Part 6 South Australia


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law




Payroll tax

Payroll Tax Act 2009

Tax on gross wages bill of employers


Stamp duties

Stamp Duties Act 1923

Tax on certain transactions, financial instruments etc. Refers to all tax liabilities under the Act


Land tax

Land Tax Act 1936

Tax on the site value of all land in the State, barring exempted land


Financial institutions duty

Financial Institutions Duty Act 1983

Tax on the value of receipts at financial institutions and average daily liabilities of short term money market dealers


Debits tax

Debits Tax Act 1994

Tax on the value of withdrawals from cheque accounts with financial institutions


Succession duties

Succession Duties Act 1929

Duties on the aggregate net present value of property derived from a deceased person who died prior to 1 January 1980


Gaming machine tax

Gaming Machines Act 1992

Tax on the net gaming revenue of gaming machine operators


Major betting licence duty

Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000

Duty in respect of the major betting operations licence


Distribution of lotteries commission surplus

State Lotteries Act 1966

Income tax equivalent on the surplus, gambling tax on the NGR, surplus available for distribution, and unclaimed prizes of the lotteries commission generated from lottery activities


Casino duty

Casino Act 1997

Tax on the net gaming revenue of table games and gaming machines at the casino


Bookmakers’ wagering duty

Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000

Duty on amounts wagered with bookmakers


On-course totalisators’ wagering duty

Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000

Duty on amounts wagered with oncourse totalisators


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Gas Sales levy

Gas Act 1997

Tax, or licence fee, on licensed gas businesses based as a per cent of sales of gas


Lottery and gaming licences

Lottery and Gaming Regulations 1993

Licence fees for approved lotteries, bingo, instant lotteries, sweepstakes etc


Motor vehicle registration fees

Motor Vehicles Act 1959

Compulsory fee to register a motor vehicle


Drivers licences

Motor Vehicles Act 1959

Compulsory fees to obtain a drivers licence required to drive a vehicle


Emergency services levy

Emergency Services Funding Act 1998

Levy on fixed and mobile property


Guarantee fees

Public Finance and Audit Act 1987

Tax imposed on public sector agencies under competitive neutrality policy to offset benefits of Government guarantee on borrowings


Wheat and barley levies

Wheat Marketing Act 1989

Purchasers of grain pay a certain prescribed amount from the amount payable under a contract of sale which is used to fund grains research and the grain activities of the SA Farmers Federation


Agents indemnity fund

Land Agents Act 1994

Conveyancers Act 1994

Interest on trust accounts held by land agents and conveyancers must be paid into an indemnity fund held by the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs

Recoup from agents indemnity fund (AIF) funds to reimburse the costs of administration of the fund


Legal Services Commission

Legal Practitioners Act 1981

Part of the balance of money held in the statutory interest account, and interest earned on legal trust accounts must be paid by the Law Society towards funding of the legal services commission and community legal centres


Combined trust account

Legal Practitioners Act 1981

A proportion of a practitioner’s trust account is required to be deposited in the combined trust account


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Statutory interest account

Legal Practitioners Act 1981

Interest from the combined trust account payable into the statutory interest account


Legal practitioners guarantee fund

Legal Practitioners Act 1981

Money payable from the statutory interest account into the legal practitioner’s guarantee fund


Legal Services Commission, legal practitioners guarantee fund and Attorney General’s nominee

Legal Practitioners Act 1981

Interest on a practitioners general trust account is payable to the Law Society and must be paid to the Legal Services Commission, the legal practitioners guarantee fund and a nominee of the Attorney General

Mining & Resources Regulation, Licensing & Royalties


Fees associated with the regulation of the search for and mining of petroleum

Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000

Annual licence fees

Application fees:

       for a licence

       for renewal of a licence

       to vary or revoke a discretionary condition of a licence

       for the approval of the Minister to vary a work program

       to convert a production licence into a retention licence

       for authorisation to alter or modify a pipeline

       to consolidate adjacent licence areas, or to divide a licence area

       to suspend a licence for a specified period

       for approval and registration of a registrable dealing

       to have access to material included in the commercial register


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of exploration for and exploitation of petroleum resources in submerged lands adjacent to the coasts of South Australia

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982

Annual permit/licence fee

Application for exploration permit, retention lease, production licence, pipeline licence, registration of a devolution of title, change of company name, special prospecting authority

Licence/permit/lease renewal and variation fees

Certified copy or extract from the register

Minister’s certificate of registration etc

Registration fees for transfers, dealings and related corporation dealings

Fees for release of data and information relative to section 117 of the Act

Fee for search of the register


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation and control of mining operations

Mining Act 1971

Lodgement of caveat

Late lodgement of return under section 76 of Act where date from lodgement extended by Director

Application for issue or renewal of miner’s right

Application for registration of mineral claim

Exploration licences

(a) Application fee (the sum of the following)

(i) Base component

(ii) Advertising component

(b) Renewal fee (per licence)

(c) Annual fee (the sum of the following) (per licence)

(i) Administration component

(ii) Regulation component

Mining Leases/Miscellaneous Purpose Licences:

(a) Application Fee Base Component (per lease)

(b) Advertising Fee (per lease)

Retention Lease Application Fee

Application for registration or renewal of an access claim

Late Lodgement of Transfer (mineral lease, retention lease, exploration licence or miscellaneous purposes licence)

Lodgement of an agreement or determination with the mining registrar Part 9b


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Application for:

(a) variation of condition of a tenement, working conditions or special approval to undertake a particular work program; or

(b) Ministerial consent under the Act

Proposal for a safety net agreement under section 84

Application for issue of duplicate lease/licence

Inspect the mining register

Extract from mining register comprising copy of mining tenement

Extract from mining register comprising results of standard/customised search query.

Annual rents

Mining lease (per annum)

Retention lease (per annum)

Miscellaneous purposes licence (per annum)


Fees associated with regulation of prospecting and mining of opals and other precious stones

Opal Mining Act 1995

Application for permit and renewal of permit

Application for set of identification plates/replacement plates

Duplicate permit

Lodging of a bond under section 36 of the Act

Application for registration of tenements, and renewal of tenement

Lodging/withdrawal of a caveat

Application for authorisation

Registration of an opal mining cooperation agreement

Registration of a mining native title agreement

Inspection of register

Extraction of claim

Application for exemption

Recovery of a post/exemption from removing posts

Registration of a document


Certificate fees associated with the regulation of mines and works

Mines and Works Inspection Act 1920

Application for mine managers certificate

Issue of certificate/duplicate

Mining law examination


Petroleum and mining royalties payable under Acts or Indenture Agreements

Mining Act 1971

Broken Hill Proprietary Company’s Indenture Act 1937

Broken Hill Proprietary Company’s Steel Works Indenture Act 1958

Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982

Royalty fees based on value or volume of production

Primary Industries Regulations & Licensing


Fees associated with schemes establishing funds for primary industry purposes

Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998

Contributions to various funds established by way of regulation under the Act


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with schemes establishing funds for primary industry purposes

Wheat Marketing Act 1989

Contributions to various funds established under the Act


Fees associated with the protection of vineyards from disease

Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995

Contributions by persons owning vineyards, to cost of administering the legislation


Fees associated with the regulation of various citrus industry schemes

Citrus Industry Act 2005

Citrus Industry Regulations 2005

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Citrus Industry) Regulations 2006 under the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004

Fees for application for approval of, or variation to food safety arrangements

Contributions to funds established by way of regulation under the Act

Fees for approval of, or variation to food safety arrangements


Post entry quarantine charges

Quarantine Act 1908*

Regulatory charges associated with post entry quarantine requirements

*Charges under the Quarantine Act 1908 are included as they are raised by the South Australian Government on behalf of the Commonwealth Government. The Commonwealth Government has also listed these charges on its section of the Determination.


Fees associated with the regulation of the aquaculture industry

Aquaculture Act 2001

Aquaculture Regulations 2005

Regulated fees associated with management of the aquaculture industry


Fees associated with the regulation of fishing and the processing of aquatic resources

Fisheries Management Act 2007

Fisheries Management (Fees) Regulations 2007

Regulatory fees associated with fisheries management of the aquatic resources


Fees associated with the regulation of the dairy industry for food safety

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Dairy Industry) Regulations 2005

Dairy farmers, dairy manufacturers, dairy produce carriers are accredited


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of matters relating to livestock

Livestock Act 1997

Application and renewal fees for registration of artificial breeding centres, diagnostic laboratories and registration authorising artificial breeding procedure

Registration fees for persons keeping deer

Registration fees for persons keeping bees (apiarists)


Fees associated with the registration of brands for pigs

Branding of Pigs Act 1964

Application for allotment and registration of brands

Transfer of brands

Renewal/reinstatement fee


Fees associated with the registration of brands for horses, cattle and sheep

Brands Act 1933

Registration of brands

Transfer of registration

Cancellation of registration


Fees associated with the regulation of the processing and sale of meat

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat Industry) Regulations 2006

Application for accreditation

Amendment and transfer of accreditation and annual fee


Fees associated with the registration of veterinary surgeons and practices

Veterinary Practice Act 2003

Registration fees

Reinstatement fee

Annual practice fee


Fees associated with the regulation of the seafood industry for food safety

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2006

Producers of bivalve molluscs are accredited

Application fee for new accreditations, fee for any variation of accredited arrangements, and annual fee


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the protection of plants

Plant Health Act 2009

Application for accreditation

Lodgement of periodic return

Request for variation of accreditation

Registration as an importer

Registered Importer lodgement of Periodic return

Variation of registration as an Importer


Fees associated with the prevention of the entry of wild dogs into pastoral areas

Dog Fence Act 1946

Compulsory payment of rates from adjoining land holders and for all separate holdings of more than 10km2 of land situated inside the dog fence towards cost of maintaining the dog fence


Fees associated with the regulation of seed sprout processors

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Plant Products) Regulations 2010

Application for accreditation

Application to approve or vary a food safety arrangement

Annual fee


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law


planning and local government


Fees associated with the regulation of land development

Development Act 1993

Lodgement fees

Assessment of development against the development plan

Land division fee

Statement of requirements fee

Certificate of approval for land division

Application fee for a non-complying development

Non-complying development assessment fee

Non-complying development administration fee

DAC consultation report fee

Development authorisation (staged consents) fee

Crown development

Variation of a development authorisation

Levy on development plan assessment fee

Referral fees

Public notification fee

Levy on building rules assessment fee

Referral to the building rules assessment commission

Prescribed fee for major development

Development assessment fee for major developments

Distribution of fees between a council and other authorities


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Distribution of fees between the Commission and councils

Private certifiers — application for registration and annual registration fees

Open space levy and other developer contribution

Registration of a land management agreement

Application to the Minister for an approval under section 101 (prescribed qualifications)

Application to extend any consent or approval under Regulation 48

Copy of land management agreement

Development (Schedule 1A) fee

Treasury and Finance


Tax equivalents

Public Corporations Act 1993, plus various other Acts relating to TER entities and Ministerial Directions

Commonwealth, State and Local Government tax equivalents levied on commercial public sector agencies under competitive neutrality policy


Local government rate equivalents

Electricity Corporations (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 1999

Payments that are intended to be a proxy for rates imposed under the Local Government Act


Petroleum licence

Petroleum Products Regulation Act 1995

Licence to sell and keep petroleum products


Certificate of outstanding land tax

Land Tax Act 1936

Taxpayers can purchase a certificate when purchasing land detailing the land tax payable on a property. The certificate also provides an indemnity for purchasers against possible errors in the calculation of outstanding tax


State taxes — recovery of Court costs

Taxation Administration Act 1996

Recovery of court costs associated with taxation disputes


Stamp duty refund fees

Stamp Duties Regulations 2002

5 per cent fee charge to taxpayers on application for refund of stamp duty covers all forms of stamp duty up to a maximum of $500


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Certificate of outstanding emergency services levy

Emergency Services Funding Act 1998

Certificate detailing outstanding emergency services levy when property changes ownership


Fees associated with the regulation of the electricity supply industry

Electricity Act 1996

Application fees, annual fees and transfer fees in respect of licences or exemptions under the Act


Fees associated with the regulation of the gas supply industry

Gas Act 1997

Application fees, annual fees and transfer fees in respect of licences or exemptions under the Act



Fees associated with the regulation of legal practitioners

Legal Practitioners Act 1981

Fee for issue or renewal of a practising certificate

Fee payable by an interstate practitioner on notifying the Supreme Court of intention to practise in South Australia


Victims of crime levies

Victims of Crime Act 2001

Levies imposed on persons convicted of offences


Fees associated with the regulation of land agents

Land Agents Act 1994

Application for registration

Grant of registration

Annual registration fees

Public register fees

Replacement of a licence/certificate


Fees associated with the regulation of Conveyancers

Conveyancers Act 1994

Application for registration

Grant of registration

Annual registration fees

Public register fees

Replacement of a licence/certificate


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of plumbers, gasfitters and electricians

Plumbers, Gasfitters and Electricians Act 1994

Application for Licence

Grant of Licence

Periodic Fee Licences

Application to Vary or Revoke a Licence condition

Application for Workers Registration

Grant of Workers Registration

Periodic Registration fee

Application to Vary or Revoke a Condition of Registration

Public Register fees

Replacement of a Licence/ Certificate


Fees associated with the regulation of trade measurement instruments

Trade Measurement Act 1993, Trade Measurements Administration Act 1993

Issue of certificate of suitability for a public weighbridge

Application fees

Licence or permit fees

Fees associated with the issue of amended and duplicate licences, permits or certificates

Late payment of fees


Fees associated with the registration of births, deaths and marriages

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996

Registration of a change of name

Application for access to the Register provided to various agencies, groups and corporate bodies

Application fees associated with searching the register and on completion issuing a certificate which can be either standard or commemorative

Alteration or correction in the register


Cremation permits

Cremation Act 2000

Application for a cremation permit issued by the registrar of births, deaths and marriages


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with legislation to allow the reassignment of sexual identity

Sexual Reassignment Act 1988

Application to a magistrate for a recognition certificate

Registration of reassignment of sex with the registrar of births, deaths and marriages or delegate


Fees associated with the regulation of security and investigation agents

Security and Investigation Agents Act 1995

Application for a security agents or investigation agents licence

Periodic licence fees

Alterations to conditions of licence

Application to vary or revoke licence condition

Grant of licence

Public register fees

Replacement of a licence/certificate


Fees associated with the regulation of building work contractors

Building Work Contractors Act 1995

Application for building work contractors licence

Periodic licence fee

Application fee to vary or revoke a licence condition

Application for registration as a building work supervisor

Grant of registration

Periodic registration fee

Application to vary or revoke a condition of registration

Application for approval as a building work supervisor

Application for exemption

Replacement of licence/certificate of registration

Public register fees

Grant of licence


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the licensing of travel agents

Travel Agents Act 1986

Application for a licence

Grant of a licence

Periodic licence fee

Public register fees

Fee for each Office from which the licensee carries on a business

Replacement of a licence/certificate


Fees associated with the regulation of dealings in second hand motor vehicles

Second hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995

Application for a licence

Grant of licence

Periodic licence fee

Application to register a premises

Application to carry on business at a place other than a registered premises

Application fee with respect to a duty to repair a vehicle

Contributions by dealers to the compensation fund

Public register fees

Replacement of a licence/certificate

Recoup from second hand vehicle compensation fund to reimburse the cost of administration of the fund


Application fees associated with oaths etc and the appointment of justices of the peace

Appointment of Proclaimed Bank Managers and Certain Justices Fees Regulation 1991

Oaths Act 1936

Justices of the Peace Act 2005

Application for appointment of Proclaimed Bank Managers under the Oaths Act

Application for the appointment of a Justice under the Justices of the Peace Act


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with legislative provisions for the incorporation, registration and regulation of associations

Associations Incorporations Act 1985

Examination of a statement prior to registration

Lodging a periodic return

Commission representation of a dissolved association or its liquidator

Late lodgement fee

Replacement of certificate fee

Inspection or copy, or copy of an extract from, a document held by the Commission in relation to an association

Production of a document held by the Commission pursuant to a subpoena

Fee for the preparation of statement produced for the Court pursuant to section 40A of the Act

Preparation of statement by Commission produced to the court

Commission dealing with outstanding property of dissolved association

Application to/for:

Commission to exercise any powers under the Act

Minister to exercise any powers under the Act




Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Alteration of rules/constitution or change of name of association

Commission to approve an auditor

Extension of time

Consent of the Commission to distribute surplus assets on winding up

Deregistration or approval of manner of distribution of surplus assets

Commission to approve an investment by a non-member

Reserve a name for an association


Fees associated with the regulation of the relationship between landlords and tenants

Residential Tenancies Act 1995

Recoup from residential tenancies fund funds to reimburse the cost of administration of the Act

Payment by SA Housing Trust into residential tenancies fund of amount equivalent to what would have been earned in interest had bonds been lodged in cash rather than mere guarantees


Fees associated with the lodgement of a case to be heard before the Residential Tenancies Tribunal

Retirement Villages Act 1987

Residential Tenancies Act 1995

Lodgement fee paid by applicants wishing to have a matter listed before the Residential Tenancies Tribunal


Fees associated with the regulation of the leasing of certain retail shops

Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995

Recoup from retail shop leases fund funds to reimburse the cost of administration of the Act


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the registration and use of business names

Business Names Act 1996

Application for registration of business name

Renewal of registration of business name

Late lodgement fee

Replacement certificate

Change of proprietors fee

Application for Ministerial consent

Search and inspection of documents fee

Copies of documents/register fee

Fee for any other Act of the commission


Fees associated with the formation, registration and regulation of cooperatives

Co-operatives Act 1997

Application for approval of proposed disclosure statement or merger or transfer of engagements

Application for approval or registration of proposed rules or alteration of rules

Application for registration of proposed cooperative

Application, request or issue of certificate or duplicate certificate

Application for approval, exemption, determination, consent, review, permission, direction or extension or abridgment of time

Lodgement of documents (special resolution, annual report, disclosure document, notice or memorandum)

Application for approval in relation to name


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Application for approval or extension in relation to shares

Application for approval of merger or transfer of engagements

Dealing with outstanding property and fulfilling outstanding obligations of deregistered cooperative

Application for registration

Application for special meeting or inquiry

Inspection or copy of a register or document filed with the Commission

Lodgement of notice in relation to charge

Application in relation to an auditor

Application for approval of an explanatory statement

For preparation of a statement to the Court in relation to a compromise or arrangement

Late lodgement fee

Production of a document held by the Commission pursuant to a subpoena


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of the sale, supply and consumption of liquor

Liquor Licensing Act 1997

Application, transfer or removal of Licences

Application for extended trading area

Application for Entertainment Consent

Application for change of director/shareholder

Application for approval to assume a position of authority in a body corporate

Application for Approval to be a person of authority who supervises and manages a licensed business, a manager, a responsible person

Limited licences

Application for an order of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner

Application for, or variation to, extended trading authorisation

Application to vary entertainment consent

Fees for gazetting of application

Application for approval of alterations to premises/proposed alterations, to designate dining or reception area, to designate or redefine a licensed area

Application to vary trading hours

Application for imposition of or to vary licence conditions

Application for temporary licence

Application to vary composition of a trust or corporate body

Application for conversion of temporary licence to full licence


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Application to approve profit sharing arrangement

Authorisation to sell liquor in an area adjacent to a licensed premises

Copy of application documents, licence, licensed premises plan, inspectors reports, order, notices and signs as prescribed by the Act, judgements or decisions of the Licensing Authority, transcripts of evidence

Issue of identification badges

Fees for preparation of broker information

Index of licensed premises disk

Application for exemption to have a responsible person on duty during the operation of a licensed premises


Fees associated with legislation related to the registration of limited partnerships

Partnerships Act 1891

Application for registration of a limited partnership

Inspection or copy of register or document filed with the Commission

Late lodgement fee

Issue or copy of certificate

Application for extension or exemption

For any other Act that the Commission is required or authorised to do


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated the registration and regulation of StarrBowketts

Starr-Bowkett Societies Act 1975

Application to register an alteration of rules

Application for exemption or extension

Lodging an annual return

Late lodgement fee

Application for cancellation of registration

Inspection or copy of register or document filed with the Commission

Issue or copy of certificate

For any other Act that the Commission is required or authorised to do


Fees associated with the regulation of the supply and operation of gaming machines

Gaming Machines Act 1992

Application for gaming machine licence, dealers licence, monitor licence, or consent to transfer a gaming licence

Application for holder of a gaming machine licence to sell or dispose of gaming machines or prescribed gaming components

Application to vary licence conditions relating to the number of gaming machines, trading hours, layout of a gaming area

Application for sale of gaming machine entitlements

Application for approval of gaming machine employee, manager or gaming machine manager/ employee at other sites

Application for approval to assume a position of authority in a body corporate

Application for approval of and employee of a Monitor Licence holder, approved subcontractor, approved service agent or subcontractor of an approved service agent


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Application for approval of a gaming machine, a game, gaming machine tokens or to manufacture gaming machine tokens

Application for approval of profit sharing arrangements

Application to approve agent of State Supply Board

Fees for gazetting of application

Application for order of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner

Application to vary the layout or redefine the gaming area

Application for variation of conditions of licence

Issue of identification badge

Copy of gaming plan, licence issued by Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, notices and signs as prescribed by the Act, order, judgements/decisions of the Licensing Court, or transcripts of evidence


Fees associated with the licensing and control of casinos

Casino Act 1997

Casino licence fee

Approval of management systems, management and staff, or casino employees

Issue of identification badge

Forfeit of uncollected prizes

Copy of licence, notices and signs as prescribed by the Act, order of the Commissioner, or transcripts of evidence

Contribution towards regulation of the Casino


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with access to justice through the court system

Sheriffs Act 1978

Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993

District Court Act 1991

Supreme Court Act 1935

Magistrates Court Act 1991

Youth Court Act 1993

Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act 1988

Adoption Act 1988

Consumer Credit (SA) Code

Coroner’s Act 2003

Evidence Act 1929

Public Trustee Act 1995

Valuation of Land Act 1971

Sheriffs fees:

       fees for receiving and entering, or serving a writ of summons, notice, order, warrants, Conducting inquiries, Poundage, Attendance fees, and travelling allowances

Court fees:

       filing lodging and settling fees

       application fees for commencement of action and issuing of summons

       applicant fees

       copies of transcripts of evidence and related documentary materials, decisions/reasons for judgement, computer disk records of court proceedings

       after hours registry, court or office opening fees

       request to inspect materials

       sealing or certifying fees

       searching or inspecting court records

       trial fees

       taxation of costs

       serving a notice of appeal

       application for admission or readmission as a practitioner

       taking an affidavit or affirmation etc

       attesting a document


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





       execution of bail

       Marshal’s Office fees under Supreme Court Regulations related to seizure of a ship, goods or arrest of a person

       probate fees

       reminder notice for enforcement of pecuniary sums

       issuance of penalty enforcement order

       administrative fee on funds held in court


Contributions by litigants in connection with a court action

Supreme Court Act 1935

Summary Procedure Act 1921

Monies paid to the Court and placed in the Suitor’s Fund


Fees associated with the control of the possession, use and sale of firearms

Firearms Act 1977

Application for the grant or renewal of a firearms licence or dealers licence

Application for a variation of licence

Application for a registration of a firearm

Duplicate certificate of registration

Replacement licence

Application for permit to acquire ammunition

Late renewal fee

Fee to witness the transfer of a firearm


Fees associated with police impounding of vehicles

Road Traffic Act 1961

Fees charged in connection with towing, storage and disposal of impounded vehicles


Forfeited candidate deposit

Electoral Act 1985

Forfeited candidate deposits


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees for examination of Statements and Accounts

Regulations under the Public Trustee Act 1995

Fees for examination of Statements and Accounts etc under section 56 of the Administration and Probate Act 1919 or section 44 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1993


Fees associated with access to police records

Police Act 1998

Police clearance certificates

Police history checks

Police incident reports

Fingerprint reports

Vehicle collision reports


Fees associated with the regulation of prohibited weapons

Summary Offences Act 1953

Application for exemption


Fees associated with regulation of totalisator and other betting operations

Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000

Application for the grant or renewal of a bookmakers, clerks or betting shop licence

Contribution towards regulation of the betting operations


Proprietary racing business licence fees

Racing (Proprietary Business Licensing) Act 2000

Fees payable in respect of a proprietary racing business licence


Fees associated with the Professional Standards Council

Professional Standards Council Act 2004

Professional Standards Regulations 2006

Application for approval of, amendment to, or revocation of, a scheme for limiting the occupational liability of members of an occupational association

Annual membership fees


Fees charged in connection with clamping, impounding and forfeiture of vehicles

Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) Act 2007

Fees associated with the impounding, clamping, storage and forfeiture of vehicles


Regulation of the Hydroponics Industry (Positive Licensing)

Hydroponics Industry Control Act 2009

Fees associated with application for licence and annual licence fees.


Reminder notices

Expiation of Offences Act 1996

Fees associated with reminder notices sent to alleged offenders for those expiation fees not paid at the end of the expiation period.


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law




Fees associated with the licensing of private hospitals

Health Care Act 2008

Private Hospital Licence fees — application fee, fee for grant of licence, transfer fee, annual licence fee


Fees associated with the regulation of the manufacture, sale and handling of certain poisons, drugs and other substances

Controlled Substances Act 1984

Application and renewal fees for licences for pest controllers and management technicians

Annual licence fees controlled substances (poisons) for manufacturers, wholesale dealers, retail sellers, institutions, medicine sellers, to supply or administer certain drugs, possess certain poisons


Fees associated with the registration of occupational therapists

Occupational Therapy Practice Act 2005

Application for registration

Annual practice fee

Non practising fee

Temporary registration fee

Reinstatement fee

Certificate of good standing

Entering new or additional qualifications to the register

Duplicate registration certificate

Inspection of and extracts from register

Inspection of record of occupational therapy services provider


Fees associated with consent to medical care and regulation of medical practice as it affects the care of people who are dying

Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act 1995

Fee for lodgement of advance directives and medical powers of attorney on the register of treatment directions


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the registration of optometrists

Optometry Practice Act 2007

Registration as optometrist

Renewal of practising certificate

Application for entry of additional qualification on a register

Application for therapeutic drug use


Fees associated with the licensing of nonemergency ambulance services

Health Care Act 2008

Application for licence


Fees associated with the registration of podiatrists

Podiatry Practice Act 2005

Application for registration

Annual practice fee

Non practising fee

Temporary registration fee

Reinstatement fee

Certificate of good standing

Duplicate registration certificate

Entering new or additional qualifications to the Register

Inspection of and extracts from register

Inspection of record of podiatric services provider


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the registration of chiropractors and osteopaths

Chiropractic and Osteopathy Practice Act 2005

Application for registration

Annual practice fee

Non practising fee

Temporary registration fee

Reinstatement fee

Certificate of good standing

Entering new or additional qualifications to the register

Duplicate registration certificate

Inspection of and extracts from register

Inspection of record of chiropractic or osteopathic services provider


Fees associated with the regulation of dental practitioners

Dental Practice Act 2001

Annual practice fees

Corporate practitioners

Fees or charges for the Inspection of a register

Copy of documents or transcripts from files

Recognition of qualifications

Registration fees


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the registration of medical practitioners

Medical Practice Act 2004

Registration fees

Application fees (which include mutual recognition application fee)

Annual practice fee

Reinstatement fee

Certificate of good standing/registration status

Entering new qualifications to the register (additional qualification fee)

Duplicate/replacement annual practising registration certificates

Annual renewal of registration fee

Inspection of and extracts from register


Fees associated with the registration and enrolment of nurses

Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act 2008

Registration/enrolment fees

Annual renewal of registration fee

Reinstatement of registration/ enrolment

Endorsement of nursing/midwifery practice

Duplicate documents and/or replacement annual practising registration/enrolment certificates

Inspection of and extracts from register/roll

Statements verifying registration/ enrolment

Assessment of nursing/midwifery qualifications or experience


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the registration of pharmacists

Pharmacy Practice Act 2007

Registration and renewal of registration

Entering new qualifications in the register

Duplicate registration or practising certificate

Statements verifying registration

Other extracts from the register

Inspection of register

Approval of pharmacy service providers

Change of partners

Approval of alteration of memorandum and articles of association

Registration of premises

List of pharmacists/pharmacies


Fees associated with the registration of physiotherapists

Physiotherapy Practice Act 2005

Application fee for registration

Registration and renewal of registration

Entry for additional qualification in register

Inspection of register

Issue of duplicate registration certificate or certificate setting out information contained in register

Criterion 1 assessment fee

Letter of good standing


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the registration of psychologists

Psychological Practices Act 1973

Application for registration/renewal of registration

Entering new qualifications on the register

Duplicate registration certificate

Statement verifying registration

Inspection of and extracts from register

Letter of good standing

Statement of supervision for APS membership


Waste control licence and application fees

Public and Environmental Health Act 1987

Product approval

Application and inspection fee

Installation approval application and inspection fee

Referral from Council to Minister

Referral and inspection fees


Fees associated with the regulation of tobacco products and smoking

Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997

Licence to carry on the business of selling tobacco products by retail


Fees associated with the transport of deceased bodies

Local Government Act 1934

(Local Government (Exhumation of Human Remains) Regulations 2005)

Exhumation approval and inspection fee


Fees associated with the export of human remains (including cremated remains)

Public and Environmental Health Act 1987

Application for export authorisation


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the administration and management of high risk manufactured water systems

Public and Environmental Health (Legionella) Regulations 2008

Application for registration of a high risk manufactured water system

Application to the authority for renewal of registration of a high risk manufactured water system

Inspection of a high risk manufactured water system

Application to Minister for a determination or approval under these regulations


Fee for exercise of accreditation function

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010

Exercise of an accreditation function by an accreditation committee


Registration of health professionals

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010

Application for general registration

Application for specialist registration

Application for provisional registration

Application for limited registration

Application for non-practising registration

Extract from the register

Copy of the register


Examination or assessment of applicant

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010

Examination or assessment to assess applicant’s ability to practise the health profession.


Endorsement of registration

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010

Application for endorsement for scheduled medicines

Application for endorsement as a nurse practitioner

Application for endorsement as a midwife practitioner

Application for endorsement in relation to acupuncture

Application for endorsement for approved area of practice


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Renewal of registration or endorsement

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010

Application for renewal of registration or endorsement

Families and Communities


Fees associated with the adoption of children

Adoption Act 1988

Lodgement of expression of interest in adopting a child fee

Application for registration as a prospective adoptive parent

Assessment reports

Preparation of adoption file for sending to overseas country

Selection of applicants for an adoption order

Transfer of a registration from another State

Conversion of registration

Preparation of report for adoption of a particular child

Placement of a child

Obtaining adoption information

Step parent, relative and foster parent adoption

Fees for application for information regarding adoption prior to 1987


Fees associated with legislation to improve substandard housing and regulate rentals in substandard housing

Housing Improvement Act 1940

Application fee to housing authority as to whether a notice of substandard housing or fixing a maximum rental has been issued


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of cooperative and community housing associations

South Australian Cooperative and Community Housing Act 1991

Issue of certificate

Supply of certified copies or extracts

Application for:

       Registration of a housing association

       Registration of a housing cooperative

       Amalgamation of registered co-operatives

       Registration of an alteration to the rules of a registered housing co-operative



Fees associated with the regulation of care of persons in certain residential facilities

Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992

Inspection fees

Application fees

Licensing fees


Fees associated with the regulation of retirement villages

Retirement Villages Act 1987

Application fee for exemption or authorisation under the Act

Transport, Energy and Infrastructure


Fees associated with the registration of security interests in motor vehicles and other prescribed goods

Goods Securities Act 1986

Registration of security interest

Certificate of registered security interest

Postponement of a security interest

Application for compensation

Modify a security interest

List of all security interests

Extract from register of interests

Search register of interests

Disk copy of registration of interests


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of rail safety

Rail Safety Act 2007

Rail safety application fee (application for, or variation to, accreditation or private siding)

Rail safety annual fee — includes renewal of accreditation for railway owners and operators and registered owners of private sidings


Fees associated with the regulation of marine vessels and harbours

Harbours and Navigation Act 1993

Pilotage exemption certificates and renewals, replacements

Exemption from crewing requirements

Recreational vessels special permit

Boat operator’s licence

Certificate of Competency — endorsement, revalidation, recognition, replacement, or exemption from requirement to hold

Examination of houseboat building plans

Registration of vessels and transfer, cancellation, exemption from registration

Replacement registration certificate or label

Examination and approval of plans

Loadline certificates, replacements, exemptions and recognition as equivalent to certificate

Replacement and additional certificates of inspection

Substitution of identification mark

Boat haven mooring permits

Facilities levy for vessels

Examination and approval of vessel’s stability information

Certificate of Survey — extension, replacement, exemptions, recognition as equivalent


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Alteration to certificate of survey following consent to alteration of vessel or its equipment

Trade plate

Extension of a certificate of inspection

BoatCode (HIN) agent establishment and renewal

Accreditation/re-accreditation of BoatCode (HIN) examiner

BoatCode (HIN) plates (and administrative fee)

BoatCode (HIN) certificate/copy of certificate

Fee for an initial or subsequent inspection under Part 8 — hire & drive houseboat

Part 9 compulsory marine safety survey charges (both initial and subsequent), including those associated with repairs, alterations or inclining experiments


Fees associated with the construction of the Hindmarsh Island Bridge

Hindmarsh Island Bridge Act 1999

Compulsory contributions by owners of new allotments — payable to local council

Subsequent payment of above amounts by local council to the Crown


Fees related to the registration of motor vehicles and issue of drivers licences/permits and the alcohol interlock scheme

Motor Vehicles Act 1959

Registration fees — heavy vehicles, commercial vehicles, motor cycles, trailers, vehicles propelled other than by internal combustion, any other vehicle

Surcharge on registration or renewal of registration

Administration fee for initial registration, re-registration or renewal of registration, transfer of registration, cancellation of registration, duplicate certificates etc

Late payment for transfer of registration


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Permit to drive an unregistered vehicle, duplicate permits, administration fees

Temporary configuration certificate for a heavy vehicle — administration fees

Fee for dishonoured cheque, debit or credit card transaction

Number allotment

Number plate and trade plate fees

Drivers licences (including administration fee for issue and renewal) and duplicate licences

Learners permits (and duplicate permits)

Examination test fee

Motor Driving Instructor’s Licences (and duplicates)

Authorised examiners  — annual fee for appointment purposes

Booking fee payable by the authorised examiner in respect of each practical driving test being conducted

Hazard perception test

Disabled parking permit

Administration fee for searching the register and supplying information/extract of an entry in the register

Personalised/specialised number plate sales

Application for a towtruck certificate, towtruck certificate, temporary certificate, and duplicate certificate

Application for first position on the accident towing roster


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Application for renewal of each position on the towing roster (including late application)

Application for re inclusion on the towing roster

Fees associated with applying for a review of a decision of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles

Administration fees associated with licence disqualification and subsequent cost of serving notices

Administration fees as listed in Regulations made pursuant to the Motor Vehicles Act 1959

Alcohol interlock scheme administration fee


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of public transport

Passenger Transport Act 1994

Applications and renewal for accreditation (drivers, operators of passenger transport services and centralised booking services)

Duplicate of accreditation or licence, Renewal of accreditation or application to vary an accreditation

Periodical fees and default penalty pursuant to section 33

Application and renewal for taxi licences

Taxi licence tender fees and initial payment for taxi licence when first issued by the Government

Taxi licence lodgement fee

Vehicle inspection fees

Transfer of licence application

Notification to the Minister of the introduction of a vehicle to a service or the withdrawal of a vehicle from a service

Application for the consent of the Minister to transfer, assign or lease a taxi licence

Application for consent to the substitution of another vehicle for a licensed taxi


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Land division certificate application fee

Statutes Repealed and Amendment (Development) Act 1993

Land division certificate application fee


Compulsory land acquisition

Land Acquisition Act 1969

A determination by the ValuerGeneral of the amount of compensation to be offered to the owner of land for a compulsory acquisition


Fees associated with the regulation of exemptions under the Road Traffic Act 1961

Road Traffic Act 1961

Application and exemption fees in respect of an exemption under section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act


Fee associated with regulation of vehicles to exceed statutory limits

Road Traffic Act 1961

Application for permit to exceed statutory vehicle limits and for permit renewal

Application to assess vehicle suitability for permit purposes

Complex permit application charge where additional work/other approvals are required to allow a vehicle to use roads under permit


Fees associated with the registration of architects and the regulation of architecture

Architects Act 1939

Registration fees for architects

Annual subscriptions to Architects Board

Architectural practice examination fees

AACA (overseas) review of academic equivalence

Re-registration fee

Certificate replacement fee


Licence, permit and search fees associated with cemeteries

Enfield General Cemetery Act 1944

West Terrace Cemetery Act 1976

Enfield general cemetery trust monumental masons licence

Permits to construct a new memorial etc

Search of cemetery records


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the registration of bills of sale

Bills of Sale Act 1886

Registration and filing fees for a bill of sale or the discharge, extension, transfer or renewal of a bill of sale

Withdrawing a bill of sale from registration or filing

Provision of copy of documents via electronic scanned images, microfilm or original source

Registration or filing of any other document


Fees associated with legislation providing for the division of land into lots and common property

Community Titles Act 1996

Issue of certificate of title for each lot on an amendment of a community plan

Issue of certificates of title

Deposit of a community plan

Application for deposit of a community plan

Examination of plan or amendment of community division

Filing or examination of outer boundary survey plan

Examination or re-examination of plan of community division

Examination of filed plan prepared for cancellation of a community plan

Filing plan for the cancellation of a community plan

Examination and deposit of plan of amalgamation

Purchase of a Scheme description, bylaws or a development contract


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Notice of appointment and removal of administrator fee

Provision of copy of registered documents and plans via electronic scanned images, aperture cards and original source

Lodgement of/to:

Scheme description, bylaws or development contract

Resolution to elect to use the Community Titles Act 1996

Application to amend schedule of lot entitlements

Amend scheme description

Vary bylaws

Agreement to vary or terminate a development contract

Any other document required by the Act

Application for:

Amendment of a community plan

Amendment of a plan pursuant to a development contract

Amalgamation of community plans

Cancellation of a community plan


Fees associated with the granting of long service leave to workers in the building industry

Construction Industry Long Service Leave Act 1987

Statutory levies on employers to fund the Construction Industry Long Service Leave Board

Filing fees


Office of the Technical Regulator referrals fee for development applications regarding electricity issues

Development Regulations 2008

Referral fees from Councils for development applications pursuant to schedule 6, 7 section 2(b) and 8 of the Regulations


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of dangerous substances

Dangerous Substances Act 1979

Annual fees for a licence or renewal of a licence to keep LPG, flammable liquids, dangerous goods, Autogas

Licence fee for bulk drivers and bulk vehicles


Fees associated with real property transactions etc

Real Property Act 1886

Registration or entry of each instrument

Registering a transfer

Lodgement of caveats

Deposit, or noting the revocation, of a duplicate or attested copy of a power of attorney

Application for the issue of a substituted lessee’s copy of a Crown lease or duplicate certificate of title

Issue of a certificate of title or crown lease

Certified copies

Foreclosure order

Plan examination fees

Deposit or acceptance for filing of a plan

Withdrawal of any instrument, application or plan submitted for registration, entry deposit or acceptance for filing

Withdrawal of any plan of survey lodged with or submitted to the Registrar-General for examination

Application to issue a summons

Application pursuant to section 146 of Act

Application for division of land fee

Amalgamation of allotments fee

Register searches


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Provision of copy of documents via electronic scanned images, microfilm or original source

Return of cancelled duplicate certificates of title

LOTS/ARIES enquiries (database searches)

Provision of copy of registered plans via electronic scanned images, aperture cards and original source

Forms required for registration of interest in land (Registrar-General shall not register any document dealing with or affecting any estate or interest in land unless document in form approved by RegistrarGeneral)


Fees associated with real property documents

Stamp Duties Act 1923

Real Property Act 1886

Provision of Real Property Act documents to the Commissioner of Stamps for stamp duty purposes (required under legislation)


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the division of land by strata plan

Strata Titles Act 1988

Application for deposit of, amendment to or amalgamation of a strata plan

Examination of strata plan

Examination of plan amending a strata plan

Examination of a plan to amalgamate strata plans

Deposit of strata plan

Issue of certificate of title

Application for amendment of schedule of unit entitlements

Cancellation of strata plan

Lodgement of a special resolution amending articles

Lodging any other document under the Act

Appointment/ removal/ replacement of administrator of strata corporation

Provision of copy of registered documents and plans via electronic scanned images, aperture cards and original source


Fees associated with the licensing and registration of surveyors

Survey Act 1992

Registration fees

Statutory levies


Fees associated with legislative provisions for the valuation of land

Valuation of Land Act 1971

Copy of the valuation roll

Application for review of valuation

Certified copies/extracts from valuation roll

LOTS enquires (database search)


Fees associated with the regulation of the sale of land and businesses and the preparation of conveyancing instruments

Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994

Property Interest Report which contains a search copy of the certificate of title and information relating to the land


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the opening and closing of roads

Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991

Deposit of preliminary plan

Notification of a proposed road process

Deposit of an agreement for transfer or exchange

Deposit of a survey plan for processing

Fees for notification of an order or a notice

Deposit of an application for a document of title, or the alteration of a document of title

Deposit of documents for processing under the Act

Withdrawal of a document

Application for a road width declaration

Provision of copy of registered plans via electronic scanned images, aperture cards and original source


Fees associated with registration of workers liens

Workers Liens Act 1893

Lien lodgement/withdrawal fee

Memorandum of cessation of lien entry fee

Withdrawing a lien or cessation of lien before entry


Fees associated with the registration of deeds, wills, judgements, etc

Registration of Deeds Act 1935

Registering an instrument of conveyance, a legal or equitable mortgage or any other instrument

Depositing a deed, agreement, writing, assurance, map or plan

Enrolling a deed or instrument

Provision of copy of registered, deposited or enrolled instruments via electronic scanned images, aperture cards and original source


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of Land Development

Development Act 1993

Assessment of development against the development plan


Approval fees (OTR)

Electrical Products Act 2000

Fee charged and testing and certification of certain electrical goods as defined in the Electrical Products Act


Expiation fees (OTR)

Gas Act 1997

Electricity Act 1996

Expiation fees for breaches of the regulations under the Gas Act and Electricity Act


Fees associated with preferable liens on fruit

Liens on Fruit Act 1923

Registration of fruit lien


Fees associated with security taken over livestock or wool

Stock Mortgage and Wool Liens Act 1924

Registration, discharge, transfer and other dealings in stock mortgages

Withdrawing a stock mortgage from registration or filing

Provision of copy of documents via electronic scanned images, microfilm or original source


Fees associated with approved road transport schemes

Road Traffic Act 1961

Road Traffic (Approved Road Transport Compliance Schemes) Regulations 2008

Administrative fee to apply or reapply to register as an accredited participant in an approved road transport compliance scheme and fee for each vehicle nominated to participate in an approved road transport compliance scheme


Fees associated with the Fees Regulation (Proof of Age) Regulations 2008

Fees Regulation (Proof of Age Card) Regulations 2008

Fees associated with proof of age cards

Department of Premier and Cabinet


Fees associated with industrial and employee relations

Fair Work Act 1994

Occupational Health, Welfare and Safety Act 1986

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986

Registration fee for Agents to Act as representatives in the Industrial Relations Court and Commission

Copies of awards and judgements etc

Employee registration fee


Fees associated with dealing with a dispute

Fair Work Act 2009 (Commonwealth)

Application fee for Fair Work Act to deal with a dispute


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of employment agents

Employment Agents Registration Act 1993

Application for a licence or licence renewal

Late application fee


Fees associated with public access to documents

Freedom of Information Act 1991

Application fee for access to an agency’s document

Fees for dealing with an application and providing access to agency documents

Fee for photocopying of agency documents

Fee for giving access in the form of a written transcript

Cost of providing access in the form of a photo, x-ray, video tape, computer tape or disk

Application for review by an agency of a determination made by the agency under Part 3 of the Act (internal reviews)


Fees associated with the legislation providing for the health, safety and welfare of persons at work

Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986

Application for registration of plant design

Asbestos removal licence

Asbestos management fees

Application for high risk work licence

Copy of certificate

Application and renewal of blasters licence

Application for registration as an assessor, and annual registration

Application fee for registration, or reregistration of an amusement structure


Fees associated with access to official records

State Records Act 1997

Minimum fee

Copies of documents

Retrieval of records


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Application and licence fees associated with the use of explosives

Explosives Act 1936

Explosives (Security Sensitive Substances) Regulations 2005

Application for classification of explosives

Application fees associated with security sensitive ammonium nitrate

Licence and permit fees for the manufacture, carriage, storage, mix and use ammonium nitrate mixtures, purchase and import of explosives

Fees for the licensing or renewal of pyrotechnician’s licence

Fees for the licensing or renewal of pyrotechnic displays and sales business licences

Permit for exempt pyrotechnic display

Education and Children’s Services


Application and registration fees for teachers and nongovernment schools

Education Act 1972

Teacher registration fees — including assessment fee, restoration fee and duplicate certificate fees

Application for authority as an unregistered teacher

Applications for registration of nongovernment schools


Fees associated with the regulation of the provision of services to children

Children’s Services Act 1985

Licensing of child care centres, baby sitting agencies and family day care agencies

Registration of children’s services centres


Fees associated with the assessment and certification of completion of prescribed secondary education certification requirements

Education Act 1972

Student Fee for enrolment for assessment and certification of completion of prescribed certification requirements by a student of an educational institution not in receipt of financial assistance from the State or a full fee paying overseas student (within the meaning of the Education Act 1972)


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law


Employment, Training and Further Education


Fees associated with the regulation of vocational education, employment and training

Vocational Education, Employment and Training Act 1994

Accreditation and registration fees for courses and training providers


Levies to fund training in the building and construction industry

Construction Industry Training Fund Act 1993

Construction Industry Training Levy

Environment and Heritage


Fees associated with the conservation of places of heritage value

Heritage Places Act 1993

Fee for a certified copy of an entry in the register


Fees associated with the protection of certain shipwrecks and relics of historic significance

Historic Shipwrecks Act 1981

Copy of the register fees


Fees associated with the welfare of animals

Animal Welfare Act 1985

Application for permit to conduct a rodeo

Research and teaching licences — application and renewal fees

Charge for costs and expenses reasonably incurred in seizing, treating and caring for an animal


Fees associated with the management of dogs and cats

Dog and Cat Management Act 1995

Fees for Board functions

Dog accreditation fee


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees related to the protection of the environment

Environment Protection Act 1993

Works approval application fee

Works approval authorisation fee

Licence application fee

Licence authorisation fee

Application for approval of transfer of environmental authorisation

Inspection of the register/copy of part of the register

Application for approval to operate a collection depot

Application for approval to carry on business as a super collector

Application fee for exemption

Authorisation fee for exemption

Application fee for accreditation, grant or renewal of accreditation, annual accreditation, and fee for replacement of certificate of accreditation or identity card

Recovery of costs and expenses incurred by the environment protection authority

Waste depot levy

Fee in respect of action to investigate contravention of the Act

Additional fee for the cost of a public notice

Registration and cancellation of registration of a site contamination assessment order

Fees for emergency authorisations

Fees for approval of certain works and processes under an environmental authorisation


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with legislation relating to crown lands

Crown Lands Act 1929

Application for/to:

Consent to transfer, assign, mortgage, encumber or sublet a lease, agreement, land grant or licence

Surrender of a lease

Convert a licence

Duplicate or amended consent

Perpetual lease or agreement

Allotment of town lands

Cost of publishing a notice in the Gazette

For preparing a land grant, lease etc

Correcting a registration

Processing a transaction

Production in Land Titles Office of relevant documents for land grants, certificates of title, leases etc

Preparing or checking definitions for proclamations or notices

Service fee

Registration of a transfer of interest

Preparation of documents

Processing any transaction


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the conservation of flora and fauna and regulation of hunting

National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972

Fee for lease, license or agreement re a reserve

Fee for copy of management plan

Permit for entrance to or authorised activity within a reserve

Native plants (take, gift and sell) permits

Protected animals farming or harvesting permit fees

Permit transfers

Permit fee for being in a prohibited area

Fee for a copy of a comanagement agreement

Permit for use of facilities and services

Application for approval of a trading premises

Hunting and destruction permits and transfers

Permits and royalties — in relation to taking native plants or a protected animal, a protected animal’s carcass, skin or egg including for personal use or pursuant to a permit

Provision of sealed tags

Licence for activities that require authorisation

Application for a plastic card permit

Permits to take, keep and sell protected animals


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Registration and licence fees associated with the regulation of radioactive substances

Radiation Protection and Control Act 1982

Licence fees to mine, mill, handle and use radioactive substances and operate radiation apparatus

Registration fees for: sealed radioactive sources; radiation apparatus; and premises in which unsealed radioactive substances are handled or kept

Charge for recovery of costs and expenses incurred by the Minister in taking action under the Act


Fees and charges associated with Dolphin Protection

Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Act 2005

Charge for reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Minister in taking action under the Act

Reparation and protection order


Fees for National Parks and Wildlife (Wildlife) Regulations

National Parks and Wildlife (Wildlife) Regulations 2001

Fee for additional records

Fees for permits


Fees for Marine Parks Act

Marine Parks Act 2007

Issuance of permits and set fees for such permits


Fees and penalties for National Parks and Wildlife Regulations

National Parks and Wildlife (Hunting) Regulations 1996

Permit fee for hunting and for taking of galahs or corellas


Fees, charges and penalties for Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium Act

Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium Act 1978

Permit of fees for driving and parking

Expiation fees for offence against regulations

Divisional penalties and expiation fees


Fees and penalties in relation to Coast Protection Act

Coast Protection Act 1972

Fees for copy of management plan


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees and charges in relation to wilderness protection

Wilderness Protection Act 1992

Permit to enter a prohibited area

Licence for sightseeing and scientific expedition

Fees for code and plan of management

Fees and other charges in relation to administration of the act

Licence to carry on a business in a wilderness area

Entrance fees

Camping fees


Fees associated with the management and conservation of native vegetation

Native vegetation Act 1991

Application for consent to clear native vegetation

Payment into a fund of an amount considered by the native vegetation Council to achieve significant environmental benefit


Fees associated with the management and conservation of pastoral land

Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989

Application for consent to transfer a lease

Preparing a lease, surrender or resumption of a lease, notice of alteration of boundaries, or an agreement related to easement rights

Correcting the register

Producing a lease as security

Preparing or checking a notice for gazettal


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with natural resources management

Natural resources Management Act 2004

Application for permits under Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 of the Act

Levy on rateable land within the area of Natural Resource Management Boards — collected by local councils or by the Minister

Compulsory contributions by local councils to operations of Natural Resource Management Boards

Copies of submissions for financial assistance, water plans and documents associated with such plans, licences, permits and documents associated with representations for such

Application for a well driller’s licence/renewal of licence/variation of licence

Application to transfer a water allocation

Application to vary site use approval

Application to tag an interstate allocation to SA

Application for a water licence for existing stock and domestic

Application for water licence for wetlands management

Application to transfer licence or water access entitlement

Application for water resources works approval

Application to vary water resources works approval

Application for site use approval

Application for a water licence/renewal of licence

Application to transfer or vary a water licence


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Application for a notation, or to remove a notation, on register of water licences

Application for water meter test

Fee for water meter rental and maintenance

Levy for the right to take water, or in respect of an amount of water taken, from a prescribed watercourse, lake, well or surface water prescribed area

Special purpose levy related to the management of a prescribed water course application to water allocation transfer

Provision of information required by Land and Business (Sales and Conveyancing) Act 1994

In relation to the River Murray prescribed watercourse:

       Application to transfer a water access entitlement

       Application to vary a water allocation

       Application to transfer a water allocation

       Application for a water resource works approval

       Application to vary a water resource works approval

       Application for a site use approval

Application to vary a site use approval

Water, Land and biodiversity conservation


Fees associated with the conservation and management of water and prevention of flooding of rural land

South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Act 1992

Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Management Act 2002

Compulsory levies paid by land holders and occupiers


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law


Irrigation Trusts


Fees associated with the regulation of irrigation trusts

Renmark Irrigation Trust Act 1936

Irrigation Act 1994

Dishonoured cheque fee

Certificate of charges

Certificate of allocation

Certificate of meter reading

Drainage investigation fee — inspection of drainage collection sump prior to land sale

Capital Recoveries — monies recouped when a subdivision occurs and land is removed from the rating. This recovery is used to compensate for the loss of revenue that would have been received to help pay off the rehabilitation loan as well as contribute to future replacement or rehabilitation work

Isolation and/or restriction fee

Administrative charge — water and drainage —land division. A charge on investigation of land division proposals to ascertain any additional water and/or drainage facilities that may be required if the proposals are approved


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law


SA Water Corporation


Fees associated with the provision of water and sewerage services

Waterworks Act 1932

Sewerage Act 1929

Capital contributions for water and sewerage (Consumers who make a contribution toward the costs of providing the infrastructure together with the cost of providing a connection for their property)

Trade waste discharge application fee

Certificate of charges

Compliance audit fees

Certificate of Compliance Fee

Encumbrance certificate

Fire service test fee

Metered hydrant application fee — Fee charged to a customer for authorisation to take water by means of portable hydrant supplied by the Corporation

Late reading fee — portable hydrants

Hydrant testing fee

Dishonoured cheque fee

Late fee for overdue accounts

Property visit fee (overdue account)

Missing portable hydrant fee

Extinguishment and variation of easement administration fee

Recycled water audit fee


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of water and sewerage services

South Australian Water Corporation Act 1994

Water and sewer reticulation (including dyeline) prints

Provision of house drainage information

Reclaimed water — standing charge and usage charges

Contract construction: water supply or sewerage (includes designing or auditing the design of the system, documentation, administration and auditing the construction of the system)

Summons cost recharge

Research fee— previous rates

Administration charge— minor land divisions (8.5 per cent charge on estimated cost of every water/sewer extension)

Preliminary inquiries—fee for providing an initial investigative response on a preliminary land development

Commissioning charge — a charge to a developer for linking a new water and sewer main to an existing water and sewer main

Developer Contributions (Contributions of assets or cash by developers)

Freedom of information application

Mobile phone towers — application fee for the investigation of SA Water sites as potential mobile phone stations

Administration fee for major works

Fishing licence permits — South Para Reservoir


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law





Beekeeping licences (to keep bees on SA Water land)

Installation of isolating stop valve in water main

Prelaid sewer connection application fee

Re-issue of portable hydrant fee


Water/sewer determinations

Fees Regulation Act 1927

Payment received from a developer for SA Water to determine the requirements for the extension of water or sewer mains to service the land development


Acquisition of easements — potential fee

Sewerage Act 1929

Proposed fee for developer re all costs associated with acquisition of easements over properties


Save the River Murray levy

Waterworks Act 1932

Levy applied to SA Water customers




Local government rates

Local Government Act 1999

General rates applied to land ownership — must be based on either land value, or a fixed charge in combination with land value

Separate rates applied to land ownership for the purpose of planning, carrying out, making available, maintaining or improving a project of particular benefit to a part of the council area

Service rates applied to land ownership and compulsory service charges in relation to a prescribed service (water supply, community waste water management systems, and waste (including recycling) and any other service prescribed by regulation)


Reduced local Government rates payable by electricity bodies

Electricity Corporations (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 1999

Any amounts to which rates (as described above) are reduced, irrespective of the method of calculation of that reduced amount


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law


Fees and Charges


Fees associated with the regulation of land development

Development Act 1993

Lodgement fee

Assessment of development against the development plan

Land division fee

Statement of requirements fee

Application fee for a noncomplying development

Non-complying development assessment fee

Non-complying development administration fee

Referral fee

Public notification fee

Referral to the building rules

Assessment Commission

Distribution of fees between a council and other authorities

Open space levy and other developer contributions

Registration of a land management agreement

Copy of land management agreement

Variation of a development authorisation

Development Authorisation (Staged Consents) fee

Application to extend any consent or approval under Regulation 48

Development (Schedule 1A) fee


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation of certain residential facilities

Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992

Local Government Act 1934

Inspection fees

Application fees

Licensing fees


Fees associated with the regulation of waste

Public and Environmental Health Act 1987

Wastewater management system application fee


Fees charged in connection with towing, storage and disposal of impounded vehicles

Local Government Act 1999

Road Traffic Act 1961

Fees associated with impounded vehicles


Fees associated with impounding

Impounding Act 1920

Fees associated with the impounding of livestock and other property


Fees associated with the management of dogs

Dog and Cat Management Act 1995

Individual registration/renewal fees

Business registration/renewal fees (kennels, breeding, security etc)

Seizure and detention of a dog


Fees associated with liability for rates

Local Government Act 1999

Fee for issuing a certified statement of any liability or credit for rates and charges on land


Fees associated with access to Local Government council documents

Freedom of Information Act 1991

Application fee for access to council documents

Fee for dealing with an application and giving access to council documents

Fee for photocopying of council documents

Application fee for a review of a determination made by a council under Part 3 of the Act (internal reviews)


Fees charged for referring a review of a valuation to the ValuerGeneral

Local Government Act 1999

As per subsections 169(8) and (9) of the Act


Australian tax, fee or charge

Australian law



Fees associated with the regulation and sale of land and business and the preparation of conveyancing instruments

Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994

Fees payable to councils for particulars and documentary material related to specific land parcels


Fees associated with regulation of public transport

Local Government Act 1934

Licences (country councils) required under council bylaws pursuant to paragraph 667(1) 3 of the Act, relating to taxis, hire cars, buses and couriers


Fees associated with road closing for events

Local Government Act 1934

Road Traffic Act 1961

Summary Offences Act 1953

Fees for applications and consents for road closures


Fees associated with parking permits

Road Traffic Act 1961

Parking permit fees


Fees related to extracts from council records

Local Government Act 1999

Fees for copies of, or extracts from, council records as per paragraph 188 (1) (d) of the Act


Application fees to councils

Local Government Act 1999

Fees imposed in respect of any application to the council as per paragraph 188 (1) (e) of the Act


Fees imposed in respect of various licences and permits

Local Government Act 1999

Fees for any authorisation, licence, or permit granted by a council as per paragraph 188 (1) (f) of the Act


Fees associated with provision of change of ownership reports to Local Government Authorities

Local Government Act 1999

Hard copy reports generated from the database provided for rating purposes (required under the legislation)