Radiocommunications Act 1992
The AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA AUTHORITY makes this Standard under subsection 162 (1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.
Dated 15 August 2012
Chris Chapman
Richard Bean
Member/General Manager
1 Name of Standard
This Standard is the Radiocommunications (118MHz to 137MHz Amplitude Modulated Equipment — Aeronautical Radio Service) Standard 2012.
2 Commencement
This Standard commences on the day after it is registered.
3 Revocation of Radiocommunications (118MHz to 137MHz Amplitude Modulated Equipment — Aeronautical Radio Service) Standard 2002
The Radiocommunications (118MHz to 137MHz Amplitude Modulated Equipment — Aeronautical Radio Service) Standard 2002 is revoked.
4 Definitions
In this Standard:
ACMA means the Australian Communications and Media Authority.
Act means the Radiocommunications Act 1992.
aeronautical radio service means a radio service for communications between:
(a) two or more aeronautical stations;
(b) an aeronautical station and an aircraft station; or
(c) two or more aircraft stations.
AS/NZS 4583:2010/Amdt 1 means the standard entitled AS/NZS 4583:2010 Amplitude modulated equipment for use in the aeronautical radio service in the frequency range 118 MHz to 137 MHz jointly published by Standards Australia Limited, ACN 087 326 690 and Standards New Zealand and incorporating amendments made to the standard of that name published on 9 July 2012.
significant event means an event at a specified location, or locations, notified, with the approval of the Chair of the ACMA, on the website
Note: A number of terms used in this Standard are defined in the Act or in the Radiocommunications (Interpretation) Determination 2000 including:
5 Application
(1) This Standard applies to a radiocommunications device:
(a) that is amplitude modulated equipment used in the aeronautical radio service in the frequency range 118MHz to 137MHz; and
(b) that is not a device mentioned in subsection (2).
Exception — device imported for significant event
(2) This subsection applies to a radiocommunications device that:
(a) is imported into Australia solely for use in connection with a significant event; and
(b) if required to be tested or inspected before it is used in Australia — meets the testing or inspection requirements; and
(c) if conditions or requirements are imposed on the use of the device in Australia — complies with those conditions or requirements; and
(d) is used in Australia only at the location of the significant event; and
(e) is used in Australia only for the duration of the significant event.
For paragraph 162 (1) (a) of the Act, the standard for performance is the standard set out in AS/NZS 4583:2010/Amdt 1, as in force from time to time.
7 Compliance with this Standard — devices complying with former Standard
(1) This section has effect despite the revocation of the Radiocommunications (118MHz to 137MHz Amplitude Modulated Equipment — Aeronautical Radio Service) Standard 2002 (the former standard).
Alteration or modification after commencement
(2) A radiocommunications device that complied with the former standard before the commencement of this Standard is taken to comply with this Standard if, after the commencement of this Standard, the device is altered or modified but remains compliant with the former standard.
Manufacture or importation after commencement
(3) For the first 12 months after the commencement of this Standard, any radiocommunications device that is manufactured or imported that would have complied with the former standard, is taken to comply with this Standard.
8 Compliance with this Standard after amendment of the standard for performance
(1) This section applies to radiocommunications devices (other than devices mentioned in section 7) if the standard for performance mentioned in section 6 is amended (the amended standard).
(2) A radiocommunications device that is manufactured, imported, altered or modified less than 1 year after the date of effect of the amendment of the standard for performance (the amendment date) is taken to comply with the amended standard, if the device complies with the standard for performance as in force immediately before the amendment date.
(3) A radiocommunications device that is manufactured, imported, altered or modified 1 year or more after the amendment date must comply with the amended standard.
1. All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See