Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 8/01 Safety Glazing Material) 2005 Amendment 2

I, CATHERINE KING, Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport, determine this vehicle standard under subsection 7 of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989.





Dated    23  /   12  / 2010


















Catherine King


Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport




1. legislative provisions.............................................3

2. amendment of vehicle standard.....................................3

Schedule 1............................................................4


  1. legislative provisions
    1.                                  Name of Legislative Instrument
      1.                            This instrument is the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 8/01  Safety Glazing Material) 2005 Amendment 2.
    2.                                  Commencement
      1.                            This instrument commences on the day after it is registered.
  2. amendment of vehicle standard
    1.                                  The changes specified in Schedule 1 amend Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 8/01 Safety Glazing Material) 2005.



Schedule 1

[1]               Delete Clause 1.3, 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.

[2]               Clause amend to read There must be not less than 70 per cent optical transmission in the primary vision area”.

[3]               Clause 8.4. amend to read

“United Nations Economic Commission for Europe R-43/00 - “Uniform Provisions concerning Approval of Safety Glazing and Glazing Materials” incorporating the 00 series of amendments from supplement 8 onwards.”

[4]               Appendix A title page amend to read

Supplement 9 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force:  12 June 2007

Supplement 10 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force:  10 November 2007

Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 10 to the original version of the Regulation, subject of Depositary Notification C.N.1156.2007.TREATIES-1 dated 18 January 2008

Supplement 11 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force:  22 July 2009

Supplement 12 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force:  24 October 2009”

[5]               Move Appendix A title, line and symbol




to the next page.

[6]               Appendix A, Clause 1. and 1.1., insert a reference to a new footnote 1/, the corresponding footnote 1/ and amend to read:




This Regulation applies to:


(a) safety glazing materials intended for installation as windscreens or other panes,                             or as partitioning, on vehicles of category L, M, N, O, and T 1/;


(b) vehicles of category M, N and O with regard to the installation of these materials;


in both cases, to the exclusion of glazing for lighting and light-signalling devices and               instrument panels, of special bullet-proof glazing and of double-windows.



1/ As defined in Annex 7 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), (document TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2 as last amended by Amend.4)."

[7]               Appendix A, Clause 5.4.1., the reference to footnote 1/ and footnote 1/, renumber as footnote 2/ and amend to read:

"2/ 1 for Germany, …, 10 for Serbia, …, 47 for South Africa, 48 for New Zealand, 49 for Cyprus, 50 for Malta, 51 for the Republic of Korea, 52 for Malaysia, 53 for Thailand, 54 and 55 (vacant) and 56 for Montenegro.  Subsequent numbers …"

[8]               Appendix A, Clause 5.5.1., the reference to footnote 2/ and footnote 2/, renumber as footnote 3/.

[9]               Appendix A, Clause 5.11.1., the reference to footnote 3/ and footnote 3/, renumber as footnote 4/ and amend to read:

"4/ See footnote 2/ of para. 5.4.1."

[10]           Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read (including footnote 8/):


" For windscreens of M1 vehicles and N1 8/ vehicles derived from a M1 vehicle, having the same:

 (a) driver's seat reference point

 (b) windscreen dimensional characteristics

 (c) windscreen inclination angle

 the test shall be carried out in test area B defined in Annex 18, paragraph 2.3., excluding any opaque obscuration impinging on it. »


« ….on Illumination.

8/ As defined in Annex 7 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), (document TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2 as last amended by Amend.4)."

[11]           Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:


" For windscreens of M1 vehicles and N1 vehicles restricted as described under paragraph, in test area A, extended to the median plane of the vehicle, and in the corresponding part of the windscreen symmetrical to it about the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle, and also in the reduced test area B according to paragraph 2.4. of Annex 18."

[12]           Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:


" For windscreens of other categories of vehicles, in zone I as defined in paragraph of this annex."

[13]           Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:


" Zones A and B of windscreens for vehicle category M1 and N1 restricted as described under paragraph are defined in Annex 18 to this Regulation."

[14]           Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:


" Zones of windscreens for other categories of vehicles are defined on the basis of:"


[15]           Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause 9.2.6.:

the table, the text in the second row of the first column, amend to read:


"M1 and N1 restricted as described under paragraph"


the table, the text in the third row of the first column, amend to read:


"Other categories of vehicles"


[16]           Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause 9.3.5.:

the table, the text in the second row of the first column, amend to read:


"M1 and N1 restricted as described under paragraph"


the table, the third row of the first column, amend to read:


"Other categories of vehicles"


[17] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read (footnote 8/ not amended):


" For the windscreens of M1 vehicles 8/


 the test shall be carried out in test area B defined in Annex 18, paragraph 2.3., excluding any opaque obscuration impinging on it.

For the windscreens of N1 vehicles, the manufacturer may request that the same test may be carried out either in test area B defined in Annex 18, paragraph 2.3., excluding any opaque obscuration impinging on it, or in the zone I defined in paragraph of this annex.


 For windscreens of other categories .… "


[18] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:


" For vehicle category M1 in test area A, extended to the median plane of the vehicle, and in the corresponding part of the windscreen symmetrical to it about the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle, and also in the reduced test area B according to paragraph 2.4. of Annex 18."


[19] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:


" For vehicles of categories M and N other than M1:

(a) in zone I as defined in paragraph of this annex for M2, M3, N2 and N3 vehicles;

 (b) either in zone I as defined in paragraph of this annex or in test area A, extended to the median plane of the vehicle, and in the corresponding part of the windscreen symmetrical to it about the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle, and also in the reduced test area B according to paragraph 2.4. of Annex 18 for N1 vehicles."


[20] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:


" Zones A and B of windscreens for vehicle category M1 and N1 are defined in Annex 18 to this Regulation."


[21] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:


" Zones of windscreens for vehicles of categories M and N other than M1 are defined on the basis of:"


[22] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause 9.2.6., the table, the text in the second row of the first column, amend to read:


"M1 and N1."


[23] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause 9.2.6., the table, the text in the third row of the first column, amend to read:


"M and N categories other than M1"


[24] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause 9.3.5., the table, the text in the second row of the first column, amend to read:


"M1 and N1."


[25] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause 9.3.5., the table, the third row of the first column, amend to read:


"M and N categories other than M1"


[26] Appendix A, Annex 18, the title, amend to read:




[27] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:

" below 70 per cent in the case of a windscreen in the zone where the regular light transmittance is measured as defined in paragraph below."

[28] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause, amend to read:

" Expression of results

 Report visual evaluations of exposed test specimens, comparing the appearance of each with that of the unexposed control.

 The regular light transmittance measured shall not differ from the original test on unexposed samples by more than 5 per cent and shall not fall below:

 70 per cent in the case of a windscreen and other glazing that is located in a position requisite for driving visibility."

[29] Appendix A, Annex 3, Clause 9.1.4., amend to read:

"9.1.4. Interpretation of results

 The regular light transmittance shall be measured according to Paragraph 9.1.2. of this annex and the result shall be recorded. In the case of a windscreen, it shall not be less than 70 per cent. In the case of glazing other than a windscreen, the requirements are specified in Annex 21."


[30] Appendix A, Annex 7, Clause 1.1.5, amend to read:

"1.1.5 Any special treatment which one or more layers of glass may have undergone."

[31] Appendix A, Annex 20, Clause 3.6.1., amend to read:

"3.6.1. Tests


 The check…

 Windscreens and other glazing panes having a regular light transmittance measured during type approval of not less than 75 per cent, and glass panes whose symbol is V (see paragraph 5.5.2. of this Regulation), shall be exempted from this test."

[32] Appendix A, Annex 21, Clause 4.1.1., amend to read:

"4.1.1.  The regular light transmittance shall not be less than 70 per cent."


[33] Appendix A, Insert new Clause 5.5.8., to read:


"5.5.8.  XI in the case of a laminated glass pane other than windscreen."


[34] Appendix A, Insert new Clause 12.3. to 12.5., to read:


"12.3. As from the official date of entry into force of Supplement 12 to this Regulation, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant approval under this Regulation as amended by Supplement 12 to the Regulation in its original form.


12.4. As from 24 months after the date of entry into force, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant approvals only if the type of component or separate unit to be approved meets the requirements of Supplement 12 to the Regulation.


12.5. As from 24 months after the date of entry into force of Supplement 12, the Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may refuse to recognize the approval of safety glazing not bearing the symbols prescribed in paragraph 5.5. of this Regulation. "


[35] Appendix A, Annex 2


Amend the Clause below the approval mark example Glass panes other than windscreens having a regular light transmittance < 70 per cent , to read:


"The above approval mark affixed to a glass pane other than a windscreen to which the requirements of annex 3, paragraph 9.1.4., are applicable shows that the component concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 43 under approval No. 002439. The approval number indicates that the approval was granted in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 43."


Add the following approval mark examples, to read:


"Laminated glass panels other than windscreens



The above approval mark affixed to a laminated glass pane other than a windscreen, shows that the component concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E 4) pursuant to Regulation No. 43 under approval No. 002439. The approval number indicates that the approval was granted in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 43."


[36] Appendix A, Annex 20, Clause 2.7., amend to read


"2.7.  Double-glazed units


2.7.1.                              The tests to be performed are those specified in this annex for each glass pane composing the double-glazed unit, with the same frequency and the same requirements.


2.7.2.                               In the case of double-glazed units, light transmission measurement shall be performed with the requirements of Annex 3, paragraph 9.1."

