Determination 2013/15:

Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Public Office including Judicial and Related Offices


(i)                     Pursuant to subsections 5(2A), 7(3), 7(3D) and 7(4) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973, the Remuneration Tribunal has inquired into the remuneration and allowances to be paid to certain holders of public office, and other matters significantly related thereto, and determines as set out below.


(ii) This Determination takes effect on and from the day following the day it is registered in the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments unless otherwise specified.


1.1 In this part, Determination Number 9 of 2013 is referred to as the Principal Determination.


1.2 Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following Clause after sub-clause 2.10.2:


 2.11   Vehicle Parking: Where a PEO accepts an offer of a car park at Commonwealth expense the actual cost (including fringe benefits tax) of the car park to the Agency will be a Benefit for Total Remuneration purposes.”


1.3 Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by renumbering Clause 2.11 to “2.12” and sub-clauses 2.11.1 to “2.12.1” and 2.11.2 to “2.12.2”.


1.4 Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by altering the clause number under the heading Total Remuneration dot point Performance Pay clause 2.11, to “2.12,”:


1.5 Clauses 1.2 to 1.4 take effect on and from 1 July 2013.


2.1 In this part, Determination Number 10 of 2013 is referred to as the Principal Determination.

2.2 Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing the current entry for the “Member, Australian Energy Regulator” with the following entry and placing it after the entry for “General Manager, Fair Work Commission”:

Col 1

Col 2

Col 3

Col 4

Col 5

Member, Australian Energy Regulator






2.3 Clause 2.2 takes effect on and from 1 July 2013.

2.4 Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following entry after the entry for “Private Health Insurance Ombudsman”:

Col 1

Col 2

Col 3

Col 4

Col 5

Chief Executive Officer, Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency






2.5 Clause 2.4 takes effect on and from 1 July 2013.


2.6 Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing the current entry for the “Deputy Chair, ACMA” with the following entry and placing it after the entry for “Principal Member, Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT)”:


Col 1

Col 2

Col 3

Col 4

Col 5

Deputy Chair, ACMA






2.7 Clause 2.6 takes effect on and from 1 July 2013.


2.8 Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing “Public Service Commissioner” with “Australian Public Service Commissioner”:


2.9 Table 2B of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing “Public Service Commissioner” with “Australian Public Service Commissioner”:


2.10 Clauses 2.8 and 2.9 take effect on and from 1 July 2013.


2.11 Part 3 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting subclause 3.2.1 after Clause 3.2 as follows

3.2.1 Who can use reunion travel?  The allowance provided in clause 3.2 and specified in Table 3B is intended to facilitate personal travel by the office holders identified in that Table.  However, where the office holder certifies that the workload and responsibilities of the office prevents him or her from travelling to the principal place of residence for reunion purposes, reunion travel by the office holder’s partner and/or a child or children of the office holder or his or her partner, whose normal place of residence is the office holder’s principal place of residence, can be funded within the financial limits of the allowance.  Travel by a person other than the office holder must be at economy class, and only for direct travel between the office holder’s principal place of residence and office location. 


2.12 Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following entry after the entry for “Member, Tax Practitioners Board”:


Col 1

Col 2

Col 3

Col 4

Col 5

Aged Care Pricing Commissioner






2.13 Clause 2.12 takes effect on and from 1 August 2013.


3.1 In this part, Determination Number 11 of 2013 is referred to as the Principal Determination.

3.2 Table A1A of Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following entry after the entry for “Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA) Advisory Council”:

Col 1

Col 2

Col 3

Col 4

Col 5

Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency







3.3 Clause 3.2 takes effect on and from 1 July 2013.

3.4 Table A1A of Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting “A21” from Column 4 of the entry for “Tuition Protection Service (TPS) Advisory Board”.

3.5 The Principal Determination is amended by deleting Clause A21 of the Additional Clauses to Table A1A of Schedule A.


4.1 In this part, Determination Number 12 of 2013 is referred to as the Principal Determination.

4.2 Table 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting the entry for the office of Deputy President of the Australian Law Reform Commission.


Signed this 22th day of July 2013.