I, JOHN FRAnCIS Mccormick, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under regulations 5, 50A and 50B of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

[Signed John F. McCormick]

John F. McCormick
Director of Aviation Safety

12 September 2012

Civil Aviation Order 100.5 Amendment Instrument 2012 (No. 3)

1 Name of instrument

 This instrument is the Civil Aviation Order 100.5 Amendment Instrument 2012 (No. 3).

2 Commencement

 This instrument commences on the day after registration.

3 Amendment of Civil Aviation Order 100.5

 Schedule 1 amends Civil Aviation Order 100.5 (General requirements in respect of maintenance of Australian aircraft) 2011.

Schedule 1 Amendments

[1] Subparagraph 3.2 (j)


(j) have all log book sections incorporating certification pages sequentially numbered, and bound or held together in a way that protects each page from inadvertent misplacement, loss or removal.

[2] Paragraph 3.3, the Note


Note   If an aircraft log book fully complies with the requirements of paragraph 3.2, there is no requirement that it be submitted to CASA for approval. It must, however, under paragraph 3.3, be made available to CASA on request. It must also be made available to each person engaged in maintenance on the aircraft. If a document does not fully comply with the requirements of paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3, subsection 4 may apply to it.

[3] Subsection 4


4 Alternative to aircraft log book

 4.1The use, in relation to an Australian aircraft, of an alternative to an aircraft log book (alternative aircraft log) is approved, subject to the following conditions:

(a) the alternative aircraft log must comply with the conditions in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3;

(b) the use must be the subject of a written confirmation of approval from CASA.

 4.2An alternative aircraft log must comply with the instructions set out in paragraph 3.2, including subparagraph 3.2 (j) but only as if subparagraph 3.2 (j) reads as follows:

(j) have all parts of the aircraft log book which incorporate certification pages or certification records managed in accordance with a secure system (which may be or include an electronic system), which sequentially or chronologically numbers or orders each page, and protects it from the following:

 (i) any inadvertent misplacement, loss, or removal;

 (ii) any inadvertent deletion, amendment, alteration or erasure;

 (iii) any deletion, amendment, alteration or erasure:

(A) that is not immediately visible on the face of the document; or

(B) for an electronic system that cannot be traced through the system to identify the user who made the deletion, amendment, alteration or erasure;

 (iv) any deletion, amendment, alteration or erasure that renders the previous version illegible, or inaccessible in the system.

Note   Under subregulation 50B (5) of the Regulations, it is a strict liability offence if a person engages in conduct that results in the alteration of any entry in an alternative to an aircraft log book (including electronic versions) if: (a) the alteration is not a single line through the words to be struck out; and (b) the words struck out do not remain visible.

 4.3Following written confirmation of approval from CASA, an approved alternative aircraft log must be made available in an easily accessible and usable form:

(a) to each person engaged in maintenance on the aircraft; and

(b) to CASA at any time on request.

 4.4In the application of paragraph 3.2 to an alternative aircraft log (including subparagraph 3.2 (j) as amended by paragraph 4.2), references in the paragraph to an aircraft log book are to be read as references to an alternative aircraft log.

 4.5In this subsection, references to an alternative aircraft log include references to an alternative section of an aircraft log book.

[4] Subsection 10


10 Notice of events

Note   Subsection 10, Notice of events, was made under regulation 30B of the Regulations. Schedule 2 of the Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 2) (SLI 2011 No. 77) repealed regulation 30B of the Regulations, thereby also repealing subsection 10. The notification obligations of certificate of approval holders are now contained in Part 11 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998); see, for example, regulations 11.070 to 11.074. This Note is for information only and is not intended to have any effect on any obligations under Civil Aviation Order 100.5 or CASR 1998.