Instrument number CASA EX111/11

I, JOHN FRANCIS McCORMICK, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 11.160 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998).

[Signed John F. McCormick]

John F. McCormick
Director of Aviation Safety

28 September 2011

Exemption  UAV Controller’s Certificate requirement for certification

1 Duration

 This instrument:

(a) commences on the day of registration; and

(b) stops having effect at the end of 31 August 2014.

2 Definitions

 In this instrument:

ab initio level 1 program means the training program conducted for operations taking place less than 400 feet above ground level (AGL), in visual line of sight, outside controlled airspace, more than 3 miles from an aerodrome, or aircraft landing area, and not over a populous area.

UAS means unmanned aircraft systems.

3 Application

 This exemption applies only to those persons listed in Schedule 1 who completed the CASA conducted UAS Training Program at Archerfield in the period 20 June 2011 to 1 July 2011.

4 Exemption

Each person mentioned in Schedule 1 is exempt from paragraph 101.295 (2) (b) of CASR 1998.

5 Conditions

 The exemption is subject to the conditions mentioned in Schedule 2.

Schedule 1 Persons who completed the ab initio level 1 program

  Mark D’Alterio, Aviation Reference Number (ARN) 804741

  Ashray Doshi

  Brian Moreau

  Liam Quigley, ARN 805208

  Nick Smith

  Brett White, ARN 804684

  Nick White, ARN 804942

  Darren Wilkinson, ARN 804721.

Schedule 2 Conditions

 1  Each person mentioned in Schedule 1 is only permitted under this exemption to fly UAV in operations less than 400 feet AGL, in visual line of sight, outside controlled airspace, more than 3 miles from an aerodrome, or aircraft landing area, and not over a populous area.

 2 All requirements of Subpart 101.F of CASR 1998, other than paragraph 101.295 (2) (b), must be complied with.

Note   To fly an UAV in an area otherwise than in accordance with clause 2 will require a separate exemption and an approval of the particular area under regulation 101.030 of CASR 1998.