Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) 2012
as amended
made under subsection 32(1) of the
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992
This compilation was prepared on 28 August 2018 taking into account amendments up to Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 11)
Compilation No. 71
Compilation date: 1 December 2018
Prepared by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
Part 1 Preliminary
This Instrument is the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) 2012.
The object of this Instrument is to establish approved standards for residues of chemical products in protected commodities.
Note Section 7A of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 requires the APVMA to publish, in an appropriate manner, in each calendar year approved standards for residues of chemical products in protected commodities.
4 Background
(1) The MRL Standard set out in the Schedule lists MRLs of substances which may arise from the approved use of those substances or other substances, and provides the relevant residue definitions to which these MRLs apply.
(2) The APVMA sets MRLs for agricultural and veterinary chemicals in agricultural produce, particularly produce entering the food chain. These MRLs are set at levels which are not likely to be exceeded if the agricultural or veterinary chemicals are used in accordance with their approved label instructions. At the time the MRLs are set the APVMA undertakes a dietary exposure evaluation to ensure the levels do not pose an undue hazard to human health.
(3) In addition to the MRLs set by the APVMA (and its predecessor, the National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (NRA)), the MRL Standard includes recommendations made by the former Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals Standing Committee (PACSC) of the National Health and Medical Research Council.
(4) The MRL Standard also includes recommendations by the former Chemicals Safety Unit (CSU) of the Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health. The CSU was responsible for recommending MRLs for agricultural chemicals in food and animal feedstuffs, and for maintaining the MRL Standard, from the disbandment of the PACSC until 30 June 1994, when this function was formally transferred to the then NRA on 1 July 1994. From 15 March 1994, the then NRA has set MRLs for agricultural chemicals in food and animal feedstuffs and has maintained the MRL Standard. On 30 July 2004 the name of the NRA was changed to the APVMA. Prior to the making of this Instrument, the APVMA published the MRL Standard on its website.
(1) An expression used in the Agvet Code Act and in this Instrument has the same meaning in this Instrument as in the Agvet Code Act.
(2) In this Instrument: ‑
Agvet Code means the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code which is a Schedule to the Agvet Code Act;
Agvet Code Act means the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994;
extraneous residue limit (ERL) refers to a pesticide residue arising from environmental sources (including former agricultural uses) other than the use of the chemical directly or indirectly on the food, agricultural commodity or animal feed. ERL means the maximum concentration of the pesticide residue that is recommended to be legally permitted or recognised as acceptable in or on a food, agricultural commodity or animal feed;
feed additive means any substance or agent added to the basic feed mix for continuous long-term administration to livestock for specific purposes, for example, enhancing production or maintenance or health above the levels obtained from the basic feed, improvement of storage qualities or the palatability of the basic feed mix;
good agricultural practice means the nationally recommended, authorised or registered use-pattern of chemicals, that is necessary for effective and reliable pest control under actual conditions at any stage of production, storage, transport, distribution and processing of food commodities and animal feed;
maximum residue limit (MRL) means the maximum concentration of a residue resulting from the registered use of an agricultural or veterinary chemical which is legally permitted or recognised as acceptable to be present in or on a food, agricultural commodity or animal feed;
the MRL Standard means the MRL Standard ‑ Maximum Residue Limits in Food and Animal Feedstuff as set out in the Schedule;
primary feed commodity means a pasture, grain, forage or fodder in, or nearly in, its natural state intended for use by:
(a) farmers as stockfeed for use without further processing for livestock animals, or after silaging or similar farm processes; or
(b) stockfood manufacturers as a raw material for preparing compound feeds;
residue definition means the residue to which the MRL or ERL applies for each chemical as set out in Table 3 of the Schedule.
6 The MRL Standard
(1) The Schedule to this Instrument sets out the MRL Standard – Maximum Residue Limits in Food and Animal Feedstuff.
Part 1 Preliminary
1 Explanation
(1) An asterisk ‘*’ in the Tables to the Schedule denotes that the MRL or the ERL is set at or about the limit of analytical quantitation.
(2) A ‘T’ in the Tables to the Schedule denotes that the MRL or ERL, residue definition or use is temporary to enable further experimental work to be carried out in Australia or overseas, and will be reconsidered at some future date. This symbol is also used in cases where an MRL or ERL is being phased out.
(3) An ‘E’ in the Tables to the Schedule denotes an ERL.
(4) The food commodity designations and their codes used in the Tables have been adopted from the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds (Part 4 of the Guide to Codex Recommendations Concerning Pesticide Residues, second edition, 1989) with minor modifications. The code is included in the MRL Standard entry to assist in associating Australian MRLs with Codex MRLs. Where a commodity does not have a Codex classification, it is entered in the MRL Standard without a code. Modification of a Codex classification is denoted by [ ].
(5) MRLs set for `groups' of commodities are applicable to all members of the group as designated in the Codex classification.
(6) Methods of analysis for measuring residues in food commodities must be appropriate to the residues defined in Table 3. Such methods are in most cases available in published manuals or in the chemical literature. Appropriate sources of methods for many compounds are available in the Guide to Codex Recommendations Concerning Residues. While the analyses are not confined to any particular method, they are subject to the necessary quality control procedures, including adequate recovery, minimal blank, a sufficiently low limit of analytical quantitation and absence of significant interferences. The analyst may choose any method appropriate to the compound, the commodity and the equipment, facilities and expertise available in the laboratory.
(7) An MRL shall be regarded as being exceeded if the result of an analysis (by an experienced residue analyst on a sample taken according to official protocols), when rounded according to the Australian Standards SAA 2706-2003 to the number of significant figures in the MRL, exceeds the level set in the MRL Standard, taking into account the accuracy of the analysis.
(8) For a food which is not specified but consists of, or contains, or is manufactured from one or more of the foods specified (e.g. fruit juice), the presence of residues at a level not greater than the respective MRLs is considered acceptable where there is no evidence of concentration. Where there is evidence of concentration, separate MRLs may be set for the appropriate commodities (e.g. wine, wheat germ).
(9) The concentration of MRLs and ERLs are expressed in milligrams per kilogram of the food, agricultural commodity or animal feed or milligrams per litre for liquids.
(10) MRLs on food commodities (Table 1) are expressed on a "fresh-weight" or "as received" basis. MRLs on animal feeds (Table 4) are normally expressed on a "dry-weight" basis. Expression on a "dry weight" basis means that where the sample is analysed on a "fresh weight" basis, a moisture level is determined on a separate subsample and the residue is calculated as if it were all in the dried portion. However, it should be noted MRLs which apply to primary human food commodities also apply when these commodities are used as animal feed commodities.
(11) As a matter of policy MRLs are not set for residues in tobacco or in agricultural commodities used primarily for fibre production, such as flax, cotton balls, hemp, wool or mohair, or hides of leather as these are not food commodities.
(12) In normal practice MRLs are not set for residues in agricultural commodities used primarily for human or veterinary drug or medicine production, since it is assumed that processing under good manufacturing practices will remove any residues which might constitute a toxicological hazard to human health.
2 Meat and Milk [in the fat]
(1) Where a MRL is determined for meat or milk and the chemical concerned is fat soluble, the commodity is designated with the qualification ‘[in the fat]’.
(2) ‘Meat’ MRLs are expressed on a fat basis rather than on a whole product basis.
(3) The approach followed in the MRL Standard is that a portion of adhering fat is analysed and the MRLs apply to the clean, dry fat.
(4) When a MRL for cattle milk or milks is qualified by ‘[in the fat]’, the MRL applies to the fat portion of the milk. Thus, MRLs are expressed on a fat basis. In a derived or manufactured milk product with a fat content of 2% or more, the MRL also applies to the fat portion. For a milk product with a fat content of less than 2%, the MRL applied should be 1/50 of that for ‘milk [in the fat]’ and should apply to the whole product.
Part 2 The Tables
1 Table 1 — MRLs in Food Commodities
(1) Table 1 lists residues of substances which may occur in food commodities and for which a MRL or an ERL applies. The particular food commodity is set out in column 2 of Table 1 and the MRL (or the ERL) for that food commodity is in column 3.
(2) Residues of a substance may arise from approved uses of that or another substance, or from extraneous contamination.
2 Table 2 — Commodity Portions
(1) Table 2 lists the portion of the commodity to which the maximum residue limit applies (and which is analysed).
(2) Table 2 is derived from the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds, second edition, 1989.
(3) MRLs are in most cases stated in terms of a specific whole raw agricultural commodity as it moves in trade. In some instances a qualification is included that describes the part of the raw agricultural commodity to which the MRL applies. In other instances such qualifications are not provided. Therefore, unless otherwise specified, the portion of the raw agricultural commodity to which the MRL applies and which is to be prepared as the analytical sample for the determination of residues is as described in Table 2.
3 Table 3 — Residue definitions
(1) MRLs for a commodity are set for residues measured by a valid method of analysis. This method may measure the chemical or a derivative of the chemical and may include metabolites originating from the parent compound or other chemicals. In some cases, the nominal concentration of the parent compound is calculated from the measured concentration of a metabolite, but in other cases a derivative or metabolite is used as a measure of the residue.
(1A) Unless otherwise stated, the residue definitions are established both for compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for dietary risk assessment. Where separate definitions for compliance and for dietary risk are established they are identified and the compliance definition must be used for comparison with MRLs established in Table 1.
(2) Table 3 sets out the residue to which the MRL applies for each chemical compound. Residue definitions for compounds which no longer have entries in Tables 1, 4 or 5 have been retained in Table 3 for reference as analyses may still be required for compounds whose use is no longer permitted.
4 Table 4 — Animal Feed Commodities
(1) Table 4 lists MRLs and ERLs for residues of substances that may occur in animal feed commodities. Residues of a substance may arise from approved uses of that or another substance, or from extraneous contamination. Entries in Table 4 are normally expressed on a dry weight basis.
(2) Feed commodities that are also primary human food commodities have not been included in Table 4 and the MRLs for these commodities will also apply as MRLs when they are used as animal feed commodities. Examples of such commodities are the cereal grains, pulses, oil seeds and any other food commodity that is used as a substantial animal feed commodity. The entries in Table 4 should therefore be read in conjunction with the relevant entries in Table 1 when considering the MRLs (or ERLs) that apply to animal feed commodities.
5 Table 5 — MRLs not necessary
(1) Table 5 lists uses of substances where MRLs are not necessary.
(2) MRLs are not necessary in situations where residues do not or should not occur in foods or animal feeds; or where the residues are identical to or indistinguishable from natural food components; or otherwise are of no toxicological significance.
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
| |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | T*0.002 |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T0.05 |
| Beetroot leaves | 0.5 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T0.1 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T*0.02 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables | T0.05 |
VB 0041 | Cabbages, Head | T0.05 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.005 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.02 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T0.05 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.01 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry)[navy bean] | T*0.002 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem, roots) | T0.5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T0.05 |
FB 0278 | Currant, Black | 0.02 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T0.1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 0.03 |
FT 0297 | Fig | T0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits [except cucumber and squash, summer] | 0.02 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Mushrooms, Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | T0.1 |
MF 0814 | Goat fat | 0.1 |
| Goat kidney | 0.01 |
| Goat liver | 0.05 |
| Goat muscle | 0.01 |
ML 0814 | Goat milk | 0.005 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.01 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T0.5 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 0.1 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T0.5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables (except Lettuce, Leaf) | T0.5 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables [except Peas (pods and succulent = immature seeds)] | T0.1 |
| Lemon grass | T0.5 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T1 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T0.05 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | T*0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | T*0.01 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | T*0.002 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | T0.05 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | T0.1 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | T0.2 |
VP 0063 | Peas (pods and succulent = immature seeds) | T0.5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T*0.002 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T0.1 |
MO 1284 | Pig kidney | 0.01 |
MO 1285 | Pig liver | 0.02 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat [in the fat] | 0.02 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T*0.002 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruit | 0.01 |
GC 0656 | Popcorn | T*0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T0.1 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | T0.05 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | T*0.01 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 0.05 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | *0.002 |
VC 0431 | Squash, Summer | T0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except cherries] | T0.03 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | T0.05 |
Acephate see also Methamidophos | ||
FI 0327 | Bananas | 1 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.2 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [except sheep meat] | 0.2 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | 5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.5 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 5 |
Acetamiprid |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.2 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.07 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T0.2 |
FT 0295 | Date | T5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.3 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except Cherries] | 0.5 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T0.1 |
Acibenzolar-S-methyl |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.02 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VC 0431 | Squash, Summer [Zucchini] | T0.5 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 1 |
Acifluorfen |
| Chia | T*0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.1 |
Afidopyropen |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 3 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.7 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 0.2 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | *0.01 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | 5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | *0.01 |
| |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | *0.1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 3 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 0.2 |
Albendazole sulphoxide see Albendazole | ||
| |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | E0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | E0.05 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, |
| Flowerhead brassicas | E0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.02 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | E0.05 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E0.1 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | E0.2 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant [aubergine] | E0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.1 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E0.1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | E0.1 |
| Fruits | E0.05 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | E0.1 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | E0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | E0.2 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.15 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including Cephalopods | E0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | E0.1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | E0.05 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | E0.1 |
HS 0792 | Pimento fruit | E0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | E0.2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | E0.2 |
VL 0494 | Radish leaves (including Radish tops) | E0.1 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | E0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | E*0.01 |
Alpha-cypermethrin see Cypermethrin | ||
Aliphatic alcohol ethoxylates | ||
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 1 |
Altrenogest |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | *0.005 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 0.005 |
Aluminium phosphide see Phosphine | ||
Ametoctradin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
Ametryn |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.05 |
Amicarbazone |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.7 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugarcane | 0.1 |
Aminoethoxyvinylglycine |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.05 |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.1 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | *0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except cherries] | 0.2 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | *0.05 |
Aminopyralid |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian)[except kidney] | 0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
| Kidney (Mammalian) | 0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 0.3 |
Amisulbrom |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 2 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | T0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Amitraz |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
Amitrole |
FI 0326 | Avocado | *0.01 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.01 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseeds | *0.01 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | *0.01 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | *0.01 |
TN 0672 | Pecan | *0.01 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.01 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.02 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
Amoxycillin |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
ML 0822 | Sheep milk | *0.01 |
Ampicillin |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
MO 0816 | Horse, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
MM 0816 | Horse meat | *0.01 |
Amprolium |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 4 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.5 |
Apramycin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
Asulam |
FP 0226 | Apple | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.4 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.1 |
Atrazine |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T*0.1 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.02 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | T*0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T*0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.02 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.1 |
Avermectin B1 see Abamectin | ||
Avilamycin |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
Azamethiphos |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 0.5 |
Azaperone |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.2 |
Azimsulfuron |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [Mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.02 |
Azinphos-methyl |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | 2 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 2 |
Azoxystrobin |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
| Anise myrtle leaves (dried) | T3 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 3 |
FI 0327 | Banana | T0.5 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.2 |
HH 0092 | Basil | T70 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T0.2 |
| Bergamot | T50 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T5 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.7 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables [except mizuna] | 2 |
VA 0036 | Bulb Vegetables [except Fennel, Bulb; Onion, Bulb] | 2 |
| Burnet, Salad | T50 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 0.2 |
VL 0464 | Chard [Silverbeet] | T3 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T50 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 3 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T5 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem, roots) | T50 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | T50 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T0.05 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including Boysenberry and Loganberry) | T5 |
HS 0730 | Dill seed | T50 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.03 |
VO 0040 | Egg Plant | T2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
HS 0731 | Fennel, seed | T50 |
VA 0380 | Fennel, bulb | T0.1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 2 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, Greater | T0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
HH 0092 | Herbs [except Basil] | T50 |
VR 0583 | Horseradish | 0.5 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T50 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 3 |
| Lemon grass | T50 |
| Lemon myrtle leaves (dried) | T3 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena (dry leaves) | T50 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 15 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 15 |
GC 0645 | Maize | T*0.01 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.02 |
| Mexican tarragon | T50 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.005 |
| Mizuna | T50 |
GC 0647 | Oats | 0.1 |
VO 0442 | Okra | T2 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T2 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 0.5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.05 |
OC 0697 | Peanut oil, crude | 0.1 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T2 |
| Peppers, Chili, other | T2 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.3 |
VR 0494 | Radish | 0.5 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | 0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T5 |
| Riberries | T1 |
GC 0649 | Rice | T7 |
| Rose and dianthus (edible flowers) | T50 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T50 |
VO 1275 | Sweet corn (kernels) | T0.05 |
DT 1114 | Tea, Green, Black (black, fermented and dried) | T20 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T1 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts [except Almonds] | 2 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T0.1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.1 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Bacitracin |
PO 0840 | Chicken, Edible offal of | *0.5 |
PF 0840 | Chicken fat | *0.5 |
PM 0840 | Chicken meat | *0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.5 |
Benalaxyl |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | 0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | *0.01 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.1 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T0.5 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T0.1 |
Bendiocarb |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.05 |
Benfluralin |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | T*0.05 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T*0.05 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T*0.01 |
Benomyl see Carbendazim | ||
Bensulfuron-methyl |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.02 |
CF 0649 | Rice bran, processed | *0.05 |
Bensulide |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | *0.1 |
Bentazone |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | *0.1 |
VP 0522 | Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds) | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VP 0529 | Garden pea, shelled | T*0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | T0.1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.1 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods)[snow and sugar snap] | T0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.03 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.1 |
Benzocaine |
| Abalone | *0.05 |
| Finfish | *0.05 |
Benzofenap |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.01 |
Benzyladenine |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.2 |
FP 0230 | Pear | *0.005 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T*0.05 |
Benzyl G penicillin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.06 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.06 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.0015 |
Betacyfluthrin see Cyfluthrin | ||
Beta-cypermethrin see Cypermethrin | ||
BHC (other than the g isomer, Lindane) | ||
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.1 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E0.01 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | E0.3 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E0.01 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | E0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.1 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including Cephalopods | E0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | E0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | E0.3 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | E0.3 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | E*0.005 |
Bicyclopyrone |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milk | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.02 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran unprocessed | 0.05 |
Bifenazate |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.1 |
FS 0240 | Apricot | 0.5 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T7 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T7 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including Boysenberry and Loganberry) | T7 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 1 |
VC 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except mushrooms and sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | 1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes (excluding Wine-grapes) | T1 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | T3 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | T20 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T20 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FS 0245 | Nectarine | 0.5 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | 2 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 2 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including Prunes) | 0.5 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods)[snow and sugar snap] | T1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T7 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 2 |
VP 0544 | Yard-long bean (pods) | T1 |
Bifenthrin |
TN 0660 | Almonds | T0.1 |
FP 0226 | Apple | *0.05 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.1 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T3 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T3 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flower head brassicas | T1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T*0.01 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | T3 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T0.5 |
| Chia | T0.2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.05 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T3 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | T1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T0.5 |
FB 0021 | Currants, Black, Red, White | T3 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including Boysenberry and Loganberry) | T3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VD 0561 | Field Pea (dry) | T*0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits (except cucumber) | 0.1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 0.5 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T*0.01 |
FB 0268 | Gooseberry | T3 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T0.5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables (except chervil, mizuna and rucola) | T2 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | T*0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.5 |
| Mizuna | T0.5 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T0.5 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.5 |
VP 0063 | Peas | *0.01 |
| Peppers, chilli, other cultivars | T0.5 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T*0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except field pea (dry), Lupin (dry)] | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.02 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T3 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T0.5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except cherries] | 1 |
GS 0659 | Sugarcane | *0.01 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | *0.05 |
Bioresmethrin |
FI 0345 | Mango | T0.5 |
Bitertanol |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | 0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Bixafen |
| All other foods | 0.03 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.7 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | T0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.5 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except Lupin (dry)] | *0.01 |
Boscalid |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean | T3 |
| All other foods | 0.5 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T10 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T15 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 2 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T3 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [excluding Onion, Bulb] | T5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T15 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | T3 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T30 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T10 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T30 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including Boysenberry and Loganberry) | T10 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (sultanas, Currants, raisins) | 15 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.3 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetable, other than Cucurbits | 1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 4 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T30 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 30 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 3 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | T3 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | 0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.7 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T0.1 |
OR 0697 | Peanut oil, edible | T0.7 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 2 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T10 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | 1 |
| Silvanberries | T10 |
FB 4094 | Youngberry | T10 |
Bromacil |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | *0.04 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.04 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.04 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.04 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.04 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.04 |
Bromoxynil |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T*0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | T1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.02 |
Bupirimate |
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 1 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | 0.7 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T*0.01 |
Buprofezin |
VS 0624 | Celery | T5 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T50 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 2 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems and roots) | T50 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | T0.3 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | 0.1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (Currants, raisins, sultanas) | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Tomato] | T2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.3 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T50 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T10 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T0.5 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | T50 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T0.5 |
OC 0305 | Olive Oil, crude | T2 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 2 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.2 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T2 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | 1 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T50 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 1 |
FT 0312 | Tree tomato | T1 |
TN 0678 | Walnut | T0.05 |
Butafenacil |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains (except rice) | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | T*0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruit | T*0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | T*0.02 |
Butroxydim |
MM 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.01 |
PM 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Cadusafos |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.01 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.01 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | 0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.01 |
Captan |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.3 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes, strawberries and blueberries] | T30 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | 20 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T0.1 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T5 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 15 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 10 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T0.1 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T7 |
FC 0003 | Mandarins | T3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VO 0444 | Peppers, Chili | T7 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T7 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicum] | T7 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 10 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 15 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 10 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts [except Almonds] | 3 |
Carbaryl |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 2 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 15 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except Barley, Rice and Sorghum] | 5 |
TN 0665 | Coconut | *0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FI 0335 | Feijoa | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
FT 0336 | Guava | *0.01 |
FT 0300 | Jaboticaba | *0.01 |
FI 0338 | Jackfruit | *0.01 |
FC 0204 | Lemon | 3 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | *0.01 |
FI 0342 | Longan | *0.01 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nut | 2 |
Fi 0345 | Mango | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.07 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed [except Cotton seed] | 0.1 |
FC 0004 | Oranges, Sweet, Sour | 3 |
TN 0672 | Pecan | 2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.2 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.1 |
FI 0358 | Rambutan | *0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | 15 |
GC 0649 | Rice | 7 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 10 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except cherry] | 0.5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | *0.01 |
VR 0497 | Swede | 2 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | 0.1 |
VR 0506 | Turnip, Garden | 2 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 10 |
| |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | 0.1 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | T5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.5 |
Carbosulfan see Carbofuran | ||
| |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GC 0649 | Rice | 0.2 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.2 |
Carbon disulfide |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 10 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T10 |
Carbonyl sulphide |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | T0.2 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T0.2 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed (canola) | T0.2 |
Carboxin |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
Carfentrazone-ethyl |
FT 0026 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits (edible peel) | *0.05 |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits (inedible peel) | *0.05 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes] | T*0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.05 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T*0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.025 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.05 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.05 |
Ceftiofur |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 2 |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.1 |
Cefuroxime |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.1 |
Cephalonium |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.02 |
Cephapirin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, edible offal of | *0.02 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.02 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
Chlorantraniliprole |
| All other foods | *0.01 |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.1 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T2 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T3 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 5 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T20 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.3 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruit | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.03 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Peppers, Chili and Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | 0.3 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.3 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T20 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except lettuce, head and rucola] | 15 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 1 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 3 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | T0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.02 |
| Mexican tarragon | T20 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.02 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | 0.7 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T0.02 |
VO 0444 | Peppers, Chilli | 1 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat (in the fat) | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except mung bean (dry)] | 0.07 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | 5 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | T0.05 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T20 |
SO 0699 | Safflower seed | T0.5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 1 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T0.5 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T2 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.01 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | T0.05 |
Chlordane |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.02 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | E0.02 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | E0.05 |
OR 0691 | Cotton seed oil, edible | E0.02 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E0.05 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | E0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.02 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | E0.05 |
OC 0693 | Linseed oil, crude | E0.05 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | E0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.05 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including Cephalopods | E0.05 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | E0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | E0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | E0.02 |
OC 0541 | Soya bean oil, crude | E0.05 |
OR 0541 | Soya bean oil, refined | E0.02 |
VR 0596 | Sugar beet | E0.1 |
| Vegetables [except fruiting vegetables, cucurbits; sugar beet] | E0.02 |
Chlorfenapyr |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables [except Chinese cabbage] | T3 |
VL 0467 | Chinese cabbage | 3 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | T3 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T1 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T5 |
VA 0388 | Shallots | T1 |
VA 0389 | Spring Onion | T1 |
Chlorfenvinphos |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | T*0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | T0.2 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk [in the fat] | T0.2 |
MM 0813 | Deer meat [in the fat] | T0.2 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | T*0.1 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat [in the fat] | T0.2 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | T*0.1 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | T0.2 |
Chlorhexidine |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | *0.5 |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | *0.5 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.5 |
Chloridazon |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | *0.05 |
| Beetroot leaves | 1 |
VL 0464 | Chard [silver beet] | 1 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | 1 |
Chlormequat |
GC 0640 | Barley | T2 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 0.75 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.75 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 5 |
Chloropicrin |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
Chlorothalonil |
TN 0660 | Almonds | T0.1 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T*0.1 |
FS 0240 | Apricot | 7 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 3 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits (excluding blackCurrants and grapes) | T10 |
VB 0402 | Brussels sprouts | 7 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 7 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 10 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 10 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems and roots) | T20 |
FB 0278 | Currant, Black | 10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal, (Mammalian) | 7 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T10 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VA 0380 | Fennel, bulb | 5 |
HH 0731 | Fennel, leaf | 5 |
HS 0731 | Fennel, seed | 5 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 5 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, Greater | T7 |
VR 0582 | Galangal, Lesser | T7 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | 10 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 10 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except lettuce] | T100 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T10 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | T10 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T10 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
FS 0245 | Nectarine | 7 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 10 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T10 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | 10 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T20 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 30 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.2 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 10 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | T5 |
FT 0307 | Persimmons, Japanese | T5 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T0.1 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including Prunes) | 10 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 3 |
GC 0649 | Rice | T*0.1 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T10 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T10 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T*0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 10 |
FT 0312 | Tree Tomato | T10 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T7 |
| Vegetables [except asparagus; Brussels sprouts; carrot; celery; fennel bulb; fruiting vegetables, cucurbits; galangal, greater; galangal, lesser; garlic; peas; leafy vegetables; leek; onion, bulb; potato; pulses; spring onion; tomato] | T7 |
| Wasabi | T7 |
Chlorpropham |
VR 0589 | Potato | 30 |
Chlorpyrifos |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T0.5 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
FI 0327 | Banana | T0.5 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | *0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | T0.5 |
VR 0463 | Cassava | T*0.02 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except sorghum] | T0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | T0.5 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | T0.5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.05 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 0.2 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T*0.01 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | T1 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | 2 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T5 |
FI 0345 | Mango | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | T0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | T0.2 |
SO 0089 | Oilseed, except peanut | T0.01 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T*0.05 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | 0.05 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | *0.05 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T*0.01 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | T1 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | T1 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | T1 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T0.5 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | T0.5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | T0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | T0.1 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | T3 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | T1 |
FI 0367 | Star apple | T*0.05 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | T0.1 |
VR 0497 | Swede | T0.3 |
VR 0508 | Sweet Potato | T0.05 |
VR 0505 | Taro | 0.05 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | T0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T0.5 |
| Vegetables [except asparagus; brassica vegetables; cassava; celery, leek; peppers, sweet [capsicums]; potato; swede; sweet potato; taro; tomato] | T*0.01 |
Chlorpyrifos-methyl |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except rice] | 10 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | 10 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed [except Cotton seed] | 0.15 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except Lupin (dry)] | 0.15 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 20 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 30 |
Chlorsulfuron |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
Chlortetracycline |
MO 1280 | Cattle, kidney | 0.6 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | 0.3 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.2 |
MO 1284 | Pig, kidney | 0.6 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | 0.3 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.6 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Chlorthal-dimethyl |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 2 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
| Vegetables, except lettuce | 5 |
Clavulanic acid |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.01 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
Clethodim see Sethoxydim | ||
Clodinafop acid |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.1 |
Clodinafop-propargyl |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.05 |
Clofentezine |
TN 0660 | Almonds | T0.5 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T*0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | T*0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T*0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T1 |
Clomazone |
VP 0061 | Beans (except broad beans and soya beans) | *0.05 |
VP 0526 | Common beans (pod and/or immature seeds) | T*0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.03 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.03 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.03 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.03 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.03 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.03 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.01 |
Clopyralid |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 2 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | T0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) [except kidney] | 0.5 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 2 |
MO 0098 | Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep | 5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.5 |
Cloquintocet acid see Cloquintocet mexyl | ||
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
Clorsulon |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle Milk | 1.5 |
Closantel |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 5 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 2 |
Clothianidin |
TN 0660 | Almonds | T0.05 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.02 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T*0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassica | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except Maize; Popcorn; Sorghum] | *0.02 |
FI 0331 | Cherimoya | T0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.5 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry) [navy bean] | T0.1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.02 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T0.1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Sweet corn (corn on the cob) and Mushrooms] | T0.7 |
FB 0269 | Grapes [excluding Wine-grapes] | 3 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 0.7 |
FI 0337 | Ilama | T0.1 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T2 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | T0.1 |
SO 0305 | Olives for oil production | T0.3 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | 2 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | 2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 2 |
GC 0656 | Popcorn | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.01 |
FI 0365 | Soursop | T0.1 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | T0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 3 |
FI 0368 | Sugar apple | T0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.1 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.01 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn on the cob) | 0.02 |
FT 0305 | Table olives | T0.3 |
FB 1236 | Wine-grapes | 0.07 |
Cloxacillin |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
Coumaphos |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | *0.02 |
MO 1280 | Cattle, Kidney | *0.02 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | *0.02 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
FM 0812 | Cattle milk fat | 0.1 |
| Cattle muscle | *0.02 |
Coumatetralyl |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of [except liver] | T0.003 |
MF 0818 | Pig fat | T*0.001 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | T0.004 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | T*0.001 |
Cyanamide |
FB 0226 | Apple | *0.02 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | *0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.05 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | *0.1 |
FP 0230 | Pear, Oriental [nashi] | *0.1 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including Prunes) | *0.02 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | T*0.02 |
Cyanazine |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] | *0.02 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
VA 0384 | Leek | 0.05 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 0.02 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods)[snow and sugar snap] | T0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.02 |
Cyantraniliprole |
| All other foods | 0.05 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables (except Onion, bulb) | 7 |
AB 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.7 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.01 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | 0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.7 |
VR 0508 | Sweet Potato | T0.05 |
Cyazofamid |
HH 0722 | Basil | T30 |
DH 0722 | Basil, dry | T90 |
VB 0400 | Broccoli | 2 |
VL 0464 | Chard [Silver beet] | T10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T10 |
Cyclanilide |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
Cyclaniliprole |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Cyflufenamid |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T*0.01 |
| |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.1 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
FT 0289 | Carambola | T0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 2 |
| Chia | T0.5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.01 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 0.02 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T0.2 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.5 |
| Lemon aspen | T1 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T0.3 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | 0.05 |
MF 0100 | Mammalian fats (except milk fat) | 0.5 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
VO 0442 | Okra | T0.2 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | T0.2 |
TN 0672 | Pecan | T0.05 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | T0.2 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | T0.1 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | T0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.5 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.2 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 5 |
Cyhalofop-butyl |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.01 |
| |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.2 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | *0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables | 0.1 |
GC 0080 | *0.01 | |
VL 0464 | Chard | T0.5 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.01 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.02 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | *0.05 |
TN 0666 | Hazelnuts | T*0.01 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 0.5 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | *0.05 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T0.05 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except soya bean (dry] | 0.2 |
VR 0494 | Radish | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.02 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T0.05 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 0.5 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | *0.02 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T0.05 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.02 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.05 |
| |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | T0.05 |
| All other foods | *0.01 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 0.5 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T0.2 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T0.1 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 1 |
VD 0523 | Broad bean (dry) [Faba bean (dry)] | 0.05 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains (except wheat) | 1 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | 0.2 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry) [navy bean] | 0.05 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem, roots) | T5 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | T1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.02 |
MM 0813 | Deer meat [in the fat] | T0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T0.3 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Sweet corn (corn on the cob and Tomato] | T1 |
VD 0561 | Field pea (dry) | 0.05 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat [in the fat] | 0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | T0.05 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T5 |
MO 0816 | Horse, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0816 | Horse meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables (except Lettuce, Head) | T5 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T0.5 |
| Lemon balm | T5 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T0.05 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 2 |
| Linola seed | 0.1 |
| Linola oil, edible | 0.1 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | 0.5 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 1 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | 0.05 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T*0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | *0.01 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T0.5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T*0.05 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 1 |
| Peppers, Chilli, other cultivars | T1 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, America | T0.2 |
F 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | T0.2 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
VR 0494 | Radish | T0.05 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.2 |
OR 0495 | Rape seed oil, edible | 0.2 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T0.5 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 0.5 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | 0.05 |
OC 0541 | Soya bean oil, crude | 0.1 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T0.5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits (except cherries) | 1 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | 0.1 |
OC 0702 | Sunflower seed oil, crude | 0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.5 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.2 |
Cyproconazole |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.03 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.02 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T0.07 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | T0.02 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.02 |
Cyprodinil |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
FB 2250 | Bayberries | T3 |
FT 2303 | Bayberry, Red | T3 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T3 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T3 |
VD 0523 | Broad bean (dry) | T0.2 |
VA 0036 | Bulb vegetables [except Fennel, Bulb; Garlic; Onion, Bulb] | T3 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T0.2 |
HH 0727 | Chives | T3 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T3 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | 0.7 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | 0.5 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including Boysenberry and Loganberry) | T3 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (Currants, raisins and sultanas) | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T*0.01 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T0.2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 10 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
VC 0046 | Melons, except watermelon | T0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.2 |
VP 0063 | Peas (pods and succulent = immature seeds) | 0.5 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicum] | 0.7 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruit | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | T*0.01 |
PO 0110 | Poultry meat | T*0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T3 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.01 |
| Stone fruits (dried) | 0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T1 |
Cyromazine |
VB 0400 | Broccoli | T1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.05 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.2 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T0.7 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Mushrooms, Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | T1 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | 0.2 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | T1 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | T8 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | 10 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.05 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | T1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 0.2 |
VS 0078 | Stalk and stem vegetables | T7 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
2,4-D |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | T*0.05 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | *0.05 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.05 |
FP 0230 | Pear | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 5 |
2,4-DB |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.1 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E1 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | E5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.5 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E1 |
| Fruits | E1 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | E5 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E1.25 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including Cephalopods | E1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | E0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | E5 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | E5 |
OR 0172 | Vegetable oils, edible | E1 |
| Vegetables | E1 |
Decoquinate |
| Chicken kidney | 0.8 |
| Chicken liver | 1 |
PM 0840 | Chicken meat | 0.5 |
| Chicken skin / fat | 1 |
Deltamethrin |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassica | *0.05 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 0.1 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat [in the fat] | 0.2 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat [in the fat] | 0.1 |
MO 0818 | Pig, edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 0.2 |
VO 1275 | Sweet corn (kernels) | 0.1 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 5 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 3 |
Derquantel |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | 0.0002 |
MO 1288 | Sheep kidney | 0.0002 |
MO 1289 | Sheep liver | 0.0002 |
| Sheep muscle | 0.0002 |
| |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.05 |
MO 0816 | Horse, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0816 | Horse meat | 0.1 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.1 |
Dexamethasone trimethylacetate see Dexamethasone | ||
Diafenthiuron |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
Diazinon |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.7 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem and roots) | *0.05 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.7 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
| Fruits [except citrus fruits; grapes; olives; peach] | 0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | T2 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | 0.7 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 0.5 |
OC 0305 | Olive oil, crude | 2 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | *0.05 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 0.7 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T0.5 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T0.5 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.5 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.7 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 0.1 |
OC 0172 | Vegetable oils, crude [except olive oil, crude] | 0.1 |
| Vegetables | 0.7 |
Dicamba |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.1 |
DM 0659 | Sugar cane molasses | 2 |
Dichlobenil |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.1 |
FB 0021 | Currants, Black, Red, White | T1 |
FB 0268 | Gooseberry | T1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.1 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.1 |
Dichlofluanid |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes and strawberries] | T50 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.02 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 10 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 1 |
Dichlorprop-P |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
Dichlorvos |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseeds | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VP 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
Diclofop-methyl |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 0.1 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 0.1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
Dicofol |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | 2 |
| Fruits (except strawberry) | 5 |
VC 0425 | Gherkin | 2 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 1 |
DT 1114 | Tea, Green, Black | 5 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 1 |
| Vegetables [except cucumber; gherkin; tomato] | 5 |
Dicyclanil |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | 0.3 |
MO 1288 | Sheep kidney | 0.3 |
MO 1289 | Sheep liver | 0.3 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 0.3 |
Didecyldimethylammonium chloride |
| |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits – inedible peel | 20 |
Dieldrin see Aldrin and Dieldrin | ||
Difenoconazole |
| Anise myrtle leaves (dried) | T10 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | *0.05 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.02 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.5 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables | T5 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 0.2 |
VR 0578 | Celeriac | T1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 3 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
VL 0464 | Chard [silverbeet] | T3 |
VL 0469 | Chicory leaves (green and red cultivars) | T3 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems and roots) | T20 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T0.05 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 6 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VL 0476 | Endive | T3 |
| Lemon myrtle leaves (dried) | T10 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | T5 |
HH 0749 | Parsley | T20 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | 1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.3 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
| Riberries | T1 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T3 |
FB 1235 | Table-grapes | 2 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.5 |
FB 1236 | Wine-grapes | 0.02 |
Diflubenzuron |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.05 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | 0.1 |
MO 1288 | Sheep, kidney | 0.05 |
MO 1289 | Sheep, liver | 0.05 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 0.05 |
ML 0822 | Sheep milk | 0.05 |
Diflufenican |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.002 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.01 |
GC 0647 | Oats | 0.05 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.05 |
GC 0650 | Rye | 0.05 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | 0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.02 |
Dimethenamid-P |
VP 0526 | Common bean | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | T*0.01 |
VP 0063 | Peas | *0.02 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.02 |
VC 0429 | Pumpkins | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | T*0.01 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.02 |
Dimethoate see also Omethoate | ||
| Abiu | 5 |
VS 0620 | Artichoke, globe | T1 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 0.02 |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits – inedible peel [except Avocado; Mango] | 5 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 3 |
| Banana passionfruit | 5 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T*0.1 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T5 |
VB 0400 | Broccoli | T0.3 |
VB 0041 | Cabbages, Head | T0.2 |
| Cactus fruit | 5 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T0.3 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | T0.3 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | T0.5 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | T*0.1 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | T2 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
VC 0046 | Melons, except Watermelon | T5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed except peanut | 0.2 |
OR 0305 | Olive oil, refined | T0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.7 |
VR 0588 | Parsnip | T0.3 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T*0.05 |
VO 0444 | Peppers, Chili | T5 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T5 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | 0.7 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T0.5 |
VR 0494 | Radish | T3 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T5 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | 0.7 |
| Rollinia | 5 |
| Santols | 5 |
VC 0431 | Squash, Summer [Zucchini] | 0.7 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | T*0.02 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T*0.02 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | T0.3 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | 0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.02 |
VR 0506 | Turnip, Garden | *0.2 |
FB 0019 | Vaccinium berries, including Bearberry | T5 |
VC 0432 | Watermelon | T5 |
CF 0654 | Wheat bran, processed | T1 |
Dimethomorph |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T0.3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except lettuce, head] | T10 |
VA 0384 | Leek | 0.5 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, head | 0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | T10 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | 0.05 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | 2 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T20 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.02 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.02 |
VR 0494 | Radish | T0.3 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | 0.5 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | 2 |
| |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 6 |
PF 0111 | Poultry fats | 2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 3 |
Dinitro-o-toluamide see Dinitolmide | ||
Dinotefuran |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | 0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
Diphenylamine |
FP 0226 | Apple | 10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian)[except liver] | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
MM 0099 | Liver of cattle, goats, sheep and pigs | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | *0.01 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 7 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
Diquat |
| Anise myrtle leaves | T0.5 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 5 |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | 1 |
VP 0522 | Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds) | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
| Fruits | *0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 0.2 |
| Lemon myrtle leaves | T0.5 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | *0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Native pepper (Tasmannia lanceolata) leaves | T0.5 |
GC 0647 | Oats | 5 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed [except linseed and poppy seed] | 5 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.1 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 0.1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 1 |
GC 0648 | Quinoa | T5 |
GC 0649 | Rice | 5 |
CM 1205 | Rice, polished | 1 |
GC 0650 | Rye | 2 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 2 |
VR 0596 | Sugar beet | 0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
DT 1114 | Tea, Green, Black | T0.5 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.05 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | 2 |
| Vegetables [except beans; broad bean; lupin (dry); onion, bulb; peas; potato; soya bean (dry); sugar beet] | *0.05 |
OC 0172 | Vegetable oils, crude | 1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 2 |
Dithianon |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T7 |
| Fruits (except blueberries) | 2 |
Dithiocarbamates (mancozeb, metham, metiram, thiram, zineb and ziram) | ||
TN 0660 | Almonds | 3 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T1 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 7 |
FI 0327 | Banana | T15 |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | 2 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 1 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except strawberries] | T15 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassica | 2 |
VP 0522 | Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds) | 2 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables (except garlic, bulb onions) | T10 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.5 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.2 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | 2 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 10 |
FI 0332 | Custard Apple | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.5 |
FT 0297 | Fig | 3 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits [except roselle] | 3 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | 4 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T3 |
HH 0092 | Herbs [except Parsley] | T5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 5 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | 5 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 7 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.2 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T2 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 4 |
FI 0350 | Papaya | 5 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | 5 |
VR 0588 | Parsnip | T1 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit [including Granadilla] | 3 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.2 |
VP 0063 | Peas (pods and succulent, immature seeds) | 2 |
| Peppers, chili, other cultivars | T3 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | 3 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T3 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 3 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.2 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.5 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.5 |
VR 0494 | Radish | T1 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | 2 |
VO 0446 | Roselle [Rosella] | 5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 3 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 5 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T*0.05 |
FT 0312 | Tree tomato | T5 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | T*0.2 |
| |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 2 |
FI 0327 | Bananas | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 0.5 |
FT 0295 | Date | T0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 0.5 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 0.5 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.2 |
Dodine |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.05 |
Doramectin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.01 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.05 |
MO 1284 | Pig, kidney | 0.03 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | 0.05 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat [in the fat] | 0.1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | 0.10 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 0.02 |
2,2-DPA |
FI 0326 | Avocado | *0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.1 |
FB 0021 | Currants, Black, Red, White | 15 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | *0.1 |
TN 0672 | Pecan | *0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.1 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.1 |
| Vegetables | *0.1 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
EDC see Ethylene dichloride | ||
Emamectin |
| Bergamont | T0.05 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T0.07 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.02 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T0.2 |
| Chia | T0.05 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem, roots) | T0.05 |
HS 0779 | Coriander seed | T0.05 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.005 |
HS 0730 | Dill seed | T0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.02 |
HS 0731 | Fennel seed | T0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.01 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits [except mushrooms and sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | 0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.002 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T0.05 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T0.05 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except lettuce, head and lettuce, leaf] | 0.3 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.1 |
| Lemon grass | T0.05 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena (fresh weight) | T0.05 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 0.2 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.01 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.001 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables [except potato] | *0.01 |
HH 4731 | Salad burnett | T0.05 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.05 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.002 |
Endothal |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T*0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T*0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | T*0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T*0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | T*0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | T*0.05 |
Enilconazole see Imazalil |
Epoxiconazole |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.05 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 0.3 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 0.2 |
Eprinomectin |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.03 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.5 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 2 |
MM 0813 | Deer Meat | 0.1 |
| Deer, edible offal of | 2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.04 |
MM 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
| Vegetables | *0.04 |
Erythromycin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.04 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.3 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.3 |
Esfenvalerate see Fenvalerate | ||
Ethephon |
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | T*0.05 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 1 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T10 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 15 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 2 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.1 |
FB 0278 | Currant, Black | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 10 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | 0.1 |
FI 0343 | Lychee | T*0.05 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.1 |
FC 0003 | Mandarins | 2 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T*0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
FS 0245 | Nectarine | 0.01 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T20 |
FC 0004 | Oranges, Sweet, Sour | 2 |
FI 0350 | Papaya | T1 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 0.5 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal | *0.2 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.5 |
DM 0659 | Sugar cane molasses | 7 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 2 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | T5 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | T1 |
Ethion |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 2.5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 2.5 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 0.5 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 1 |
DT 1114 | Tea, Green, Black | 5 |
Ethofumesate |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.1 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables | *0.1 |
VL 0464 | Chard [silver beet] | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 0.2 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.02 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T1 |
VR 0596 | Sugar beet | 0.1 |
Ethopabate |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 15 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 5 |
Ethoxyquin |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | 1 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.1 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | 1 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | 1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | 0.5 |
Ethoxysulfuron |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
Ethyl formate |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | 1 |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
Etoxazole |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.2 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.5 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems and roots) | T1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T0.1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 0.7 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T0.1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.2 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T1 |
| Ivy gourd | T0.1 |
GC 0645 | Maize | T*0.01 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | T1 |
FI 0350 | Papaya | T0.1 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods)[snow and sugar snap] | T*0.02 |
| Pointed gourd | T0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.2 |
GC 0656 | Popcorn | T*0.01 |
PM 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except cherries] | 0.3 |
Etridiazole |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | *0.02 |
| Cotton seed | *0.02 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.02 |
| Vegetables (except beetroot) | 0.2 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Fenamiphos |
| Aloe vera | *0.05 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.05 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | *0.05 |
Fenbendazole |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 0.5 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.5 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 0.5 |
Fenbuconazole |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FS 0245 | Nectarine | 0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Fenbutatin oxide |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits — inedible peel | 5 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits, except grapes (excluding Wine-grapes) | 1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 5 |
| Citrus peel | 30 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | T10 |
FB 0269 | Grapes (excluding Wine-grapes) | T3 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 20 |
FS 0245 | Nectarine | 3 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 3 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 3 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T2 |
Fenhexamid |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T20 |
FB 0220 | Blueberries | T5 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T15 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T20 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems and roots) | T15 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T10 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including Boysenberry and Loganberry) | T20 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 20 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 10 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T15 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | T50 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T50 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | T15 |
VP 0063 | Peas (pods and succulent = immature seeds) | T5 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T30 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T30 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T20 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T15 |
FB 0275 | Strawberries | 10 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T2 |
Fenitrothion |
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
VB 0041 | Cabbages, Head | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 10 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T*0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 1 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 0.5 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | T*0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | T*0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.1 |
CM 1206 | Rice bran unprocessed | T20 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.5 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 20 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 20 |
Fenoxaprop-ethyl |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.02 |
MO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GC 0649 | Rice | T*0.02 |
GC 0650 | Rye | *0.01 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Fenoxycarb |
FB 0278 | Currant, Black | T2 |
FB 0279 | Currants, Red | T2 |
FB 0268 | Gooseberry | T2 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T1 |
OC 0305 | Olive oil, virgin | T3 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 2 |
Fenpyrazamine |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
FB 1235 | Table-grapes | 2 |
FB 1236 | Wine-grapes | 0.05 |
Fenpyroximate |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.3 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.3 |
Fentin |
SB 0715 | Cacao beans [cocoa beans] | *0.1 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 0.2 |
VR 0578 | Celeriac | 0.1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 1 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | *0.1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.05 |
TN 0672 | Pecan | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.1 |
VR 0596 | Sugar beet | 0.2 |
| |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 1 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables | 1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 2 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.1 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.2 |
SO 0089 | Oilseed, except peanut | 0.5 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T1 |
OR 0305 | Olive oil, refined | T7 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | 0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.5 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.2 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 5 |
Fipronil |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 0.2 |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - inedible peel [except banana and custard apple] | T*0.01 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | T0.05 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T0.3 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | T*0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.01 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.02 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes (except Wine-grapes) | T*0.01 |
| Honey | 0.01 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | T0.1 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.01 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | 0.02 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T*0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | 0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.01 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.005 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 0.01 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | T*0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.01 |
VR 0497 | Swede | 0.1 |
VR 0508 | Sweet Potato | *0.01 |
VR 0506 | Turnip, Garden | 0.1 |
FB 1236 | Wine-grapes | *0.01 |
| |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | 0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.05 |
Flamprop-m-methyl see Flamprop-methyl | ||
Flavophospholipol |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | *0.01 |
MO 1280 | Cattle kidney | *0.01 |
MO 1281 | Cattle liver | *0.01 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.01 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | T*0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
Flonicamid |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.7 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.7 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T2 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T0.5 |
Florasulam |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Florfenicol |
MO 1280 | Cattle kidney | 0.5 |
MO 1281 | Cattle liver | 3 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.3 |
| Pig fat/skin | 1 |
MO 1284 | Pig kidney | 1 |
MO 1285 | Pig liver | 3 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.5 |
Florpyrauxifen-benzyl | ||
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.02 |
Fluazifop-butyl see Fluazifop-p-butyl | ||
| |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits — inedible peel [except Avocado ; Banana] | 0.05 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | *0.02 |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.02 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | 0.2 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | *0.02 |
| Chia | T2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.02 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T2 |
FT 0295 | Date | T0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T0.7 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.1 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | 0.05 |
HS 0783 | Galangal, rhizomes | 0.05 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | 0.05 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T2 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 0.05 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Lettuce, Head] | T2 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T1 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.1 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 0.05 |
| Lotus root | T3 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 0.5 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.05 |
VA 0386 | Onion, Chinese | 0.05 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | 0.05 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | *0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.5 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables [except Potato; Sweet potato; Taro; Yam bean; Yams] | T1 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | 0.05 |
VA 0389 | Spring Onion | 0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | T*0.1 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | T0.3 |
VR 0505 | Taro | T3 |
DT 1114 | Tea, Green, Black | T50 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.1 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | 0.05 |
| Water chestnut | T3 |
VR 0601 | Yam bean | T3 |
VR 0600 | Yams | T0.3 |
Fluazinam |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | *0.01 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T*0.05 |
FB 1236 | Wine-grapes | *0.05 |
Fluazuron |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 7 |
Flubendiamide |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 5 |
| Chia | 1 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | T2 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.03 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | 2 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | 20 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Lettuce, Head] | 10 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables [except Potato] | 0.2 |
VS 0078 | Stalk and stem vegetables | 5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.3 |
VL 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | T*0.05 |
Fludioxonil |
FS 0240 | Apricot | 10 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 2 |
FB 2250 | Bayberries | T2 |
FT 2303 | Bayberry, Red | T2 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T0.2 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T2 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T3 |
VB 0400 | Broccoli | T*0.01 |
VA 0036 | Bulb vegetables [except Fennel, Bulb; Garlic; Onion, Bulb] | T3 |
TN 0664 | Chestnuts | T1 |
HH 0727 | Chives | T3 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 10 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T2 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | 0.7 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.05 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | 0.5 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including Boysenberry and Loganberry) | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T0.2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | 15 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 10 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T2 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.02 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.05 |
VC 0046 | Melons, except watermelon | T0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.2 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 10 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T*0.01 |
VP 0063 | Peas (pods and succulent = immature seeds) | 0.5 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicum] | 2 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T20 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T0.2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 5 |
FI 0355 | Pomegranate | 5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola seed] | *0.01 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T2 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except apricots and peaches] | 5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 5 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T*0.02 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.02 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T1 |
Fluensulfone |
| All other foods | 1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseeds | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.05 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | 2 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.03 |
Flumethrin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 0.2 |
| Honey | T*0.005 |
MO 0816 | Horse, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0816 | Horse meat | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
Flumetsulam |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
VP 0528 | Garden pea | *0.1 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
GC 0647 | Oats | *0.05 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.05 |
MO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.05 |
GC 0650 | Rye | *0.05 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | *0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.05 |
Flumiclorac-pentyl |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PM 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Flumioxazin |
FI 0326 | Avocado | *0.02 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | *0.02 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T*0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.1 |
FT 0305 | Olives | *0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.02 |
FI 0355 | Pomegranate | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.02 |
GS 0659 | Sugarcane | *0.01 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.02 |
Flunixin |
MO 1280 | Cattle kidney | 0.02 |
MO 1281 | Cattle liver | 0.02 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 0.02 |
Fluometuron |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.1 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.1 |
Fluopicolide |
| All other foods | 0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 5 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [except Onion, Bulb] | 3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 30 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | 0.5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
Fluopyram |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.05 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.1 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 3 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 15 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola seed] | T*0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except cherries] | 2 |
FB 1235 | Table-grapes | 2 |
Flupropanate |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
Flupyradifurone |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 |
Fluquinconazole |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.02 |
Fluroxypyr |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian)[except kidney] | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
| Kidney (Mammalian) | 1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | T0.03 |
MO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane [in the juice] | 0.2 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.2 |
Flutolanil |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
Flutriafol |
| All other foods | 0.5 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains (except barley) | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VP 0528 | Garden pea (young pods) | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed [except Rape seed [canola]] | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.05 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | 0.07 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
| |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.1 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 0.2 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T*0.01 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | 0.5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
| Honey | T*0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruit | 0.05 |
FB 1235 | Table-grapes | 0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.5 |
Fluxapyroxad |
| All other foods | 0.1 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.7 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.2 |
CM 0640 | Barley bran, unprocessed | 0.5 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T*0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.03 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.005 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.05 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.005 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.1 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 0.2 |
Forchlorfenuron |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T*0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | T*0.01 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T*0.01 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including prunes) | T*0.01 |
DF 0014 | Prunes | T*0.01 |
Fosetyl |
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 5 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | T0.1 |
FI 0334 | Durian | T5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits | T0.02 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Rucola [rocket]; Spinach] | T0.2 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 1 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 5 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T0.7 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T0.7 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except Cherries; Peach] | T1 |
Furathiocarb see Carbofuran |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Glufosinate and Glufosinate ammonium | ||
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - inedible peel | 0.2 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | 0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.1 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | T*0.05 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | T*0.05 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 3 |
FT 0295 | Date | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | T1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
| Native foods | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseeds [except Cotton seed] | *0.1 |
FT 0305 | Olives | *0.1 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, sweet [capsicum] | *0.05 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.1 |
| Saffron | T*0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugarcane | *0.2 |
DT 1114 | Tea, Green, Black | *0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.05 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 0.1 |
Glyphosate |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | 10 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | *0.05 |
| Babaco | *0.05 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.2 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 10 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | *0.05 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] | *0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains (except sorghum, wheat and barley) | T*0.1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.5 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | T0.2 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 15 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.1 |
VD 0527 | Cowpea (dry) | 10 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | *0.05 |
FT 0295 | Date | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
FT 0297 | Fig | *0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | *0.1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | *0.1 |
| Guar bean (dry) | 10 |
FT 0336 | Guava | *0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.1 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | *0.05 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | *0.1 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | *0.1 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | T5 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | 0.2 |
FI 0345 | Mango | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
| Monstero | *0.05 |
VD 0536 | Mung beans (dry) | 10 |
| Native foods | T2 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed [except Cotton seed, Linseed; Peanut; Poppy seed; Rape seed; Sunflower seed] | T*0.1 |
FT 0305 | Olives | *0.1 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | *0.05 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 3 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.1 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | *0.05 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | *0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.05 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T20 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except soybeans (dry), cowpeas (dry), adzuki beans (dry), mungbeans (dry)] | 5 |
SO 0495 | Rape Seed | 20 |
| Rollinia | *0.05 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | *0.1 |
| Saffron | T*0.05 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 15 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | 10 |
VS 0078 | Stalk and stem vegetables | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.2 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | T0.3 |
DM 0659 | Sugar cane molasses | T5 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T20 |
DT 1114 | Tea, Green, Black | T20 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 0.2 |
GC 0650 | Wheat | 5 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 20 |
Guazatine |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 5 |
VC 0046 | Melons, except Watermelon | 10 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 5 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Halauxifen-methyl |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Halofuginone |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.025 |
MO 1280 | Cattle Kidney | 0.03 |
MO 1281 | Cattle liver | 0.03 |
| Cattle muscle | 0.01 |
Halosulfuron-methyl |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal | *0.01 |
PO 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GC 0649 | Rice | T*0.05 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
Haloxyfop |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits — inedible peel | *0.05 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | *0.05 |
| Chia | T3 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.05 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T0.05 |
| Guar bean (dry) | T2 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | T0.5 |
| Linola seed | 0.1 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.02 |
| Mizuna | T0.5 |
VA 0385 | Onion, bulb | T0.2 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.05 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | *0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | T0.03 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.05 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.05 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E0.1 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | E1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E1 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E0.1 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | E1 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.5 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including Cephalopods | E0.1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | E0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | E1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | E1 |
Heptachlor |
VR 0577 | Carrot | E0.2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.02 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | E0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | E0.02 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E0.05 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | E0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.05 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E0.05 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | E0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.15 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including Cephalopods | E0.05 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | E0.01 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | E0.01 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | E0.02 |
OC 0541 | Soya bean oil, crude | E0.5 |
OR 0541 | Soya bean oil, refined | E0.02 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | E0.02 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | E0.02 |
| Vegetables [except carrot; soya bean (dry); tomato] | E0.05 |
Hexaconazole |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.05 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.1 |
Hexazinone |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.1 |
Hexythiazox |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes] | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T0.05 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except mushrooms and sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | T1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VP 0063 | Peas | T*0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | T*0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 1 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
| |
PO 0840 | Chicken, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0840 | Chicken meat | *0.01 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 10 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0046 | Melons, except watermelon | 10 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | T1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 5 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.5 |
Imazamox |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | T*0.05 |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.05 |
VD 0523 | Broad beans (dry)[faba beans] | T*0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
VD 0561 | Field pea, dry | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | T*0.05 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.05 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.05 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.05 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.02 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean, dry | *0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.05 |
Imazapic (formerly known as Imazameth) | ||
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.02 |
MO 0115 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.05 |
Imazapyr |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.7 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.05 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 0.02 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.05 |
Imazethapyr |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | *0.1 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat mammalian | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.1 |
Imidacloprid |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.3 |
FI 0327 | Bananas | 0.5 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T0.05 |
| Beetroot leaves | T1 |
VB 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables | 15 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables |
| Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
VD 0523 | Broad bean (dry) | *0.05 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T0.1 |
VR 0575 | Burdock, greater | T0.05 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T0.05 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T0.3 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except maize, popcorn and sorghum] | *0.05 |
FC 0001 | Citrus Fruits | 2 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry) [navy bean] | T1 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | T1 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem, roots) | T5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.02 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T1 |
FT 0295 | Date | T1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VD 0561 | Field pea (dry) | *0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | 0.2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits |
| (except sweet corn, corn-on-the cob) | 0.5 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, Greater | T0.05 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T0.5 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T0.3 |
TN 0666 | Hazelnuts | T*0.01 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T5 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | T10 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables (except Lettuce, Head) | 20 |
| Lemon balm | T5 |
| Lemon grass | T5 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | 0.2 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 5 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | 0.2 |
GC 0645 | Maize | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
| Mizuna | T5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.05 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | T1 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T0.1 |
GC 0656 | Popcorn | 0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VR 0591 | Radish, Japanese | T0.05 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola seed] | *0.05 |
| Rose and dianthus (edible flowers) | T5 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | T0.2 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.5 |
GS 0659 | Sugarcane | *0.05 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.02 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.05 |
VR 0508 | Sweet Potato | 0.3 |
VR 0505 | Taro | T0.05 |
DT 0171 | Teas (Tea and Herb teas) | T10 |
FT 0312 | Tree tomato | T2 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T0.05 |
VR 0600 | Yams | T0.05 |
VR 0601 | Yam bean | T0.05 |
Imidocarb (dipropionate salt) | ||
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.2 |
Indoxacarb |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T1 |
FT 2303 | Bayberry, Red | T1 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits (excluding grapes) | T1 |
VB 0400 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 2 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T5 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | T2 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T10 |
| Chia | T0.5 |
VD 0526 | Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T20 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) [except kidney] | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VO 0440 | Eggplant | 0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T20 |
| Kidney (mammalian) | 0.2 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Chervil; Lettuce, Head; Mizuna and Rucola [Rocket]] | 5 |
| Lemon balm | T10 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 3 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | T0.5 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 1 |
| Mexican Tarragon | T20 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 1 |
| Mizuna | T10 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T0.2 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T0.02 |
VO 0051 | Peppers [Capsicum] | 0.5 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruit | 2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.2 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed (canola) | T*0.05 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T20 |
SO 0699 | Safflower seed | T0.5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except Cherries] | 2 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T0.5 |
Inorganic bromide |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 75 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 50 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 30 |
DF 0295 | Dates, dried | 100 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits [except dried dates; figs; grapes; peach; prunes] | 30 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 100 |
DH 0170 | Dried herbs | 400 |
| Dried peach | 50 |
DF 0297 | Figs, dried | 250 |
| Fruits [except avocado; citrus fruits; dried fruits; strawberry] | 20 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | 50 |
DF 0014 | Prunes | 20 |
HS 0093 | Spices | 400 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 30 |
| Vegetables [except peppers, sweet] | 20 |
Iodosulfuron methyl |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Ioxynil |
VA 0381 | Garlic | *0.02 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T2 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | *0.02 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T10 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T10 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T10 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.02 |
Ipconazole |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Iprodione |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.02 |
VP 0061 | Beans, except boad bean and soya bean | T2 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T0.1 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetable | 15 |
VB 0400 | Broccoli | T*0.05 |
VB 0402 | Brussels sprouts | 0.5 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes] | 12 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T0.5 |
VR 0578 | Celeriac | T0.7 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 2 |
VL 0464 | Chard [Silver beet] | T15 |
TN 0064 | Chestnuts | T10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T1 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T0.3 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 20 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | 10 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 5 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 5 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.1 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 |
FC 0003 | Mandarins | T5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | T0.7 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T20 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 10 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.05 |
OC 0697 | Peanut oil, crude | 0.05 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T3 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T3 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T0.2 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 3 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.5 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T5 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | 0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 10 |
FC 4029 | Tangelo, large-sized cultivars | T5 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 2 |
Isoeugenol |
Group 040-042 | Fish (whole commodity) | 100 |
Isopyrazam |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.005 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.005 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.005 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruit | 0.7 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.005 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.005 |
Isoxaben |
FT 0026 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruit – edible peel | *0.01 |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruit – inedible peel | *0.01 |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.01 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.01 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.01 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Isoxaflutole |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GC 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
Ivermectin |
MO 1280 | Cattle, kidney | 0.06 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | 0.5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 0.2 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.05 |
| Deer kidney | *0.01 |
| Deer liver | *0.01 |
MM 0813 | Deer meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
MO 0816 | Horse, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
MM 0816 | Horse meat | *0.01 |
MO 1284 | Pig, kidney | *0.01 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | *0.01 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat [in the fat] | 0.02 |
MO 1288 | Sheep, kidney | *0.01 |
MO 1289 | Sheep liver | 0.015 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 0.02 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Ketoprofen |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.05 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.05 |
Kitasamycin |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.2 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | *0.2 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | *0.2 |
Kresoxim-methyl |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.001 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruit | 0.1 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Lambda-Cyhalothrin see Cyhalothrin | ||
Lasalocid |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.7 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.4 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
| Poultry skin/fat | 1 |
Levamisole |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks [except goat milk] | 0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Lincomycin |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) [except sheep, edible offal of] | 0.2 |
ML 0814 | Goat milk | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [except sheep meat] | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Lindane |
FP 0226 | Apple | E2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | E0.5 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | E0.5 |
FB 0265 | Cranberry | E3 |
WC 0143 | Crustaceans | E1 |
WD 0120 | Diadromous fish | E1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | E2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | E0.1 |
WF 0115 | Freshwater fish | E1 |
| Fruits [except apple; cherries; cranberry; grapes; peach; pineapple: plums; strawberry] | E0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | E0.5 |
WS 0125 | Marine fish | E1 |
MO 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | E2 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | E0.2 |
IM 0150 | Molluscs, including Cephalopods | E1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed except peanut | E0.05 |
FS 0247 | Peach | E2 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | E0.05 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 0.5 |
FS 0014 | Plums (including Prunes) | E0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | E0.7 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | E0.7 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | E3 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | E*0.002 |
| Vegetables | E2 |
Linuron |
VR 0578 | Celeriac | T0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | *0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
| Chia | T*0.05 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VA 0384 | Leek | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T1 |
VR 0588 | Parsnip | T0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T*0.05 |
| Vegetables [except Celeriac; Celery; Leek; Parsnip] | *0.05 |
Lufenuron |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T0.2 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | T0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T*0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | T1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T0.2 |
PM 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | T*0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | T1 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Maduramicin |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Magnesium phosphide see Phosphine | ||
Malathion see Maldison |
| |
VD 0071 | Beans (dry) | 8 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes and strawberry] | 10 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas [except cauliflower; kohlrabi] | 2 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables [except kale] | 2 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 0.5 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | 0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 8 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 4 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | 3 |
FB 0278 | Currant, black | T2 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | 8 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits [except cucumber] | 2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other the Cucurbits (except Peppers, Sweet [capsicums]) | 3 |
| Fruits [except berries and other small fruits; citrus fruits; dried fruits; stone fruits] | 2 |
VP 0528 | Garden pea | 0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 8 |
VL 0480 | Kale | 3 |
VB 0405 | Kohlrabi | 0.5 |
VA 0384 | Leeks | 2 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables [except Garden pea] | 2 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | 8 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 2 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 2 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | 10 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | 1 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 2 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T0.1 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | T5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | 1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except Beans (dry); Lentils (dry)] | 2 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 10 |
SO 0699 | Safflower seed | 10 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T0.1 |
VA 0389 | Spring Onion | T0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 1 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | 10 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 8 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran unprocessed | 20 |
Maleic hydrazide |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T40 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | 15 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 15 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 50 |
Mancozeb see Dithiocarbamates | ||
Mandestrobin |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 3 |
Mandipropamid |
HH 0722 | Basil | T30 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.3 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 30 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | 30 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VD 0561 | Field pea (dry) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | *0.02 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VD 0561 | Field pea (dry) | *0.05 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.02 |
Mebendazole |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.02 |
Mefenpyr-diethyl |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
Meloxicam |
MO 1280 | Cattle, kidney | 0.2 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | 0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.01 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.005 |
MO 1284 | Pig kidney | *0.01 |
MO 1285 | Pig liver | *0.01 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.02 |
| Pig skin/fat | 0.1 |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | 0.01 |
MO 1288 | Sheep kidney | 0.01 |
MO 1289 | Sheep liver | 0.01 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 0.01 |
Mepiquat |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Mesosulfuron-methyl |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.02 |
Metalaxyl |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 0.05 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
HH 0722 | Basil | T5 |
DH 0722 | Basil, dry | T30 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T*0.01 |
| Beetroot leaves | T0.1 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes] | T0.5 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] | 0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | 0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 1 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 0.3 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | 1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | *0.01 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T0.1 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T0.1 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 0.1 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.2 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.2 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T0.5 |
| Vegetables [except Asparagus; Beetroot; Bulb vegetables [alliums]; Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits; Leafy Vegetables; Peppers; Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap peas] and Tomato]] | T0.1 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | T0.3 |
Metaldehyde |
GC 0080 | Cereal Grains | 1 |
| Fruits | 1 |
| Herbs and Spices | 1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 1 |
DT 0171 | Teas (Tea and Herb teas) | 1 |
| Vegetables | 1 |
Metamitron |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
Metazachlor |
| All other foods | 1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.03 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseeds | *0.03 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VP 0070 | Pulses | *0.03 |
Methabenzthiazuron |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T*0.01 |
VA 0384 | Leeks | T*0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | *0.05 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T0.5 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T0.5 |
VA 0389 | Spring Onion | T0.5 |
Metham see Dithiocarbamates | ||
| |
FI 0327 | Bananas | 0.2 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | 2 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.25 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 2 |
Metham-sodium see Dithiocarbamates | ||
Methidathion |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.2 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
FI 0001 | Citrus fruits [except mandarins] | 2 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | *0.01 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | 0.2 |
VO 0440 | Eggplant | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.1 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T0.1 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 |
FC 0003 | Mandarins | 5 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 0.5 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | *0.01 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 0.2 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.2 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T0.1 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T0.1 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | 0.5 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | 0.5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.1 |
OR 0172 | Vegetable oils, edible | 0.1 |
Methiocarb |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.1 |
| Fruits (except citrus fruits; grapes) | T0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
| Vegetables | 0.1 |
| Wine | 0.1 |
Methomyl see also Thiodicarb | ||
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | *0.1 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | 2 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 2 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 3 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
VL 0464 | Chard | 2 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 2 |
| Chia | T1 |
VA 0386 | Chinese onion | T1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.1 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem, roots) | T10 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables other than cucurbits [except peppers and sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | 1 |
| Ginger, Japanese | T2 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | *0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 0.5 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 1 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | *0.1 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 2 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 2 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | T1 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
HH 0738 | Mints | 0.5 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T2 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T10 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.05 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 3 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T2 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T2 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | T0.05 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.5 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | 1 |
SO 0700 | Sesame seed | *0.1 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T2 |
VA 0389 | Spring Onion | T2 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except Cherries] | 1 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 3 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.1 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T*0.02 |
Methoprene |
ML 0812 | Cattle Milk | 0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | 0.3 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 5 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 10 |
Methoxyfenozide |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.2 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | 2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 1 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | 0.2 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems and roots) | T20 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 3 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T2 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | 0.3 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 6 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables other than cucurbits [except sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | 3 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T20 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | 2 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | T30 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T30 |
FI 0342 | Longan | 2 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | 2 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
| Mexican tarragon | T20 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | 1 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | 1 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T3 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T20 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | T0.05 |
Methylbenzoquate |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Methyl bromide |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 50 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | *0.05 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | *0.05 |
| Fruits (except jackfruit, litchi, mango and papaya) | T*0.05 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | *0.05 |
FI 0338 | Jackfruit | *0.05 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | *0.05 |
FI 0345 | Mango | *0.05 |
FI 0350 | Papaya | *0.05 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, sweet (capsicum) | *0.05 |
HS 0093 | Spices | *0.05 |
| Vegetables (except cucumber and peppers) | T*0.05 |
Methyl isothiocyanate |
GC 0640 | Barley | T0.1 |
OS 0495 | Rape seed | T0.1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | T0.1 |
Metiram see Dithiocarbamates | ||
| |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | T*0.05 |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | *0.02 |
| Bergamot | T*0.05 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | *0.02 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables | *0.01 |
VR 0578 | Celeriac | T*0.2 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains (except maize and sorghum) | *0.02 |
VL 0464 | Chard [Silverbeet] | T*0.01 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T*0.05 |
| Coriander (leaves and stems) | T*0.05 |
HS 0779 | Coriander seed | T*0.05 |
| Coriander, roots | T0.5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
HS 0730 | Dill seed | T*0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
HS 0731 | Fennel seed | T*0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | *0.05 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, Greater | T0.5 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T*0.05 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T*0.05 |
| Lemon grass | T*0.05 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena (dry leaves) | T*0.05 |
GC 0645 | Maize | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
| Mizuna | T*0.05 |
VD 0536 | Mung beans (dry) | T*0.05 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | *0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [Except Soya beans (dry), adzuki beans (dry), mungbeans (dry)] | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.02 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | *0.05 |
| Rose and dianthus (edible flowers) | T*0.05 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T*0.05 |
SO 0699 | Safflower seed | *0.05 |
HH 4731 | Salad burnett | T*0.05 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | *0.01 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.05 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | *0.05 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T*0.01 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | *0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.05 |
VO 1275 | Sweet corn (kernels) | 0.1 |
VR 0508 | Sweet Potato | *0.2 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T*0.01 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T0.5 |
Metosulam |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
Metrafenone |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
Metribuzin |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 0.2 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T0.3 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T*0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VP 0063 | Peas [except Peas, shelled] | T*0.05 |
VP 0064 | Peas, shelled | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except soya bean (dry)] | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.02 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables [except Carrot and Potato] | T*0.05 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.02 |
DM 0659 | Sugar cane molasses | 0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.1 |
Metsulfuron-methyl |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | T0.2 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
SO 0699 | Safflower seed | *0.02 |
Mevinphos |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
Milbemectin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.002 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.002 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | *0.0005 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.0005 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | 0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.03 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.1 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.2 |
Molinate |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.05 |
Monensin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.05 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.5 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.5 |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | 0.07 |
MO 1288 | Sheep, kidney | 0.015 |
MO 1289 | Sheep, liver | 0.2 |
| Sheep muscle | 0.005 |
Monepantel |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 7 |
MO 1280 | Cattle, kidney | 1 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | 2 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | 7 |
MO 1288 | Sheep, kidney | 2 |
| Sheep muscle | 0.7 |
MO 1289 | Sheep, liver | 5 |
Morantel |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 2 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 5 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 2 |
Moxidectin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk [in the fat] | 2 |
| Deer, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
MM 0183 | Deer meat [in the fat] | 1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 0.5 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.3 |
Myclobutanil |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T0.02 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T2 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem and roots) | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (mammalian) | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 1 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | T2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T2 |
FB 0275 | Strawberries | 2 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Naphthalene acetic acid |
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 1 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 1 |
FI 0358 | Rambutan | T*0.05 |
Naphthalophos |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.01 |
Napropamide |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.1 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.08 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.08 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.08 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.08 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.08 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.08 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.1 |
Narasin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Neomycin |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T0.5 |
MO 0098 | Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep | T10 |
MO 0099 | Liver of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep | T0.5 |
MF 0100 | Mammalian fats (except milk fats) | T0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | T0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T1.5 |
| Poultry kidney | T10 |
| Poultry liver | T0.5 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | T0.5 |
Netobimin see Albendazole | ||
Nicarbazin |
| Chicken kidney | 20 |
| Chicken liver | 35 |
| Chicken muscle | 5 |
| Chicken skin / fat | 10 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.3 |
Niclosamide |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T*0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | T*0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T*0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal | T*0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | T*0.01 |
GC 0649 | Rice | T*0.01 |
Nitrothal-isopropyl |
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
Nitroxynil |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 1 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 1 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | 1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 1 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 1 |
Norflurazon |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 0.05 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.2 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.2 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.2 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.2 |
Norgestomet |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.0001 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.0001 |
Novaluron |
FP 0226 | Apple | 0.3 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 3 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | T2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian)[in the fat] | 0.1 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except Cherries] | 0.5 |
Novobiocin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.1 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
Olaquindox |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 0.3 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.3 |
Oleandomycin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
| |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
| Fruits | 2 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 0.05 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | 1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 1 |
| Vegetables [except lupin; peppers, sweet; tomato] | 2 |
OPP see 2-Phenylphenol |
Oryzalin |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | T0.1 |
| Fruits | 0.1 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T*0.05 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T*0.05 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.05 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 0.1 |
Oxabetrinil |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
Oxadixyl |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | T5 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.5 |
Oxamyl |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T0.5 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | 1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PF 0111 | Poultry fats | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.05 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T0.5 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T0.5 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | T0.5 |
Oxathiapiprolin |
HH 0722 | Basil | T10 |
DH 0722 | Basil, dry | T90 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 2 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [except Onion, Bulb] | 1 |
| Cardoon | 15 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Lettuce, Head] | 15 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.02 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meats [in the fat] | *0.01 |
Oxfendazole |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
Oxycarboxin |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | 5 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T10 |
VP 0522 | Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds) | 5 |
Oxyclozanide |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 2 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.5 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 2 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 2 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | 0.5 |
Oxyfluorfen |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits (inedible peel) | *0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | *0.05 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables | *0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | T0.05 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FT 0305 | Olives | 0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.05 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 0.05 |
Oxytetracycline |
| Fish muscle | T0.2 |
| Honey | 0.3 |
MO 0098 | Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep | 0.6 |
MO 0099 | Liver of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep | 0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.6 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Paclobutrazol |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits-inedible peel [except avocado and mango] | *0.01 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.1 |
GC 0640 | Barley | T0.1 |
VB 0400 | Broccoli | T*0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits | T*0.01 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits [except fungi; mushrooms; sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | T*0.01 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | T*0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | T0.1 |
Paraquat |
| Anise myrtle leaves | T0.5 |
VR 0463 | Cassava | T*0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except maize; rice] | *0.05 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
OR 0691 | Cotton seed oil, edible | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
| Fruits [except olives] | *0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 0.2 |
| Lemon myrtle leaves | T0.5 |
GC 0645 | Maize | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Native pepper (Tasmannia lanceolata) leaves | T0.5 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed [except cotton seed; peanut] | *0.05 |
FT 0305 | Olives | 1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.01 |
SO 0703 | Peanut, whole | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 1 |
GC 0649 | Rice | 10 |
CM 1205 | Rice, polished | 0.5 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
DT 1114 | Tea, Green, Black | T0.5 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.05 |
| Vegetables [except Cassava; Potato; Pulses] | *0.05 |
Pebulate |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.1 |
Penconazole |
VB 0402 | Brussels sprouts | 0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.1 |
Pencycuron |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
Pendimethalin |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - inedible peel | *0.05 |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.05 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | *0.05 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | *0.05 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [alliums] | *0.05 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T0.3 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.05 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | T*0.01 |
FT 0295 | Date | T*0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | *0.05 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | *0.1 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | *0.05 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | T0.2 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.05 |
FT 0305 | Olives | *0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.05 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables [except carrot] | *0.05 |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.05 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.05 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.05 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.05 |
Penflufen |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T*0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T*0.01 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | *0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | T*0.01 |
Penthiopyrad |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables | 70 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 7 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Brassica leafy vegetables; Lettuce, Head] | 50 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 10 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 1 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | 5 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruit | 0.5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables [except Potato] | 2 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | 5 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | 5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 5 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 0.1 |
Permethrin |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbage, Flowerhead brassica [except Brussels sprouts] | 1 |
VB 0402 | Brussels sprouts | 2 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 2 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry) [navy bean] | 0.1 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.1 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables (except Lettuce head and Lettuce leaf) | T5 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena | T5 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 5 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 5 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | 1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | 2 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | 0.1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.2 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | 1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.4 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 5 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 2 |
Phenmedipham |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.5 |
VL 0464 | Chard [silver beet] | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Chard [silver beet]] | T1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
| Radicchio | T1 |
| |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 10 |
Phorate |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas [except Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Head Cabbages, Cauliflowers] | T*0.01 |
VB 0400 | Broccoli | 0.5 |
VB 0041 | Cabbages, Head | 0.5 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 0.5 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | 0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T*0.01 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems, roots) | T*0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
VO 0440 | Eggplant | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
| Mizuna | T*0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.5 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | 0.5 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T*0.01 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | 0.5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | 0.5 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | 0.5 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | 0.5 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.5 |
Phosmet |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | *0.05 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 0.2 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.05 |
| |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and subtropical fruits – inedible peel | T*0.01 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | T*0.01 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
| Dried foods [except dried fruits; dried vegetables] | *0.01 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | *0.01 |
DV 0168 | Dried vegetables | *0.01 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T*0.01 |
| Honey | *0.01 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | T*0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | T*0.01 |
SB 0091 | Seeds for beverages | T*0.01 |
HS 0093 | Spices | *0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.01 |
Phosphorous acid |
| Anise myrtle leaves | T1000 |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits – inedible peel (except avocado) | T100 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | T500 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages [except Flowerhead brassicas] | T1 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables | T10 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 100 |
| Coriander (leaves, stem, roots) | T150 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 5 |
VB 0042 | Flowerhead brassicas | 50 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T100 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits | T100 |
HS 0783 | Galangal, rhizomes | T100 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T100 |
FB 0018 | Grapes | 200 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T150 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T150 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | T150 |
| Lemon balm | T150 |
| Lemon grass | T150 |
| Lemon myrtle leaves | T1000 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena | T150 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 1 |
| Mizuna | T150 |
FS 0247 | Peach | 100 |
VP 0064 | Peas, shelled | T100 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | 1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | T700 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | T100 |
| Riberries | T1000 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables [except Potato] | T100 |
| Rose and dianthus (edible flowers) | T150 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T500 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except Cherries; Peach] | T100 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | T100 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | T3000 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T100 |
Picloram |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
Picolinafen |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VD 0561 | Field pea (dry) | *0.02 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
Pinoxaden |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [Mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 0.1 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 0.5 |
Piperonyl butoxide |
CM 0081 | Bran, unprocessed of cereal grain | 40 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 20 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | 8 |
DV 0168 | Dried vegetables | 8 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
| Fruits | 8 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | 8 |
MO 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 8 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.5 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 8 |
| Vegetables | 8 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 50 |
Pirimicarb |
TN 0060 | Almonds | 0.05 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T2 |
VR 0578 | Celeriac | 0.1 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 15 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.05 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | T0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
| Fruits [except blackberries] | 0.5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 7 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T7 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | 1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.02 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T7 |
VA 0389 | Spring Onion | T7 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.2 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts [except Almonds] | T*0.05 |
| Vegetables [except Celeriac; Celery; Leafy vegetables; Onion, Welsh; Pulses; Shallot; Spring onion; Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | 1 |
Pirimiphos-methyl |
GC 0640 | Barley | 7 |
CM 0081 | Bran, unprocessed of cereal grain | 20 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
GC 0645 | Maize | 7 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
GC 0646 | Millet | 10 |
GC 0647 | Oats | 7 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 5 |
OR 0697 | Peanut oil, edible | 15 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GC 0649 | Rice | 10 |
CM 0649 | Rice, husked | 2 |
CM 1205 | Rice, polished | 1 |
GC 0650 | Rye | 10 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 10 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | 10 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | 10 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 30 |
Praziquantel |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal, of | *0.05 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.05 |
WS 0952 | Tuna | T*0.01 |
Procaine penicillin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.0025 |
Prochloraz |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 5 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 5 |
FI 0331 | Cherimoya | T1 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T1 |
FI 0337 | Ilama | T1 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, head | 2.0 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, leaf | T3 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T1 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 5 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | 3 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | 5 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 2 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T0.5 |
FI 0365 | Soursop | T1 |
FI 0368 | Sugar apple | T1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
Procymidone |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | T0.2 |
| Bergamot | T3 |
VD 0523 | Broad Bean (dry) | T10 |
VP 0522 | Broad Bean, green pods and immature seeds | T10 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T2 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T0.5 |
VD 0526 | Common Bean (dry) | T10 |
VP 0526 | Common Bean, pod and/or immature seeds | T3 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T3 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | T3 |
HS 0730 | Dill seed | T3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | T0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T*0.01 |
VA 0380 | Fennel, bulb | T1 |
HS 0731 | Fennel seed | T3 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, Greater | T0.5 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T5 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T3 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T3 |
| Lemon grass | T3 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena [fresh weight] | T3 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | 0.5 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | T*0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | T0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | T0.02 |
| Mizuna | T2 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | T0.2 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T2 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | T1 |
VR 0589 | Potato | T0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | T*0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | T0.1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | T1 |
OC 0495 | Rape seed oil, crude | T2 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables (except potato) | T1 |
| Rose and dianthus (edible flowers) | T3 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T2 |
HH 4731 | Salad burnett | T3 |
| Snow-peas | T5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | T10 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root [fresh] | T0.5 |
FB 1236 | Wine-grapes | T2 |
Profenofos |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 1 |
OR 0691 | Cotton seed oil, edible | 0.3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
Profoxydim |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GC 0649 | Rice | 0.05 |
Prohexadione-calcium |
FP 0226 | Apple | *0.02 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
Prometryn |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | T*0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.05 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T1 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | T1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.1 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.1 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T*0.01 |
| Vegetables | *0.1 |
Propachlor |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | *0.05 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.6 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains (except sorghum) | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Lettuce, Head, Lettuce, Leaf] | T1 |
VA 0384 | Leek | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
| Mizuna | T1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.7 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.02 |
VR 0494 | Radish | *0.02 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T1 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 0.2 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T1 |
VR 0497 | Swede | *0.02 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.05 |
VR 0506 | Turnip | *0.02 |
Propamocarb |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 30 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [except Onion, Bulb] | 30 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | T0.3 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 70 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.5 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | 5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Propanil |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 3 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
GC 0649 | Rice | 2 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.1 |
Propaquizafop |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | *0.05 |
VP 0063 | Peas | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.05 |
Propargite |
FP 0226 | Apple | 3 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 3 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
DH 1100 | Hops, dry | 3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [in the fat] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 3 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 3 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 7 |
| Vegetables | 3 |
Propazine |
| Vegetables | *0.1 |
Propetamphos |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
Propiconazole |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.2 |
| Anise myrtle leaves | T10 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T*0.1 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | *0.02 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.2 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | *0.02 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | 2 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
VL 0464 | Chard [Silver beet] | T0.5 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T10 |
VL 0469 | Chicory leaves | T1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 7 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VL 0476 | Endive | T1 |
| Gai Ium | T1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 1 |
HH 0092 | Herbs [except Parsley] | T10 |
| Lemon balm | T10 |
| Lemon myrtle leaves | T10 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mint oil | *0.02 |
| Mizuna | T10 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | *0.05 |
HH 0740 | Parsley | T30 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.05 |
FI 0352 | Persimmon, American | T0.2 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | 0.05 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T0.3 |
| Radicchio | T1 |
VR 0494 | Radish | T0.2 |
| Riberries | T5 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T10 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T0.7 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 2 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.02 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T0.5 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.02 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts [except almonds] | T0.2 |
Propineb | ||
VS 0624 | Celery | 2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 10 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 30 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegtables, Cucurbits | 2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 20 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 10 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 10 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 2 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.3 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 5 |
Propoxur |
VR 0589 | Potato | 10 |
Propylene oxide |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 100 |
Propyzamide |
VS 0620 | Artichoke, globe | T*0.02 |
VL 0469 | Chicory leaves | *0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VL 0476 | Endive | *0.2 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 1 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | 0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
GC 0648 | Quinoa | T0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | 0.02 |
Proquinazid |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.3 |
Prosulfocarb |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T*0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.02 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Prothiofos |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.2 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 0.05 |
FB 1235 | Table-grapes | 2 |
Prothioconazole |
CM 0081 | Bran, unprocessed of cereal grain | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.004 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T0.7 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.02 |
CF 1210 | Wheat germ | 0.5 |
Pydiflumetofen |
| All other foods | T0.05 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | T0.5 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables | T10 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T15 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except Maize and Popcorn] | T3 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | T5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Mushrooms; Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | T0.7 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | T2 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables (except Brassica leafy vegetables) | T30 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | T0.5 |
GC 0645 | Maize | T0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T0.03 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | T0.2 |
GC 0656 | Popcorn | T0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | T0.5 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | T0.07 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | T0.05 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | T*0.01 |
Pymetrozine |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | *0.02 |
VB 0040 | Brassicas (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
VD 0523 | Broad bean (dry) [Faba bean (dry)] | T0.02 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 0.2 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.02 |
OR 0691 | Cotton seed oil, edible | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits (except sweet corn and mushroom) | 0.5 |
| Leafy Herbs | T10 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 5 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | T0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
| Mizuna | 5 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | *0.01 |
VP 0538 | Podded Pea (young pods) | 0.3 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.05 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T0.3 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.01 |
Pyraclofos |
MF 0822 | Sheep fat | 0.5 |
MO 1288 | Sheep, kidney | *0.01 |
MO 1289 | Sheep, liver | *0.01 |
| Sheep muscle | *0.01 |
Pyraclostrobin |
FI 0327 | Banana | *0.02 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T3 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T5 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables | T3 |
VB 0401 | Broccoli, Chinese | T1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | T1 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T0.5 |
FB 0277 | Cloudberry | T3 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T3 |
FB 0266 | Dewberries (including Boysenberry and Loganberry) | T3 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 0.3 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T0.5 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T2 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | T0.2 |
FT 0305 | Olives | T1 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | T0.5 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | T1 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.02 |
PM 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
FB 0272 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T3 |
| Silvanberries | T3 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | T0.3 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts [except pistachio nut and walnuts] | *0.01 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | T1 |
FB 4094 | Youngberry | T3 |
Pyraflufen-ethyl |
VD 0523 | Broad bean (dry) [Faba bean (dry)] | *0.02 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VD 0561 | Field pea (dry) | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry, meat | *0.02 |
Pyrasulfotole |
CM 0081 | Bran, unprocessed of cereal grain | 0.03 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PO 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Pyrethrins |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 3 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | 1 |
DV 0168 | Dried vegetables | 1 |
| Fruits | 1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 1 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 1 |
| Vegetables | 1 |
Pyridaben |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.5 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 5 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 1 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | T*0.05 |
Pyridate |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.2 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.2 |
Pyrimethanil |
FI 0327 | Banana | 2 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes, strawberries] | T5 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 7 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Lettuce, Head; Lettuce, Leaf] | T5 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 20 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 20 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T10 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | T15 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicums] | 1 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 5 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 1 |
Pyriofenone |
| All other foods | 0.05 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.7 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Pyriproxyfen |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | T0.5 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | T0.7 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.3 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T5 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems, roots) | T5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 1 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, Greater | T*0.05 |
VR 0582 | Galangal, Lesser | T*0.05 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T5 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T5 |
| Lemon balm | T5 |
| Lemon grass | T5 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena (dry leaves) | T5 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 5 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
| Mizuna | T5 |
OC 0305 | Olive oil, crude | 3 |
FT 0305 | Olives | 1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat (in the fat) | 0.1 |
| Rose and dianthus (edible flowers) | T5 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T0.5 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | *0.05 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | T*0.05 |
VP 0544 | Yard-long bean (pods) | T0.5 |
Pyrithiobac sodium |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.01 |
OR 0691 | Cotton seed oil, edible | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
Pyroxsulam |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GC 0650 | Rye | *0.01 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Pyroxasulfone |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.002 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.01 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Quinoxyfen |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
VL 0464 | Chard [silver beet] | T3 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T5 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T5 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 0.1 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.01 |
| Mizuna | T5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [Rocket] | T5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T*0.01 |
Quintozene |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | 0.01 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.2 |
VP 0522 | Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds) | 0.01 |
VD 0526 | Common bean (dry) [navy bean] | 0.2 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.03 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.03 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 0.3 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian][in the fat] | *0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.3 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.1 |
Quizalofop-ethyl |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.02 |
VB 0041 | Cabbages, Head | *0.01 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | *0.02 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | *0.05 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) | *0.02 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
VC 0046 | Melons, except Watermelon | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | *0.02 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.02 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.2 |
VC 0429 | Pumpkins | *0.02 |
GC 0648 | Quinoa | T*0.02 |
VR 0494 | Radish | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.02 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.02 |
Quizalofop-P-tefuryl |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.02 |
VB 0041 | Cabbages, Head | *0.01 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | *0.02 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | *0.05 |
VP 0526 | Common bean (pod and/or immature seeds) | *0.02 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.02 |
VC 0046 | Melons, except Watermelon | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | *0.02 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.02 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.2 |
VC 0429 | Pumpkins | *0.02 |
VR 0494 | Radish | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.02 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.05 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.02 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Ractopamine |
MF 0818 | Pig fat | 0.05 |
MO 1284 | Pig, kidney | 0.2 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | 0.2 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.05 |
Rimsulfuron |
VO 0448 | Tomato | *0.05 |
Robenidine |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
S-metolachlor see Metolachlor | ||
Saflufenacil |
CM 0081 | Bran, unprocessed of cereal grain | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | *0.03 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 7 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.03 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | *0.03 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.03 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.03 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.2 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.03 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.03 |
Salinomycin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.5 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Sedaxane |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | T*0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Semduramicin |
| Chicken fat/skin | 0.5 |
| Chicken kidney | 0.2 |
| Chicken liver | 0.5 |
PM 0840 | Chicken meat | *0.05 |
| |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | 1 |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.1 |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | T0.5 |
VP 0522 | Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds) | *0.1 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 0.1 |
| Chia | T0.7 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | *0.1 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | *0.1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T0.1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | *0.1 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | 0.3 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except lettuce, head and lettuce, leaf] | T0.5 |
VA 0384 | Leek | 0.7 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 0.2 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 0.2 |
SO 0693 | Linseed | 0.5 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | 0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.3 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | 0.7 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 3 |
VP 0063 | Peas (pod and succulent = immature seeds) | T0.7 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | T2 |
| Peppers, Chili, other cultivars | T2 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except lupin (dry)] | *0.1 |
GC 0648 | Quinoa | T0.5 |
| Radicchio | T0.5 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | 0.5 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | 0.1 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | 1 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | 0.7 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | 0.7 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.1 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | 1 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.1 |
Simazine |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | *0.1 |
VD 0523 | Broad bean (dry) | *0.01 |
VP 0522 | Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds) | *0.01 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | *0.05 |
VP 0524 | Chick-pea (green pods) | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
| Fruits | *0.1 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T*0.05 |
VA 0384 | Leek | *0.01 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.02 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | *0.1 |
Spectinomycin |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) [except sheep, edible offal of] | *1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] [except sheep meat] | *1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *1 |
Spinetoram |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - inedible peel | 0.3 |
FT 2303 | Bayberry, Red | T0.5 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | 0.5 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.2 |
| Chia | T0.05 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.2 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | *0.01 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | 5 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | 5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
HS 0730 | Dill seed | 5 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
HS 0731 | Fennel, seed | 5 |
FT 0297 | Fig | T0.1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.05 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except sweet corn] | 0.1 |
| Ginger, Japanese | T1 |
HS 0784 | Ginger, root | T0.02 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | 1 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | 5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 0.7 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T0.2 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.2 |
| Lemon grass | 5 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena (dry leaves) | 5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.01 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.2 |
| Mizuna | 0.7 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T0.3 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [Canola] | *0.01 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | 0.02 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T0.3 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T0.3 |
VS 0078 | Stalk and stem vegetables | 2 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 0.2 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.01 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts [except Almonds] | 0.02 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | 0.02 |
Spinosad |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits-inedible peel | 0.3 |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | 0.5 |
| Bergamot | 5 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruit [excluding grapes] | 0.7 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 0.5 |
HH 4731 | Burnet, Salad | 5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 1 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | 5 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.3 |
SB 0716 | Coffee beans | *0.01 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | 5 |
HS 0779 | Coriander, seed | 5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
HS 0730 | Dill seed | 5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.05 |
HS 0731 | Fennel seed | 5 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits (except sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)) | 0.2 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, Greater | 0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grape | 0.5 |
VL 0479 | Japanese greens | 5 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | 5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 5 |
| Lemon grass | 5 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena (dry leaves) | 5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | 2 |
FM 0183 | Milk fats | 0.7 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | 0.3 |
VP 0063 | Peas | 0.5 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | 0.5 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.01 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | 0.02 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | 5 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | 0.3 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | 0.3 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruit | 1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.02 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | T*0.01 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root | 0.02 |
CM 0654 | Wheat bran, unprocessed | 2 |
Spirotetramat |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.3 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T2 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas [except Brussels sprouts] | 7 |
VL 0054 | Brassica leafy vegetables | 10 |
VB 0402 | Brussels sprouts | 1 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables | 0.5 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 5 |
| Chia | T1 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.7 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (=Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FT 0297 | Fig | T1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits [except Melons] | 2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)] | 7 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.7 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | 15 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | T0.1 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Brassica leafy vegetables; Lettuce, Head; Lettuce, Leaf] | 5 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 2 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 7 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 15 |
GC 0645 | Maize | T*0.02 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.02 |
VC 0046 | Melons, except Watermelon | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
FI 0351 | Passion fruit | 0.5 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
VS 0627 | Rhubarb | 5 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | T*0.02 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | T5 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 1 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | 5 |
VC 0432 | Watermelon | 0.5 |
Spiroxamine |
FI 0327 | Banana | T5 |
GC 0640 | Barley | 0.03 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas] | 3 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
MF 0100 | Mammalian fats (except milk fats) | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
VP 0538 | Podded pea (young pods) [snow and sugar snap] | T*0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry, Meat | *0.05 |
Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin | ||
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.3 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.3 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.2 |
Sulfosulfuron |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.005 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.005 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.005 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.005 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.005 |
GC 0653 | Triticale | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Sulfoxaflor |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.3 |
VD 0071 | Beans (dry) | 0.7 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas [except Cauliflower] | 3 |
FB 0264 | Blackberries | T0.7 |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T0.7 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | 0.1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
FI 0331 | Cherimoya | T0.5 |
FS 0013 | Cherries | 3 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.7 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.3 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits [except Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | *0.01 |
FI 0337 | Ilama | T0.5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables [except Lettuce, Head] | 5 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 1 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | T3 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 |
FI 0345 | Mango | T0.7 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
FI 0350 | Papaya | T0.7 |
FI 0351 | Passionfruit | T1 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japenese | T1 |
FI 0353 | Pineapple | T0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
FB 0242 | Raspberries, Red, Black | T0.7 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables [except Potato] | 0.05 |
FI 0365 | Soursop | T0.5 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | 0.3 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits [except Cherries] | 1 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 0.5 |
FI 0368 | Sugar apple | T0.5 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.01 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts [except Macadamia nuts] | 0.02 |
Sulfuryl fluoride |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.05 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruit | 0.07 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 7 |
TN 0085 | Tree nuts | 7 |
Sulphadiazine |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T*0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Sulphadimidine |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.005 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry [except Turkey], Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
PO 0848 | Turkey, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
Sulphadoxine |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.1 |
Sulphaquinoxaline |
PE 0112 | Eggs | T*0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
Sulphatroxazole |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
Sulphur dioxide |
FB 0020 | Blueberries | T10 |
FI 0342 | Longan | 150 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | T30 |
FB 1235 | Table-grapes | 10 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Tau-Fluvalinate see also Fluvalinate | ||
Tebuconazole |
TN 0660 | Almonds | *0.01 |
| Anise myrtle leaves (dried) | T5 |
VS 0621 | Asparagus | T*0.02 |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.2 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.2 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T0.3 |
| Beetroot leaves | T2 |
VA 0035 | Bulb vegetables [except garlic] | *0.01 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | T0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.2 |
VL 0464 | Chard [Silver beet] | T2 |
VL 0465 | Chervil | T0.5 |
VL 0469 | Chicory leaves (green and red cultivars) | T2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | T0.05 |
| Coriander (leaves, roots and stems) | T0.5 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes (= Currants, Raisins and Sultanas) | 7 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.1 |
VL 0476 | Endive | T2 |
VA 0381 | Garlic | T0.2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 5 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T0.5 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | 0.5 |
| Lemon balm | T0.5 |
| Lemon myrtle leaves (dried) | T5 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | 0.1 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | 0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
| Mizuna | T0.5 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [Pawpaw] | 0.2 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.01 |
FI 0355 | Pomegranate | T*0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.5 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except Soya bean (dry)] | 1 |
VR 0494 | Radish | T0.3 |
VL 0494 | Radish leaves (including Radish tops) | T2 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | 0.3 |
VL 0496 | Rucola [rocket] | T0.5 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | T0.1 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T2 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | 0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | T0.7 |
TN 0678 | Walnuts | T*0.05 |
Tebufenozide |
FI 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 1 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | 0.3 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 4 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 2 |
FI 0341 | Kiwifruit | 2 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | 2 |
FI 0342 | Longan | 2 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | 0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FT 0307 | Persimmon, Japanese | 0.1 |
TN 0675 | Pistachio nut | T0.05 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
Tebufenpyrad |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | *0.02 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
FP 0247 | Peach | 1 |
Tebuthiuron |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.2 |
Temephos |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | T2 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | T5 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.5 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 3 |
Tepraloxydim |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.1 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed (canola) | *0.1 |
Terbacil |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.5 |
| Peppermint oil | *0.1 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | *0.04 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | *0.04 |
Terbufos |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.05 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.05 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | *0.01 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | *0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower, seed | *0.05 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.05 |
Terbuthylazine |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.02 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.01 |
Terbutryn |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 3 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.1 |
VP 0063 | Peas | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.1 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
Tetraconazole |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) [in the fat] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
Tetracycline |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
Thiabendazole |
FP 0226 | Apple | 10 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 3 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 10 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.05 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | 0.5 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | T*0.01 |
FP 0230 | Pear | 10 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 5 |
VR 0508 | Sweet potato | 0.05 |
Thiacloprid |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | 0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 2 |
Thiamethoxam see also Clothianidin |
VP 0061 | Beans, except broad bean and soya bean | T0.2 |
VB 0440 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 3 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except Maize; Sorghum] | *0.01 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.02 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | T1 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | T0.5 |
VL 0053 | Leafy vegetables | 2 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.02 |
FI 0345 | Mango | 0.07 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.01 |
VR 0075 | Root and tuber vegetables | T0.7 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.02 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.02 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | *0.02 |
Thidiazuron |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
Thifensulfuron-methyl |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains [except maize; rice] | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Thiobencarb |
GC 0649 | Rice | *0.05 |
Thiodicarb see also Methomyl | ||
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassicas | 2 |
| Chia | T1 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.1 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.1 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.02 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.1 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | *0.1 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn on-the-cob) | *0.1 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 2 |
Thiophanate see Carbendazim | ||
Thiophanate-methyl see Carbendazim | ||
Thiram see Dithiocarbamates | ||
Tiamulin |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
Tilmicosin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.05 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.05 |
Tolclofos-methyl |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | *0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
VL 0482 | Lettuce, Head | T*0.01 |
VL 0483 | Lettuce, Leaf | T*0.01 |
VR 0589 | Potato | 0.1 |
Tolfenamic acid |
MO 1280 | Cattle, kidney | *0.01 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | *0.01 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.05 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.05 |
MO 1284 | Pig, kidney | *0.01 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | 0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | *0.01 |
Toltrazuril |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 1 |
MO 1280 | Cattle, Kidney | 1 |
MO 1281 | Cattle, liver | 2 |
| Cattle muscle | 0.25 |
PO 0840 | Chicken, Edible offal of | 5 |
PM 0840 | Chicken meat | 2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.03 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 2 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat [in the fat] | 1 |
Tralkoxydim |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
Trenbolone acetate |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.01 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.002 |
Triadimefon |
FP 0226 | Apple | 1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.5 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.1 |
VD 0561 | Field pea (dry) | 0.1 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 0.2 |
VP 0529 | Garden pea, shelled (succulent seeds) | 0.1 |
VP 0528 | Garden pea (young pods) (succulent seeds) | 0.1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 1 |
MF 0100 | Mammalian fats | *0.25 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
Triadimenol |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits [except grapes and strawberries] | T0.5 |
VB 0040 | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, Head cabbages, Flowerhead brassica | 1 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains (except sorghum) | *0.01 |
HH 0727 | Chives | T3 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | T0.01 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | T0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
VC 0045 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.5 |
VO 0050 | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 1 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
VA 0384 | Leek | T3 |
| Lemon grass | T*0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VA 0385 | Onion, Bulb | 0.05 |
VA 0386 | Onion, Chinese | T3 |
VA 0387 | Onion, Welsh | T3 |
FI 0350 | Papaya [pawpaw] | 0.2 |
VR 0588 | Parsnip | T0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
VR 0494 | Radish | T0.2 |
| Riberries | T0.3 |
VA 0388 | Shallot | T3 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 0.5 |
VA 0389 | Spring onion | T3 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
VR 0497 | Swede | T0.2 |
VR 0506 | Turnip, Garden | T0.2 |
Triallate |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) (except kidney) | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MO 0098 | Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep | 0.2 |
VP 0060 | Legume vegetables | *0.05 |
MF 0100 | Mammalian fats | 0.2 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.1 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
PF 0111 | Poultry fats | 0.2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses | 0.1 |
Triasulfuron |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.02 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
Tribenuron-methyl |
GC 0640 | Barley | *0.01 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | *0.01 |
SO 0691 | Cottonseed | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
GC 0645 | Maize | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | *0.01 |
GC 0647 | Oats | *0.01 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed | *0.01 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.01 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | *0.01 |
SO 0702 | Sunflower seed | *0.01 |
GC 0654 | Wheat | *0.01 |
Trichlorfon |
| Achachairu | T3 |
FT 0026 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits – edible peel | T3 |
FI 0030 | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits – inedible peel | T3 |
| Babaco | T3 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | 0.2 |
FB 0018 | Berries and other small fruits | T2 |
VB 0402 | Brussels sprouts | 0.2 |
VO 4271 | Cape gooseberry | T0.5 |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.1 |
VB 0404 | Cauliflower | 0.2 |
VS 0624 | Celery | 0.2 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.1 |
DF 0167 | Dried fruits | 2 |
VO 0440 | Egg plant | T0.5 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
| Fruits [except achachairu; assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits – edible peel; assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits – inedible peel; babaco; berries and other small fruits; dried fruits; loquat; medlar; miracle fruit; quince; shaddocks or pomelos; rollinia; stone fruits] | T0.1 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat | 0.1 |
VL 0480 | Kale | 0.2 |
FP 0228 | Loquat | T3 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | 0.1 |
FP 0229 | Medlar | T3 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
| Miracle fruit | T3 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed [except peanut] | 0.1 |
SO 0697 | Peanut | 0.1 |
VO 0443 | Pepino | T5 |
VO 0051 | Peppers | 0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MF 0818 | Pig fat | 0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | 0.1 |
VD 0070 | Pulses [except soya bean (dry)] | 0.2 |
FP 0231 | Quince | T3 |
| Rollinia | T3 |
FC 0005 | Shaddocks or Pomelos | T3 |
VD 0541 | Soya bean (dry) | 0.1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | T3 |
VR 0596 | Sugar beet | 0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
VO 0447 | Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) | 0.2 |
| Thai egg plant | T0.5 |
| Vegetables [except Beetroot; Brussels sprouts; Cape gooseberry; Cauliflower; Celery; Egg plant; kale; Pepino; Peppers; Pulses (dry); Sugar beet; Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob); Thai egg plant] | 0.1 |
Triclabendazole |
| Fat (mammalian) | 1 |
| Kidney (mammalian) | 1 |
| Liver (mammalian) | 2 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | 0.5 |
ML 0106 | Milks | 0.01 |
Triclopyr |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 5 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat [in the fat] | 0.2 |
FC 0001 | Citrus fruits | 0.2 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MO 0814 | Goat, Edible offal of | 5 |
MM 0814 | Goat meat [in the fat] | 0.2 |
FI 0343 | Litchi | 0.1 |
ML 0106 | Milks [in the fat] | 0.1 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.05 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 5 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 0.2 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | *0.1 |
Trifloxystrobin |
TN 0660 | Almonds | 0.05 |
FI 0327 | Banana | 0.5 |
VR 0574 | Beetroot | T0.5 |
| Beetroot leaves | T10 |
VS 0624 | Celery | T5 |
VL 0464 | Chard [Silver beet] | T10 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | T*0.02 |
VL 0469 | Chicory leaves | T10 |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.04 |
VC 0424 | Cucumber | T*0.1 |
DF 0269 | Dried grapes | 2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
VL 0476 | Endive | T10 |
FB 0269 | Grapes | 0.5 |
VD 0533 | Lentil (dry) | T*0.02 |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | T*0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.02 |
VO 0445 | Peppers, Sweet [capsicum] | T0.5 |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 0.7 |
SO 0495 | Rape seed [canola] | *0.02 |
VL 0502 | Spinach | T10 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 5 |
FB 0275 | Strawberry | 2 |
VO 0448 | Tomato | 0.7 |
Trifloxysulfuron sodium |
SO 0691 | Cotton seed | *0.01 |
OC 0691 | Cotton seed oil, crude | *0.01 |
OR 0691 | Cotton seed oil, edible | *0.01 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.01 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.01 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.01 |
Triflumuron |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) (except sheep, edible offal of) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | 0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian except sheep meat] [in the fat] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
VO 0450 | Mushrooms | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat [in the fat] | 0.1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | 0.1 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat [in the fat] | 2 |
Trifluralin |
VD 0560 | Adzuki bean (dry) | *0.05 |
| Bergamot | T*0.05 |
VD 0523 | Broad bean (dry) [faba bean] | *0.05 |
VR 0577 | Carrot | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
| Chia | T*0.01 |
VD 0524 | Chick-pea (dry) | *0.05 |
| Coriander (leaves, stems, roots) | T*0.05 |
HS 0779 | Coriander seed | T*0.05 |
VD 0527 | Cowpea (dry) | *0.05 |
HS 0730 | Dill seed | T*0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
VA 0380 | Fennel, bulb | T0.5 |
HS 0731 | Fennel seed | T*0.05 |
| Fruits | *0.05 |
VR 0581 | Galangal, Greater | T0.5 |
HH 0092 | Herbs | T*0.05 |
VD 0531 | Hyacinth bean (dry) | *0.05 |
| Kaffir lime leaves | T*0.05 |
| Lemon grass | T*0.05 |
DT 1111 | Lemon verbena (fresh weight) | T*0.05 |
VD 0545 | Lupin (dry) | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
| Mizuna | T*0.05 |
VD 0536 | Mung bean (dry) | *0.05 |
SO 0088 | Oilseed | *0.05 |
VR 0588 | Parsnip | T0.5 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
| Rose and dianthus (edible flowers) | T*0.05 |
HH 4731 | Salad burnett | T*0.05 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | *0.05 |
HS 0794 | Turmeric, root (fresh) | T0.5 |
| Vegetables [except carrot, parsnip, fennel bulb and galangal, Greater] | 0.05 |
Triforine |
FP 0009 | Pome fruits | 1 |
FS 0012 | Stone fruits | 10 |
Trimethoprim |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat [mammalian] | 0.05 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | 0.05 |
Trinexapac-ethyl |
CM 0081 | Bran, unprocessed of cereal grains | 0.5 |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | 0.2 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | 0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.01 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.02 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.005 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | 7 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, edible offal of | *0.01 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
GS 0659 | Sugar cane | T0.2 |
Triticonazole |
GC 0080 | Cereal grains | *0.05 |
MO 0105 | Edible offal (Mammalian) | *0.05 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.05 |
MM 0095 | Meat (mammalian) | *0.05 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.01 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.05 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.05 |
Tulathromycin |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.1 |
MO 1280 | Cattle, kidney | 1 |
MO 1281 | Cattle liver | 3 |
| Cattle muscle | 0.1 |
MO 1284 | Pig, kidney | 3 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | 2 |
| Pig muscle | 0.5 |
| Pig skin / fat | 0.3 |
Tylosin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | *0.1 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
PE 0112 | Eggs | *0.2 |
ML 0106 | Milks | *0.05 |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of | *0.2 |
MF 0818 | Pig fat | *0.1 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | *0.2 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.2 |
PF 0111 | Poultry fats | *0.1 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.2 |
COMPOUND | FOOD | MRL (mg/kg) |
Uniconazole-p |
Fl 0326 | Avocado | 0.5 |
FI 0332 | Custard apple | T*0.01 |
SO 0698 | Poppy seed | *0.01 |
Virginiamycin |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
MF 0812 | Cattle fat | 0.2 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | *0.1 |
ML 0812 | Cattle milk | 0.1 |
PO 0111 | Poultry, Edible offal of | 0.2 |
PF 0111 | Poultry fats | 0.2 |
PM 0110 | Poultry meat | *0.1 |
MO 0822 | Sheep, Edible offal of | *0.2 |
MM 0822 | Sheep meat | *0.1 |
Warfarin |
MO 0818 | Pig, Edible offal of [except liver] | T0.007 |
MF 0818 | Pig fat | T0.007 |
MO 1285 | Pig, liver | T0.04 |
MM 0818 | Pig meat | T0.007 |
Zeranol |
MO 0812 | Cattle, Edible offal of | 0.02 |
MM 0812 | Cattle meat | 0.005 |
Zeta-Cypermethrin see Cypermethrin | ||
Zinc phosphide see Phosphine | ||
Zineb see Dithiocarbamates | ||
Ziram see Dithiocarbamates |
CODE | Commodity |
FC | Citrus fruits Whole commodity. |
FP | Pome fruits Whole commodity after removal of stems. |
FS | Stone fruits Whole commodity after removal of stems and stones, but the residue calculated and expressed on the whole commodity without stem. |
FB | Berries and other small fruits Whole commodity after removal of caps and stems. Currants (black, red, white), fruit with stem. |
FT | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits — edible peel Whole commodity. Dates and olives: whole commodity after removal of stems and stones but residue calculated and expressed on whole fruit. |
FI | Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits — inedible peel Whole fruit. Pineapple after removal of crown. Avocado, mangoes and similar fruit with hard seeds. Whole commodity after removal of stone but calculated on whole fruit. |
CODE | Commodity |
VA | Bulb vegetables Bulb/dry onions and garlic: whole commodity after removal of roots and adhering soil and whatever parchment skin is easily detached. Leeks, and spring onions: whole vegetable after removal of roots and adhering soil. |
VB | Brassica (cole or cabbage) vegetables, head cabbages, flowerhead cabbages Head cabbages whole commodity as marketed, after removal of obviously decomposed or withered leaves. For cauliflower and headed broccoli, flower heads (immature inflorescence) only. For Brussels sprouts analyse ‘buttons’ only. |
VC | Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits Whole commodity after removal of stems. |
VO | Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits Whole commodity after removal of stems. Sweet corn and fresh corn: kernels plus cob without husk. |
VL | Leafy vegetables (including brassica leafy vegetables) Whole commodity as usually marketed, after removal of obviously decomposed or withered leaves and any portion not normally consumed (eg. roots) |
VP | Legume vegetables Whole commodity. |
VD | Pulses Whole commodity. |
VR | Root and tuber vegetables Whole commodity after removing tops. Remove adhering soil (e.g. by rinsing in running water or by gentle brushing of the dry commodity). |
VS | Stalk and stem vegetables Whole commodity as marketed after removal of obviously decomposed or withered leaves. Rhubarb: leafstems only; artichoke: flowerhead only. Celery and asparagus: remove adhering soil. |
CODE | Commodity |
GC | Cereal grains Whole commodity. Fresh corn and sweet corn: kernels plus cob without husk. (For the latter group see 012 Fruiting vegetables, other than cucurbits.) |
CODE | Commodity |
TN | Tree nuts Whole commodity after removal of shell. Chestnuts: whole in skin. |
SO | Oilseed Unless specified, seed or kernels, after removal of shell or husk. |
SB | Seed for beverages and sweets Unless specified, whole commodity (only the seed, not including other parts of the fruit). |
CODE | Commodity |
HH | Herbs |
HS | Spices Unless specified, whole commodity as marketed, mainly in the dried form. |
CODE | Commodity |
MM | Meat [mammalian] Whole commodity. When the commodity description is qualified by ‘[in the fat]’, a portion of adhering fat is analysed and MRLs apply to the fat. |
MF | Mammalian fats Whole commodity. |
MO | Edible offal (Mammalian) Whole commodity. |
ML | Milks Whole commodity. When the commodity description is qualified by ‘[in the fat]’, MRLs apply to the fat portion of the milk. |
CODE | Commodity |
PM | Poultry meat Whole commodity. When the commodity description is qualified by ‘[in the fat]’, a portion of adhering fat is analysed and MRLs apply to the fat. |
PF | Poultry fats Whole commodity. |
PO | Poultry, edible offal of Whole commodity. |
PE | Eggs Whole egg whites and yolks combined after removal of shell. |
CODE | Commodity |
WF | Freshwater fish Whole commodity (in general after removing the digestive tract). |
WD | Diadromous fish Whole commodity (in general after removing the digestive tract). |
WS | Marine fish Whole commodity (in general after removing the digestive tract). |
WR or WL | Fish roe (including milt = soft roe and edible offal of fish) Whole commodity. |
WM | Marine mammals Whole commodity as marketed, without bones. For fat soluble pesticides a portion of the fat is analysed and MRLs apply to the fat. |
WC | Crustaceans Whole commodity (especially with the small sized species) or the meat without the outer shell, as prepared for wholesale and retail distribution. |
CODE | Commodity |
AR | Frogs, lizards, snakes and turtles Whole commodity as marketed without bones or the outer shell. |
CODE | Commodity |
IM | Molluscs Whole commodity after removal of shell. |
CODE | Commodity |
AL | Legume animal feeds Whole commodity as presented for wholesale or retail distribution. |
AS or AF | Straw, fodder and forage of cereal grains and grasses (including buckwheat fodder) Whole commodity as presented for wholesale or retail distribution. |
AM or AV | Miscellaneous fodder and forage crops Whole commodity as presented for retail distribution. In view of the wide range of moisture content in the animal feeds of this group, moving in commerce, the MRLs should if relevant preferably be set and expressed on a ‘dry-weight’ basis. |
CODE | Commodity |
DF | Dried fruits Whole commodity. |
DV | Dried vegetables Whole commodity as prepared for wholesale or retail distribution. |
DH | Dried herbs Whole commodity as prepared for wholesale or retail distribution. |
CM | Milled cereal products Whole commodity as prepared for wholesale or retail distribution. |
SM | Miscellaneous secondary food commodities of plant origin |
CF | Cereal grain milling fractions Whole commodity. |
DT | Teas |
OC | Vegetable oils, crude Whole commodity as prepared for wholesale or retail distribution. |
OR | Vegetable oils, edible (or refined) Whole commodity. |
DM | Miscellaneous derived edible products of plant origins Whole commodity. |
JF | Fruit juices Whole commodity (not concentrated) or commodity reconstituted to the original juice concentration. |
AB | By-products, used for animal feeding purposes, derived from fruit and vegetable processing Whole commodity. Residues on ‘wet’ commodities of this group must be expressed on a ‘dry-weight’ basis; see description Group 050, Legume animal feeds. |
CP | Manufactured multi-ingredient cereal products Whole commodity as prepared for wholesale or retail distribution. |
CODE | Commodity |
MD | Dried meat and fish products Whole commodity as prepared for wholesale or retail distribution. |
SC | Crustaceans, processed Whole commodity (especially with the small sized species) or the cooked meat without shell as prepared for wholesale or retail distribution. |
FA | Animal fats, processed |
FM | Milk fats |
Abamectin | Avermectin B1a |
Acephate (Note: the metabolite methamidophos has separate MRLs) | |
Acetamiprid | Commodities of plant origin: Acetamiprid Commodities of animal origin: sum of acetamiprid and N-demethyl acetamiprid ((E)-N1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridyl)methyl]-N2-cyanoacetamidine), expressed as acetamiprid |
Acibenzolar-S-methyl | Acibenzolar-S-methyl and all metabolites containing the benzo[1,2,3]thiadiazole-7-carboxyl moiety hydrolysed to benzo[1,2,3]thiadizole-7-carboxylic acid, expressed as acibenzolar-S-methyl. |
Acifluorfen | Acifluorfen |
Acinitrazole | Acinitrazole |
Afidopyropen | Commodities of plant origin: Afidopyropen Commodities of animal origin: Afidopyropen and the carnitine conjugate of cyclopropanecarboxylic acid (M440I060), expressed as afidopyropen |
Aklomide | Aklomide |
Albendazole | Sum of albendazole, its sulfoxide, sulfone and sulfone amine, expressed as albendazole |
Albendazole sulfoxide see Albendazole |
Aldicarb | Sum of aldicarb, its sulfoxide and its sulfone, expressed as aldicarb |
Aldoxycarb | Sum of aldoxycarb and its sulfone, expressed as aldoxycarb |
Aldrin and Dieldrin | Sum of HHDN and HEOD |
Aliphatic alcohol ethoxylates | Aliphatic alcohol ethoxylates |
Alpha-cypermethrin see Cypermethrin | Residues arising from the use of alpha-cypermethrin are covered by the MRLs for cypermethrin. |
Altrenogest | Altrenogest |
Aluminium phosphide see Phosphine |
Ametoctradin | Commodities of plant origin: Ametoctradin Commodities of animal origin: Sum of ametoctradin and 6-(7-amino-5-ethyl [1,2,4] triazolo [1,5-a]pyrimidin-6-yl) hexanoic acid |
Ametryn | Ametryn |
Amicarbazone | Sum of amicarbazone, N-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-carboxamide (DA MKH 3586) and N-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-carboxamide (iPr-2-OH DA MKH 3586), expressed as amicarbazone |
Aminocarb | Aminocarb |
Aminoethoxyvinylglycine | aminoethoxyvinylglycine |
Aminopyralid | Commodities of plant origin: Sum of aminopyralid and conjugates, expressed as aminopyralid. Commodities of animal origin: Aminopyralid. |
Amisulbrom | Amisulbrom |
Amitraz | Sum of amitraz and N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-N '- methylformamidine, expressed as N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)- N'- methylformamidine |
Amitrole | Amitrole |
Amoxycillin | Inhibitory substance, identified as amoxycillin |
Ampicillin | Inhibitory substance, identified as ampicillin |
Amprolium | Amprolium |
Apramycin | Apramycin |
Asulam | Asulam |
Atrazine | Atrazine |
Avermectin B1 see Abamectin |
Avilamycin | Inhibitory substance, expressed as avilamycin |
Avoparcin | Avoparcin |
Azaconazole | Azaconazole |
Azamethiphos | Azamethiphos |
Azaperone | Azaperone |
Azimsulfuron | Azimsulfuron |
Azinphos-methyl | Azinphos-methyl |
Aziprotryn | Aziprotryn |
Azoxystrobin | azoxystrobin |
Bacitracin | Inhibitory substance, identified as bacitracin |
Benalaxyl | Benalaxyl |
Bendiocarb | Commodities of plant origin: unconjugated bendiocarb; Commodities of animal origin: sum of conjugated and unconjugated bendiocarb, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-benzodioxol-4-ol and N-hydroxymethylbendiocarb, expressed as bendiocarb |
Benfluralin | Benfluralin |
Benfuresate | Benfuresate |
Benomyl see Carbendazim | Residues arising from the use of benomyl are covered by MRLs for carbendazim |
Bensulfuron-methyl | Bensulfuron-methyl |
Bensulide | Bensulide |
Bentazone | Bentazone |
Benzocaine | Benzocaine |
Benzofenap | Sum of benzofenap, benzofenap-OH and benzofenap-Red, expressed as benzofenap |
Benzyladenine | Benzyladenine |
Benzyl G Penicillin | Inhibitory substance, identified as benzyl G penicillin |
Betacyfluthrin see Cyfluthrin |
Beta-cypermethrin | Residues arising from the use of beta-cypermethrin are covered by MRLs for cypermethrin |
BHC (other than the isomer, Lindane) | Sum of isomers of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, other than lindane |
Bicyclopyrone | Bicyclopyrone and its structurally related metabolites determined as the common moieties SYN503780 and CSCD68648 and expressed as bicyclopyrone |
Bifenazate | Sum of bifenazate and bifenazate diazene (diazenecarboxylic acid, 2-(4-methoxy-[1,1’-biphenyl-3-yl] 1-methylethyl ester), expressed as bifenazate |
Bifenthrin | Bifenthrin |
Bioresmethrin | Bioresmethrin |
Bitertanol | Bitertanol |
Bixafen | Commodities of plant origin for enforcement: Bixafen Commodities of plant origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of bixafen and N-(3',4'-dichloro-5-fluorobiphenyl-2-yl)-3-(difluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide (bixafen-desmethyl), expressed as bixafen Commodities of animal origin: Sum of bixafen and N-(3',4'-dichloro-5-fluorobiphenyl-2-yl)-3-(difluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide (bixafen-desmethyl), expressed as bixafen |
Boscalid | Commodities of plant origin: Boscalid |
| Commodities of animal origin: Sum of boscalid, 2-chloro-N-(4’-chloro-5-hydroxybiphenyl-2-yl) nicotinamide and the glucuronide conjugate of 2-chloro-N-(4’-chloro-5-hydroxybiphenyl-2-yl) nicotinamide, expressed as boscalid equivalents |
Buprofezin | Buprofezin |
Brodifacoum | Brodifacoum |
Bromacil | Bromacil |
Bromochloromethane | {T} Bromochloromethane |
Bromophos-ethyl | Bromophos-ethyl |
Bromopropylate | Bromopropylate |
Bromoxynil | Bromoxynil |
Bromsalans | Bromsalans |
Brotianide | Brotianide |
Bupirimate | Bupirimate |
Buquinolate | Buquinolate |
Butacarb | Butacarb |
Butafenacil | Butafenacil |
Butroxydim | Butroxydim |
Sum of butylamine salts and base, expressed as butylamine | |
sec-Butylamine see Butylamine |
Cadusafos | Cadusafos |
Cambendazole | Cambendazole |
Camphechlor see Chlorinated terpene isomers |
Captan | Captan |
Carbaryl | Commodities of plant origin: Carbaryl Commodities of animal origin: Sum of Carbaryl and conjugates, hydrolysed to Carbaryl, expressed as carbaryl |
Carbendazim | Sum of carbendazim and 2-aminobenzimidazole, expressed as carbendazim |
Carbetamide | Carbetamide |
Carbofuran see also Carbosulfan and Furathiocarb |
Carbofuran see also Furathiocarb | Sum of carbofuran and 3-hydroxycarbofuran, expressed as carbofuran |
Carbosulfan see Carbofuran | Residues arising from the use of carbosulfan are covered by MRLs for Carbofuran |
Carbon disulfide | Carbon disulfide |
Carbonyl sulphide | Carbonyl sulphide |
Carbophenothion | Sum of carbophenothion, its sulfoxide and its sulfone, expressed as carbophenothion |
Carboxin | Carboxin |
Carfentrazone-ethyl | Carfentrazone-ethyl |
Ceftiofur | desfuroylceftiofur |
Cefuroxime | Inhibitory substance, identified as cefuroxime |
Cephalonium | Inhibitory substance, identified as cephalonium |
Cephapirin | Cephapirin and des-acetylcephapirin, expressed as cephapirin |
Chinomethionat see Oxythioquinox |
Chlorantraniliprole | Commodities of plant origin and commodities of animal origin other than milk: chlorantraniliprole |
| Milk: sum of chlorantraniliprole, 3-bromo-N-[4-chloro-2-(hydroxymethyl)-6-[(methylamino)carbonyl]phenyl]-1-(3-chloro-2-pyridinyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide, and 3-bromo-N-[4-chloro-2-(hydroxymethyl)-6-[[((hydroxymethyl)amino)carbonyl]phenyl]-1-(3-chloro-2-pyridinyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide, expressed as chlorantraniliprole |
Chlordane | Sum of cis- and trans- chlordane and in the case of animal products also includes ‘oxychlordane’ |
Chlorfenac | Chlorfenac |
Chlorfenapyr | Chlorfenapyr |
Chlorfenvinphos | Chlorfenvinphos, sum of E and Z isomers |
Chlorfluazuron | Chlorfluazuron |
Chlorhexidine | Chlorhexidine |
Chloridazon | Chloridazon |
Chlorinated terpene isomers | Sum of all chlorinated terpene isomers |
Chlormequat | Chlormequat cation |
Chlornidine | Chlornidine |
Chloropicrin | Chloropicrin |
Chlorothalonil | Commodities of plant origin: chlorothalonil Commodities of animal origin: 4-hydroxy-2,5,6-trichloroisophthalonitrile metabolite expressed as chlorothalonil |
Chloroxuron | Sum of chloroxuron and all metabolites hydrolysed to p-chlorophenoxyaniline, expressed as chloroxuron |
Chlorpropham | Chlorpropham |
Chlorpyrifos | Chlorpyrifos |
Chlorpyrifos-methyl | Chlorpyrifos-methyl |
Chlorsulfuron | Chlorsulfuron |
Chlortetracycline | Inhibitory substance, identified as chlortetracycline |
Chlorthal-dimethyl | Chlorthal-dimethyl |
Chlorthiophos | Chlorthiophos |
Clavulanic acid | Clavulanic acid |
Clenpyrin | Clenpyrin |
Clethodim see Sethoxydim | Residues arising from the use of clethodim are covered by the MRLs for sethoxydim |
Clodinafop acid | (R)-2-[4-(5-chloro-3-fluoro-2-pyridinyloxy) phenoxy] propanoic acid |
Clodinafop-propargyl | Clodinafop-propargyl |
Clofentezine | Clofentezine |
Clomazone | Clomazone |
Clopyralid | Clopyralid |
Cloquintocet acid see Cloquintocet mexyl | Residues arising from the use of cloquintocet acid are covered by the MRLs for cloquintocet mexyl. |
Sum of cloquintocet mexyl and 5-chloro-8-quinolinoxyacetic acid, expressed as cloquintocet mexyl | |
Clorsulon | Clorsulon |
Closantel | Closantel |
Clothianidin see also Thiamethoxam | Clothianidin |
Cloxacillin | Inhibitory substance, identified as cloxacillin |
Copper | Determined as elemental copper |
Coumaphos | Sum of coumaphos and its oxygen analogue, expressed as coumaphos |
Coumatetralyl | Coumatetralyl |
4-CPA | 4-CPA |
Crotoxyphos | Crotoxyphos |
Crufomate | Crufomate |
Cyanamide | Cyanamide |
Cyanazine | Cyanazine |
Cyantraniliprole | Commodities of plant origin: Cyantraniliprole Commodities of animal origin for enforcement: Cyantraniliprole Commodities of animal origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of cyantraniliprole and 2-[3-bromo-1-(3-chloropyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl]-3,8-dimethyl-4-oxo-3,4-dihydroquinazoline-6-carbonitrile (IN-J9Z38), 2-[3-bromo-1-(3-chloropyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl]-8-methyl-4-oxo-3,4-dihydroquinazoline-6-carbonitrile (IN-MLA84), 3-bromo-1-(3-chloropyridin-2-yl)-N-{4-cyano-2-[(hydroxymethyl)carbamoyl]-6-methylphenyl}-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (IN-MYX98) and 3-bromo-1-(3-chloropyridin-2-yl)-N-[4-cyano-2-(hydroxymethyl)-6-(methylcarbamoyl)phenyl]-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (IN-N7B69), expressed as cyantraniliprole |
Cyazofamid | For compliance in plant and animal commodities: cyazofamid For dietary risk assessment in plant and animal commodities: the sum of cyazofamid and 4-chloro-5-(4-methyphenyl)-1H-imidazole-2-carbonitrile, expressed as cyazofamid |
Cyclanilide | Sum of cyclanilide and its methyl ester, expressed as cyclanilide |
Cyclaniliprole | Commoditie of plant and animal origin for enforcement: cyclaniliprole Commodities of plant origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of cyclaniliprole and 3-bromo-2-((2-bromo-4H-pyrazolo[1,5-d]pyrido[3,2-b]-[1,4]oxazin-4-ylidene)amino)-5-chloro-N-(1-cyclopropylethyl)benzamide (NK-1375), expressed as cyclaniliprole. Commodities of animal origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of cyclaniliprole and 8-bromo-2-(3-bromo-1-(3-chloropyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)-6-chloroquinazolin-4(3H)-one (NSY-28), expressed as cyclaniliprole |
Cycloprothrin | Cycloprothrin |
Cycloxydim | Sum of cycloxydim, its desethoxy, oxazole-ring residue and dipentane acid metabolites, together with sulfoxides and sulfones of these products and 5-hydroxy derivatives of the above, expressed as cycloxydim |
Cyflufenamid | Cyflufenamid |
Cyfluthrin | Cyfluthrin, sum of isomers |
Cyhalofop-butyl | Sum of cyhalofop-butyl, cyhalofop and metabolites expressed as cyhalofop-butyl |
Cyhalothrin | Cyhalothrin, sum of isomers |
Cyhexatin | Sum of cyhexatin and dicyclohexyltin oxide, expressed as cyhexatin |
Cypermethrin | Cypermethrin, sum of isomers |
Cyproconazole | Cyproconazole, sum of isomers |
Cyprodinil | Cyprodinil |
Cyromazine | Cyromazine |
2,4-D | 2,4-D | |
Daminozide | Daminozide | |
2,4-DB | 2,4-DB | |
DDT | Sum of p,p '-DDT; o,p '-DDT; p,p '-DDE and p,p '-TDE (DDD) | |
Decoquinate | Decoquinate | |
Deltamethrin | Deltamethrin | |
Derquantel | Derquantel | |
Desmetryn | Desmetryn | |
Dexamethasone | Dexamethasone | |
Dexamethasone triethylacetate see Dexamethasone |
| |
Diafenthiuron | Sum of diafenthiuron; N-[2,6-bis(1-methylethyl)- 4-phenoxyphenyl]-N'-(1,1-dimethylethyl)urea; and N-[2,6-bis(1-methylethyl)-4-phenoxyphenyl]- N'-(1,1-dimethylethyl)carbodiimide, expressed as diafenthiuron | |
Diazinon | Diazinon | |
Dicamba | Dicamba | |
Dichlobenil | Dichlobenil | |
Dichlofluanid | Dichlofluanid | |
Dichlone | Dichlone | |
Dichlorvos | Dichlorvos | |
Diclazuril | Diclazuril | |
Diclofop-methyl | Diclofop-methyl | |
Dichlorprop-P | Sum of dichlorprop acid, its esters and conjugates, hydrolysed to dichlorprop acid, and expressed as dichlorprop acid | |
Dicloran | Dicloran | |
Dicofol | Sum of dicofol and 2,2,2- trichloro-1-(4-chlorophenyl)- 1-(2-chlorophenyl)ethanol, expressed as dicofol | |
Dicyclanil | Sum of dicyclanil and its triaminopyridyl metabolite expressed as dicyclanil | |
Didecyldimethylammonium chloride | Didecyldimethylammonium chloride | |
Difenoconazole | Difenoconazole | |
Difenzoquat | Difenzoquat | |
Diflubenzuron | Diflubenzuron | |
Diflufenican | Diflufenican | |
Dimethipin | Dimethipin | |
Dimethenamid-P | Sum of dimethenamid-P and its (R)-isomer | |
Dimethirimol | Dimethirimol | |
Dimethoate see also Omethoate | Sum of dimethoate and omethoate, expressed as dimethoate | |
Dimethomorph | Sum of E and Z isomers of dimethomorph | |
Dimetridazole | Sum of dimetridazole and its hydroxy metabolite (2-hydroxymethyl-1-methyl-5-nitroimidazole), expressed as dimetridazole. | |
Dinitolmide | Sum of dinitolmide and its metabolite 3-amino-5-nitro-o -toluamide, expressed as dinitolmide equivalents | |
Dinitro-o-toluamide see Dinitolmide |
| |
Dinocap | Dinocap and related nitro-octylphenols, expressed as dinocap | |
Dinoseb | Dinoseb | |
Dinotefuran | Commodities of plant origin for enforcement: Dinotefuran Commodities of plant origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of dinotefuran, 1-methyl-3-(tetrahydro-3-furylmethyl) urea (UF) and 1-methyl-3-(tetrahydro-3-furylmethyl) guanidium dihydrogen (DN) expressed as dinotefuran. Commodities of animal origin: Sum of Dinotefuran and 1-methyl-3-(tetrahydro-3-furylmethyl) urea (UF) expressed as dinotefuran | |
Dioxathion | Sum of cis- and trans- dioxathion | |
Diphenyl | Diphenyl | |
Diphenylamine | Diphenylamine | |
Diquat | Diquat cation | |
Disulfoton | Sum of disulfoton and demeton-S and their sulfoxides and sulfones, expressed as disulfoton | |
Dithianon | Dithianon | |
Dithiocarbamates (mancozeb, metham, metiram, thiram, zineb and ziram) | Total dithiocarbamates, determined as CS2 evolved during acid digestion and expressed as mg CS2/kg.
| |
Diuron | Sum of diuron and 3,4- dichloroaniline, expressed as diuron | |
Dodine | Dodine | |
Doramectin | Doramectin | |
2,2-DPA | 2,2-dichloropropionic acid |
EDC see Ethylene dichloride |
Emamectin | Sum of emamectin B1a and emamectin B1b |
Endosulfan | Sum of - and - endosulfan and endosulfan sulphate |
Endothal | Endothal |
Endrin | Sum of endrin and -keto-endrin |
Enilconazole see Imazalil |
Epoxiconazole | Epoxiconazole |
Eprinomectin | Eprinomectin B1a |
Erythromycin | Inhibitory substance, identified as erythromycin |
Esfenvalerate see Fenvalerate |
Ethephon | Ethephon |
Ethametsulfuron methyl | Ethametsulfuron methyl |
Ethion | Ethion |
Ethofumesate | Ethofumesate |
Ethopabate | Ethopabate |
Ethoprophos | Ethoprophos |
Ethoxyquin | Ethoxyquin |
Ethoxysulfuron | Commodities of plant origin: Ethoxysulfuron Commodities of animal origin: 2-amino-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidine, expressed as ethoxysulfuron |
Ethylene dichloride | 1,2-dichloroethane |
Etofenprox | Etofenprox |
Etoxazole | Etoxazole |
Etridiazole | Etridiazole |
Fenaminosulf | Fenaminosulf |
Fenamiphos | Sum of fenamiphos, its sulfoxide and sulfone, expressed as fenamiphos |
Fenarimol | Fenarimol |
Fenazaflor | Fenazaflor |
Fenbendazole | Fenbendazole |
Fenbuconazole | Fenbuconazole |
Fenbutatin oxide | Bis[tris(2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)tin]-oxide |
Fenchlorphos | Fenchlorphos |
Fenfuram | Fenfuram |
Fenhexamid | Fenhexamid |
Fenitrothion | Fenitrothion |
Fenoprop | Fenoprop |
Fenoxaprop-ethyl | Sum of fenoxaprop-ethyl (all isomers) and 2-(4-(6-chloro-2-benzoxazolyloxy)phenoxy)-propanoate and 6-chloro-2,3-dihydrobenzoxazol-2-one, expressed as fenoxaprop-ethyl |
Fenoxycarb | Fenoxycarb |
Fenpiclonil | Fenpiclonil |
Fenpyrazamine | For enforcement: Fenpyrazamine For dietary exposure assessment: Sum of fenpyrazamine and 5-amino-1,2-dihydro-2-isopropyl-4-(o-tolyl)pyrazol-3-one (S-2188-DC), expressed as fenpyrazamine |
Fenpyroximate | Fenpyroximate |
Fensulfothion | Sum of fensulfothion, its oxygen analogue and their sulfones, expressed as fensulfothion |
Fenthion | Sum of fenthion, its oxygen analogue, and their sulfoxides and sulfones, expressed as fenthion |
Fentin | Fentin hydroxide, excluding inorganic tin and di- and mono-phenyltin |
Fenvalerate | Fenvalerate, sum of isomers |
Fipronil | Sum of fipronil, the sulphenyl metabolite (5-amino-1-[2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4-[(trifluoromethyl) sulphenyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile), the sulphonyl metabolite (5-amino-1-[2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4-[(trifluoromethyl)sulphonyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile), and the trifluoromethyl metabolite (5-amino-4-trifluoromethyl-1-[2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile). |
Flamprop-methyl | Flamprop-methyl |
Flamprop-m-methyl see Flamprop-methyl |
Flavophospholipol | Flavophospholipol |
Flonicamid |
| Commodities of plant origin: sum of flonicamid, TFNG (N-(4-trifluoromethylnicotinoyl)glycine) and TFNA (4-trifluoromethylnicotinic acid), expressed as flonicamid Commodities of animal origin: sum of flonicamid and TFNA-AM (4-trifluoromethylnicotinamide), expressed as flonicamid |
Florfenicol | Sum of florfenicol and its metabolites florfenicol alcohol, florfenicol oxamic acid, monochloroflorfenicol and florfenicol amine expressed as florfenicol amine |
Florasulam | Florasulam |
Florpyrauxifen-benzyl | Sum of florpyrauxifen-benzyl and the XDE-848 acid metabolite [4-amino-3-chloro-6-(4-chloro-2-fluoro-3-methoxyphenyl)-5-fluoropyridine-2-carboxylic acid] expressed as florpyrauxifen-benzyl |
Fluazifop-p-butyl | Sum of Fluazifop-butyl, fluazifop and their conjugates, expressed as fluazifop |
Fluazinam | Fluazinam |
Fluazuron | Fluazuron |
Flubendiamide | Commodities of plant origin: Flubendiamide Commodities of animal origin: sum of flubendiamide and 3- iodo-N-(2-methyl-4-[1,2,2,2-tetrafluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl)ethyl]phenyl)phthalimide, expressed as flubendiamide. |
Fluchloralin | Fluchloralin |
Flucythrinate | Flucythrinate |
Fludioxonil | Commodities of animal origin: sum of fludioxonil and oxidizable metabolites, expressed as fludioxonil Commodities of plant origin: fludioxonil |
Fluensulfone | Commodities of plant origin for enforcement: Sum of fluensulfone and 3,4,4-trifluorobut-3-ene-1-sulfonic acid (M-3627), expressed as fluensulfone Commodities of plant origin for dietary exposure assessment: Fluensulfone Commodities of animal origin: Fluensulfone |
Flumethrin | Flumethrin, sum of isomers |
Flumetsulam | Flumetsulam |
Flumiclorac-pentyl | Flumiclorac pentyl |
Flunixin | Flunixin |
Flumioxazin | Flumioxazin |
Fluometuron | Sum of fluometuron and 3-trifluoromethylaniline, expressed as fluometuron |
Fluopicolide | Commodities of plant and animal origin for enforcement: fluopicolide Commodities of plant and animal origin for dietary exposure assessment: fluopicolide and 2,6-dichlorobenzamide, measured separately |
Fluopyram | Commodities of plant origin: Fluopyram Commodities of animal origin for enforcement: Sum of fluopyram and 2-(trifluoromethyl) benzamide, expressed as fluopyram Commodities of animal origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of fluopyram, 2-(trifluoromethyl) benzamide and the combined residues of N-{(E)-2-[3-chloro-5-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-2-yl]ethenyl}-2-(trifluoromethyl) benzamide and N-{(Z)-2-[3-chloro-5-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-2-yl]ethenyl}-2-(trifluoromethyl) benzamide, all expressed as fluopyram |
Flupropanate | Flupropanate |
Flupyradifurone | For enforcement for commodities of plant and animal origin: Flupyradifurone For dietary exposure assessment for commodities of plant and animal origin: Sum of flupyradifurone and difluoroacetic acid, expressed as flupyradifurone |
Fluquinconazole | Fluquinconazole |
Fluroxypyr | Fluroxypyr |
Flusilazole | Flusilazole |
Flutolanil | Commodities of plant origin: flutolanil Commodities of animal origin: flutolanil and metabolites hydrolysed to 2-(trifluoromethyl)-benzoic acid and expressed as flutolanil |
Flutriafol | Flutriafol |
Fluvalinate | Fluvalinate, sum of isomers |
Fluxapyroxad | Commodities of plant origin: Fluxapyroxad Commodities of animal origin for enforcement: Fluxapyroxad Commodities of animal origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of fluxapyroxad and 3-(difluoromethyl-N-(3',4',5'-trifluoro[1,1'-biphenyl]-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide |
Forchlorfenuron | Forchlorfenuron |
Fosamine ammonium | Fosamine |
Fosetyl | Fosetyl |
Furathiocarb see Carbofuran | Residues arising from the use of furathiocarb are covered by MRLs for carbofuran |
Furazolidone | Sum of furaziolidone and its metabolites (protein-bound and free) that form 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) after mild acid hydrolysis, expressed as 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) |
Gentian violet | Crystal violet |
Gibberellic acid | Gibberellic acid |
Glufosinate and | Sum of glufosinate-ammonium, N-acetyl glufosinate and 3-[hydroxy(methyl)-phosphinoyl] propionic acid, expressed as glufosinate (free acid) |
Glyphosate | For enforcement: Sum of glyphosate, N-acetyl-glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) metabolite, expressed as glyphosate For dietary risk assessment: Sum of glyphosate, N-acetyl-glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and N-acetyl-aminomethylphosphonic acid (N-acetyl AMPA), expressed as glyphosate |
Griseofulvin | Griseofulvin |
Guazatine | Guazatine |
Halauxifen-methyl | Commodities of plant origin: Halauxifen methyl
Commodities of animal origin: 4-Amino-3-chloro-6(4-chloro-2-fluoro-3-hydroxphenyl)-pyridine-2-carboxylic acid, expressed as halauxifen-methyl |
Halofuginone | Halofuginone |
Halosulfuron-methyl | Halosulfuron-methyl |
Haloxyfop | Sum of haloxyfop, its esters and conjugates, expressed as haloxyfop |
Halquinol | Halquinol |
HCB | Hexachlorobenzene |
Heptachlor | Sum of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide |
Hexaconazole | Hexaconazole |
Hexaflurate | Hexaflurate |
Hexazinone | Hexazinone |
Hexythiazox | Hexythiazox |
Hydrogen cyanide | All cyanides, expressed as hydrogen cyanide |
Hydrogen phosphide see Phosphine |
S-Hydroprene | S-Hydroprene |
Hydroxyethylhydrazine | Hydroxyethylhydrazine |
Imazalil | Imazalil |
Imazamox | Imazamox |
Imazapic (formerly known as Imazameth) | Sum of imazapic and its hydroxymethyl derivative |
Imazapyr | Imazapyr |
Imazaquin | Imazaquin |
Imazethapyr | Imazethapyr |
Imidacloprid | Sum of imidacloprid and metabolites containing the 6-chloropyridinylmethylene moiety, expressed as imidacloprid |
Imidocarb (dipropionate salt) | Imidocarb |
Indoxacarb | Sum of Indoxacarb and it’s R-isomer. |
Inorganic bromide | Bromide ion |
Ioxynil | Ioxynil |
Iodosulfuron methyl | Iodosulfuron methyl |
Ipconazole | Ipconazole |
Iprodione | Iprodione |
Isocarbophos | Isocarbophos |
Isoeugenol | Isoeugenol, sum of cis- and trans- isomers |
Isofenphos | Isofenphos |
Isoproturon | Isoproturon |
Isopyrazam | For enforcement in plant and animal commodities: isopyrazam For assessment of dietary risk in plant commodities: sum of isopyrazam and 3-(difluoromethyl)-1-methyl- N-[1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-9-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-1,4-methanonaphthalen-5-yl]-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide isomers (CSCD459488 and CSCD459489) and their conjugates, expressed as isopyrazam For assessment of dietary risk in animal commodities: sum of isopyrazam, 3-(difluoromethyl)-1-methyl- N-[1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-hydroxy-9-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-1,4-methanonaphthalen-5-yl]-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide (CSCD656800) and 3-(difluoromethyl)-1-methyl- N-[1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-hydroxy-9-isopropyl-1,4-methanonaphthalen-5-yl]-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide (CSCD563692) and their conjugates, expressed as isopyrazam |
Isoxaben | Isoxaben |
Isoxaflutole | The sum of isoxaflutole and 2-cyclopropylcarbonyl-3-(2-methylsulfonyl-4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-3-oxopropanenitrile expressed as isoxaflutole |
Ivermectin | H2B1a |
Ketoprofen | Ketoprofen |
Kitasamycin | Inhibitory substance, identified as Kitasamycin |
Kresoxim-methyl | Commodities of plant origin: Kresoxim-methyl Commodities of animal origin: sum of α-(p-hydroxy-o-tolyloxy)-o-tolyl(methoxyimino) acetic acid and (E)-methoxyimino[α-(o-tolyloxy)-o-tolyl] acetic acid, expressed as kresoxim-methyl |
Lambda-Cyhalothrin see Cyhalothrin |
Lasalocid | Lasalocid |
Levamisole | Levamisole |
Lincomycin | Inhibitory substance, identified as lincomycin |
Lindane | Lindane |
Linuron | Sum of linuron plus 3,4-dichloroaniline, expressed as linuron |
Lufenuron | {T} Lufenuron |
Lysocellin sodium | Lysocellin |
Maduramicin | Maduramicin |
Magnesium phosphide see Phosphine |
Malathion see Maldison |
Maldison | Maldison |
Maleic hydrazide | Sum of free and conjugated maleic hydrazide, expressed as maleic hydrazide |
Mancozeb see Dithiocarbamates |
Mandestrobin | Mandestrobin |
Mandipropamid | Mandipropamid |
Mebendazole | Mebendazole |
Mecoprop | Mecoprop |
Mefenpyr-diethyl | Commodities of plant origin: Sum of mefenpyr-diethyl and metabolites hydrolysed to 1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-methyl-2-pyrazoline-3,5-dicarboxylic acid, and 1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-methyl-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid, expressed as mefenpyr-diethyl. Commodities of animal origin: Sum of mefenpyr-diethyl and 1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-ethoxycarbonyl-5-methyl-2-pyrazoline-3-carboxylic acid, expressed as mefenpyr-diethyl. |
Mefluidide | Mefluidide |
Meloxicam | Meloxicam |
Menazon | Menazon |
Mepiquat | Mepiquat |
Mesosulfuron-methyl | Mesosulfuron-methyl |
Metalaxyl-M see Metalaxyl | Residues arising from the use of Metalaxyl-M are covered by the MRLs for Metalaxyl |
Metalaxyl | |
Metaldehyde | Metaldehyde |
Metamitron | Metamitron |
Metazachlor | Commodities of plant origin for enforcement: Sum of metabolites 479M04 (N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-N-(1H-pyrazol-1-ylmethyl)oxalamide), 479M08 (N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-N-(1H-pyrazol-1-ylmethyl)aminocarbonylmethylsulfonic acid) and 479M16 (3-[N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-N-(1H-pyrazol-1-ylmethyl)aminocarbonylmethylsulfinyl]-2-hydroxypropanoic acid), expressed as metazachlor Commodities of plant origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of metazachlor and its metabolites containing the 2,6-dimethylaniline moiety, expressed as metazachlor Commodities of animal origin: Sum of metazachlor and its metabolites containing the 2,6-dimethylaniline moiety, expressed as metazachlor |
Methabenzthiazuron | Methabenzthiazuron |
Methacrifos | {T} Methacrifos |
Metham see Dithiocarbamates |
Methamidophos see also Acephate | Methamidophos |
Metham-sodium see Metham |
Methidathion | Methidathion |
Methiocarb | Sum of methiocarb, its sulfoxide and sulfone, expressed as methiocarb |
Methomyl see also Thiodicarb | Methomyl |
Methoprene | Methoprene, sum of cis- and trans-isomers |
Methoxychlor | Methoxychlor |
Methoxyfenozide | Methoxyfenozide |
Methyl benzoquate | Methyl benzoquate |
Methyl bromide | Methyl bromide |
Methyl isothiocyanate | Methyl isothiocyanate |
Metichlorpindol | Metichlorpindol |
Metiram see Dithiocarbamates |
Metolachlor | Metolachlor |
Metosulam | Metosulam |
Metoxuron | Metoxuron |
Metrafenone | Metrafenone |
Metribuzin | Metribuzin |
Metsulfuron-methyl | Metsulfuron-methyl |
Mevinphos | Mevinphos |
Milbemectin | Sum of milbemycin MA3 and milbemycin MA4 and their photoisomers, milbemycin (Z) 8,9-MA3 and (Z) 8,9-MA4 |
Molinate | Molinate |
Monensin | Monensin |
Monepantel | Monepantel sulphone |
Morantel | Morantel |
Moxidectin | Moxidectin |
MSMA | Total arsenic, expressed as MSMA |
Myclobutanil | Myclobutanil |
Naled | {T} Sum of naled and dichlorvos, expressed as naled |
Naphthalene acetic acid | 1-Naphthelene acetic acid |
Naphthalophos | Naphthalophos |
Napropamide | Napropamide |
Naptalam | Naptalam |
Narasin | Narasin |
Neomycin | Inhibitory substance, identified as neomycin |
Netobimin see Albendazole | Residues arising from the use of netobimin are covered by MRLs for Albendazole |
Nicarbazin | 4,4′-dinitrocarbanilide (DNC) |
Niclosamide | {T} Niclosamide |
Nifursol | Nifursol |
Nimidane | Nimidane |
Nitralin | Nitralin |
Nitrothal-isopropyl | Nitrothal-isopropyl |
Nitroxynil | Nitroxynil |
Norflurazon | Norflurazon |
Norgestomet | Norgestomet |
Novaluron | Novaluron |
Novobiocin | Novobiocin |
ODB | 1,2-dichlorobenzene |
Ofurace | Ofurace |
Olaquindox |
| Sum of olaquindox and all metabolites which reduce to 2-(N-2-hydroxyethylcarbamoyl)-3-methyl quinoxaline, expressed as olaquindox |
Oleandomycin | Oleandomycin |
Omethoate see also Dimethoate | Omethoate |
OPP see 2-Phenylphenol |
Oryzalin | Oryzalin |
Oxabetrinil | Oxabetrinil |
Oxadixyl | Oxadixyl |
Oxamyl | Sum of oxamyl and 2-hydroxyimino-N,N-dimethyl- 2-(methylthio)-acetamide, expressed as oxamyl |
Oxathiapiprolin | Oxathiapiprolin |
Oxfendazole | Oxfendazole |
Oxolinic acid | Inhibitory substance, identified as oxolinic acid |
Oxydemeton-methyl | Sum of oxydemeton-methyl and demeton-S-methyl sulphone, expressed as oxydemeton-methyl |
Oxycarboxin | Oxycarboxin |
Oxyclozanide | Oxyclozanide |
Oxyfluorfen | Oxyfluorfen |
Oxytetracycline | Inhibitory substance, identified as oxytetracycline |
Oxythioquinox | Oxythioquinox |
Paclobutrazol | Paclobutrazol |
Paraquat | Paraquat cation |
Parathion-methyl | Parathion-methyl |
PCP (and its sodium salt) | Pentachlorophenol |
Pebulate | Pebulate |
Penconazole | Penconazole |
Pencycuron | Pencycuron |
Pendimethalin | Pendimethalin |
Penflufen | Penflufen |
Penthiopyrad | Commodities of plant origin: Penthiopyrad Commodities of animal origin: Sum of penthiopyrad and 1-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-ylcarboxamide, expressed as penthiopyrad |
Permethrin | Permethrin, sum of isomers |
Phenmedipham | Commodities of plant origin: Phenmedipham Commodities of animal origin: 3-methyl-N-(3-hydroxyphenyl)carbamate |
Phenothrin | Sum of phenothrin (+)cis- and (+)trans-isomers |
Phenoxymethyl V penicillin | Inhibitory substance, identified as phenoxymethyl V penicillin |
2-Phenylphenol | Sum of 2-phenylphenol and 2-phenylphenate, expressed as 2-phenylphenol |
Phorate | Sum of phorate, its oxygen analogue, and their sulfoxides and sulfones, expressed as phorate |
Phosalone | Phosalone |
Phosmet | Sum of phosmet and its oxygen analogue, expressed as phosmet |
Phosphine | All phosphides, expressed as hydrogen phosphide (phosphine) |
Phosphorous acid | Phosphorous acid |
Phoxim | Phoxim |
Picloram | Picloram |
Picolinafen | Commodities of plant origin: Picolinafen Commodities of animal origin: Sum of picolinafen and 6-[3-trifluoromethyl phenoxy]-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid |
Pinoxaden | Sum of free and conjugated M4 metabolite, 8-(2,6-diethyl-4-hydroxymethylphenyl)-tetrahydro-pyrazolo[1,2-d][1,4,5]oxa-diazepine-7,9-dione, expressed as Pinoxaden |
Piperonyl butoxide | Piperonyl butoxide |
Pirimicarb | Sum of pirimicarb, demethyl-pirimicarb and the N-formyl-(methylamino) analogue (demethylformamido-pirimicarb), expressed as pirimicarb |
Pirimiphos-methyl | Pirimiphos-methyl |
Praziquantel | Praziquantel |
Procaine penicillin | Inhibitory substance, identified as procaine penicillin |
Prochloraz | Sum of prochloraz and its metabolites containing the 2,4,6-trichlorophenol moiety, expressed as Prochloraz |
Procymidone | Procymidone |
Profenofos | Profenofos |
Profoxydim | Sum of profoxydim and all metabolites converted to dimethyl-3-(3-thianyl)glutarate-S-dioxide after oxidation and treatment with acidic methanol, expressed as profoxydim. |
Prohexadione-calcium | Sum of the free and conjugated forms of prohexadione expressed as prohexadione |
Promacyl | Promacyl |
Prometryn | Prometryn |
Propachlor | Sum of propachlor and metabolites hydrolysable to N-isopropylaniline, expressed as propachlor |
Propamocarb | Propamocarb (base) |
Propanil | Propanil |
Propaquizafop | Propaquizafop and acid and oxophenoxy metabolites, measured as 6-chloro-2-methoxyquinoxaline, expressed as propaquizafop |
Propargite | Propargite |
Propazine | Propazine |
Propetamphos | Propetamphos |
Propham | Propham |
Propiconazole | Propiconazole |
Propineb | For enforcement: Propylenediamine (PDA), expressed as propineb. For dietary exposure assessment: Propineb plus propylenethiourea (PTU). |
Propoxur | Propoxur |
Propylene oxide | Propylene oxide |
Propyzamide | Propyzamide |
Proquinazid | Commodities of plant origin: Proquinazid Commodities of animal origin: Sum of proquinazid and 3-(6-iodo-4-oxo-3-propyl-3H-quinazolin-2-yloxy)propionic acid, expressed as proquinazid |
Prosulfocarb | Prosulfocarb |
Prothiofos | Prothiofos |
Prothioconazole | For commodities of plant origin: sum of prothioconazole and prothioconazole desthio (2-(1-chlorocyclopropyl)-1-(2-chlorophenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-propan-2-ol), expressed as prothioconazole. For commodities of animal origin: sum of prothioconazole, prothioconazole desthio (2-(1-chlorocyclopropyl)-1-(2-chlorophenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-propan-2-ol), prothioconazole-3-hydroxy-desthio (2-(1-chlorocyclopropyl)-1-(2-chloro-3-hydroxyphenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-propan-2-ol) and prothioconazole-4-hydroxy-desthio (2-(1-chlorocyclopropyl)-1-(2-chloro-4- hydroxyphenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-propan-2-ol), expressed as prothioconazole |
Pydiflumetofen | Commodities of plant origin: Pydiflumetofen Commodities of animal origin for enforcement: Pydiflumetofen Commodities of animal origin for dietary exposure assessment: sum of pydiflumetofen, 2,4,6-trichlorophenyl (free and conjugated) and 3-difluoromethyl-1-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid methoxy-[1-methyl-2-(2,4,6-trichloro-3-hydroxy-phenyl)-ethyl]-amide (SYN547897), expressed as pydiflumetofen |
Pymetrozine | Pymetrozine |
Pyraclofos | Pyraclofos |
Pyraclostrobin | Commodities of plant origin: Pyraclostrobin Commodities of animal origin: Sum of pyraclostrobin and metabolites hydrolysed to 1-(4-chloro-phenyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-ol, expressed as pyraclostrobin |
Pyraflufen-ethyl | Sum of pyraflufen-ethyl and its acid metabolite (2-chloro-5-(4-chloro-5-difluoromethoxy-1-methylpyrazol-3-yl)-4-fluorophenoxyacetic acid) |
Pyrasulfotole | The sum of pyrasulfotole and (5-hydroxy-3-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)[2-mesyl-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methanone, expressed as pyrasulfotole |
Pyrazophos | Pyrazophos |
Pyrethrins | Sum of pyrethrins I and II, cinerins I and II and jasmolins I and II, determined after calibration by means of the International Pyrethrum Standard. |
Pyridaben | Pyridaben |
Pyridate | Sum of pyridate and metabolites containing 6-chloro-4-hydroxy-3-phenyl pyridazine, expressed as pyridate |
Pyrimethanil | Pyrimethanil |
Pyriofenone | Pyriofenone |
Pyriproxyfen | Pyriproxyfen |
Pyrithiobac sodium | Pyrithiobac sodium |
Pyroxsulam | Pyroxsulam |
Pyroxasulfone | For enforcement for commodities of plant origin: Sum of pyroxasulfone and (5-difluoromethoxy-1-methyl-3-trifluoromethyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)methanesulfonic acid, expressed as pyroxasulfone For enforcement for commodities of animal origin: 5-Difluoromethoxy-1-methyl-3-trifluoromethyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid, expressed as pyroxasulfone. For dietary exposure assessment for commodities of plant and animal origin: Sum of pyroxasulfone, (5-difluoromethoxy-1-methyl-3-trifluoromethyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)methanesulfonic acid, and 5-difluoromethoxy-1-methyl-3-trifluoromethyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid, expressed as pyroxasulfone. |
Quinoxyfen | Quinoxyfen |
Quintozene | Sum of quintozene, pentachloroaniline and methyl pentachlorophenyl sulfide, expressed as quintozene |
Quizalofop-ethyl | Sum of quizalofop-ethyl and quizalofop acid and other esters, expressed as quizalofop-ethyl |
Quizalofop-P-tefuryl | Sum of quizalofop-P-tefuryl and quizalofop acid, expressed as quizalofop-P-tefuryl |
Ractopamine | Ractopamine |
Robenidine | Robenidine |
Rimsulfuron | Rimsulfuron |
S-metolachlor see Metolachlor | Residues arising from the use of S-metolachlor are covered by the MRLs for metolachlor |
Saflufenacil | Commodities of plant origin: Sum of saflufenacil, N’-{2-chloro-4-fluoro-5-[1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-2,6-dioxo-4-(trifluoromethyl)pyrimidin-1-yl]benzoyl-N-isopropyl sulfamide and N-[4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-({[(isopropylamino)sulfonyl]amino}carbonyl)phenyl]urea, expressed as saflufenacil equivalents. Commodities of animal origin: Saflufenacil |
Salinomycin | Salinomycin |
sec-Butylamine see Butylamine |
Sedaxane | Sedaxane, sum of isomers |
Semduramicin | Semduramicin |
Sethoxydim | Sum of sethoxydim and metabolites containing the 5-(2-ethylthiopropyl)cyclohexene-3-one and 5-(2-ethylthiopropyl)-5-hydroxycyclohexene-3-one moieties and their sulfoxides and sulfones, expressed as sethoxydim |
Simazine | Simazine |
Spectinomycin | Inhibitory substance, identified as Spectinomycin |
Spinetoram | Sum of Ethyl-spinosyn-J and Ethyl-spinosyn-L |
Spinosad | Sum of spinosyn A and spinosyn D |
Spirotetramat | For enforcement for commodities of plant and animal origin: Sum of spirotetramat, and cis-3-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1-azaspiro[4.5]dec-3-en-2-one, expressed as spirotetramat. Commodities of plant origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of spirotetramat, cis-3-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1-azaspiro[4.5]dec-3-en-2-one, cis-3-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-3-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1-azaspiro[4.5]decane-2,4-dione, cis-3-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1-azaspiro[4.5]decan-2-one and the glucoside of cis-3-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1-azaspiro[4.5]dec-3-en-2-one, expressed as spirotetramat. Commodities of animal origin for dietary exposure assessment: Sum of spirotetramat, cis-3-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1-azaspiro[4.5]dec-3-en-2-one and the glucuronic acid conjugate of cis-3-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-4-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1-azaspiro[4.5]dec-3-en-2-one, expressed as spirotetramat. |
Spiroxamine | Commodities of plant origin: Spiroxamine Commodities of animal origin: Spiroxamine carboxylic acid |
Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin | Inhibitory substance, identified as streptomycin or dihydrostreptomycin |
Strobane see |
Sulfuryl fluoride | Sulfuryl fluoride |
Sulfosulfuron | Sum of sulfosulfuron and its metabolites which can be hydrolysed to 2-(ethylsulfonyl)imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine, expressed as sulfosulfuron |
Sulfoxaflor | Sulfoxaflor |
Sulphadiazine | Sulphadiazine |
Sulphadimidine | Sulphadimidine |
Sulphadoxine | Sulphadoxine |
Sulphur dioxide | Sulphur dioxide |
Sulphanitran | Sulphanitran |
Sulphaquinoxaline | Sulphaquinoxaline |
Sulphatroxazole | Sulphatroxazole |
Sulprofos | Sulprofos |
2,4,5-T | 2,4,5-T |
Tebuconazole | Tebuconazole |
Tebufenozide | Tebufenozide |
Tebufenpyrad | Tebufenpyrad |
Tebuthiuron | Sum of tebuthiuron, and hydroxydimethylethyl, N-dimethyl and hydroxy methylamine metabolites, expressed as tebuthiuron |
Temephos | Sum of temephos and temephos sulfoxide, expressed as temephos |
Tepraloxydim | Sum of tepraloxydim and metabolites converted to 3-(tetrahydro-pyran-4-yl)-glutaric acid and 3-hydroxy-3-(tetrahydro-pyran-4-yl)-glutaric acid, expressed as tepraloxydim |
Terbacil | Terbacil |
Terbufos | Sum of terbufos, its oxygen analogue and their sulfoxides and sulfones, expressed as terbufos |
Terbuthylazine | Terbuthylazine |
Terbutryn | Terbutryn |
Tetrachlorvinphos | Tetrachlorvinphos |
Tetraconazole | Tetraconazole |
Tetracycline | Inhibitory substance, identified as tetracycline |
Tetradifon | Tetradifon |
Tetrathiocarbonate ion | Carbon disulfide plus any substances producing carbon disulfide during storage or analysis, expressed as carbon disulphide |
Tetronasin | Sum of tetronasin and its monohydroxy derivatives |
Thiabendazole | Thiabendazole or, in the case of animal products, sum of thiabendazole and 5-hydroxythiabendazole, expressed as thiabendazole |
Thiacloprid | Thiacloprid |
Thiamethoxam see also Clothianidin | Commodities of plant origin: Thiamethoxam Commodities of animal origin: Sum of thiamethoxam and N-(2-chloro-thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-N’-methyl-N’-nitro-guanidine, expressed as Thiamethoxam (Note: the metabolite clothianidin has separate MRLs) |
Thidiazuron | Thidiazuron |
Thifensulfuron-methyl | Thifensulfuron-methyl |
Thiobencarb | Thiobencarb |
2-(thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole | {T} 2-(thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole |
Thiodicarb see also Methomyl | Sum of thiodicarb and methomyl, expressed as thiodicarb |
Thiometon | Sum of thiometon, its sulfoxide and sulfone, expressed as thiometon |
Thiophanate see Carbendazim | Residues arising from use of thiophanate are covered by MRLs for carbendazim |
Thiophanate-methyl see Carbendazim | Residues arising from thiophanate-methyl are covered by the MRLs for carbendazim |
Thiram see Dithiocarbamates |
Tiamulin | Tiamulin |
Tilmicosin | Tilmicosin |
Tolclofos-methyl | Tolclofos-methyl |
Tolfenamic acid | Tolfenamic acid |
Toltrazuril | Sum of toltrazuril, its sulfoxide and sulfone, expressed as toltrazuril |
Tolylfluanid | Tolylfluanid |
Tralkoxydim | Tralkoxydim |
Trenbolone acetate | The sum of trenbolone acetate and 17 alpha - and 17 beta-trenbolone, both free and conjugated, expressed as trenbolone |
Triadimefon see also Triadimenol | Sum of triadimefon and triadimenol, expressed as triadimefon |
Triadimenol | Triadimenol see also Triadimefon |
Triallate | Sum of triallate and 2,3,3-trichloroprop-2-ene sulfonic acid (TCPSA), expressed as triallate |
Triasulfuron | Triasulfuron |
Tribenuron-methyl | Tribenuron-methyl |
Trichlorfon | Trichlorfon |
Trichloroethylene | Trichloroethylene |
Triclabendazole | Sum of triclabendazole and metabolites oxidisable to keto-triclabendazole and expressed as keto-triclabendazole equivalents |
Triclopyr | Triclopyr |
Tridemorph | Tridemorph |
Trifloxystrobin | Sum of trifloxystrobin and its acid metabolite ((E,E)-methoxyimino-[2-[1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)-ethylideneaminooxymethyl]phenyl] acetic acid), expressed as trifloxystrobin equivalents |
Trifloxysulfuron sodium | Trifloxysulfuon |
Triflumizole | Sum of triflumizole and (E)-4-chloro-,,-trifluoro-N-(1-amino-2-propoxyethylidene)-o-toluidine, expressed as triflumizole |
Triflumuron | Triflumuron |
Trifluralin | Trifluralin |
Triforine | Triforine |
Trimethoprim | Trimethoprim |
Trinexapac-ethyl | Commodities of plant origin for enforcement: Trinexapac acid Commodities of plant origin for dietary exposure assessment: Trinexapac and its conjugates, expressed as Trinexapac acid Commodities of animal origin: Trinexapac acid |
Triticonazole | Triteconazole |
Tylosin | Tylosin A |
Tulathromycin | Sum of tulathromycin and its metabolites that are converted by acid hydrolysis to (2R, 3S, 4R, 5R, 8R, 10R, 11R, 12S, 13S, 14R)-2-ethyl-3,4,10,13-tetrahydroxy-3,5,8,10,12,14-hexamethyl-11-[[3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-ß-D- xylohexopyranosyl]oxy]-1-oxa-6-azacyclopentadecan-15- one, expressed as tulathromycin equivalents. |
Uniconazole–p | Sum of uniconazole-p and its Z-isomer expressed as uniconazole-p |
Vamidothion | Sum of vamidothion, its sulfoxide and sulfone, expressed as vamidothion |
Virginiamycin | Inhibitory substance, identified as virginiamycin |
Warfarin | Warfarin |
Zeta-cypermethrin see Cypermethrin | Residues arising from the use of zeta-cypermethrin are covered by the MRLs for cypermethrin |
Zeranol | Zeranol |
Zinc phosphide see Phosphine |
Zineb see Dithiocarbamates |
Ziram see Dithiocarbamates |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Abamectin | ||
| Almond hulls | 0.1 |
| Fodder and forage of sweet corn | T0.1 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 0.1 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | T*0.01 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | T*0.01 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | T*0.01 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Fodder and forage of sweet corn; Legume animal feeds, Maize fodder and Maize forage] | *0.01 |
| Tomato Pomace, dry | T1 |
Acetamiprid | ||
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 5 |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 1 |
Acibenzolar-S-methyl | ||
| Tomato pomace, dry | 5 |
Afidopyropen | ||
| Tomato pomace, dry | 3 |
| Primary feed commodities | E0.01 |
Ametoctradin |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 70 |
Amicarbazone | ||
AM 0659 | Sugarcane fodder | 5 |
Aminoethoxyvinylglycine | ||
| Almond hulls | *0.05 |
Aminopyralid | ||
| Forage brassicas (green) | 2 |
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains (green) | 3 |
| Mixed pastures (leguminous/grasses) | 300 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder of cereal grains (dry) | 0.2 |
Amisulbrom | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace (dry) | 3 |
Atrazine | ||
| Primary feed commodities | T40 |
| Rape seed forage | 10 |
| Rape seed straw or fodder | 0.5 |
Azimsulfuron | ||
| Rice fodder (fresh weight) | *0.05 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | *0.05 |
Azoxystrobin | ||
| Almond hulls | 7 |
| Barley forage | 10 |
AS 0640 | Barley straw and fodder, dry | 3 |
| Canola forage, fodder and straw | 30 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 5 |
| Fodder and forage of sweet corn | T15 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 15 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 50 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | T6 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | T4 |
AF 0647 | Oat forage (green) | 7 |
AS 0647 | Oat straw and fodder, dry | 3 |
| Peanut hulls | 1 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | T15 |
| Tomato pomace (dry) | 10 |
| Wheat forage | 10 |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | 3 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Benomyl see Carbendazim | ||
Bensulfuron-methyl | ||
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | *0.05 |
Bentazone | ||
| Rice forage (fresh weight) | *0.03 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | *0.03 |
Benzofenap | ||
| Rice forage (green) | *0.02 |
| Rice straw and fodder (dry) | *0.02 |
BHC (other than isomer, Lindane) | ||
| Primary feed commodities | E0.02 |
Bicyclopyrone | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 0.5 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 0.2 |
Bifenazate | ||
| Almond Hulls | 5 |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 3 |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) | T10 |
Bifenthrin | ||
AL 1020 | Alfalfa fodder [Lucerne] | 0.1 |
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green) | 0.1 |
| Almond hulls | T5 |
AL 0061 | Bean fodder | T20 |
AL 1030 | Bean forage (green) | T20 |
| Canola fodder (dry) | *0.01 |
| Canola forage (green) | 1 |
AL 1031 | Clover hay or fodder | *0.05 |
| Clover forage (green) | *0.05 |
| Faba bean fodder (dry) | 0.02 |
| Faba bean forage (green) | 1 |
| Field pea fodder (dry) | 0.01 |
| Field pea forage (green) | 1 |
| Forage (green) of cereal grains | 0.2 |
| Lupin fodder (dry) | 0.02 |
AL 0545 | Lupin forage | 1 |
| Navy beans fodder | 1 |
| Navy beans forage (green) | 5 |
AL 0072 | Pea hay or Pea fodder (dry) | *0.01 |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) | *0.01 |
| Pear pomace, dry | 5 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.01 |
AM 0659 | Sugarcane fodder | *0.02 |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | *0.01 |
Bitertanol | ||
AL 1030 | Bean forage (green) | 50 |
AL 0061 | Bean fodder | 50 |
Bixafen | ||
| Canola forage | 5 |
| Canola straw and fodder (dry) | 0.3 |
| Fodder and forage of cereal grains | 2 |
| Lupin forage and fodder | T7 |
| Primary feed commodities [except canola forage; canola straw and fodder (dry); forage and fodder of cereal grains and pulse forage and fodder] | 0.05 |
| Pulse forage and fodder (except Lupin forage and fodder) | 5 |
Boscalid | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 30 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 25 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 70 |
| Peanut meal | T0.5 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Legume animal feeds] | 15 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 1 |
Bromoxynil | ||
| Primary feed commodities | T1 |
Buprofezin | ||
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 5 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 5 |
| Tomato pomace (dry) | 10 |
Butafenacil | ||
| Canola fodder (dry) | *0.01 |
| Canola forage (green) | *0.01 |
| Forage of cereal grains (dry)[except rice] | *0.01 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Canola fodder (dry); Canola forage (green); Forage of cereal grains (dry) [except rice]; Pulse forage; Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains [except rice]; Straw and fodder (dry) of pulse crops] | 3 |
| Pulse forage | *0.01 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains[except rice] | *0.02 |
| Straw and fodder (dry) of pulse crops | *0.01 |
Butroxydim | ||
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | *0.01 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Captan | ||
| Almond hulls | 60 |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 10 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | T15 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 10 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | T50 |
Carbaryl | ||
AF 0080 | Forage of cereal grains | 100 |
| Grass pastures | 400 |
AS 0162 | Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses | 300 |
| Legume forage | 400 |
| Legume fodder | 100 |
AM 0165 | Miscellaneous fodder and forage crops | 300 |
| Rice hulls | 15 |
| Sorghum bran | 20 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 100 |
Carbendazim | ||
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 25 |
Carbosulfan see Carbofuran | ||
Carbofuran | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 2 |
Carfentrazone-ethyl | ||
| Almond hulls | *0.05 |
| Cereal grain forage and fodder | *0.05 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Cereal grain forage and fodder] | 1 |
Chlorantraniliprole | ||
| Almond Hulls | 10 |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 3 |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | 0.7 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 2 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 10 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Legume animal feeds; Sweet corn forage and fodder] | 0.5 |
| Sweet corn forage and fodder | 7 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 2 |
Chlordane | ||
| Primary feed commodities | E0.01 |
Chlorfenapyr | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 3 |
Chlormequat | ||
| Barley forage (green) | T25 |
AS 0640 | Barley straw and fodder (dry) | T15 |
| Wheat forage (green) | 25 |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | 15 |
Chlorothalonil | ||
AL 0697 | Peanut fodder | 200 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | 200 |
| Pulses, forage and fodder, except pea hay or pea fodder | 160 |
AL 0072 | Pea hay or peas fodder dry | 250 |
Chlorpyrifos | ||
AM 0691 | Cotton fodder, dry | 30 |
| Cotton meal and hulls | 0.05 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | T10 |
| Peanut hay | T2 |
Chlorsulfuron | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 10 |
Clodinafop acid | ||
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | *0.1 |
Clodinafop-propargyl | ||
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | *0.1 |
Clofentezine | ||
| Almond hulls | T5 |
Clomazone | ||
| Canola fodder (dry) | *0.01 |
| Canola forage (green) | 0.1 |
| Rice forage (green) | *0.01 |
AS 0649 | Rice Straw and fodder (dry) | *0.01 |
Clopyralid | ||
| Canola forage and fodder | 25 |
| Canola straw | 10 |
AM 1051 | Fodder beet [fresh weight] | T2 |
AV 1051 | Fodder beet leaves or tops [fresh weight] | T3 |
| Forage and fodder of cereal grains | 25 |
| Pasture | 100 |
| Straw of cereal grains | 10 |
Cloquintocet acid see Cloquintocet mexyl | ||
| Primary feed commodities (fresh weight) | *0.1 |
Clothianidin | ||
AL 1020 | Alfalfa fodder | *0.01 |
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green) | 0.1 |
| Almond hulls | T5 |
| Brassica forage crops | 3 |
| Canola fodder (dry) | 0.3 |
| Canola forage (green) | 3 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 2 |
| Cotton seed by-products | T*0.01 |
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains (green) [except Maize forage and Sorghum forage (green)] | 0.3 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 0.7 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | 0.5 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | 2 |
| Pasture | 2 |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage (green) | 1 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains [except Maize fodder and Sorghum straw and fodder, dry] | 0.7 |
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder | 0.5 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage | 0.5 |
| Sweet corn fodder | 0.5 |
| Sweet corn forage | 2 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 2 |
Cyanazine | ||
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | *0.01 |
Cyantraniliprole |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 0.5 |
| Primary feed commodities | 1 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 0.7 |
Cyclaniliprole |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 0.7 |
Cyflufenamid | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 0.5 |
Cyfluthrin | ||
| Canola forage (green) | 1 |
| Canola fodder (dry) | 2 |
| Chick-pea forage (green) | 5 |
| Faba bean forage (green) | 5 |
| Field pea forage (green) | 5 |
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 5 |
| Grass pastures (green) | 2 |
| Legume pastures (except vetch) (green) | 3 |
AL 0545 | Lupin, forage (green) | 2 |
| Navy bean forage (green) and fodder | 1 |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage (green) | 0.5 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 5 |
Cyhalofop-butyl | ||
| Rice forage (green) | *0.1 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder (dry) | 1 |
Cyhalothrin | ||
| Cotton seed by-products | 1 |
| Forage and fodder of cereal grains | 2 |
| Forage brassicas (green) | 1 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds [green] | 1 |
| Legume fodder/straw | 2 |
| Oilseed forage and fodder | 2 |
Cypermethrin | ||
AM 0691 | Canola (rape) forage (green) and fodder | 15 |
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder | 10 |
| Chick-pea forage | 10 |
AM 0691 | Cotton fodder, dry | 10 |
| Forage and fodder of cereal grains | T15 |
| Lentil fodder | T10 |
| Lentil forage (green) | T10 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | T15 |
| Primary feed commodities [except canola (rape) forage (green) and fodder, chick-pea fodder; chick-pea forage, cotton fodder (dry), lentil fodder; lentil forage (green), peanut forage (green)] | 5 |
Cyproconazole | ||
| Barley forage | 10 |
AS 0640 | Barley straw and fodder, dry | 3 |
| Canola forage, fodder and straw | T3 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | T1 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | T2 |
AL 0697 | Peanut fodder | 20 |
| Peanut hulls | 0.2 |
| Pulse forage and fodder | T5 |
| Wheat forage | 10 |
AS 0654 | Wheat Straw and fodder, dry | 3 |
Cyprodinil | ||
| Almond hulls | 0.2 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 15 |
Cyromazine | ||
| Tomato pomace, dry | T1 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
DDT | ||
| Primary feed commodities | E0.05 |
Deltamethrin | ||
| Fodder and forage of cereal grains | 5 |
| Fodder and forage of oilseeds | 5 |
| Fodder and forage of pulses | 5 |
| Fodder and forage of sweet corn | 5 |
| Rice hulls | 7 |
Diafenthiuron | ||
| Canola fodder (dry) | *0.01 |
| Canola forage (green) | 0.05 |
Dicamba | ||
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder | 0.1 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage | 0.1 |
Dichlofluanid | ||
Al 0697 | Peanut fodder | *0.1 |
Dichlorprop-P |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 2 |
Dieldrin see Aldrin and Dieldrin | ||
Difenoconazole | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 1 |
| Cereal forage (green) | *0.1 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 0.1 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Diflubenzuron | ||
Diflufenican | ||
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 5 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 0.2 |
Dimethenamid-P | ||
AM 1051 | Fodder beet [fresh weight] | T*0.01 |
AL 1051 | Fodder beet leaves or tops [fresh weight] | T*0.01 |
| Forage and fodder of maize and sweet corn | *0.02 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 0.07 |
| Rape seed [canola] forage, fodder and straw [fresh weight] | T*0.01 |
Dimethoate | ||
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 10 |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | T0.5 |
| Primary feed commodities | 40 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 0.02 |
Dinotefuran | ||
| Cotton seed hulls | 0.2 |
| Mung bean forage and fodder | 0.3 |
Diphenylamine | ||
| Apple pomace, wet | 20 |
Diquat | ||
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 100 |
Dithiocarbamates (mancozeb, metham, metiram, thiram, zineb and ziram) | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 50 |
AL 1029 | Vetch | T0.5 |
Diuron | ||
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 2 |
| Primary feed commodities (except legume animal feeds) | 50 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Emamectin | ||
| Canola forage, fodder and straw | 0.05 |
| Fodder and forage of sweet corn | 0.05 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 0.1 |
| Pulse forage and fodder (Fresh weight) | *0.01 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 0.3 |
Endothal | ||
| Primary feed commodities | T20 |
Endrin | ||
| Primary feed commodities | E0.03 |
Epoxiconazole | ||
| Cereal forage, green | 5 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder of cereal grains, dry | 7 |
Ethephon | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 10 |
Ethion | ||
AM 0691 | Cotton fodder, dry | 20 |
Ethoxysulfuron | ||
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder [fresh weight] | *0.01 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage | *0.01 |
Etoxazole | ||
| Almond hulls | 2 |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 2 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 3 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 2 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | T2 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | T1 |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) | T0.1 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 0.5 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Fenbuconazole | ||
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder (dry) | 1 |
| Wheat forage (green) | 2 |
Fenhexamid | ||
| Grape pomace (wet weight basis) | 50 |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) | T150 |
Fenitrothion | ||
AL 1020 | Alfalfa fodder [Lucerne] | T5 |
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green) [Lucerne] | T5 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds (except alfalfa fodder and forage) | T10 |
| Oilseed forage and fodder | 10 |
AS 0161 | Straw, fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and other grass-like plants | T10 |
Fenoxaprop-ethyl | ||
| Cereal forage (fresh weight) | *0.01 |
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder | 0.5 |
| Chick-pea forage (green) | 0.5 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | T1 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains except rice | 0.5 |
Fenpyrazamine | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 1 |
Fenvalerate | ||
AL 1020 | Alfalfa fodder | 5 |
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green) | 5 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 0.5 |
| Primary feed commodities (except alfalfa forage (green) and alfalfa fodder)) | 10 |
Fipronil | ||
| Pastures (mixed grasses/leguminous)[fresh weight] | 0.02 |
AL 0697 | Peanut forage and fodder | 0.01 |
| Rape (canola) forage (green) | *0.01 |
| Rape (canola) straw and fodder | *0.01 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | 0.005 |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage (green)[fresh weight] | 0.02 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | *0.01 |
AL 0541 | Soya bean fodder | T*0.01 |
AL 1265 | Soya bean forage (green) [fresh weight] | T*0.01 |
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder | 0.01 |
| Sunflower forage (green) (fresh weight) | *0.01 |
Flamprop-m-methyl see Flamprop-methyl | ||
Flamprop-methyl | ||
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder | 1 |
| Chick-pea forage | 2 |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 |
| Triticale straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 |
Flonicamid | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 3 |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | 3 |
Florasulam | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains [fresh weight][except rye forage (green)] | *0.05 |
| Primary feed commodities ([except Forage of cereal grains [fresh weight] and straw and fodder of cereal grain (dry)]) | 0.3 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder of cereal grains (dry) | *0.05 |
Florpyrauxifen-benzyl | ||
| Rice forage (green) | 5 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | 0.5 |
Flubendiamide | ||
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | 0.05 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 20 |
Fludioxonil | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 100 |
| Canola forage (fresh weight) | *0.01 |
| Canola straw and fodder | *0.02 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 30 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 30 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | *0.02 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | *0.02 |
| Peanut hulls | T*0.01 |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage (green) | *0.01 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | *0.01 |
| Sunflower forage and fodder | T*0.02 |
| Sweet corn forage and fodder | *0.02 |
Fluensulfone |
| Primary feed commodities [except Sugar cane forage and fodder] | 10 |
| Sugar cane forage and fodder | *0.03 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 2 |
Flumetsulam | ||
AL 1020 | Alfalfa fodder [Lucerne] | 15 |
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green)[Lucerne] | 15 |
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains (green) [except Maize forage] | 2 |
AF 0645 | Maize fodder | *0.05 |
AS 0645 | Maize forage | *0.05 |
| Pastures (mixed grasses/leguminous) | 15 |
| Peanut forage (green) and fodder | *0.05 |
| Pulse forage and fodder | *0.05 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains [except Maize fodder] | 2 |
Flumioxazin | ||
AL 1020 | Alfalfa fodder [Lucerne] | 30 |
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green) [Lucerne] | 30 |
| Almond hulls | 1 |
| Forage of cereal grains [except wheat forage][fresh weight] | *0.05 |
| Forage of oil seeds [fresh weight] | *0.05 |
| Forage and fodder of pulses | 0.3 |
| Oil seed straw and fodder | *0.1 |
| Primary feed commodities [except alfalfa fodder [Lucerne]; alfalfa forage (green) [Lucerne]; forage of cereal grains [except wheat forage][fresh weight]; forage of oil seeds [fresh weight]; forage and fodder of pulses; oil seed straw and fodder; straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains; sugar cane fodder; sugar cane forage and wheat forage] | 10 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder | *0.01 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage | *0.01 |
| Wheat forage | 0.5 |
Fluopicolide | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 1 |
Fluopyram | ||
| Almond hulls | 15 |
| Apple pomace, dry | 7 |
| Canola forage (green) | T2 |
| Canola fodder (dry) | T0.05 |
Flupropanate | ||
| Mixed pasture (leguminous/grasses) | 300 |
Fluquinconazole | ||
| Barley forage | 2 |
AS 0640 | Barley straw and fodder, dry | 0.5 |
| Canola forage | 0.5 |
| Canola straw and fodder, dry | *0.01 |
| Pome fruit pomace, dry | 3 |
| Wheat forage | 2 |
AS 0654 | Wheat, straw and fodder, dry | 0.5 |
Fluroxypyr | ||
AF 0161 | Forage of cereal grains and other grass-like plants | 100 |
| Mixed Pastures (leguminous/grasses) | 700 |
| Primary feed commodities [other than straw and |
| fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and other |
| grass-like plants, and sugar cane fodder |
| and forage] | 25 |
AS 0161 | Straw and fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and |
| other grass-like plants | 100 |
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder | 100 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage | 100 |
Flutriafol | ||
| Canola forage (green) | 20 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Canola forage (green)] | 5 |
Fluxapyroxad | ||
| Forage and fodder of cereal grains | 20 |
| Forage and fodder of chick-pea | T5 |
| Forage and fodder of lentil | T5 |
| Primary feed commodities (except Forage and fodder of cereal grains; Forage and fodder of chick-pea and Forage and fodder of lentil) | 1 |
Furathiocarb see Carbofuran |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Glufosinate-ammonium | ||
AL 0061 | Bean fodder (Phaseolus spp.) | T*0.05 |
AL 1030 | Bean forage (green) | T*0.05 |
| Canola forage | 5 |
| Canola meal | 0.2 |
| Canola straw and fodder (dry) | 3 |
| Cotton meal and hulls | 5 |
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains (green) | 2 |
| Forage of pulse crops (green) | 2 |
AS 0162 | Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses | 5 |
| Mixed pasture (legume/grasses) | 15 |
| Oilseed fodder [except canola straw and fodder (dry)] | 0.5 |
| Oilseed forage [except canola forage] | 2 |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) | T15 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 0.5 |
| Straw and fodder (dry) of pulse crops | 0.5 |
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder | *0.2 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage | *0.2 |
Glyphosate | ||
| Canola meal | 15 |
AV 0691 | Cotton forage | 100 |
| Linseed meal | T7 |
| Primary feed commodities [other than cotton forage, soya bean hulls and soya bean aspirated grain fractions] | 200 |
| Soya bean aspirated grain fractions | 50 |
| Soya bean hulls | 10 |
DM 0659 | Sugar cane Molasses | T5 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Halauxifen-methyl | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains (green) | 0.2 |
| Grass pastures | 0.2 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Forage of cereal grains (green), Grass pastures, and Straw and fodder of cereal grains(dry)] | 1 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder of cereal grains (dry) | 0.02 |
Halosulfuron-methyl | ||
AF 0654 | Maize forage | 2 |
AS 0654 | Maize fodder | 2 |
| Pastures | *0.01 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | T0.5 |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage [Fresh weight] | *0.05 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum fodder | 0.1 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage | *0.05 |
Haloxyfop | ||
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green) [Lucerne] | 5 |
AL 0061 | Bean fodder | 0.5 |
AL 1030 | Bean forage (green) | 5 |
| Canola forage | 10 |
| Canola fodder | 0.5 |
| Chick-pea forage | 10 |
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder | 0.5 |
| Guar bean fodder | T0.5 |
| Guar bean forage | T5 |
| Linola fodder | 0.5 |
| Linola forage | 10 |
| Linseed fodder | 0.5 |
| Linseed forage | 10 |
AL 0545 | Lupin forage | 10 |
| Lupin fodder | 0.5 |
| Pasture (green) | 3 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | 3 |
AL 0697 | Peanut fodder | 5 |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) | 5 |
| Pea fodder | 0.5 |
AL 1029 | Vetch | 3 |
HCB | ||
| Primary feed commodities | E0.01 |
Heptachlor | ||
| Primary feed commodities | E0.02 |
Hexythiazox |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 5 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Imazamox | ||
| Adzuki bean forage and fodder [fresh weight] | T*0.05 |
| Barley forage and fodder | 0.7 |
| Barley straw | *0.05 |
| Faba bean forage and fodder [fresh weight] | T*0.05 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds [except faba bean forage and fodder; mung bean forage and fodder; peanut forage (green); pea vines (green); soya bean forage (green)] | 1 |
| Mung bean forage and fodder [fresh weight] | T*0.05 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) [Fresh weight] | *0.05 |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) [Fresh weight] | *0.05 |
| Rape seed fodder | *0.05 |
| Rape seed forage [fresh weight] | *0.05 |
| Sorghum forage and fodder | 0.7 |
| Sorghum straw | *0.05 |
AL 1265 | Soya bean forage (green) [Fresh weight] | *0.05 |
| Wheat forage and fodder | 0.7 |
| Wheat straw | *0.05 |
Imazapic (formerly known as Imazameth) | ||
| Canola fodder (dry) | *0.05 |
| Canola forage (green) | *0.05 |
| Forage of cereal grains [fresh weight] | *0.05 |
AL 0697 | Peanut fodder | *0.1 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | *0.1 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (fresh weight) of cereal grains | 0.5 |
Imazapyr | ||
| Canola fodder (dry) | *0.05 |
| Canola forage (green) | *0.05 |
| Forage and fodder of cereal grains [except maize fodder and maize forage] | 1 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder (dry) | *0.05 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage (green)[fresh weight] | *0.05 |
| Primary feed commodities [except maize fodder (dry), maize forage (green)[fresh weight], canola fodder (dry), canola forage (green), forage and fodder of cereal grains and straw of cereal grains, dry] | 15 |
GC 0651 | Sorghum | 0.02 |
| Straw of cereal grains, dry | *0.05 |
Imazethapyr | ||
AS 0645 | Maize fodder (dry) | *0.05 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage (green)[fresh weight] | *0.05 |
| Primary feed commodities (fresh weight) [except Maize fodder (dry) and Maize forage (green) [fresh weight]] | *0.1 |
Imidacloprid | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 2 |
| Brassica forage crops (kale, rape, turnips and swede) | 1 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 10 |
| Cotton seed hulls | *0.02 |
| Cotton seed meal | 0.02 |
| Forage of cereal grains (green) [except Maize forage] | 10 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 15 |
| Lucerne fodder and forage | 1 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | 20 |
| Pastures | 1 |
| Rape seed [canola] fodder and forage | 1 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 0.7 |
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder, dry | 2 |
| Sweet corn fodder | 10 |
| Sweet corn forage | 20 |
Indoxacarb | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 20 |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | *0.05 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 3 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 10 |
| Linseed fodder | T10 |
| Linseed forage | T10 |
| Pastures (mixed grasses/leguminous) | 1 |
| Peanut fodder | T30 |
| Safflower seed fodder | T10 |
| Safflower seed forage | T10 |
| Soya bean hulls and aspirated grain fractions | 2 |
| Soya bean meal | 0.02 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 10 |
Iodosulfuron methyl | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 0.5 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Ipconazole | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | *0.01 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Iprodione | ||
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green) [Lucerne] | 20 |
| Canola forage | 1 |
| Canola straw and fodder (dry) | 1 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | T15 |
| Lupin forage and fodder, dry | T10 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | 20 |
AL 1265 | Soya bean forage (green) | 5 |
Isopyrazam | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 4 |
Isoxaben | ||
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 0.1 |
| Cereal forage (fresh weight) | *0.01 |
Isoxaflutole | ||
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder | *0.02 |
| Chick-pea forage | 0.5 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Chick-pea fodder, Chick-pea forage and Sugar cane fodder] | 0.3 |
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder | *0.01 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Kresoxim-methyl | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 0.5 |
Lindane | ||
| Primary feed commodities | E0.1 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Maldison | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 20 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 10 |
Mandipropamid | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 5 |
MCPA | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 500 |
Mefenpyr-diethyl | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 3 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 1 |
Mepiquat | ||
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | 2 |
Mesosulfuron-methyl | ||
| Wheat forage [fresh weight] | *0.02 |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | *0.02 |
Metalaxyl | ||
| Forage of cereal grains (green) | T0.7 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Metazachlor | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 2 |
Methomyl see also Thiodicarb | ||
| Cassava leaves and tops | T80 |
Methoxychlor | ||
| Primary feed commodities | E1 |
Methoxyfenozide | ||
| Almond hulls | 50 |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 3 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 10 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 3 |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) | T200 |
| Sweet corn, fodder and forage | T200 |
Metolachlor | ||
| Cotton fodder | 0.1 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | 0.1 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | *0.02 |
| Primary feed commodities | 5 |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage (green) | 0.2 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | 0.2 |
| Sweet corn, fodder and forage | T200 |
Metosulam | ||
AF 0161 | Forage of cereal grains and other grass-like plants | *0.1 |
AL 0545 | Lupin, forage | *0.1 |
AS 0161 | Straw, fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and other grass-like plants | *0.1 |
Metrafenone | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 3 |
Metribuzin | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 0.2 |
| Rape seed (canola) straw and fodder | *0.02 |
Metsulfuron-methyl | ||
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder [fresh weight] | *0.05 |
| Chick-pea forage [fresh weight] | *0.05 |
AF 0161 | Forage of cereal grains and other grass-like |
| plants [pasture] | 1 |
| Linseed forage and fodder | 0.2 |
| Mung bean forage and fodder | T1 |
| Safflower forage and fodder | 0.2 |
AS 0161 | Straw and fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and other grass-like plants | 1 |
Milbemectin | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 0.3 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 0.1 |
Myclobutanil | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 5 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) | |
Napropamide | |||
| Canola fodder (dry) | *0.01 | |
| Canola forage (green) | 0.1 | |
Niclosamide |
| |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | T*0.01 | |
Novaluron | |||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 1 | |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Omethoate | ||
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds [Fresh weight] | 20 |
AL 0545 | Lupin, forage | 0.5 |
AS 0161 | Straw, fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and other grass-like plants | 20 |
AM 0165 | Miscellaneous fodder and forage crops [Fresh weight] | 20 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Paclobutrazol | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | T*0.01 |
Paraquat | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 500 |
Pendimethalin | ||
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | T0.7 |
| Rape seed fodder and forage | *0.05 |
Penflufen | ||
| Brassica forage crops (kale; rape; swede; turnips) | *0.01 |
AF 0080 | Forage of cereal grains | 3 |
| Forage and fodder of chick-pea | T1 |
| Forage and fodder of lentil | T1 |
| Forage and fodder of lupin | T1 |
| Forage and fodder of soya bean | T1 |
AS 0162 | Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses | *0.01 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds (except Forage and fodder of chick-pea, Forage and fodder of lentil, Forage and fodder of lupin, Forage and fodder of soya bean) | *0.01 |
| Pasture (leguminous/grasses) | *0.01 |
| Rape seed [canola] forage, fodder and straw | *0.05 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Penthiopyrad | ||
| Almond hulls | 7 |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 5 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 70 |
Permethrin | ||
AL 0528 | Pea vines (green) | 15 |
Phenmedipham | ||
AM 1051 | Fodder beet (fresh weight) | 0.2 |
AV 1051 | Fodder beet leaves or tops (fresh weight) | 2 |
Phosphorous acid | ||
AL 1023 | Clover | 100 |
AM 0353 | Pineapple fodder | 100 |
Picloram | ||
AM 0659 | Sugarcane fodder, dry | 50 |
AV 0659 | Sugarcane forage, dry | 50 |
Picolinafen | ||
AL 1023 | Clover | 2 |
| Field pea forage (green) | 0.5 |
| Forage of cereal grains (green) | 0.5 |
AL 0545 | Lupin forage | 2 |
| Lupin straw (dry) | *0.02 |
AL 0072 | Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) | 0.05 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.02 |
Pinoxaden | ||
| Barley forage (green) | 3 |
AS 0640 | Barley straw and fodder, dry | 1 |
| Wheat forage (green) | 3 |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | 1 |
Piperonyl butoxide | ||
| Cotton seed meal | T*0.05 |
Pirimicarb | ||
| Almond Hulls | 2 |
AM 0691 | Cotton fodder (dry) | 20 |
| Primary feed commodities | 20 |
Procymidone | ||
| Canola forage | T5 |
| Canola fodder, dry | T5 |
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder | T5 |
| Chick-pea forage | T5 |
| Lentil forage | 5 |
| Lentil straw and fodder, dry | 5 |
AL 0545 | Lupin, forage | 0.1 |
Profenofos | ||
| Cotton meal and hulls | 1 |
Profoxydim | ||
| Rice forage | 5 |
AS 0649 | Rice straw and fodder, dry | *0.02 |
Prohexadione-calcium | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, (dry) | 0.1 |
Prometryn | ||
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder | 0.5 |
| Chick-pea forage (green) | 0.5 |
AS 0162 | Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses | 50 |
Propachlor | ||
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | 1 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | 5 |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage (green) | 15 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, (dry) | 5 |
Propamocarb | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 0.7 |
Propaquizafop | ||
| Cotton fodder | *0.05 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds [except legume pastures, |
| peanut forage(green) and fodder] | *0.1 |
AL 0697 | Peanut fodder | *0.05 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage | 2 |
| Primary feed commodities except Cotton fodder, Legume animal feeds [except legume pastures, peanut forage(green) and fodder], Peanut fodder and Peanut forage | 5 |
Propiconazole | ||
| Almond hulls | 10 |
| Cane tops (fresh weight) | 0.05 |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 10 |
| Fodder and forage of sweet corn | T10 |
AS 0650 | Forage and fodder (dry) of perennial ryegrass | 10 |
| Fodder and forage of pulses | T30 |
| Forage of cereal grains (green) | 10 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | T5 |
| Tomato pomace (dry) | 5 |
Propyzamide | ||
| Canola forage | 3 |
| Canola straw and fodder | 0.2 |
| Pulse forage and fodder | 2 |
| Quinoa forage | T3 |
| Quinoa straw and fodder | T0.2 |
Proquinazid | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 15 |
| Tomato pomace (dry) | 5 |
Prosulfocarb | ||
| Barley forage, green | 0.5 |
AS 0640 | Barley straw and fodder, dry | 0.05 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 0.2 |
| Wheat forage, green | 0.5 |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | 0.05 |
Prothioconazole | ||
| Cereal forage and fodder | 7 |
| Cereal straw | 0.3 |
| Lupin forage and fodder | T15 |
AL 0697 | Peanut fodder | 30 |
| Pulse forage and fodder (except Lupin forage and fodder) | 7 |
| Rape seed [canola] forage, fodder and straw | 10 |
Pydiflumetofen | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | T1 |
| Canola forage | 3 |
| Canola straw and fodder (dry) | 0.1 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | T50 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Canola forage; and Canola straw and fodder (dry)] | T0.2 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | T20 |
Pymetrozine | ||
| Almond Hulls | 0.07 |
| Broad bean [Faba bean] forage (green) | T3 |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | *0.02 |
AL 0545 | Lupin forage (green) | T3 |
| Straw and fodder (dry) of Broad beans [Faba bean] | T0.1 |
| Straw and fodder (dry) of Lupins | T0.1 |
| Sweet corn forage and fodder | 1 |
Pyraclostrobin | ||
| Almond hulls | 3 |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 25 |
| Cereal forage, green | 5 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 10 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | T5 |
AF 0647 | Oat forage (green)[fresh weight] | *0.05 |
AS 0647 | Oat straw and fodder, dry | *0.05 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder of cereal grains, dry | 0.5 |
Pyrasulfotole | ||
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.02 |
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 0.5 |
Pyraflufen-ethyl | ||
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 5 |
| Primary feed commodities (except Legume animal feeds) | 3 |
Pyrethrins | ||
| Cotton seed meal | T*0.05 |
Pyrimethanil | ||
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 3 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 40 |
| Pome fruit pomace, dry | T100 |
Pyriofenone | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 5 |
| Primary feed commodities | 0.5 |
Pyriproxyfen | ||
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 2 |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | *0.02 |
Pyrithiobac sodium | ||
AM 0691 | Cotton fodder, dry | 0.2 |
AV 0691 | Cotton forage | 0.2 |
Pyroxsulam | ||
AF 0650 | Rye forage (green) | 0.5 |
AS 0650 | Rye straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 |
| Triticale forage (green) | 0.5 |
| Triticale straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 |
| Wheat forage (green) | 0.5 |
Pyroxasulfone | ||
| Primary animal feed commodities | 0.7 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Quinoxyfen | ||
| Barley forage (green) | 5 |
AS 0640 | Barley straw and fodder, dry | 2 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 5 |
Quintozene | ||
| Tomato pomace, dry | 0.2 |
Quizalofop-ethyl | ||
| Canola forage and fodder | 5 |
AL 1023 | Clover | 2 |
| Forage and fodder of soybeans, chickpeas, field peas, lupins, faba beans, mung beans, navy beans, lentils, vetch and green beans | 10 |
| Medic pastures | 10 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | 0.5 |
| Quinoa forage and fodder | T5 |
Quizalofop-P-tefuryl | ||
| Canola forage and fodder | 5 |
AL 1023 | Clover | 2 |
| Forage and fodder of soybeans, chickpeas, field peas, lupins, faba beans, mung beans navy beans and green beans | 10 |
| Medic pastures | 10 |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | 0.5 |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) | |
S-metolachlor see Metolachlor | |||
Saflufenacil | |||
| Almond hulls | *0.1 | |
| Forage and fodder of cereal grains | 1 | |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 3 | |
| Oilseed fodder | *0.1 | |
| Oilseed forage (green) [fresh weight] | *0.1 | |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage (green) [fresh weight] | *0.1 | |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | *0.1 | |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.1 | |
Sedaxane | |||
| Cereal forage (green) | 0.2 | |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.01 | |
Sethoxydim | |||
| Barley Forage [fresh weight] | *0.1 | |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds [except peanut fodder and peanut forage (green)] | 15 | |
AL 0697 | Peanut fodder | 10 | |
AL 1270 | Peanut forage (green) | 10 | |
| Quinoa forage and fodder | T10 | |
| Rape seed fodder and forage | 10 | |
| Wheat forage (green)[fresh weight] | *0.1 | |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | *0.1 | |
Simazine | |||
AL 0524 | Chick-pea fodder | 0.5 | |
| Chick-pea forage (green) | 0.5 | |
| Faba bean fodder | 0.1 | |
| Faba bean forage (green) | 3 | |
| Rape seed forage | 5 | |
| Rape seed straw or fodder | 1 | |
Spinetoram | |||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 1 | |
| Brassica forage crops | 0.5 | |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 0.2 | |
| Canola forage and fodder | 0.1 | |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 2 | |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 1 | |
TN 0669 | Macadamia nuts | *0.01 | |
| Sweet corn forage and fodder | 5 | |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 1 | |
Spinosad | |||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 1 | |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 1 | |
| Cottonseed by-products | *0.01 | |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 1 | |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 1 | |
| Rice hulls | 4 | |
AF 0651 | Sorghum forage (green) | 0.5 | |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | 0.5 | |
| Sweet corn, fodder and forage (dry) | 1 | |
Spirotetramat | |||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 5 | |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 2 | |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | 1 | |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 7 | |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds [except soya bean forage and fodder] | 20 | |
AL 0541 | Soya bean fodder | T50 | |
AL 1265 | Soya bean forage (green) | T50 | |
| Sweet corn forage and fodder | 5 | |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 20 | |
Spiroxamine | |||
| Barley forage | 5 | |
AS 0640 | Barley straw and fodder, dry | 1 | |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace | 10 | |
AL 0528 | Pea vines (geen) | T7 | |
Sulfosulfuron | |||
| Triticale straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 | |
AS 0654 | Wheat straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 | |
Sulfoxaflor | |||
| Almond hulls | 7 | |
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 2 | |
| Canola fodder (dry) | 3 | |
| Canola forage (green) | 3 | |
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 5 | |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | 0.5 | |
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains (green) [except Quinoa forage] | 2 | |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 20 | |
| Pulse forage and fodder | 5 | |
| Quinoa forage and fodder | T3 | |
| Soya bean hulls | 0.5 | |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder of cereal grains (dry) [except Quinoa fodder] | 1 | |
| Sweet corn forage and fodder | 2 | |
| Tomato pomace, dry | 20 | |
COMPOUND | Animal Feed Commodity | MRL (mg/kg) |
Tebuconazole | ||
| Almond hulls | 2 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 15 |
| Primary feed commodities | 50 |
Tebufenozide | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 10 |
| Pome fruit pomace, dry | 10 |
Tebuthiuron | ||
| Pastures (mixed grasses/leguminous) | 20 |
Tepraloxydim | ||
| Canola forage and fodder | 3 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | 3 |
Terbufos | ||
AL 0697 | Peanut fodder | *0.05 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Terbuthylazine | ||
AL 1020 | Alfalfa fodder [Lucerne] | 10 |
AL 1021 | Alfalfa forage (green) [Lucerne] | 10 |
| Fodder of sweet corn | 0.02 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | 0.02 |
| Primary feed commodities [except Alfalfa fodder [Lucerne], Alfalfa forage (green) [Lucerne], Fodder of sweet corn; Maize fodder; Rape seed (canola) fodder; Sorghum straw and fodder, dry; Straw and fodder of pulse crops (dry)] | 5 |
| Rape seed [canola] fodder | 0.5 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | *0.02 |
| Straw and fodder of pulse crops (dry) | *0.05 |
Terbutryn | ||
AS 0161 | Straw, fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and other grass-like plants | 30 |
| Pastures (mixed grasses/leguminous) | 75 |
| Plantain pasture | 75 |
| Field pea forage and fodder | 30 |
Tetraconazole | ||
AB 0269 | Grape pomace, dry | 2 |
Thiacloprid | ||
AB 0226 | Apple pomace, dry | 3 |
| Cotton seed meal and hulls | 0.05 |
Thiamethoxam see also Clothianidin | ||
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 7 |
| Cotton seed hulls | 0.5 |
AF 0080 | Forage of cereal grains | 1 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | 0.5 |
| Rape seed forage (dry) | 1 |
| Rape seed straw and fodder | *0.01 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | 0.1 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains [except Maize fodder; Sorghum straw and fodder, dry] | *0.01 |
| Tomato pomace, dry | T3 |
Thifensulfuron-methyl | ||
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 5 |
Thiodicarb see also Methomyl | ||
| Primary feed commodities [except maize; sorghum; sunflower] | 30 |
AS 0645 | Maize fodder | 50 |
AF 0645 | Maize forage | 50 |
| Sunflower forage | *0.05 |
Tralkoxydim | ||
| Primary feed commodities | *0.02 |
Triadimefon | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 10 |
Triadimenol | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 0.5 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder, dry | 10 |
| Tomato pomace | 5 |
Triallate | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 30 |
Triasulfuron | ||
| Primary feed commodities | 5 |
Tribenuron-methyl | ||
| Primary feed commodities (Fresh weight) | *0.05 |
Triclopyr | ||
AB 0001 | Citrus pulp, dry | 2 |
AS 0651 | Sorghum straw and fodder (dry) | *0.1 |
Trifloxystrobin | ||
| Almond hulls | 15 |
| Brassica forage crops (kale; rape; swede; turnips) | *0.02 |
AB 0269 | Grape pomace (dry) | 3 |
AS 0162 | Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses | *0.02 |
AL 0157 | Legume animal feeds | *0.02 |
| Pasture (leguminous/grasses) | *0.02 |
| Pome fruit pomace, dry | 25 |
| Rape seed [canola] forage, fodder and straw | *0.02 |
Trifloxysulfuron sodium | ||
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder (fresh weight) | *0.02 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage (fresh weight) | *0.02 |
Triflumuron | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 0.2 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Trifluralin | ||
| Cassava leaves and tops | T1 |
| Forage and fodder of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Trinexapac-ethyl | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 2 |
AS 0162 | Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses | 3 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | 0.5 |
AM 0659 | Sugar cane fodder | 1 |
AV 0659 | Sugar cane forage | 1 |
Triticonazole | ||
AF 0081 | Forage of cereal grains | 0.1 |
AS 0081 | Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains | *0.05 |
Substance | Use |
Abamectin |
Acetic acid |
Acrolein |
Adrenaline |
Alkoxylated fatty alkylamine Polymer |
Alpha-pinene |
Amitrole |
Ammonium thiocyanate |
Ammonium Thiosulphate |
Amorphous Silica |
Anisyl alcohol |
Aureobasidium pullulans strains DSM 14940 and DSM 14941 |
Azamethiphos |
Azoxystrobin |
Substance | Use |
Bacillus cereus |
Bacillus licheniformis |
Bacillus sphericus Strain 2362 |
Bacillus subtilis |
Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713 (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) |
Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subsp aizawai |
Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner israelensis |
Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki delta endotoxin encapsulated in killed Pseudomonas fluorescens |
Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki delta endotoxin protein |
Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki exoprotein Vip3A |
Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subsp kurstaki |
Banda de Lupinus albus doce (BLAD) |
Beauveria bassiana strain PPRI 5339 |
Bendiocarb |
Bentonite |
Benzyladenine |
Beta-cyfluthrin |
Bifenthrin |
N,N-bis(3-aminopropyl) dodecylamine |
Bismuth subnitrate |
Bm86 antigen |
Bromo, chloro-dimethylhydantoin |
Bupivacaine hydrochloride |
Butyl salicylate |
Substance | Use |
Canola oil |
Captan |
Carbaryl |
Carfentrazone-ethyl |
Cephalonium |
Cetrimide |
Chlorflurenol |
Chlorpicrin |
Chlorpyrifos |
Chlorpyrifos-methyl |
Chlortetracycline |
Cholecalciferol |
Citric acid |
Clitoria ternatea Extract |
Cloprostenol |
Cloxacillin |
Copper |
Coumatetralyl |
Cresylic acid |
Cue-lure pheromone |
Cydia pomonella granulovirus |
Cyhalothrin |
Cypermethrin |
Cypermethrin |
Cyproconazole |
Cyprodinil |
Cyromazine |
Substance | Use |
Dazomet |
Delta-7 porcine somatotrophin |
Derris |
1,2-Dichloropropane |
1,3-Dichloropropene |
Didecyldimethylammonium chloride |
Difethialone |
Dinoprost |
Diphacinone |
Dithiocarbamates (mancozeb, metham, metiram, propineb, thiram, zineb and ziram) |
Dithiopyr |
(E,E) 8,10-Dodecadien-1-ol |
E-11-tetradecen-1-yl-acetate |
E,E-9,11-tetradecadien-1-yl-acetate |
Dodecan-1-ol |
(Z, E)-7, 9, 11-dodecatrienyl formate |
(Z)-8-Dodecenol |
(E)-8-Dodecenyl acetate |
(Z)-8-Dodecenyl acetate |
Dodecyl benzene trimethyl ammonium chloride |
Domperidone |
Duddingtonia flagrans (strain IAH 1297) |
Substance | Use |
E. Coli antigen |
Endothal |
Ethanedinitrile |
Ethephon |
Ethyl formate |
Ethylene |
Etiproston & Etiproston tromethamine |
Epidermal Growth Factor |
Esfenvalerate |
Esters of fatty acids |
Eucalyptol |
Substance | Use |
Farnesol |
Fenitrothion |
Fenoxycarb |
Fenprostalene |
Ferrous sulphate |
Fipronil |
Flocoumafen |
Fludioxonil |
Flugestone acetate |
Fluroxypyr |
Formaldehyde |
Formic acid |
Substance | Use |
Garlic extract |
Gibberellins [including gibberellic acid and gibberellins A4 and A7] |
Glyphosate |
Glutaraldehyde |
Gonadotrophin Releasing Factor (GnRF)-protein conjugate |
Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and analogues [including buserelin, deslorelin, gonadorelin, peforelin, triptorelin acetate and salmon GnRH analogue] |
Gonadotrophins [including Pregnant Mare Serum |
Gonadotrophin (PMSG), Serum Gonadotrophin, Chorionic Gonadotrophin, Luteinizing Hormone (LH), ovine and porcine Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) |
Substance | Use |
Z-11-Hexadecenal Z-9-Hexadecenal |
Hexazinone |
Hydramethylnon |
Hydrogen peroxide |
4-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-2- butanone acetate |
8-Hydroxyquinoline |
Substance | Use |
Imidacloprid |
Imiprothrin |
Indol-3-yl butyric acid |
Indoxacarb |
Iodine (elemental) |
Iodocarb |
Iodomethane |
Iprodione |
Iron (elemental) |
Iron galactan |
Iron-EDTA complex |
Substance | Use |
Lactobacillus spp. |
Light hydrocarbons (petrol) |
Lignocaine hydrochloride |
Lime sulphur |
D-Limonene |
Lindane |
Substance | Use |
Magnesium alloy capsules |
Magnesium chloride |
Magnesium chlorate |
Magnesium hexafluorosilicate |
Magnesium sulphate |
Maldison |
Melatonin |
Metacresol |
Metalaxyl |
Metarhizium anisopliae |
Methabenzthiazuron |
Methiocarb |
Methionyl porcine somatotrophin |
(S)-Methoprene |
1-Methylcyclopropene |
Methyldihydrotestosterone |
Methyl isothiocyanate |
Methyltestosterone |
Metsulfuron methyl |
Substance | Use |
Napthalene |
Neem Seed Extract Powder |
Neoaplectana bibionis |
Nerolidol |
N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide |
Nonanoic acid |
Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Heliothis |
Substance | Use |
Z, Z-3, 13-octadecadien-1-ol |
Z, Z-3, 13-octadecadien-1-yl acetate |
Octhilinone |
Oestradiol benzoate |
Oestradiol-17-beta |
Oestradiol valerate |
Substance | Use |
Paraffin |
Pendimethalin |
Permethrin |
Peroxyacetic acid |
Petroleum oil |
Phenoxyethanol |
Phenylacetaldehyde |
Picloram |
Pili antigen (from Dichelobacter nodosus) |
Pine Oil |
Piperonyl butoxide |
Pirimiphos-methyl |
Poly (GNRF) ovalbumin |
Poly (LHRH) ovalbumin |
Potassium Bicarbonate |
Potassium N-hydroxy methyl N-methyldithiocarb |
Potassium salts of fatty acids |
Potassium silicate |
Progesterone |
Propamocarb |
Propionic acid (and its salts) |
Prostianol |
Protein hydrolysate |
Prothiofos |
Pseudomonas fluorescens |
Pyraclostrobin |
Pyrethrins |
Pyriproxyfen |
Substance | Use |
Quassia infusion |
Quintozene |
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (Rabbit Calicivirus) |
Rotenone |
Substance | Use |
S-Abscisic acid |
Salicylic acid |
Sodium acetate |
Sodium carbonate |
Sodium chlorate |
Sodium edetate |
Sodium lauryl sulphate |
Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate |
Sodium monofluoroacetate |
Sodium nitrite |
Sodium thiosulfate |
Sodium trichloroacetate |
Somidobove (bovine somatotrophin analogue) |
Sorbic acid (and its salts) |
Spinosad |
Streptococcus fascium |
Streptomyces lydicus WYEC108 |
Strychnine |
Succinyl choline |
Sulphur |
Substance | Use |
Talc |
Tar acids |
Tar distillates |
Tar oils |
Tea tree oil |
Tebuconazole |
Testosterone cypionate |
Testosterone enanthate |
Testosterone propionate |
Tetracosactrin |
(9Z,11E)-Tetradeca-9,11,13-trienal |
(9Z,11E)-Tetradeca-9,11-dienal |
(9Z)-Tetradeca-9-enal |
Tetradecan-1-ol |
Tetramethrin |
Thallium sulphate |
Thaumatin |
Thiabendazole |
Thiamethoxam |
Thymol |
Triadimefon |
Triadimenol |
Trichoderma harzianum |
Triclopyr |
Trifluralin |
systems |
Substance | Use |
Urogastrone-and methionine-epidermal growth factor |
Warfarin |
Xenorhabdus nematophilus |
2,4-Xylenol |
Zinc oxide |
Zinc pyrithione |
Notes to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) 2012
Note 1
The Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) 2012 (in force under under subsection 32(1) of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 for the purposes of subsection 6(1) and the reference in paragraph 14(5)(f) of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code which is a Schedule to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994) as shown in this compilation is amended as indicated in the Tables below.
Table of Instruments
Title | Date of FRLI registration | Date of | Application, saving or |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) 2012 | 17 December 2012 (F2012L02501) | 1 January 2013 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 1) | 8 April 2013 (F2013L00625) | 9 April 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 2) | 7 May 2013 (F2013L00748) | 8 May 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 3) | 14 June 2013 (F2013L01000) | 15 June 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 4) | 22 July 2013 (F2013L01412) | 23 July 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 5) | 9 August 2013 (F2013L01557) | 10 August 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 6) | 2 September 2013 (F2013L01660) | 3 September 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 7) | 1 October 2013 (F2013L01755) | 2 October 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 8) | 17 October 2013 (F2013L01808) | 18 October 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 9) | 1 November 2013 (F2013L01875) | 2 November 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 10) | 2 December 2013 (F2013L02030) | 3 December 2013 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 1) | 17 January 2014 (F2014L00065) | 18 January 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 2) | 7 February 2014 (F2014L00133) | 8 February 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 3) | 7 March 2014 (F2014L00236) | 8 March 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 4) | 4 April 2014 (F2014L00386) | 5 April 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 5) | 2 May 2014 (F2014L00495) | 3 May 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 6) | 30 May 2014 (F2014L00625) | 31 May 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 7) | 28 July 2014 (F2014L01032) | 29 July 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 8) | 18 September 2014 (F2014L01245) | 19 September 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 9) | 16 October 2014 (F2014L01355) | 17 October 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 10) | 4 November 2014 (F2014L01477) | 5 November 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2014 (No. 11) | 27 November 2014 (F2014L01591) | 28 November 2014 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 1) | 6 February 2015 (F2015L00118) | 7 February 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 2) | 6 March 2015 (F2015L00275) | 7 March 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 3) | 15 April 2015 (F2015L00533) | 16 April 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 4) | 19 May 2015 (F2015L00706) | 20 May 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 5) | 12 June 2015 (F2015L00802) | 13 June 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 6) | 13 July 2015 (F2015L01139) | 14 July 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 7) | 6 August 2015 (F2015L01226) | 7 August 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 8) | 4 September 2015 (F2015L01397) | 5 September 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 9) | 30 September 2015 (F2015L01556) | 1 October 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 10) | 3 November 2015 (F2015L01741) | 4 November 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2015 (No. 11) | 11 December 2015 (F2015L01957) | 12 December 2015 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 1) | 11 January 2016 (F2016L00038) | 12 January 2016 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 2) | 5 February 2016 (F2016L00089) | 6 Febraury 2016 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 3) | 7 March 2016 (F2016L00236) | 8 March 2016 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 4) | 1 April 2016 (F2016L00476) | 2 April 2016 | — |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 5) | 29 April 2016 (F2016L00595) | 30 April 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 6) | 3 May 2016 (F2016L00633) | 4 May 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 7) | 27 May 2016 (F2016L00843) | 28 May 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 8) | 23 June 2016 (F2016L01059) | 24 June 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 9) | 5 August 2016 (F2016L01265) | 6 August 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 10) | 22 August 2016 (F2016L01313) | 23 August 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 11) | 23 August 2016 (F2016L01319) | 24 August 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 12) | 5 September 2016 (F2016L01387) | 6 September 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 13) | 30 September 2016 (F2016L01571) | 1 October 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 14) | 31 October 2016 (F2016L01686) | 1 November 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 15) | 14 November 2016 (F2016L01748) | 15 November 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 16) | 28 November 2016 (F2016L01816) | 29 November 2016 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 1) | 6 January 2017 (F2017L00032) | 7 January 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 2) | 6 February 2017 (F2017L00095) | 7 February 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 3) | 20 March 2017 (F2017L00261) | 21 March 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 4) | 18 April 2017 (F2017L00445)
| 19 April 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 5) | 15 May 2017 (F2017L00525) | 16 May 2017
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 6) | 8 June 2017 (F2017L00648) | 9 June 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 7) | 7 July 2017 (F2017L00892) | 8 July 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 8) | 7 August (F2017L00997) | 8 August 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 9) | 5 September 2017 (F2017L01135) | 6 September 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 10) | 3 October 2017 (F2017L01316) | 4 October 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 11) | 31 October 2017 (F2017L01403) | 1 November 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2017 (No. 12) | 23 November 2017 (F2017L01519) | 24 November 2017 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 1) | 12 January 2018 (F2018L00041) | 13 January 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 2) | 8 February 2018 (F2018L00093) | 9 February 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 3) | 9 March 2018 (F2018L00234) | 10 March 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 4) | 5 April 2018 (F2018L00466) | 6 April 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 5) | 3 May 2018 (F2018L00586) | 4 May 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 6) | 30 May 2018 (F2018L00681) | 31 May 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 7) | 29 June 2018 (F2018L00938) | 30 June 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 8) | 9 August 2018 (F2018L01100) | 10 August 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 9) | 27 August 2018 (F2018L01184) | 28 August 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 10) | 17 October 2018 (F2018L01438) | 18 October 2018 |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Instrument No. 4 (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 11) | 30 November 2018 (F2018L01652) | 1 December 2018 |
Table of Amendments
ad. = added or inserted am. = amended LA = Legislation Act 2003 rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted | |
Provision affected | How affected |
Part 1 |
S. 2 | rep LA s 48D |
S. 3................. | rs. 2013 No. 1 |
S. 4 | am. 2013 No. 1 |
Schedule |
Part 1 |
S. 1................. | am. 2013 No. 1 |
Part 2 |
S. 3................. | am. 2013 No. 1 |
Table 1............... | am. 2013 No. 1; 2013 No. 2; 2013 No. 3; 2013 No. 4; 2013 No. 5; 2013 No. 6; 2013 No. 7; 2013 No. 8; 2013 No. 9; 2013 No. 10; 2014 No. 1; 2014 No. 2; 2014 No. 3; 2014 No. 4; 2014 No. 5; 2014 No. 6; 2014 No. 7, 2014 No.8, 2014 No. 9, 2014 No. 10, 2014 No. 11, 2015 No. 1, 2015 No. 2, 2015 No. 3, 2015 No. 4, 2015 No. 5, 2015 No. 6, 2015 No. 7, 2015 No. 8, 2015 No. 9, 2015 No. 10, 2015 No. 11, 2016 No. 1, 2016 No. 2, 2016 No. 3, 2016 No. 4, 2016 No. 5, 2016 No. 6, 2016 No. 7, 2016 No. 8, 2016 No. 9, 2016 No. 10, 2016 No. 11, No.12, 2016, No. 13, 2016, No.14, 2016, No.15, 2016, No. 16, 2016, No. 1 2017, No,2, 2017, No. 3, 2017, No. 4, 2017, No 5, 2017, No. 6, 2017, No. 7, 2017, No. 8, 2017, No. 9, 2017, No. 10, 2017, No 11, 2017, No. 12, 2017, No. 1, 2018, No. 2, 2018, No. 3, 2018, No. 4, 2018, No 5, 2018, No 6, 2018, No. 7, 2018, No. 8, 2018, No. 9, 2018, No. 10, 2018, No. 11, 2018 |
Table 3............... | am. 2013 No. 1; 2013 No. 2; 2013 No. 4; 2013 No. 10; 2014 No. 4; 2014 No. 5; 2014 No. 7, 2014 No. 8, 2014 No. 9, 2015 No. 1, 2015 No. 3, 2015 No. 4, 2015 No. 6, 2015 No. 8, 2015 No. 9, 2015 No. 11, 2016 No. 1, 2016 No. 3, 2016 No. 4, 2016 No. 9, 2016 No. 10, 2016 No. 1, 2016, No. 13, 2016, No. 14, 2016, No. 1, 2017, No.3, 2017, No. 4, 2017, No. 5 2017, No. 9, 2017, No. 12, 2017, No. 1, 2018, No. 3, 2018, No. 5, 2018, No.7, 2018, No.10, 2018, No. 11, 2018 |
Table 4............... | am. 2013 No. 1; 2013 No. 2; 2013 No. 4; 2013 No. 5; 2013 No. 6; 2013 No. 9; 2013 No. 10; 2014 No. 1; 2014 No. 2; 2014 No. 3; 2014 No. 4; 2014 No. 5; 2014 No. 6; 2014 No. 7, 2014 No. 8, 2014 No. 9, 2014 No. 11, 2015 No. 1, 2015 No. 2, 2015 No. 3, 2015 No. 4, 2015 No. 5, 2015 No. 6, 2015 No. 7, 2015 No. 8, 2015 No. 9, 2015 No. 10, 2015 No. 11, 2016 No. 1, 2015 No. 2, 2016 No. 3, 2016 No. 4, 2016 No. 5, 2016 No. 7, 2016 No. 8, 2016 No. 9, 2016 No. 10, 2016 No. 11, No.12, 2016, No. 13, 2016, No. 14, 2016, No.15, 2016, No. 16, 2016, No.1, 2017, No. 2, 2017, No. 3, 2017, No. 4, 2017, No. 5 2017, No. 6, 2017, No. 7, 2017, No. 8, 2017, No. 9, 2017, No. 10, 2017, No 11, 2017, No. 12, 2017, No. 1, 2018, No. 2, 2018, No. 3, 2018, No. 4, 2018, No. 5, 2018, No 6, 2018, No 7, 2018, No. 8, 2018, No. 9, 2018, No.10, 2018, No. 11, 2018 |
Table 5............... | am. 2013 No. 1; 2013 No. 3; 2013 No. 4; 2013 No. 5; 2013 No. 7; 2014 No. 3; 2014 No. 4, 2014 No. 8, 2014 No. 9, 2014 No. 10, 2015 No. 2, 2015 No. 3, 2015 No.4, 2015 No. 5, 2015 No. 9, 2015 No. 10, 2016 No. 1, 2015 No. 2, 2016 No. 3, 2016 No. 4, 2016 No. 7, 2016 No. 8, 2016 No. 9, 2016 No. 10, 2016 No. 11, No.12 2016, No.13 2016, No. 14, 2016, No. 16, 2016, No.1, 2017, No, 2, 2017, No, 5 2017, No. 6, 2017, No. 8, 2017, No. 9, 2017, No. 12, 2017, No. 1, 2018, No. 4, 2018, No. 5, 2018, No.7, 2018, No. 8, 2018, No. 9, 2018, No.10, 2018, No. 11, 2018 |