I, JOHN FRAnCIS Mccormick, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under subregulation 308 (1) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

[Signed John F. McCormick]

John F. McCormick
Director of Aviation Safety

21 June 2011

Civil Aviation Order 100.5 Amendment Instrument 2011 (No. 1)

1 Name of instrument

 This instrument is the Civil Aviation Order 100.5 Amendment Instrument 2011 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

 This instrument commences on 27 June 2011.

3 Amendment of Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R83) 2004

 Schedule 1 amends Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R83) 2004.

Schedule 1 Amendments

[1] Section 1


1A Name of instrument

 This instrument is Civil Aviation Order 100.5 (General requirements in respect of maintenance of Australian aircraft) 2011.

[2] Section 2

renumber as section 1B

[3] Section 3


[4] Schedule 1, heading


[5] Schedule 1




[6] New subsection 7A

after subsection 7, insert

7A Maintenance certification for composite structures maintenance

 7A.1In this subsection:

CAR 30 maintenance organisation means an organisation engaged in the maintenance of aircraft, aircraft components or aircraft materials, that is, the holder of a current certificate of approval to carry out maintenance, issued under regulation 30 of CAR 1988.

CAR 1988 means the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

CASR 1998 means the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.

composite maintenance means maintenance of an aircraft’s composite structures.

composite structure aircraft means an aircraft containing fibre reinforced plastic composite structures.

maintenance certification means a certification under regulation 42ZE of CAR 1988 for the completion of maintenance.

 7A.2 A CAR 30 maintenance organisation may only allow its licensed aircraft maintenance engineers to provide a maintenance certification for the completion of composite maintenance, if they:

(a) hold a category B1 licence issued under Part 66 of CASR 1998; and

(b) are qualified in accordance with paragraph 7A.3.

 7A.3 Composite maintenance on the aircraft specified in Table 1 must be carried out by:

(a) the holder of an Airframe Group 7 rating, as described in Civil Aviation Order 100.91, that was current immediately before 27 June 2011; or

(b) by the holder of one of the following qualifications:

 (i) AQTF qualification MEA405B;

 (ii) a Transport Canada AME licence endorsed with an “S” rating;

 (iii) a New Zealand B1 category AME licence endorsed with a Group 4 rating;

 (iv) any other aircraft composite structures qualification approved in writing by CASA as a suitable qualification for composite maintenance.

 7A.4 To avoid any doubt, a person referred to in paragraph 42ZC (4) (b) of CAR 1988 must not carry out either composite maintenance or the maintenance referred to in Schedule 7 to CAR 1988.

Table 1  List of composite structure aircraft

Aerodesign Pulsar

Extra 300/300S

Quickie Q1/Q2 Series

Buchanan BAC 204

Grob 520 Egrett

Quickie 200

Cirrus SR20/SR22

Grob G115

Rand KR2

CoZ Cosy

Gyroflug SCO1B-160

Rutan Defiant

Diamond DA 40

HOAC DV 20 Katana/
Diamond DA 20A1

Rutan Long Eze

Diamond DA 42

III SkyArrow 650

Rutan Vari Eze

Diamond DV22/DA22

Jabiru LSA

Stoddard Hamilton Glasair Series

Diamond HK-36

Lancair/Columbia Series

Stoddard Hamilton Glastar

Eagle X/XTS Series

Liberty XL2

Tecnam P92