Commonwealth of Australia


Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of threatened ecological communities under section 181 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999



I, TONY BURKE, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, pursuant to paragraph 184(1)(a) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, hereby amend the list referred to in section 181 of that Act by:


including in the list in the endangered category

Arnhem Plateau Sandstone Shrubland Complex

as described in the Schedule to this instrument.






Dated this…............11th of…..........November ...............2011.










Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities





Arnhem Plateau Sandstone Shrubland Complex


The Arnhem Plateau Sandstone Shrubland Complex ecological community occurs predominantly on the Arnhem Plateau massif and outliers such as Ubirr Rock, Nawurlandja (Little Nourlangie Rock) and Burrunggui (Nourlangie Rock – Mt Brockman). The ecological community is particularly associated with substrates of quartzose sandstone and occurs on rock pavements, through to shallow tenosols (skeletal to shallow sandsheets), typically with major rocky components. The ecological community also occurs on laterised Cretaceous mudstone and greywacke sediments on the Marawal Plateau.


The Arnhem Plateau Sandstone Shrubland Complex represents heathlands and shrublands that are dominated by an understorey of diverse, evergreen sclerophyllous shrubs and herbaceous taxa. The ecological community contains a naturally large proportion of obligate seeder taxa along with some resprouter plant species.


The tree canopy is not the dominant vegetation layer for this ecological community and is typically absent or sparse, with various tree species as scattered emergents above the diverse shrub stratum. The species composition of the sparse tree canopy, many of which are endemic to the ecological community, can be variable and may include genera such as Acacia, Banksia, Callitris, Corymbia, Eucalyptus, Ficus and Pandanus. Near rainforest zones, emergent trees such as Allosyncarpia and/or Xanthostemon, may also be present.


Most of the plant diversity of the ecological community occurs in the mid layer of medium to tall shrubs. Obligate seeder shrubs comprise a large proportion of the woody mid layer taxa in the ecological community. Typical shrub genera present in the ecological community include: Acacia, Boronia, Calytrix, Gardenia, Grevillea, Hibbertia, Hibiscus, Jacksonia, Lithomyrtus, Petraeomyrtus punicea, Pityrodia and Tephrosia.

The composition of the ground layer will varies depending on past and present fire regimes, water availability and seasonal conditions. The ground layer consists of a diverse range of low shrubs, herbs and grasses, with ferns and vines being uncommon. Annuals typically comprise the most common ground layer component during the wet season. Perennial native grasses such as hummock (“spinifex”) grasses (e.g. Triodia spp.) and mat-forming (Micraira spp.) grasses may be interspersed or become dominant in patches. The ground layer can be sparse, depending on the presence of bare rock. In bare sandstone pavement habitats Micraira spp. may be the dominant plant.

The key diagnostic characteristics for the Arnhem Plateau Sandstone Shrubland Complex ecological community are: