Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations
Regulation 19B
legislative instrument
Determination of the method to be used to determine the number of certificates that may be created for a particular model of solar water heater
I, Andrew Livingston, Renewable Energy Regulator:
(1) make this determination for the purposes of regulation 19B of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001; and
(2) revoke all previous determinations made for the purposes of regulation 19B of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001.
In making this determination, I had regard to the method set out in the Australian Standards listed in Schedule 4 of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001, as in force at the date of this determination.
Andrew Livingston
Date: 8 March 2012
Part 1: Definitions used in this Instrument …………………………………..Page 3
Part 4: TRNSYS Modelling Guidelines.......................................................Page 14
In this Legislative Instrument, unless the contrary intention appears:
AS/NZS 2535.1: 2007 means Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2535.1: 2007 Test methods for solar collectors — Part1: Thermal performance of glazed liquid heating collectors including pressure drop
AS/NZS 2712: 2007 means Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2712: 2007 Solar and heat pump water heaters – Design and construction
AS 3498: 2009 means Australian Standard AS 3498: 2009 Authorization requirements for plumbing products—Water heaters and hot-water storage tanks
AS/NZS 4234: 2008 means Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4234: 2008 Heated water systems – Calculation of energy consumption
AS/NZS4234: 2008 Amendment 1 means Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4234: 2008 Heated water systems – Calculation of energy consumption Amendment 1/ 2011
AS/NZS4234: 2008 Amendment 2 means Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4234: 2008 Heated water systems – Calculation of energy consumption Amendment 2/ 2011
AS/NZS 4552: 2005 means Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4552: 2005 Gas Water Heaters for hot water supply and/or central heating
AS/NZS 4692.1: 2005 means Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4692.1: 2005 Electric water heaters. Part 1: Energy consumption performance and general requirements
AS/NZS 5125.1: 2010 means Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 5125.1: 2010 Heat pump water heaters – performance assessment.
COP means coefficient of performance
extension package TRNAUS means the TRNSYS extension package for Australian Solar Products, see TRNAUS, TRNSYS Extensions for Australian Solar Products. Solar Thermal Energy Laboratory, School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, University of NSW. (
ASHP means an air source heat pump water heater, or a solar water heater with an air sourced heat pump booster. This included combined heat pump and solar water heaters where the solar component provides less than or equal to 50% of the total energy savings.
large SWH means a SWH with a volumetric capacity over 700 litres which is not a ASHP
ORER means the Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator
PV means Photovoltaic
STC means small scale technology certificate
SWH means solar water heater
small SWH means a SWH with a volumetric capacity up to and including 700 litres which is not a ASHP. This includes combined heat pump and solar products where the solar component provides more than 50% of the total energy savings.
TRNSYS computer modelling package means the Transient Energy System Simulation Tool computer modelling package produced by the Solar Energy Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, The Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment in Sophia Antipolis, France, Transsolar Energietechnik GmBH in Stuttgart, Germany and Thermal Energy Systems Specialists in Madison, Wisconsin. See TRNSYS User Manual, Klein, S.A. et al., The University of Wisconsin Solar Energy Laboratory.
Volumetric Capacity means the total volume of water in litres that can be held in the storage tank, as defined in AS/NZS2712: 2007 clause 1.5.24.
Part 2 contains the methodology for determining the number of STCs that may be created for SWHs with a volumetric water storage capacity up to and including 700 litres (‘small SWHs’) and ASHPs with a volumetric water storage capacity up to and including 425 litres.
The methodology for determining the number of STCs that may be created for a small SWH or ASHP shall be based on AS/NZS 4234:2008 and AS/NZS 4234:2008 Amendments 1 & 2 with additional requirements specified in this document.
Small SWHs shall be rated for climate zones 1 to 4. Heat pump water heaters shall be rated for climate zones 1 to 5 based on the five heat pump climate zones HP1-Au to HP5-Au specified in AS/NZS 4234:2008 and AS/NZS 4234:2008 Amendments 1 & 2.
The methodology is as follows:
3. (a) For small SWHs (other than gas boosted SWHs) and ASHPs, subtract the total annual auxiliary energy used by the small SWH or ASHP from the energy use of the reference electric water heater in AS/NZS 4234:2008 supplying the same load (Table A10 AS/NZS 4234:2008) to determine the displaced energy.
(b) For gas boosted SWHs use Appendix G of Amendment 1 to AS/NZS 4234:2008 to determine the displaced energy.
4. Convert the displaced energy to MWh/y.
5. Multiply the displaced energy in MWh/y by 10 to determine the 10 year MWh savings.
6. Round down the ten year MWh savings to the nearest lower integer.
7. That number is the number of STCs that may be created for the small SWH or ASHP in the relevant zone.
8. The percent energy savings, for the purpose of defining load size, shall be calculated as per AS/NZS 4234:2008 Clause 3.14.1
The parameters used to calculate the total auxiliary energy for step 2 in the Methodology in Part 2 Division B are subject to modification in the following special circumstances.
For systems where a bottom element is, or can be, fitted in the tank (e.g. a dual element tank) the bottom element is to be used. The minimum boost time for a bottom element shall be nominal off-peak times of 11 pm to 6 am.
Some tank designs may be modified by the installer to insert an element at the bottom of the tank even if this element has been blanked off. If a model uses a tank that can have the bottom element connected at the time of installation or at any later time, the bottom element is to be used.
One-shot boosting is a manual control that allows a default boost mode (such as off-peak boosting) to be overridden so that the user can satisfy a short term high demand for hot water.
Where the system automatically resets to the default boosting mode within 24 hours of the user changing the boost mode, the one-shot boosting can be ignored.
Where the system does not automatically reset to the default boosting mode within 24 hours of the user changing the boost mode, the boosting mode activated by the manual control must be considered to be active at all times.
Combined PV and water heating collectors that do not incorporate a concentrator may obtain STCs for the water heating aspect of the mechanism if the following testing regime is documented.
(a) PV output
The PV output shall be assessed using a collector with the water heating part of the collector empty.
(b) Water heating output
The thermal efficiency of the collector shall be assessed to AS/NZS 2535: 2007 with the PV output set to maximum power conditions. The electrical output of the collector shall not be included in the thermal efficiency assessment.
Part 3 contains the methodology for determining the number of STCs that may be created for SWHs with a volumetric water storage capacity over 700 litres (‘large SWHs’).
B. Methodology
The methodology for determining the number of STCs that may be created for a large SWH shall be based on AS/NZS 4234:2008 and AS/NZS 4234:2008 Amendments 1 & 2 with additional requirements specified in this document.
Large SWHs shall be rated for climate zones 1 to 4 specified in AS/NZS 4234:2008.
The methodology is as follows:
h. All other input parameters and control strategies must be those used in the actual system, except where outlined in the Special Circumstances in Division C of Part 3 of this instrument.
3. Select the peak daily winter load to suit the scale of the installation. The load shall be the same for all zones and set such that the solar water heater achieves at least 60% annual energy savings in zone 3. A minimum delivery temperature of 45°C must be achieved for each zone for which STCs are to be claimed.
4. Determine the annual energy use of an electric water heater (‘the reference system’) supplying the same hot water load, as follows:
5. Determine the displaced energy as follows:
6. Convert the displaced energy to MWh/y.
7. Multiply the displaced energy (MWh/y) by 10 to determine the 10 year MWh savings.
8. Round down the ten year MWh savings to the nearest lower integer.
9. That number is the number of STCs that may be created for the large SWH in the relevant zone.
10. The percent energy savings, for the purpose of defining the peak daily winter load, shall be calculated by dividing the displaced energy (calculated in accordance with Part 3.B.5) by the annual energy use of the reference system (calculated in accordance with Part 3.B.4).
The parameters used to calculate the total auxiliary energy for step 2 in the Methodology in Part 3 Division B are subject to modification in the following special circumstances.
(1) Dual Element Tanks
For systems where a bottom element is, or can be, fitted in the tank (e.g. a dual element tank) the bottom element is to be used. The minimum boost time for a bottom element shall be nominal off-peak times of 11 pm to 6 am.
Some tank designs may be modified by the installer to insert an element at the bottom of the tank even if this element has been blanked off. If a model uses a tank that can have the bottom element connected at the time of installation or at any later time, the bottom element be used.
(2) One-Shot Boosting
One-shot boosting is a manual control that allows a default boost mode (such as off-peak boosting) to be overridden so that the user can satisfy a short term high demand for hot water.
Where the system automatically resets to the default boosting mode within 24 hours of the user changing the boost mode, the one-shot boosting can be ignored..
Where the system does not automatically reset to the default boosting mode within 24 hours of the user changing the boost mode, the boosting mode activated by the manual control must be considered to be active at all times.
(3) Combined photovoltaic (PV) and water heating collectors
Combined PV and water heating collectors that do not incorporate a concentrator may obtain STCs for the water heating aspect of the mechanism if the following testing regime is documented.
(a) PV output
The PV output shall be assessed using a collector with the water heating part of the collector empty.
(b) Water heating output
The thermal efficiency of the collector shall be assessed to AS/NZS 2535: 2007 with the PV output set to maximum power conditions. . The electrical output of the collector shall not be included in the thermal efficiency assessment.
(4) Family of Products
A ‘family of products’ is where a combination of tanks and collectors are used in a modular fashion to create a product range of different sizes.
Where a range of solar collector array sizes are used on the same storage tank or the product consists of an array of identical storage tanks with a constant ratio of collector area to tank volume, the performance of the family of products may be determined from detailed simulation of the performance of the largest, smallest and midpoint array sizes. The performance of other members of the family may be determined by interpolation.
For a solar system consisting of parallel sub-units, each having an identical solar collector array and storage tank configuration, the total annual auxiliary energy of the system may be calculated by multiplying the total annual auxiliary energy of one sub-system by the number of sub-systems. Note the volume of the sub-systems tanks can be less than 700 L, but the combined physical inner volume of the sub-systems tanks must add to more than 700 L to if this approach is to be used.
The TRNSYS modelling guidelines set out below describe the format and structure required for the TRNSYS deck files and the default values to be used in certain circumstances. These guidelines must be adhered to.
Deck layout
Simulation display
Solar collector area
Controller default settings
Piping models
Gas heater defaults
Stratification option for pumped circulation tanks
The default stratification specification for a pumped circulation storage tank shall be “Uncontrolled flow pumped circulation” (AS/NZS 4234: 2008 clause 3.7.4 or H3.4). For pump circulation water heaters satisfying the "Low flow criteria" (AS/NZS 4234: 2008 clause 3.7.2 or H3.2) the tank thermal stratification shall be modelled as per AS/NZS 4234: 2008 clause 3.8.2 or H4.2, if:
1) For solar preheat tanks the collector flow return to the tank is in the top 2/3 of the tank
2) For in-tank electrically boosted solar tanks the collector flow return to the tank is in the top 2/3 of the tank AND the solar return is below the electric element.
3) For tanks connected to stand alone heat pumps the heat pump flow return to the tank is in the top 2/3 of the tank.
Effective air temperature
Dip tubes
Height parameters for thermosyphon solar water heaters
Note: If a dip tube is used on the cold inlet port then the measurements Hsep and Hcold are relative to the level of the outlet of the dip tube.
Rounding of numerical results
Pump flow rate
Pumped circulation solar water heaters are classified as “controlled flow” or “uncontrolled flow” systems in AS/NZS4234:2008 section 3.7.2.
If a pumped product is claimed to be a “controlled flow” system then documentation demonstrating how the flow rate is controlled for every installation shall be provided. The alternative product configurations that shall be detailed in the installation manual are
ii. Flow meter used during commissioning
If a flow meter is fitted in every installation and the flow rate set by an adjusting valve that is not easily accessible by the user and the flow meter is removed after commissioning, then provide a copy of the flow meter specification and the solar water heater installation manual detailing the flow setting procedure. The pump power use shall be measured as detailed below.
iii. Flow rate set by controller
If the pump flow rate is set by a controller based on a real time signal from a flow meter or the temperature rise in the collector circuit or by another real time signal then provide a copy of the controller logical functions and provided measured flow rate and pump electrical power results as detailed below.
iv. Orifice restrictors
If a set of orifice restrictors are used to set the flow rate for installations with different collector loop piping lengths and number of collectors then provide a copy of the installation manual detailing how the appropriate orifice is selected on the basis of the site specific piping lengths and number of solar collectors. The pump flow rate and power use shall be measured as detailed below
v. Other site specific flow control method
Provide details if applicable.
Measurement and documentation of pump flow rate and power
The collector loop flow rate and pump electrical power input to be used in the rating analysis shall be measured for a typical installation with 10 m (each way) of collector loop piping. The measurements shall be carried out for the specific collector array size that is specified for the product.
For products with variable flow rate the measurements shall cover the full range of operating conditions.
The test report shall include
Pump cycling and simulation stability
Batching multiple TRNSYS rating Calculations
C:\Trnsys15\trnsys.exe deckfilenameZ1.dck /N
C:\Trnsys15\trnsys.exe deckfilenameZ2.dck /N
C:\Trnsys15\trnsys.exe deckfilenameZ3.dck /N
C:\Trnsys15\trnsys.exe deckfilenameZ4.dck /N
Right-clicking the batch file allows to one to edit it, left clicking or double clicking will run it.
[1] Duffie, J. A. and Beckman, W. A., Solar Engineering of thermal processes, 3rd ed., Wiley, New York, 2006.