DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCES, energy and tourism 

Formats for Documents Lodged under the Regulations

I, Paul Johnson, delegate of the Secretary of the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism hereby

REVOKE all previous Formats for Documents Lodged under the Regulations; and

MAKE the following notifications and approvals under the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulations 2006.

I notify the following format for the purposes of paragraphs 3.4(2)(a), 4.3(2)(a) and 7.10(2)(a) of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulations 2006:

(a) applications and reports must, where they contain text, be in English and in an easily-readable font and point size; and

(b) applications and reports must, where they contain material other than text, set out that material in a clear and readily-comprehensible form.

I approve and notify for the purposes of subregulations 3.2(3), 3.4(3), 4.3(3), 5.1(5) and 7.10(3) of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulations 2006:

(a) the electronic formats set out in items 1 and 2 of the Schedule to this Notice, subject to the restrictions imposed by item 3 of the Schedule;

(b) the format for contents set out in item 4 of the Schedule to this Notice;

(c) the format for signing a document in electronic form set out in item 5 of the Schedule to this Notice;

(d) the formats in which documents in electronic form may be given to the Secretary set out in item 6 of the Schedule to this Notice, subject to the restrictions imposed by item 7 of the Schedule.

I approve for the purposes of paragraph 7.8(b)(iii) of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulations 2006 the electronic systems set out in items 1 and 2 of the Schedule to this Notice, subject to the restrictions set out item 3 of the Schedule.


In addition to Items 2 and 3 above, I approve and notify for the purposes of paragraph 7.8(b)(iii) and 7.10(3) of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulations 2006 the use of OSCAR for the purpose of reporting to the Secretary.

If a report to the Secretary is made through OSCAR, it is taken to have been signed by the person who submits it.





Paul Johnson
General Manager

Industrial Energy Efficiency Branch
Energy and Environment Division
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism

11 June 2010


Where an application, assessment plan or report contains writing, that writing may be given in the following formats:

(a) Microsoft Word (.doc, .dot, .docx);

(b) Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlt, .xlsx);

(c) Microsoft Power Point (.ppt, .pps, .pot, .ppa, .pptx);

(d) Adobe Acrobat (.pdf);

(e) Text Files (.txt, .rtf, .csv);

(f) Microsoft Project (.mpp);

(g) HTML (.htm, .html); and

(h) Rich Text Format (RTF).

Where an application, assessment plan or report contains a diagram, that diagram may be given in the following formats:

(a) Microsoft Visio (.vsd); and

(b) small picture files such as .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .pcx, .wmf, .png, .tif, and other types of picture files where the software required for viewing those files is given to the Secretary at the same time as those files, provided that those files are not in a format prohibited under Item 3 of this Schedule.

The following types of formats must not be used to give any part of an application, assessment plan or report:

(a) multimedia files (.mp3, .wav, .mov, .wmv, .avi, wma);

(b) scripting language files (.js, .vbs);

(c) embedded shortcuts (.lnk); and

(d) executables (.exe, .com, .bat, .msi, .scr). 

Where an application, assessment plan or report submitted in electronic form contains:

(a) text, that text must be in English and when the electronic file containing that text is opened, the text must be in an easily-readable font and point size; and

(b) material other than text, that material must be set out in a clear and readily-comprehensible form.

(a) Where the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulations 2006 require an application, assessment plan or report, other than a report required for the purposes of Division 1 of Part 7 of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulations 2006, (including any declarations made within those documents) made in electronic form to be signed, those documents must be signed by electronic means.

(b) Where a report required for the purposes of Division 1 of Part 7 of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Regulations 2006 is made in electronic form and is to be signed, the document must be signed by electronic means by a person who is the chair of the board of directors, the chief executive officer, the managing director, or an equivalent officer, of the registered corporation.

(c) For the purposes of this item, a document is signed by electronic means if it is accompanied by a PDF copy of a statement that is actually signed by the person in which they agree that they have signed the electronic document.

An application, assessment plan or report may be given to the Secretary:

(a) by email to ; or

(b) sent in a digital storage medium (for example, a disk) to this address:

 Energy Efficiency Opportunities
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
GPO Box 1564

Note:   If sending an application, assessment plan or report by email, you should be aware that email is an insecure medium that gives rise to a risk that the material being sent may be viewed, intercepted or modified by third parties.  The Commonwealth cannot accept any responsibility for the security or integrity of information in the course of its being sent by email.

(a) An application, assessment plan or report may be given by email in the form of a compressed archive file in the following formats: .zip, .tgz, .gz, .rar.  However, these compressed archive files must only contain files in the permitted formats specified in items 1 and 2 of this Schedule.

(b) Files sent by email must not be password protected or encrypted.