Determination 2012/21:

Members of Parliament – Entitlements


(i) Pursuant to subsections 7(1), 7(2) and 7(4) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973, the Remuneration Tribunal has inquired into the remuneration and allowances to be paid to members of parliament, and matters significantly related thereto, and determines as set out below.


(ii) This Determination takes effect on and from the day following the day it is registered in the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments unless otherwise specified.




1.1 In this part, Determination Number 4 of 2012, as amended, is referred to as the Principal Determination.


1.2 Clause 4.1 of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting the current wording of subsection (c), and replacing it with the wording ‘in other capital cities and regional centres, except within the city/centre in which a senator or member resides or has an electorate office, and between capital cities and regional centres; and’.


1.3 The Principal Determination is amended by deleting the current wording of clause 5.3 and replacing it with the following:


5.3  Where a senator or member is undertaking a trip approved under this Determination from an airport, railway station or similar point of embarkation (a terminus), and the senator or member uses his or her private vehicle, or private plated vehicle provided in accordance with Part 6 of this Determination, to drive to the terminus, the senator or member is entitled to reimbursement of related parking costs up to a maximum of $240 for each instance. 




1.4 The Principal Determination is amended by deleting clause 5.6 and the heading immediately preceding it.







Signed this 27th day of September 2012.