Nation Building Program (National Land Transport) Act 2009


Instrument No.2011/1


I, Alexander edward foulds, General Manager, South East Roads, Department of Infrastructure and Transport, under section 88 of the Nation Building Program (National Land Transport) Act 2009 vary Instrument 2009/1 made by the Minister on 26 February 2009 and headed ‘Determination of the AusLink Roads to Recovery List pursuant to Section 87 of the Act’ as amended by Instrument No. 2009/2 made on 22 July 2009, Instrument No. 2009/3 made on 28 September 2009 and Instrument No. 2010/1 made on 21 October 2010 and the AusLink Roads to Recovery List ('the List') at Schedule 1 of the instrument as follows:


  1. Variations


In Schedule 1 of the List, delete the word ‘AusLink’ wherever it occurs. 


In Schedule 1 of the List, in the part relating to Western Australia;


(a) insert the named recipient ‘City of Greater Geraldton’ and the corresponding amount of ‘$3,294,020’ at the correct alphabetical position; and


(b) for the City of Geraldton-Greenough, a named recipient in the 'Funding Recipients' column, amend the associated amount in the ‘Roads to Recovery Grant’ column to $798,148;

(c) for the Shire of Mullewa, a named recipient in the 'Funding Recipients' column, amend the associated amount in the ‘Roads to Recovery Grant’ column to $595,611; and

(d) omit the amount specified in the List for each person or body named in Column 1 of the Schedule to this instrument and replace the omitted amount with the amount specified for that person or body in Column 2 of the Schedule to this instrument.


In schedule 2 of the List, in the part relating to unallocated funding for bridge and Aboriginal Access Roads in Western Australia, replace the figure ‘$6,092,000’ with the word ‘nil’.


2.      Commencement


This instrument commences on 15 July 2011.


Dated:     4 July 2011







Delegate of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport




Column 1

Column 2

City of Albany


City of Armadale


Shire of Chittering


Shire of Donnybrook Balingup


Shire of Harvey


Shire of Nannup


Shire of Pingelly


Town of Port Hedland


Shire of Toodyay
