Commonwealth of Australia


 Migration Regulations 1994




(Paragraphs 2.59(d), 2.68(e), subregulations 2.87B(2) and 2.87B(3) and

sub-sub-subparagraph 5.19(4)(h)(i)(B)(I))


I, BRENDAN O’CONNOR, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, acting under regulations 2.59, 2.68, 2.87 and 5.19 of the Migration Regulations 1994 (‘the Regulations’):


1. REVOKE instrument IMMI 12/062 signed on 12 June 2012 specifying the benchmarks for the training of Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents, for the purposes of paragraphs 2.59(d) and 2.68(e) and sub-sub-subparagraphs 5.19(4)(h)(i)(B)(I) and 5.19(4)(h)(i)(B)(II) of the Regulations: AND


2.                   SPECIFY for the purposes of paragraphs 2.59(d) and 2.68(e) and sub-sub-subparagraph 5.19(4)(h)(i)(B)(I) of the Regulations that the benchmarks for the training of Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents are those listed at Schedule A to this Instrument.


3. SPECIFY for the purposes of subregulations 2.87B(2) and 2.87B(3) of the Regulations that the requirements relating to training that the person must comply with, are the benchmarks for the training of Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents listed at Schedule A to this Instrument.


This Instrument number IMMI 13/030 commences on 1 July 2013, immediately after commencement of the Migration Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 3).


Dated  June 28 2013





Brendan O’Connor

 Minister for Immigration and Citizenship






Training Benchmarks


The business is not required to demonstrate that they are an industry leader in training.


The business is required to show that the training that has been, and continues to be, provided to employees who are Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents is related to the purpose of the business. 


The training benchmarks for an established business are:


A) Recent expenditure, by the business, to the equivalent of at least 2% of the payroll of the business, in payments allocated to an industry training fund that operates in the same industry as the business.




B) Recent expenditure, by the business, to the equivalent of at least 1% of the payroll of the business, in the provision of training to employees of the business.


Expenditure that can count towards this benchmark includes:


Expenditure that cannot count towards this benchmark includes training that is: