Nation Building Program (National Land Transport) Act 2009
Variation of the Nation Building Program Roads to Recovery List
Instrument No.2010/1
I, Deborah mackrEll, Acting General Manager, South East Roads, Department of Infrastructure and Transport, under section 88 of the Nation Building Program (National Land Transport) Act 2009 vary the Nation Building Roads to Recovery List ('the List') as follows:
1. Variations
From the part of the List relating to South Australia
(a) omit the named recipient ‘Nepabunna Community Incorporated’ from the 'Funding Recipients' column and the corresponding amount in the 'Roads to Recovery Grant' column;
(b) insert in the 'Funding Recipients' column, in the appropriate alphabetical position, the name ‘Nipapanha Community Incorporated’; and
(c) insert the amount ‘$70,796’ at the position in the ‘Roads to Recovery Grant' column corresponding to the Nipapanha Community Incorporated in the ‘Funding Recipients’ column.
2. Commencement
This instrument commences on 5 November 2010.
Signed 21 October 2010
Delegate of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport