Schools Assistance Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1)1
Select Legislative Instrument 2012 No. 223
I, QUENTIN BRYCE, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulation under the Schools Assistance Act 2008.
Dated 13 September 2012
By Her Excellency’s Command
1 Name of regulation
This regulation is the Schools Assistance Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1).
2 Commencement
This regulation commences on the day after it is registered.
3 Amendment of Schools Assistance Regulations 2009
Schedule 1 amends the Schools Assistance Regulations 2009.
Schedule 1 Amendments
(section 3)
[1] Subregulation 1.3 (2), note
Note These Regulations give effect to data collection and reporting requirements in the National Education Agreement. The ACARA Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia, as amended from time to time, sets out the key performance measures and the agreed assessment and data collection cycle that apply equally to government and non‑government schools.
[2] Regulation 1.4
ACARA means the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority established by section 5 of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Act 2008.
[3] Regulation 1.4
ICILS means the International Computer and Information Literacy study, which is an international assessment of students in year 8 in computer and information literacy conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
[4] Regulation 1.4, definition of MCEECDYA, including the note
[5] Regulation 1.4, definition of MCEETYA
[6] Regulation 1.4
Ministerial Council means the Council of Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers, as it exists from time to time, with responsibility for school education.
Note The current Ministerial Council is the Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood, which was established on 18 January 2012, and took over the schools education functions of the former Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA). MCEECDYA was established on 1 July 2009 and took over the schools education functions of the former Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs.
[7] Regulation 1.4, definition of NAP, note
Note The NAP comprises the agreed assessments identified on the NAP web page and in the document titled Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia, both of which are available on the Internet at
[8] Regulation 2.1
2.1 National student assessments
(1) For section 17 of the Act, the following national student assessments (as developed by ACARA and mentioned in the Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia, published by ACARA) are prescribed:
(a) for all students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in all schools—the assessments for the student’s year mentioned in table 1; and
(b) for students selected in a sample, in a school selected in the sample—the assessments mentioned in table 2.
Note The Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia defines the national key performance measures, specifies the data sources for these measures and outlines the reporting cycle for 2010 to 2015, and is available on the Internet at
(2) Each assessment is prescribed for the years specified in the table for that assessment.
Table 1
Item | Assessment | Years |
1 | NAPLAN assessment in reading, writing and language conventions | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 |
2 | NAPLAN assessment in numeracy | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 |
Table 2
Item | Assessment | Year(s) |
1 | PISA reading literacy assessment | 2009, 2012 |
2 | PISA mathematical literacy assessment | 2009, 2012 |
3 | TIMSS mathematics assessment, year 4 | 2010 |
4 | TIMSS mathematics assessment, year 8 | 2010 |
5 | NAP science literacy assessment, year 6 | 2009, 2012 |
6 | PISA scientific literacy assessment | 2009, 2012 |
7 | TIMSS science assessment, year 4 | 2010 |
8 | TIMSS science assessment, year 8 | 2010 |
9 | NAP civics and citizenship assessment, year 6 | 2010, 2013 |
10 | NAP civics and citizenship assessment, year 10 | 2010, 2013 |
11 | NAP ICT literacy assessment, year 6 | 2011 |
12 | NAP ICT literacy assessment, year 10 | 2011 |
13 | PIRLS assessment | 2010 |
14 | ICILS assessment, year 8 | 2013 |
[9] Paragraph 3.2 (2) (a)
2009 Data Standards Manual — Student Background Characteristics, published by MCEETYA, as in force when these Regulations commence
revised 2010 Data Standards Manual—Student Background Characteristics, published by the Ministerial Council, as in force in December 2010
[10] Subregulation 3.3 (4)
2009 Data Standards Manual — Student Background Characteristics, published by MCEETYA, as in force when these Regulations commence
revised 2010 Data Standards Manual—Student Background Characteristics, published by the Ministerial Council, as in force in December 2010
[11] Paragraph 4.4 (3) (b)
(b) the number of course enrolments and qualifications completed for students undertaking vocational education and training by qualification level and, if available, industry area;
(ba) the number of students undertaking school-based apprenticeships and traineeships;
[12] Subregulation 6.1 (1), note 3
[13] After Part 6
Part 6A Funding agreements—national curriculum
6A.1 National curriculum
(1) For subsection 22 (1) of the Act, the following are prescribed as the national curriculum:
(a) the Australian Curriculum authorised by the Ministerial Council from time to time;
(b) an alternative curriculum framework assessed by ACARA as allowing comparable outcomes to the Australian Curriculum included on ACARA’s Recognition Register.
(2) The national curriculum must be implemented by the later of:
(a) the date it is implemented in government schools in the same jurisdiction; or
(b) the date authorised by the Ministerial Council.
[14] Regulation 7.1, table, after item 3
4 | 2012 | 10 057 | 12 445 |
[15] Regulation 7.2, table, after item 3
4 | 2012 | 2 002 | 4 816 |
[16] Regulation 7.2A, table, after item 1
2 | 2012 | 2 814 | 2 814 |
[17] Regulation 7.3, table, after item 3
4 | 2012 | 2 784 | 5 443 |
[18] Regulation 7.3A, table, after item 1
2 | 2012 | 2 659 | 2 659 |
[19] Subregulation 8.1 (1)
(1) For subsection 84 (3) of the Act, the table sets out the base assistance amount for program years.
Item | Program year | Assistance amount ($) |
1 | 2011 | 128 712 000 |
2 | 2012 | 131 814 000 |
[20] Subregulation 8.1 (2), table, after item 3
4 | 2012 | 1.01527 |
[21] Part 9, before regulation 9.1
9.1A Education in country areas
For subsection 88 (3) of the Act, the base assistance amount for the 2013 program year is $6 479 000.
[22] Regulation 9.1
9.1 Literacy, numeracy and special learning needs—school grants amounts
For subsection 98 (2) of the Act, the table sets out the base assistance amounts for program years.
Item | Program year | Assistance amount ($) |
1 | 2009 | 146 258 955 |
2 | 2013 | 175 287 827 |
[23] Regulation 9.2, table, after item 3
4 | 2012 | 382 000 |
[24] Regulation 9.3, table, after item 3
4 | 2012 | 1.029 |
[25] Schedule 1, item 102
101A The NAPLAN mean scale scores for reading and writing.
102 The percentage of students achieving at or above the proficient standard (Level 3) in the PISA reading literacy assessment for 2012.
[26] Schedule 1, item 202
201A The NAPLAN mean scale scores for numeracy.
202 The percentage of students achieving at or above the proficient standard (Level 3) in the PISA mathematical literacy assessment for 2012.
[27] Schedule 1, items 301 and 302
301 The percentage of students achieving at or above the proficient standard (Level 3.2) in the NAP science literacy assessment, year 6, for 2012.
302 The percentage of students achieving at or above the proficient standard (Level 3) in the PISA scientific literacy assessment for 2012.
[28] Schedule 1, Part 4
Part 4 Measures for Civics and Citizenship
401 The percentage of students achieving at or above the proficient standard (Level 2) in civics and citizenship in the NAP civics and citizenship assessment, year 6, for 2013.
402 The percentage of students achieving at or above the proficient standard (Level 3) in civics and citizenship in the NAP civics and citizenship assessment, year 10, for 2013.
[29] Schedule 1, items 601 and 602
601 The proportion of the population aged 15 to 19 years who in the program year successfully completed at least one unit of competency as part of a vocational education and training qualification at Australian Qualification Framework Certificate II or above.
[30] Schedule 1, Part 7, heading
Part 7 Measures for student participation
[31] Schedule 1, item 701
701 The number of actual full-time equivalent student days attended by full-time students in years 1 to 10 as a percentage of the total number of possible student days attended over the period.
701A The proportion of children aged 6 to 15 years who are enrolled in school.
701B The apparent retention rates from year 7 or 8 to year 10 and year 12.
701C The proportion of students participating in NAPLAN for years 3, 5, 7 and 9 for reading, writing and numeracy.
[32] Further amendments
Provision | omit each mention of | insert |
Paragraph 3.2 (2) (b) | MCEETYA | the Ministerial Council |
Subregulation 3.2 (2), note | 2009 | revised 2010 |
Subregulation 3.3 (4), note | 2009 | revised 2010 |
Schedule 1 |
Items 203 and 204 | standard | proficient standard (Intermediate) |
Items 303 and 304 | standard | proficient standard (Intermediate) |
Item 501 | standard | proficient standard (Level 3) |
Item 502 | standard | proficient standard (Level 4) |
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