
1 PCBs

1.1 General

1.2 Previous HIL

1.3 Significance of Exposure Pathways

1.3.1 Oral Bioavailability

1.3.2 Dermal absorption

1.3.3 Inhalation of Dust

1.3.4 Plant Uptake

1.3.5 Intakes from Other Sources – Background

1.4 Identification of Toxicity Reference Values

1.4.1 Classification

1.4.2 Review of Available Values/Information

1.4.3 Recommendation

1.5 Calculated HILs

1.6 References

2 Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (Br1 to Br9)

2.1 General

2.2 Previous HIL

2.3 Significance of Exposure Pathways

2.3.1 Oral Bioavailability

2.3.2 Dermal absorption

2.3.3 Inhalation of Dust

2.3.4 Plant Uptake

2.3.5 Intakes from Other Sources – Background

2.4 Identification of Toxicity Reference Values

2.4.1 Classification

2.4.2 Review of Available Values/Information

2.4.3 Recommendation

2.5 Calculated HILs

2.6 References

3 Shortened forms

1                   PCBs

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of synthetic organic compounds comprising two benzene rings joined together, with between one and ten chlorine atoms attached. There are 209 possible PCB variants (congeners) though PCBs are typically found as a complex mixture in commercial products and in the environment (WHO 1993). Of the 209 possible congeners, 12 are able to assume the same flat shape as dioxins and can cause impacts via the same mechanism. Consequently, it is normal to consider the PCB contribution to dioxin toxicity by measuring those congeners specifically. Some or all of these 12 congeners are always going to be present in any PCB contamination. There is evidence that using the dioxinlike PCBs as the basis for assessing risk from PCBs is also protective for the risks from the nondioxinlike PCBs, i.e. the nondioxinlike PCBs are less toxic than the dioxinlike PCBs.


The following relates to the assessment of nondioxinlike PCBs only. The assessment of dioxins and dioxinlike PCBs needs to be conducted on a sitespecific basis where there is the potential for a PCB source (such as PCB oil contamination) to be present at a site.


Several comprehensive reviews of PCBs in the environment and their toxicity to humans are available and should be consulted for more detailed information not presented in this summary (ATSDR 2000; WHO 1993; WHO 2003; EPHC 2003). The following provides a summary of the key aspects of PCBs that are relevant to the derivation of a soil HIL.


PCBs are typically in the form of an oily liquid or solid and are colourless to light yellow. Some PCB congeners may also exist as a vapour in air. They are odourless and tasteless. PCBs do not burn easily and have good insulating properties. They are both chemically and thermally stable. PCBs are relatively insoluble in water with the solubility decreasing with increasing chlorine content (ATSDR 2000).


Commercial PCB mixtures are also known by their trade names, such as Aroclor (USA), Phenochlor (France), Clophen (Germany), Kanechlor (Japan), Fechlor (Italy) and Sovol (USSR). Information on the toxicity and behaviour of a number of commercial PCB mixtures, Aroclors, is available, with Aroclor 1254 most commonly used as an indicator for the assessment of PCB mixtures. WHO (2003) provides a review of the most common commercial Aroclor mixtures with respect to the composition and toxicity of congeners present, and the various mixtures of indicator congeners (that differ from that of Aroclor 1254) may need to be considered on a sitespecific basis.


Due to the thermal and chemical stability of PCBs, they are widely used as coolants and lubricants in transformers, capacitors and other electrical equipment (ATSDR 2000). In Australia, PCBs were also used in the manufacture of plastics, adhesives, paints and varnishes and were found in consumer products such as pesticides, fluorescent lighting and carbonless copy paper. PCBs were used in Australia between the 1930s and 1970s, when the importation of PCBs was banned.

The derivation of the previous HIL (HIL A = 10 mg/kg) for PCBs is presented by Di Marco & Buckett (1993) and NEPC (1999). In summary, the HIL was derived on the basis of the following:

Bioavailability of PCBs in soil appears to be important due to their high affinity for soil particles and organic matter. Bioavailability was considered in the derivation of the current HIL (Di Marco & Buckett 1993) with 30% assumed for oral intakes and 50% assumed for inhalation. The basis for this assumption is not available and no more detailed reviewed of PCB bioavailability (oral or inhalation) in soil is available.


Insufficient data is available to adequately define the bioavailability of PCBs in the range of contaminated sites that may need to be considered in Australia. On this basis, a default approach of assuming 100% oral bioavailability has been adopted in the derivation of an HIL. It is noted that a sitespecific assessment of bioavailability can be undertaken where required.

US EPA (2004) recommends a dermal absorption value of 0.14 (14%) for PCB Aroclors 1254/1242 and other PCBs, based on a study by Wester et al. (1993). A range of dermal absorption values is presented by ATSDR (2000). Review of these studies suggests that, while the data is limited, the value recommended by US EPA (2004) is adequately representative.

PCBs are not considered sufficiently volatile to be of significance and inhalation exposures associated with particulates outdoors and indoors are expected to be of less significance than ingestion of soil. While likely to be negligible, potential inhalation exposures associated with dust have been considered in the HIL derived.

PCBs accumulate in terrestrial vegetation by the following possible mechanisms: uptake from soil through the roots; dry deposition on aerial parts (particlebound or gaseous); and wet deposition on aerial parts (particlebound or solute).Where PCBs are sorbed to soil and organic matter, the potential for plant uptake is reduced; however, it remains of potential significance (CCME 1999). The uptake of PCBs (in soil) into edible fruit and vegetable crops has been the subject of a number of studies with a range of bioaccumulation factors derived for different crops (ATSDR 2000), with adsorption onto root surfaces most significant compared with translocation within the root or upper portions of the plant (CCME 1999). On this basis, the potential for the uptake of PCBs into homegrown produce has been considered in the derivation of an HIL A. This has been undertaken on the basis of the equations presented in Appendix B, with the following parameters and plant uptake factors estimated:






131 000 (cm3/g)

RAIS (2010) for Aroclor 1254

log Kow


RAIS (2010) for Aroclor 1254

Diffusivity in water

6.75x106 (cm2/s)

RAIS (2010) for Aroclor 1221

Calculated Plant Uptake Factors (mg/kg produce fresh weight per mg/kg soil)

Green vegetables



Root vegetables



Tuber vegetables



Tree fruit




Background intakes (5.4 ng/kg/day for a child) were estimated by Di Marco & Buckett (1993) in the derivation of the previous HIL. Review of information available from FSANZ (2003) indicates that PCBs remain undetected in Australian and New Zealand food supplies, information consistent with that identified by Di Marco & Buckett (1993). Hence, intakes from food are considered negligible.


Intakes estimated by WHO (2003) are 0.33 ng/kg/day from air (including data derived from closetostack emissions from industrial/hazardous waste sources) and less than 0.2 ng/kg/day, from water. These values are similar to those noted above. Air concentrations reported by WHO (2003) from areas away from significant sources ranged from 0.0020.95 ng/m3 with PCBs in air noted to be slowly declining since the early 1980s. Based on these concentrations, intake of PCBs in air away from significant sources is approximately 0.3 ng/kg/day (the lower end of the range reported by WHO). Intakes estimated by RIVM (2001) are dominated by food (particularly where seafood dominates the diet), where the total intake is estimated to be 10 ng/kg/day. More recent review of intakes of PCBs from food by RIVM (2003) suggests that median lifelong intakes are estimated to be 5.6 ng/kg/day, similar to those estimated by Di Marco & Buckett (1993).


If the intakes estimated by WHO (2003) for air (away from significant sources) and water are considered relevant to current background intakes in Australia (where intakes from food are negligible), these comprise approximately 0.5 ng/kg/day, approximately 2.5% of the recommended oral TRV. These intakes are considered negligible.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC 1987) has classified PCBs as Group 2A—probably carcinogenic to humans. This evaluation is based on limited evidence in humans (occupational studies) and sufficient evidence in experimental animals, where some PCBs (particularly those with greater than 50% chlorination) produced liver neoplasms in mice and rats after oral administration.


It is noted that US EPA has classified PCBs as Group B2—probable human carcinogen.

PCBs have been associated with carcinogenic effects (in particular, hepatocarcinogenic effects have been seen in animals for PCBs with higher levels of chlorination) but the mode of action is of prime importance for determining the most appropriate doseresponse approach to adopt for establishing an HIL. Review by WHO (2003) notes that the results of in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity studies on PCB mixtures are generally negative and suggest that PCB mixtures do not pose a direct genotoxic threat to humans. Although the mechanistic basis of the hepatocarcinogenicity of PCB mixtures in rodents is not clearly understood, it apparently is not due to genotoxicity. This is consistent with information provided by ATSDR (2000) and RIVM (2001).


On the basis of the available information, it is considered appropriate that a threshold doseresponse approach be adopted for PCBs. The following are available from Level 1 Australian and International sources:






No evaluation available


OCS (2012)

No evaluation available



WHO (2003)

TDI = 0.00002 mg/kg/day

Derived on the basis of a LOAEL of 0.005 mg/kg/day for Aroclor 1254 associated with immunological effects in a 23month study in monkeys, and an uncertainty factor of 300. WHO considers this TDI relevant to mixtures of PCBs.

WHO (2011)

No evaluation available


RIVM (2001)

TDI = 0.00001 mg/kg/day

TC = 0.0005 mg/m3

TDI based on a LOAEL of 0.005 mg/kg/day for Aroclor 1254 associated with immunological effects in a 23month study in monkeys, and an uncertainty factor of 270 (approx. 300). An additional factor of 2 has been applied that relates the TDI derived from Aroclor 1254 to that relevant to PCB mixtures, where the seven indicator PCBs are present in Aroclor 1254 between 40 and 50%. Hence the assessment of mixtures has been undertaking by assuming 50% of the TDI for Aroclor 1254.

TC is based on a LOAEC (adjusted) of 0.3 mg/m3 for Aroclor 1254 associated with marginal effects in experimental animals, and an uncertainty factor of 300. The additional 50% factor noted above is also applied to the Aroclor TC.

ATSDR (2000)

Oral MRL = 0.00002 mg/kg/day

Chronic oral MRL based on the same study as considered by RIVM and WHO (2003), with no additional adjustment for PCB mixtures.

No inhalation MRL has been derived.

US EPA (IRIS 2012)

RfD = 0.00002 mg/kg/day


US EPA RfD (last reviewed in 1994) derived on the same basis as that presented by ATSDR and WHO (2003).

US EPA also presents a nonthreshold oral slope factor for PCBs which is not considered relevant in this assessment.


All the currently available oral threshold values for PCBs, based on Aroclor 1254, are derived from the same study with the only difference being the application of an additional factor by RIVM (2001) to address PCB mixtures. WHO (2003) considers that the available TDI for Aroclor 1254 is adequate to address PCB mixtures with no further adjustment. Hence the value derived by WHO (2003), also adopted by ATSDR and US EPA, is recommended for use in the derivation of a soil HIL.


Few inhalationspecific studies are available, with RIVM deriving an inhalationspecific value based on limited data. No dermal or inhalationspecific studies or data are available. As the data is limited and does not suggest the toxicity of PCBs is significantly different via inhalation, the oral TDI is recommended for the assessment of all pathways of exposure.

On the basis of the discussion above, the following toxicity reference values (TRVs) have been adopted for PCBs in the derivation of HILs

On the basis of the above, the following HILs have been derived for PCBs (refer to Appendix B for equations used to calculate the HILs and Appendix C for calculations):

HIL Scenario

HIL (mg/kg)

Percentage Contribution from Exposure Pathways

Ingestion of Soil/Dust

Ingestion of Homegrown Produce

Dermal Absorption of Soil/Dust

Inhalation (dust)

Residential A






Residential B





Recreational C





Commercial D





Pathway not included in derivation of HIL


ATSDR 2000, Toxicological Profile for Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, November 2000.

CCME 1999, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (total), Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Environmental and Human Health, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1999.

Di Marco, P & Buckett, K 1993, ‘Derivation of a Health Investigation Level for PCBs’, presented in the proceedings of the Second National Workshop on the Health Risk Assessment and Management of Contaminated Sites, Contaminated Sites Monograph Series, No. 2, 1993.

EPHC 2003, Polychlorinated Biphenyls Management Plan, Revised edition, April 2003, Scheduled Waste Management Group, available from

IARC 1987, Summaries & Evaluations, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Supplement 7: (1987), p. 322, International Agency for Research on Cancer.

NEPC 1999, Schedule B (7a), Guideline on HealthBased Investigation Levels, National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure, National Environment Protection Council, Australia.

RIVM 2001, Reevaluation of humantoxicological Maximum Permissible Risk levels, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, Netherlands, available from:

RIVM 2003, Indicator PCBs in foodstuffs: occurrence and dietary intake in The Netherlands at the end of the 20th century, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, RIVM Report: 639102025/2003, Bilthoven, Netherlands.

RAIS (2010), Risk Assessment Information System, website and database maintained by the Oak Ridge Operations Office, available from:

US EPA (IRIS 2012), data and information available from the Integrated Risk Information System, an online database, available from

US EPA 2004, Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment), Final, EPA/540/R/99/005, OSWER 9285.702EP, July 2004.

Wester, RC, Maibach, HI, Sedik, L, Melendres, J, & Wade, M 1993, ‘Percutaneous Absorption of PCBs from Soil: Invivo Rhesus Monkey, Invitro Human Skin, and Binding to Powered Human Stratum Corneum’, J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, vol. 39, pp. 375382.

WHO 1993, Environmental Health Criteria No 140 Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Terphenyls, World Health Organization, Geneva.

WHO 2003, Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 55, Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Human Health Aspects, World Health Organization, Geneva.


2                   Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (Br1 to Br9)

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are a group of compounds manufactured for their flame retardant properties. They consist of two phenyl groups bound to a single oxygen atom with the hydrogen atoms on the phenyl groups substituted with between one and ten bromine atoms. The group consists of 209 congeners, which differ in the number and location of substituted bromine atoms. The internationally accepted numbering system for PBDE congeners is the acronym ‘BDE’ followed by a number from 1 to 209 (NICNAS 2007).


Several comprehensive reviews of PBDEs in the environment and their toxicity to humans are available and should be consulted for more detailed information not presented in this summary (ATSDR 2004; NICNAS 2007; UNEP 2009). The following provides a summary of the key aspects of these compounds that are relevant to the derivation of a soil HIL.


The literature to date indicates that the toxicity and environmental fate of PBDEs with a lower number of substituted bromine atoms (pentaBDE to hexaBDE) is different from higher brominated BDEs (decaBDE to BDE209). Lower brominated BDEs have been demonstrated to be more toxic in animal studies, have a higher bioavailability and are more readily transported in the environment. As a result, ATSDR has recommended separating decaBDE from lower brominated BDEs (ATSDR 2004). For the purpose of this assessment, lower brominated BDEs are considered to be BDEs containing between one and nine substituted bromines and it is these lower brominated BDEs for which HILs have been derived.


It is noted that the toxicity of higher BDEs is less certain, hence if significant levels of PBDE that include higher BDEs are present, a sitespecific assessment should be conducted.


Further studies regarding the toxicity and environmental fate of lower brominated BDEs may result in this grouping being revised to a smaller proportion of significant congeners in future reviews.


PBDE are manufactured compounds, which have been widely used in industrial and consumer applications. A review of the compounds conducted by scientific and regulatory bodies has culminated in tetra and pentaBDEs (components of technical pentaBDE) and hexa and heptaBDEs (components in technical octaBDE) being listed as a Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) under the Stockholm Convention in May 2009 (UNEP 2009). All production and use of these compounds has subsequently been banned, with the exception of recycling activities (UNEP 2009). PBDEs are not manufactured in Australia but were historically imported and used until 2005 (NICNAS 2007). Importation of products pretreated with PBDEs is expected to decrease following the recent ban. Technical pentaBDE was mainly used in polyurethane foams (such as in furnishings) whereas technical octaBDE and decaBDE were mainly used in hard plastics (such as for electrical equipment) (NICNAS 2007). The articles treated with PBDEs usually have long lives and, as such, articles containing PBDEs are still expected to be in use (NICNAS 2007). DecaBDE was declared a priority existing chemical in Australia and is currently being assessed as to its environment and human health risks (NICNAS 2007).

No previous HIL is available for lower BDEs (NEPC 1999).

Insufficient data is available to adequately define the bioavailability of lower BDEs, hence a default approach of assuming 100% oral bioavailability has been adopted in the derivation of an HIL. It is noted that a sitespecific assessment of bioavailability can be undertaken where required.

Insufficient data is available on the dermal absorption of lower BDEs from soil. Hence the default values of 0.1 (10%) suggested by US EPA (2004) for semivolatile organic compounds has been adopted in the derivation of HILs.


It is noted that EU (2004) estimated a dermal absorption value of 1% as a maximum for decaBDE, based on assumptions associated with the lipophillic nature of the compound and analogies to PCB. However, it is also noted in this review that dermal absorption may also be associated with accumulation in the stratum corneum, which may behave as a storage site, resulting in a low systemic release over time.

Lower BDEs are not considered sufficiently volatile to be of significance and inhalation exposures associated with dust particulates outdoors and indoors are expected to be of less significance than ingestion of soil. While likely to be negligible, potential inhalation exposures associated with dust have been considered in the HIL derived.

Limited data is available on the potential for lower BDEs to be taken up by plants from soil into edible fruit and vegetable crops. ATSDR notes that PBDEs will be strongly adsorbed to soil, hence PBDEs present in soilpore water will bind to soil organic matter. Because PBDEs adsorb strongly to soil, they will have very low mobility, and leaching of PBDEs from soil to groundwater will be insignificant.


Review of plant uptake of decaPBDE (BDE209) into plants from soil by Huang et al. (2010) suggests that decaBDE is taken up and translocated within the plants assessed (ryegrass, alfalfa, pumpkin, squash, maize and radish). Nineteen lower brominated (di to nona) PBDEs were detected in the soil and plant samples and five hydroxylated congeners were detected in the plant samples, indicating debromination and hydroxylation of BDE209 in the soil−plant system. Evidence of a relatively higher proportion of penta through to diBDE congeners in plant tissues than in the soil indicates that there is further debromination of PBDEs within plants or lower brominated PBDEs are more readily taken up by plants.


On the basis of the available information, the potential for the uptake of lower BDEs into homegrown produce has been considered in the derivation of an HIL A. This has been undertaken on the basis of the equations presented in Appendix B with the following parameters and plant uptake factors estimated:






1 698 000 (cm3/g)

Refer to note below*

log Kow


RAIS (2010) for pentaBDE (BDE99)

Diffusivity in water

5.32x106 (cm2/s)

Estimated as per Guan et al. (2009)

Calculated Plant Uptake Factors (mg/kg produce fresh weight per mg/kg soil)

Green vegetables



Root vegetables



Tuber vegetables



Tree fruit



* The estimation of potential plant uptake of BDE is sensitive to the value of Koc adopted. The data would normally be derived from RAIS (2010) for consistency; however, the data provided is only for pentaBDE with data from no other lower BDEs presented for comparison. Data presented in ATSDR (2001) suggests log Koc ranges from 2.895.1 for pentaBDE and from 5.926.22 for octaBDE. Review by Guan et al. (2009) provides log Koc values for the lower BDEs (BDE28 to BDE208) that range from 5.736.49. Due to the range of values provided for the lower BDEs, the average of values presented by Guan et al. (2009), log Koc = 6.23, has been adopted.

Background intakes were evaluated by NICNAS (2007) on the basis of PBDE levels in blood rather than as an intake. The presence of PBDEs in blood lipids indicates exposure by the general population; however, the data does not determine the major source of exposure. Data available from FSANZ (2007) suggests that dietary sources are likely to be low, therefore house dust may be the major source, but there is little correlation between exposure levels and house construction/contents. FSANZ notes a review by USA where dietary exposures did not explain the current body burden and exposures to hose dust were estimated to account for 82% of the total intake. Based on information presented in the available reviews, the following can be noted with respect to background intakes of PBDEs:

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC 1999) has classified technical decaBDE as Group 3not classifiable. No classification is available for other BDEs.

It is noted that US EPA has a classification for decaBDE where it is classified as Group Cpossible human carcinogen. US EPA has classified technical pentaBDE and technical octaBDE as Group Dnot classifiable.

Review of PBDEs, in particular, pentaBDE and octaBDE by NICNAS (2007), indicated there is insufficient information on the carcinogenic potential of these PBDEs, and that the overall conclusion relating to pentaBDE is that it is not genotoxic. Further review of octaBDE, PBDE mixtures and pentaBDE (JECFA 2006) suggests that PBDE mixtures and individual congeners are not genotoxic. On the basis of the available information, it is considered appropriate that a threshold doseresponse approach be adopted for PBDEs.


The following are available for the lower BDEs from Level 1 Australian and International sources:






No evaluation available


OCS (2012)

No evaluation available


NICNAS (2007)

No ADI/TDI established

Based on review of PBDEs and available studies, the highest toxicity was associated with pentaBDE associated with neurodevelopmental effects in pups and dams where the LOAELs were 0.8 mg/kg/day in pups and 0.06 mg/kg/day in dams.

FSANZ (2007)

No ADI/TDI established

Review of dietary intakes considered a margin of exposure (MoE) approach where a threshold value of 0.1 mg/kg/day was considered, based on a review by JECFA.


JECFA (2006)

No ADI/TDI established

Due to the complexity of PBDEs and the lack of adequate data, a provisional maximum tolerable daily intake or provisional tolerable weekly intake has not been derived for PBDEs. Limited data suggests that, for more toxic PBDE congeners, adverse effects would be unlikely to occur in rodents at doses less than approximately 0.1 mg/kg/day.

WHO (2011)

No evaluation available


Health Canada (2006)

No ADI/TDI established

A threshold value of 0.8 mg/kg/day was identified for pentaBDE, based on neurobehavioural effects in neonatal mice, considered the critical effects and appropriate for undertaking a MoE approach to the assessment of risk.

ATSDR (2004)

No chronic duration MRLs derived

No chronic duration MRLs have been derived for lower brominated BDEs, due to insufficient data.

An intermediate duration oral MRL of 0.007 mg/kg/day has been derived on the basis of a LOAEL of 2 mg/kg/day associated with liver effects in rats exposed to pentaBDE.

An intermediate duration inhalation MRL of 0.006 mg/m3 has been derived based on a NOAEL of 1.1 mg/m3 for thyroid effects in rats exposed to commercial octaBDE mixture.

US EPA (IRIS 2012)

RfD = 0.0001 mg/kg/day for pentaBDE (BDE99)


RfD = 0.0002 mg/kg/day for hexaBDE (BDE153)


RfD = 0.0001 mg/kg/day for tetraBDE (BDE47)


RfD = 0.003 mg/kg/day for octaBDE


RfD established (in 2008) for BDE99 (pentaBDE) on the basis of a benchmark dose approach and a BMDL1SD of 0.29 mg/kg/day associated with neurobehavioral effects in mice, and an uncertainty factor of 3000.

HexaBDE RfD established (in 2008) for BDE153 on the basis of a NOAEL of 0.45 mg/kg/day associated with neurobehavioral effects in mice, and an uncertainty factor of 3000.

TetraBDE RfD established (in 2008) for BDE47 on the basis of a benchmark dose approach and a BMDL1SD of 0.35 mg/kg/day associated with neurobehavioral effects in mice, and an uncertainty factor of 3000.

OctaBDE RfD (established in 1986) for octaBDE based on a NOAEL of 2.51 mg/kg/day associated with liver effects in rats, and an uncertainty factor of 1000.


Note the US EPA (2008) review established an RfD = 0.007 mg/kg/day for decaBDE (BDE209), based on a NOAEL of 2.22 mg/kg/day associated with neurobehavioral effects in mice, and application of a 300fold uncertainty factor. While not part of the lowerBDEs evaluated for the derivation of the soil HIL, this evaluation indicates that decaBDE is less toxic than the lower BDEs.


Limited quantitative data is available for the characterisation of chronic exposures to lower BDEs. The more recent evaluations by US EPA (IRIS 2012) for individual congeners BDE99, BDE153 and BDE47 have considered threshold values (BMDLs or NOAELs) that are consistent with those identified in reviews by NICNAS (2007), JECFA (2006) and Health Canada (2006), that are associated with the more sensitive end point of neurobehavioral/developmental effects. These end points are more sensitive than those considered by ATSDR in the derivation of intermediate duration MRLs and considered in older reviews by US EPA for pentaBDE and octaBDE. The uncertainty factor applied by US EPA to the individual congeners considered, 3000, includes an additional 10fold factor to address database deficiencies.


There is no evaluation of a chronic threshold value that would be applicable to all lower BDEs as a group, hence application of the US EPA values requires an assumption that the congeners studied are an appropriate indicator for total lower BDEs. This is likely to be conservative but no more detailed evaluations are available. The individual congener studies by US EPA are noted by NICNAS (2007) to be those within commercial pentaBDE that are of most importance in biomonitoring and environmental sampling.


The lower RfD of 0.0001 mg/kg/day derived by US EPA for BDE99 and BDE47, similar to that derived for BDE153, is recommended for use in the derivation of a soil HIL for lower BDEs. As noted in most other reviews, the available database is poor and limited with respect to identification of a threshold associated with chronic exposures to the group of congeners. Hence, the use of this threshold TRV requires further review and update in the future when further studies are undertaken.


No dermal or inhalationspecific chronic studies or data are available. For the presence of lower BDEs in soil, it is considered appropriate to consider use of the available threshold value for all pathways of exposures.

On the basis of the discussion above, the following toxicity reference values (TRVs) have been adopted for lower BDEs in the derivation of HILs:


On the basis of the above, the following HILs have been derived for lower BDEs (refer to Appendix B for equations used to calculate the HILs and Appendix C for calculations):

HIL Scenario

HIL (mg/kg)

Percentage Contribution from Exposure Pathways

Ingestion of Soil/Dust

Ingestion of Homegrown Produce

Dermal Absorption of Soil/Dust

Inhalation (dust)

Residential A






Residential B





Recreational C





Commercial D





Pathway not included in derivation of HIL


ATSDR 2004, Toxicological Profile for Polybrominated Biphenyls and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, September 2004.

EU 2003, European Union Risk Assessment Report: Diphenyl Ether, Octobromo Derivative, CAS No: 32536520, EINECS No: 2510879, European Union, Brussels.

FSANZ 2007, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) in Food in Australia, Study of Concentrations in Foods in Australia including Dietary Exposure Assessment and Risk Characterisation, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand, 2007.

Guan, Y, Sojinu, OSS, Li, S & Yeng, EY 2009, ‘Fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the environment the Pearl River Estuary, South China’, Environmental Pollution, vol. 157 (2009), pp. 2166–2172.

Health Canada 2006, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs), State of the Science Report for a Screening Health Assessment, Health Canada.

Huang, H, Zhang, S, Christie, P, Wang, A & Xie, M 2010, ‘Behaviour of Decabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE209) in the Soil−Plant System: Uptake, Translocation, and Metabolism in Plants and Dissipation in Soil’, Environ. Sci. Technol., vol. 44 (2), pp. 663–667.

IARC 1999, Summaries & Evaluations, Decabromodiphenyl oxide, vol. 71 (1999), pp.1365, International Agency for Research on Cancer.

JECFA 2006, Safety Evaluation of Certain Contaminants in Food – Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, prepared by the Sixty Fourth Meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), World Health Organization, Geneva.

NEPC 1999, Schedule B (7a), Guideline on HealthBased Investigation Levels, National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure, National Environment Protection Council, Australia.

NICNAS 2007, Interim Public Health Risk Assessment of Certain PBDE Congeners, National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme, Commonwealth of Australia, Sydney, Australia.

RAIS (2010), Risk Assessment Information System, website and database maintained by the Oak Ridge Operations Office, and available from:

Schecter, A, Harris, TR, Brummitt, S, Shah, N & Paepke, O 2008, ‘PBDE and HBCD Brominated Flame Retardants in the USA, Update 2008: Levels in Human Milk and Blood, Food, and Environmental Samples’, Epidemiology,  vol. 19, Issue 6, pp. S76.

Toms, L, Muelle,r J, Bartkow, M & Symons, R 2006, Assessment of concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in indoor environments in Australia, Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra, Australia.

UNEP 2009, Advanced Report of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants on the Work of its Fourth Meeting, Geneva, 48 May 2009, United Nations, Geneva.

US EPA (IRIS 2012), data and information available from the Integrated Risk Information System, an online database, available from

US EPA, 2004, Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment), Final, EPA/540/R99/005, OSWER 9285.702EP, July 2004.





3                   Shortened forms


acceptable daily intake


Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


adequate intake


Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council


Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority


Australian Total Diet Survey


Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry




background intake


benchmark dose


Benchmark dose lower confidence limit


Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment


Concise International Chemicals Assessment Document


central nervous system


dermal absorption factor


dry weight


Environment Agency (England and Wales)


Environmental Health Criteria


Environment Protection Authority


Food Standards Australia and New Zealand


gastrointestinal absorption factor




human equivalent concentration


human equivalent dose


Hazard Identification Assessment Review Committee


health investigation level


Hazardous Substances Data Bank


health screening level


International Agency for Research on Cancer


Integrated exposure uptake biokinetic model


Integrated Risk Information System


Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives


WHO/FAO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues


lowest observed adverse effect level


lowest observed effect level


modifying factor


mode (or mechanism) of action


margin of exposure


maximum residue limit


minimal risk level


negligible daily intake


National Environment Protection Council


National Environment Protection Measure


National Health and Medical Research Council


no observable adverse effect level


no observable effect level


New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change


Office of Chemical Safety


polybrominated diphenyl ether


persistent organic pollutant


provisional tolerable daily intake


provisional tolerable monthly intake


provisional tolerable weekly intake


Risk Assessment Information System


recommended daily intake


reference exposure level


reference concentration


reference dose


reasonable maximum exposure


slope factor


tolerable concentration


tumorigenic dose


tolerable daily intake


toxicity reference value


uncertainty factor


upper limit


unit risk


United States Environmental Protection Agency


World Health Organization


World Health Organization Drinking Water Guidelines