kV |
10°T - 10°T | 0 | 1.17 kV |
20°T - 20°T | 0 | 1.265 kV |
30°T - 30°T | 0 | 1.21 kV |
40°T - 40°T | 0 | 935 V |
50°T - 50°T | 0 | 460 V |
60°T - 60°T | 0 | 230 V |
70°T - 70°T | 0 | 770 V |
80°T - 80°T | 0 | 1.155 kV |
90°T - 90°T | 0 | 1.265 kV |
100°T - 100°T | 0 | 1.13 kV |
110°T - 110°T | 0 | 835 V |
120°T - 120°T | 0 | 500 V |
130°T - 130°T | 0 | 225 V |
140°T - 140°T | 0 | 150 V |
150°T - 150°T | 0 | 210 V |
160°T - 160°T | 0 | 210 V |
170°T - 170°T | 0 | 150 V |
180°T - 180°T | 0 | 225 V |
190°T - 190°T | 0 | 500 V |
200°T - 200°T | 0 | 835 V |
210°T - 210°T | 0 | 1.13 kV |
220°T - 220°T | 0 | 1.265 kV |
230°T - 230°T | 0 | 1.155 kV |
240°T - 240°T | 0 | 770 V |
250°T - 250°T | 0 | 230 V |
260°T - 260°T | 0 | 460 V |
270°T - 270°T | 0 | 935 V |
280°T - 280°T | 0 | 1.21 kV |
290°T - 290°T | 0 | 1.265 kV |
300°T - 300°T | 0 | 1.17 kV |
310°T - 310°T | 0 | 1.015 kV |
320°T - 320°T | 0 | 875 V |
330°T - 330°T | 0 | 790 V |
340°T - 340°T | 0 | 790 V |
350°T - 350°T | 0 | 875 V |
Notes :-
The CMF at all elevations is not to exceed the specified CMF at 0 degrees elevation for all angles of azimuth.
Attachment 1.7
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Commercial
General Area Served : Coffs Harbour (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL10410
Specification Number : TS10006008
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast/Comms Site
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 510406 6652612
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 105.5 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 45 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 15 kW |
Attachment 1.8
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Commercial
General Area Served : Coffs Harbour (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL1150055
Specification Number : TS10005491
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast/Comms Site
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 510406 6652612
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 106.3 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 45 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 15 kW |
Attachment 1.9
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Open Narrowcasting
General Area Served : Coffs Harbour (NSW)
Service Licence Number : Not applicable
Specification Number : TS10005047
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast/Comms Site
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 510406 6652612
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 107.1 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 45 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 200 W |
Special Conditions :-
The 'coverage radius' of this transmission is 5 kilometres measured from a point with the following AMG co-ordinates: Zone: 56; Easting: 510406; Northing: 6652612. This point is the same as the nominal transmitter site.
Attachment 1.10
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : National
General Area Served : Grafton/Kempsey (NSW)
Service Licence Number : Not applicable
Specification Number : TS10013857
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast Mast 26 km WSW of Coffs Harbour
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 486410 6645845
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 90.7 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 113 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
0°T - 60°T | 20 kW |
60°T - 180°T | 10 kW |
180°T - 250°T | 20 kW |
250°T - 360°T | 10 kW |
Special Condition :-
Before the date determined for the licence area for the Newcastle NBN3 commercial television broadcasting service under clause 6A of Schedule 4 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, the maximum ERP in the sector 180 degrees True to 250 degrees True is 2 kW.
Attachment 1.11
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Commercial
General Area Served : Woolgoolga (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL1759
Specification Number : TS1133375
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Vodafone site 43a Saye Place
Emerald Heights WOOLGOOLGA
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 517520 6663620
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 100.5 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 15 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 50 W |
Special Condition :-
This service is interference limited. Only field strength levels of 66 dBuV/m and above will be protected from interference.
Attachment 2.1
Licence Area - COFFS HARBOUR RA2
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL3045, SL1150056
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
Area Description | |
Coffs Harbour (C) - Pt A (SLA) | |
NSW CD 080101 | |
NSW CD 080103 | |
NSW CD 080104 | |
NSW CD 080105 | |
NSW CD 080106 | |
NSW CD 080107 | |
NSW CD 080108 | |
NSW CD 080109 | |
NSW CD 080110 | |
NSW CD 080111 | |
NSW CD 080112 | |
NSW CD 080113 | |
NSW CD 080114 | |
NSW CD 080115 | |
NSW CD 080116 | |
NSW CD 080201 | |
NSW CD 080202 | |
NSW CD 080203 | |
NSW CD 080204 | |
NSW CD 080209 | |
NSW CD 080210 | |
NSW CD 080211 | |
NSW CD 080213 | |
NSW CD 080214 | |
NSW CD 080215 | |
NSW CD 080217 | |
NSW CD 081602 | |
NSW CD 081608 | |
NSW CD 081609 | |
NSW CD 081612 | |
| |
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(C) = City
(CD) = Collection District
Attachment 2.2
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Community
General Area Served : Coffs Harbour (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL3045
Specification Number : TS10005046
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast/Comms Site
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 510406 6652612
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 104.1 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 45 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 5 kW |
Attachment 2.3
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Community
General Area Served : Coffs Harbour (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL1150056
Specification Number : TS10005042
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast/Comms Site
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 510406 6652612
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 107.9 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 45 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 5 kW |
Attachment 3.1
Licence Area - BELLINGEN RA1
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL3041
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
Area Description |
Bellingen (A) (LGA) |
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(LGA) = Local Government Area
(A) = NSW Local Government Area (excluding Cities)
Attachment 3.2
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Community
General Area Served : Bellingen (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL3041
Specification Number : TS3041001
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Broadcast site 1km West of
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 489000 6631000
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 107.3 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 20 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 200 W |
Attachment 3.3
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Community
General Area Served : Dorrigo (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL3041
Specification Number : TS3041602
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : FM Station Francis Lookout DORRIGO
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 469904 6637003
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 93.3 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 20 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 3 kW |
Attachment 4.1
Licence Area - COFFS HARBOUR RA3
Community Radio Service Licence numbers: SL1130116
The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 8 August 2006, is:
Area Description |
NSW CD 080105 |
NSW CD 080106 |
NSW CD 080108 |
NSW CD 080109 |
NSW CD 080110 |
NSW CD 080111 |
NSW CD 080114 |
NSW CD 080115 |
NSW CD 080205 |
NSW CD 080206 |
NSW CD 080207 |
NSW CD 080208 |
NSW CD 080209 |
NSW CD 080210 |
NSW CD 080212 |
NSW CD 080213 |
NSW CD 080217 |
NSW CD 080301 |
NSW CD 080302 |
NSW CD 080303 |
NSW CD 080304 |
NSW CD 080305 |
NSW CD 080306 |
NSW CD 080307 |
NSW CD 080308 |
NSW CD 080309 |
NSW CD 080310 |
NSW CD 080311 |
NSW CD 080312 |
NSW CD 080401 |
NSW CD 080402 |
NSW CD 080403 |
NSW CD 080404 |
NSW CD 080405 |
NSW CD 080406 |
NSW CD 080407 |
NSW CD 080408 |
NSW CD 080409 |
NSW CD 080410 |
NSW CD 080411 |
NSW CD 080412 |
NSW CD 080413 |
NSW CD 080501 |
NSW CD 080502 |
NSW CD 080503 |
NSW CD 080504 |
NSW CD 080505 |
NSW CD 080506 |
NSW CD 080507 |
NSW CD 080508 |
NSW CD 080509 |
NSW CD 080510 |
NSW CD 080512 |
NSW CD 080601 |
NSW CD 080602 |
NSW CD 080603 |
NSW CD 080604 |
NSW CD 080605 |
NSW CD 080606 |
NSW CD 080607 |
NSW CD 080608 |
NSW CD 080609 |
NSW CD 080610 |
NSW CD 080611 |
NSW CD 080612 |
NSW CD 080613 |
NSW CD 080614 |
NSW CD 080802 |
NSW CD 080803 |
NSW CD 080806 |
NSW CD 080807 |
NSW CD 080808 |
NSW CD 080809 |
NSW CD 080812 |
NSW CD 081601 |
NSW CD 081603 |
NSW CD 081604 NSW CD 081605 NSW CD 081606 NSW CD 081607 NSW CD 081610 NSW CD 081611 NSW CD 081613 NSW CD 081701 |
NSW CD 081702 |
NSW CD 081704 |
NSW CD 081705 |
NSW CD 081706 |
NSW CD 081707 |
NSW CD 081708 |
NSW CD 081709 |
NSW CD 081710 |
NSW CD 081711 |
NSW CD 081712 |
NSW CD 081713 |
NSW CD 081714 |
NSW CD 081715 |
NSW CD 081716 |
Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(CD) = Collection District
Attachment 4.2
LICENCE AREA PLAN : Coffs Harbour Radio
Category : Community
General Area Served : Coffs Harbour (NSW)
Service Licence Number : SL1130116
Specification Number : TS1133155
Transmitter Site :-
Nominal location : Site 1 Macauleys Reservoir
Australian Map Grid : Zone Easting Northing
Reference 56 512320 6650560
Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services
(Technical Planning) Guidelines 2007
Emission :-
Frequency Band & Mode VHF-FM
Carrier Frequency : 94.1 MHz
Polarisation Mixed
Maximum antenna height 30 m
Output Radiation Pattern :-
Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction) | Maximum ERP |
At all angles of azimuth | 1 kW |
Special Condition :-
This service is interference limited. Only field strength levels of 66 dBuV/m and above will be protected from interference.
Operation of this service is permitted at a maximum ERP that is greater than 5 dB below the maximum ERP specified. Operation at power levels below that planned for the service may result in interference to the service. The ACMA's planning framework will not protect services from interference in these circumstances.