Shipping Registration Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1)1
Select Legislative Instrument 2012 No. 17
I, QUENTIN BRYCE, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulation under the Shipping Registration Act 1981.
Dated 22 February 2012
By Her Excellency’s Command
1 Name of regulation
This regulation is the Shipping Registration Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1).
2 Commencement
This regulation commences on the day after it is registered.
3 Amendment of Shipping Registration Regulations 1981
Schedule 1 amends the Shipping Registration Regulations 1981.
Schedule 1 Amendments
(section 3)
[1] Regulation 4
shall be satisfied
is satisfied
[2] Subparagraph 5 (a) (ii)
, a mortgage instrument
[3] Subregulation 6 (2)
shall be deemed
is taken
[4] Subregulation 7 (8)
(8) If an applicant for registration is unable to produce a document for the purposes of subparagraph (1) (b) (i) or (ii) (other than a statutory declaration), the applicant may provide a statutory declaration setting out the description of the ship, or the history of the ownership of the ship, to satisfy subregulation (5) or (6) in relation to the description or ownership of a ship.
[5] Subregulation 7 (9)
those requirements shall, for the purposes of subparagraph (1) (b) (ii), be taken to be satisfied in relation to that ship by:
those requirements are, for subparagraph (1) (b) (ii), taken to be satisfied for that ship by:
[6] Subregulation 7 (10)
shall not be taken
are not to be taken
[7] Paragraph 9 (d)
[8] Subparagraph 11 (1) (j) (ii)
or register
[9] Subregulation 11 (2)
shall be the number
is the number
[10] Sub-subparagraph 15 (2) (a) (ix) (B) and subparagraph 17 (1) (h) (ii)
register tonnage
net tonnage
[11] Subregulation 19 (2)
[12] Subregulation 19 (2A)
or (2)
[13] Subregulation 19 (3)
subregulations (1) and (2)
subregulation (1)
[14] Subparagraph 19 (3) (a) (ii)
or subregulation (2),
[15] Paragraph 20 (3) (b)
(b) either:
(i) the letters ‘N.T.’ followed by the net tonnage of the ship as shown on its tonnage certificate; or
(ii) if the ship is not a ship to which subsection 16 (1) of the Act applies — the letters ‘L.O.A.’ followed by the length of the ship in metres taken to 2 decimal places;
[16] Subparagraph 23 (1) (a) (v)
[17] Regulations 25 to 28AA
[18] Subregulation 28A (1)
section 47A
subsection 47A (1)
[19] Paragraph 31 (2) (g)
(g) the gross tonnage and net tonnage of the ship as altered, estimated by the builder or installer who did the alterations if:
(i) the particulars on the tonnage certificate for the ship are no longer correct as a result of the alterations or because of subsection 16 (1) of the Act applies to the ship; and
(ii) a tonnage certificate is not in force in relation to the ship as altered.
[20] Subregulation 31 (5)
subsection 65 (1)
paragraph 65 (1) (d)
[21] Subregulation 31 (7)
he shall
the proper officer must
[22] Subregulation 31 (8)
(8) If a ship is altered so that its net tonnage in the Register is incorrect, the inscription mentioned in paragraph 20 (1) (c) must be changed to the correct net tonnage of the ship before the Registrar alters the net tonnage in the Register under paragraph 65 (1) (e) or subsection 65 (6) of the Act.
[23] Subregulation 33 (4)
he shall
the Registrar must
[24] Subregulation 33 (4)
, subject to subregulation (5),
[25] Subregulation 33 (5)
[26] Subregulation 35 (2)
(2) The ports in Australia that were, immediately before the commencement of the Act, ports of registry under the previous law, are taken to be ports approved by the Authority under subregulation (1) until the publication of a notice under that subregulation.
[27] Paragraph 37 (4) (b)
shall not affect the validity
does not affect the validity
[28] Subregulation 39 (1)
the Registrar,
[29] Subregulation 40 (1)
lodged with him or produced to him
lodged with or provided to the Registrar
[30] Paragraph 40 (1) (b)
(b) require the submission of further documents or information in support of, or in substitution for, a document, or information, referred to in paragraph (a); and
[31] Schedule 2, Form 2
Form 2 Registration certificate
(regulation 12)
[32] Schedule 2, Form 3
Form 3 Provisional registration certificate
(subregulations 14 (2),15 (1) and 31 (5))
Official Number | Name of Ship | |||
General Particulars | ||||
Home Port | Call Sign | |||
Type | Build | Stem | Stern | |
Rigging | No. of Decks | No. of Bulkheads | No. of Masts | |
Length | Maximum Breadth | Moulded Depth Amidships | ||
Brake Power | Indicated Power | Shaft Power | Estimated Speed | |
Place of Construction | ||||
| ||||
Particulars of Propulsion | ||||
Method of Propulsion | Power Transmission | |||
No. and Type of Boilers | ||||
No. and Type of Engines | ||||
Particulars of Tonnage | ||||
Type of Tonnage Certificate | ||||
Gross Tonnage | Net Tonnage | |||
Alternative Tonnage | ||||
Certification | ||||
I, ..........................................., grant this Provisional Registration Certificate for the ship described above under the Shipping Registration Act 1981 to This certificate is valid for six months or until the ship reaches an Australian port, whichever happens sooner. | ||||
[33] Schedule 2, Form 4
Form 4 Temporary pass
(subregulation 17 (6))
TEMPORARY PASSShipping Registration Act 1981 Section 23 | |||
Particulars of Ship | |||
Name or, if unnamed, Builder’s Identification of Ship | |||
Year of Completion | Type | ||
Length | Principal Material of Construction | ||
Gross Tonnage | Net Tonnage | ||
Alternative Tonnage | |||
Particulars of Voyage | |||
| |||
Period of Validity | |||
Certification | |||
I, ..........................................., on the direction of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority under subsection 23(1) of the Shipping Registration Act 1981, grant a temporary pass to the ship described above for the voyage and period mentioned, to: A temporary pass has, subject to the matters mentioned in the pass, the same effect as a Registration Certificate. For the purposes of the Act and the legal navigation of the ship on the voyage mentioned above, the ship is taken to be registered | |||
[34] Schedule 2, Form 5
Form 5 Caveat
(subregulation 28A (1))
| CAVEAT Shipping Registration Act 1981 Subsection 47A (1) | |
Registrar of Ships | ||
Take notice that 1 .................................................................................... | 1 Full name of caveator in block letters | |
of 2 .................................................................................... | 2 Address of caveator in block letters | |
claiming the interest described below in 3 .................................................................................... ..................................................................................... | 3 Description sufficient to identify the ship and, if appropriate, the share in the ship in which the caveator claims the interest | |
the official number of the ship is .................................................................................... |
| |
forbids the entry in the Register of any instrument relating to any dealing with the ship or share. |
| |
The interest claimed in the ship or share is 4 .................................................................................... | 4 Description sufficient to identify interest claimed by caveator | |
The address where notice relating to this caveat or proceedings in relation to this caveat may be served is 5 .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... | 5 Specify address within Australia | |
Dated at .................................................................... on the ................. day of ....................................20 . |
| |
Signed by 6 .................................................................................... | 6 Full name of caveator solicitor or agent | |
7................................................................................... .................................................................................... | 7 If signed by solicitor or agent, statement to that effect | |
8................................................................................... .................................................................................... | 8 Office address of solicitor or residential address of agent | |
9................................................................................... | 9 Signature | |
in the presence of: |
| |
10................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... | 10 Legible statement of name and address of witness | |
11................................................................................... | 11 Signature | |
The information requested in this form is required by the Shipping Registration Act 1981. It will be used for the purposes of the Act and will be available for search on the Register by the public. It may be made available to government agencies for statistical and administrative purposes. |
| |
[35] Schedule 2, Form 6
Form 6 Caveat
(subregulation 28A (2))
| NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME OF CAVEATOR OR OF ADDRESS FOR SERVICE Shipping Registration Act 1981 Subsection 47A (4) | |
Registrar of Ships | ||
I 1 .................................................................................... | 1 Full name of person giving notice in block letters | |
of 2 .................................................................................... | 2 Address in block letters | |
being a person entitled under subsection 47A(6) of the Shipping Registration Act 1981 to withdraw the caveat entered in the Register on 3 .................................................................................... | 3 Date | |
in relation to the ship 4 .................................................................................... .................................................................................... | 4 Name and official number of ship | |
give notice as follows: |
| |
Name of caveator as mentioned in caveat: .................................................................................. |
| |
Name as changed: ................................................................................ |
| |
The address for service of notices as mentioned in Caveat: ........................................................................................... |
| |
Address as changed:5 .................................................... .................................................................................. | 5 Specify address within Australia | |
Date of change: ............................................................. |
| |
NOTE: Under subsection 47A(6) of the Shipping Registration Act 1981, a caveat may be withdrawn: (a) by the caveator or by a solicitor or agent of the caveator if the solicitor or agent is authorised to withdraw it; (b) if the caveator is dead— by the executor of the will or administrator of the estate of the caveator; (c) by a trustee or official receiver or other person in whom the interest claimed by the caveator is vested under the Bankruptcy Act 1966; or (d) by any person who is entrusted, by reason of the mental incapacity of the caveator, under an order of a court of a State or Territory or under a law of a State or Territory, with the management and care of the interest claimed by the caveator. |
| |
Dated at ........................................................................ on the .................. day of ......................................20 . |
| |
Signed by 6 .................................................................................... | 6 Full name of caveator solicitor or agent | |
7................................................................................... .................................................................................... | 7 If signed by solicitor or agent, statement to that effect | |
8................................................................................... .................................................................................... | 8 Office address of solicitor or residential address of agent | |
9................................................................................... | 9 Signature | |
in the presence of: |
| |
10................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... | 10 Legible statement of name and address of witness | |
11................................................................................... | 11 Signature | |
The information requested in this form is required by the Shipping Registration Act 1981. It will be used for the purposes of the Act and will be available for search on the Register by the public. It may be made available to government agencies for statistical and administrative purposes. |
| |
[36] Further Amendments
Provision | omit each mention of | insert |
Subregulations 2 (2), 3 (1), 3 (2), 7 (4), 8 (3), 15 (3), 17 (3), 22 (5) | shall be taken | is taken |
Subregulations 2 (4) and 7 (7) | shall be read | is read |
Subregulations 3 (2) and 3 (5), paragraphs 3 (5) (a) and 3 (5) (b), subregulation 3 (6), subregulations 6A (2), 7 (1), 7 (2), 7 (3) and 8 (1), paragraph 8 (2) (b), regulations 9 and 12, subregulations 13 (3), 14 (1), 14 (2), 14 (3), 14 (4), 14 (5), 15 (1), 15 (2), and 15 (4), regulation 16, subregulations 17 (1), 17 (2), 17 (4), 17 (5), 17 (6), 17 (7), 17 (8), 19 (1), 19 (4) and 20 (1), paragraphs 20 (1) (a), 20 (1) (b) and 20 (1) (c), subregulation 20 (2), paragraphs 20 (2) (a), 20 (2) (b) and 20 (2) (c), subregulations 20 (3), 20 (4), 21 (1), 22 (1), 22 (2), 22 (3), 22 (4) and 22 (6), paragraphs 22 (6) (a) and 22 (6) (b), subregulations 22 (7), 22 (8), 23 (1), 23 (2), 23 (3), 24 (2), 28A (1), 28A (2) and 31 (2), paragraph 31 (3) (b), subregulations 31 (4), 31 (5), 31 (6), 32 (1), 32 (2) and 33 (2), paragraphs 33 (2) (a) and 33 (2) (b), subregulations 33 (3), 33 (4), 35 (1), 35 (4), 35 (4A), 35 (5), 36 (1), 36 (2) and 37 (3), paragraphs 39 (2) (a), 39 (2) (b) and 39 (2) (c), and subregulation 40 (2) | shall | must |
1. All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See