Parliamentary Entitlements (Supplement of

Capped Entitlements) Determination 2011 (No 2)1



Parliamentary Entitlements Regulations 1997



I,  GARY  GRAY,  Special  Minister  of  State,  make  this  Determination  under regulation 3EA of the Parliamentary Entitlements Regulations 1997.



Dated 23 May2011









Special Minister of State





1 Name of Determination


This  Determination  is  the  Parliamentary  Entitlements  (Supplement of

Capped Entitlements) Determination 2011 (No 2).


2 Commencement and Revocation of Previous Determination


This Determination commences when it is made.

This Determination supersedes and revokes in full Parliamentary Entitlements (Supplement of Capped Entitlements) Determination 2011, made by the Special Minister of State on 21 April 2011.


3 Definitions


In this Determination:

Act means the Parliamentary Entitlements Act 1990.

Regulations means the Parliamentary Entitlements Regulations 1997.


4 Supplement purposes


For subregulation 3EA (6) of the Regulations, a supplement to which a member is entitled under subregulation 3EA (2) of the Regulations may only be used by the member for one or more of the following purposes:

(a)   printing and communications in accordance with regulation 3AA of the


(b) office  requisites  and  stationery  in  accordance  with  item 7 (1)  of

Schedule 1 to the Act;

(c)   Australian flags and printed material related to national symbols, for presentation to constituents, in accordance with item 2 of Schedule 1 to the Act;

(d) charter transport in accordance with Remuneration Tribunal

Determination 2006/18: Members of Parliament – Entitlements;

(e)  overnight stays in the members electorate, State or Territory in accordance with Remuneration Tribunal Determination 2010/09: Members of Parliament Travelling Allowance.


5 Capped entitlement


For paragraph 3EA (8) (a) of the Regulations, a capped entitlement means an entitlement under any of the following:

(a) regulation 3AA of the Regulations; (b) item 7 (1) of Schedule 1 to the Act;

(c)   clause 6.2 of Remuneration Tribunal Determination 2006/18: Members of Parliament – Entitlements;

(d) clauses   3.15   and   3.15.1   to   3.15.3   of   Remuneration   Tribunal Determination 2010/09: Members of Parliament Travelling Allowance.


6 Relevant determination


For  paragraph  3EA  (8)  (b)  of  the  Regulations,  each  of  the  following determinations is a relevant determination:

(a) Determination 2011/1, Determination regarding electorate employees

 relief  staff  budget,  made  by  the  Special  Minister  of  State  on

31 January 2011;

(b) Determination 2011/10, Determination regarding staff travel arrangements, made by the Special Minister of State on 23 May 2011.




1. All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See