Commonwealth Coat of Arms


Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Various Measures) Regulation 2013


Select Legislative Instrument No. 250, 2013

I, Quentin Bryce AC CVO, GovernorGeneral of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulation under the Health Insurance Act 1973.

Dated 21 November 2013

Quentin Bryce


By Her Excellency’s Command

Peter Dutton

Minister for Health







1 Name of regulation

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Schedule(s)

Schedule 1—Amendments commencing day after registration

Health Insurance Regulations 1975

Schedule 2—Amendments commencing 1 January 2014

Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Regulation 2013

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Regulation 2013

Health Insurance (Pathology Services Table) Regulation 2013

1  Name of regulation

  This regulation is the Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Various Measures) Regulation 2013.

2  Commencement

  Each provision of this regulation specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




1.  Sections 1 to 4 and anything in this regulation not elsewhere covered by this table

The day after this regulation is registered.


2.  Schedule 1

The day after this regulation is registered.


3.  Schedule 2

1 January 2014

1 January 2014


3  Authority

  This regulation is made under the Health Insurance Act 1973.

4  Schedule(s)

  Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1Amendments commencing day after registration


Health Insurance Regulations 1975

1  Regulation 2


(K) item means an item of the diagnostic imaging services table that includes the symbol (K) at the end of the item.

(NK) item means an item of the diagnostic imaging services table that includes the symbol (NK) at the end of the item.

upgraded, for equipment, has the meaning given by the diagnostic imaging services table.

2  Subparagraph 6EF(b)(ii)

Repeal the subparagraph, substitute:

 (ii) to which clause 1.2.9 or 1.2.10 of Schedule 1 to the diagnostic imaging services table applies.

3  Paragraphs 10(1)(a) to (e)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (a) if the dental practitioner who requests the service is approved by the Minister under paragraph (b) of the definition of professional service in subsection 3(1) of the Act—a service described in any of items 55005, 55008, 55011, 55028, 55030, 55032, 56001 to 56220, 56224, 56227, 56230, 56259, 56301 to 56507, 56541, 56547, 56801 to 57007, 57041, 57047, 57341, 57345, 57703, 57705, 57709, 57711, 57712, 57714, 57715, 57717, 58103 to 58115, 58117, 58123, 58124, 58306, 58308, 58506, 58508, 58521 to 58527, 58529, 58909, 58911, 59103, 59104, 59703, 59704, 60000 to 60009, 60506, 60507, 60509, 60510, 61109, 61110, 61372, 61421, 61425, 61429, 61430, 61433, 61434, 61446, 61449, 61450, 61453, 61454, 61457, 61462, 61672, 61690, 61691, 61693, 61694, 61695, 61696, 61702, 61703, 61704, 61705, 61706, 61707, 61710, 63007, 63016, 63334 and 63346;

 (b) if the dental practitioner who requests the service is a prosthodontist—a service described in any of items 55005, 55028, 56013, 56016, 56022, 56028, 56053, 56056, 56062, 56068, 58306, 58308, 61421, 61425, 61429, 61430, 61433, 61434, 61446, 61449, 61450, 61453, 61454, 61457, 61462, 61690, 61691, 61693, 61694, 61695, 61696, 61702, 61703, 61704, 61705, 61706, 61707, 61710, 63334 and 63346;

 (c) if the dental practitioner who requests the service is a dental specialist—a service described in any of items 56022, 56062, 58306, 58308, 61421, 61454, 61457, 61690, 61706, 61707, 63334 and 63346;

 (d) if the dental practitioner who requests the service is an oral medicine specialist or oral pathology specialist—a service described in any of items 55005, 55008, 55011, 55028, 55030, 55032, 56001, 56007, 56010, 56013, 56016, 56022, 56028, 56041, 56047, 56050, 56053, 56056, 56062, 56068, 56101, 56107, 56141, 56147, 56301, 56307, 56341, 56347, 56401, 56407, 56441, 56447, 57341, 57345, 58306, 58308, 58506, 58508, 58909, 58911, 59103, 59104, 59703, 59704, 60000, 60003, 60006, 60009, 60506, 60507, 60509, 60510, 61109, 61110, 61372, 61421, 61425, 61429, 61430, 61433, 61434, 61446, 61449, 61450, 61453, 61454, 61457, 61462, 61672, 61690, 61691, 61693, 61694, 61695, 61696, 61702, 61703, 61704, 61705, 61706, 61707, 61710, 63007, 63016, 63334 and 63346;

 (e) in any case—a service described in any of items 57509, 57515, 57521, 57527, 57530, 57533, 57536, 57539, 57901 to 57969, 58100, 58102, 58300, 58302, 58503, 58505, 58903, 58905, 59733, 59734, 59739, 59740, 59751, 59752, 60100, 60101, 60500, 60501, 60503 and 60504.

4  Regulation 11

Repeal the regulation, substitute:

11  Diagnostic imaging services that chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and podiatrists may request

 (1) For subsection 16B(3), (3A) or (3C) of the Act, the services are those mentioned in the diagnostic imaging services table in items 57712, 57714, 57715, 57717, 58100 to 58106, 58109, 58111, 58112, 58117, 58120, 58121, 58123, 58126 and 58127.

 (2) For subsection 16B(3B) of the Act, the services are those mentioned in the diagnostic imaging services table in items 55836, 55837, 55840, 55841, 55844, 55845, 57521, 57527, 57536 and 57539.

5  Regulations 11B and 12

Repeal the regulations, substitute:

11B  Diagnostic imaging services that participating midwives and participating nurse practitioners may request

 (1) For subsection 16B(3D) of the Act, the services in relation to a participating midwife are those mentioned in the diagnostic imaging services table in items 55700, 55701, 55704, 55706, 55707, 55710, 55713, 55714, 55718 and 55722.

 (2) For subsection 16B(3E) of the Act, the services in relation to a participating nurse practitioner are those mentioned in the diagnostic imaging services table in items 55014, 55036, 55059, 55061, 55070, 55076, 55600, 55601, 55769, 55800, 55801, 55804, 55805, 55808, 55809, 55812, 55813, 55816, 55817, 55820, 55821, 55824, 55825, 55828, 55829, 55832, 55833, 55836, 55837, 55840, 55841, 55844, 55845, 55848, 55849, 55850, 55851, 55852, 55853, 57509, 57515, 57521, 57530, 57533, 57536, 58503 to 58527 and 58529.

12  Exemption—preexisting diagnostic imaging services

  For subsection 16B(11) of the Act, the services are those mentioned in the diagnostic imaging services table in items 57712, 57714, 57715, 57717, 57901, 57902, 57903, 57911, 57912, 57914, 57915, 57917, 57921, 57926, 57929, 57935, 58100 to 58115, 58117, 58123, 58124, 58521, 58523, 58524, 58526, 58527, 58529, 58700, 58702, 58924 58926, 59103 and 59104.

6  Regulation 20C

Repeal the regulation, substitute:

20C  Primary information—types of diagnostic imaging equipment

 (1) For subsection 23DZR(2) of the Act, diagnostic imaging equipment is prescribed if:

 (a) the equipment is used in carrying out a diagnostic imaging procedure used in rendering a service that is described in an item of the type mentioned in columns 2 and 3 of an item of the following table; and

 (b) the conditions (if any) mentioned in column 4 of that item of the following table are met.

Diagnostic imaging equipment


Column 1

Diagnostic imaging equipment

Column 2

The item is

Column 3

in the following provision of the diagnostic imaging services table:

Column 4



Ultrasound equipment nonmusculoskeletal Ktype

a (K) item

Group I1 (other than Subgroup 6)

The equipment:

(a) does not include a transducer capable of operating at a frequency of 7.5 megahertz or higher; and

(b) is 10 years old or less


Ultrasound equipment nonmusculoskeletal Ktype upgraded

a (K) item

Group I1 (other than Subgroup 6)

The equipment:

(a) does not include a transducer capable of operating at a frequency of 7.5 megahertz or higher; and

(b) is more than 10 years old and no more than 15 years old; and

(c) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old


Ultrasound equipment nonmusculoskeletal NKtype

an (NK) item

Group I1 (other than Subgroup 6)

The equipment:

(a) does not include a transducer capable of operating at a frequency of 7.5 megahertz of higher; and

(b) either:

(i) is more than 10 years old and has not been upgraded; or

(ii) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old and is more than 15 years old


Ultrasound equipment musculoskeletal Ktype

a (K) item

Subgroup 6 of Group I1

The equipment:

(a) includes a transducer capable of operating at a frequency of 7.5 megahertz or higher; and

(b) is 10 years old or less


Ultrasound equipment musculoskeletal Ktype upgraded

a (K) item

Subgroup 6 of Group I1

The equipment:

(a) includes a transducer capable of operating at a frequency of 7.5 megahertz or higher; and

(b) is more than 10 years old and no more than 15 years old; and

(c) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old


Ultrasound equipment musculoskeletal NKtype

an (NK) item

Subgroup 6 of Group I1

The equipment:

(a) includes a transducer capable of operating at a frequency of 7.5 megahertz or higher; and

(b) either:

(i) is more than 10 years old and has not been upgraded; or

(ii) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old and is more than 15 years old


Computed tomography equipment Ktype

a (K) item

Group I2



Computed tomography equipment NKtype

an (NK) item

Group I2



Magnetic resonance imaging equipment Ktype

a (K) item

Group I5

The equipment is 10 years old or less


Magnetic resonance imaging equipment Ktype upgraded

a (K) item

Group I5

The equipment:

(a) is more than 10 years old and no more than 15 years old; and

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old


Magnetic resonance imaging equipment NKtype

an (NK) item

Group I5

The equipment:

(a) is more than 10 years old and has not been upgraded; or

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old and is more than 15 years old


Nuclear medicine imaging equipment for positron emission tomography

any of items 61523 to 61646

Group I4



Nuclear medicine imaging equipment Ktype

a (K) item

Group I4 (other than items 61523 to 61646)

The equipment is 10 years old or less


Nuclear medicine imaging equipment Ktype upgraded

a (K) item

Group I4 (other than items 61523 to 61646)

The equipment:

(a) is more than 10 years old and no more than 15 years old; and

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old


Nuclear medicine imaging equipment NKtype

an (NK) item

Group I4

The equipment:

(a) is more than 10 years old and has not been upgraded; or

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old and is more than 15 years old


Diagnostic radiology equipment for mammography Ktype

a (K) item

Subgroup 10 of Group I3

The equipment is 10 years old or less


Diagnostic radiology equipment for mammography Ktype upgraded

a (K) item

Subgroup 10 of Group I3

The equipment:

(a) is more than 10 years old and no more than 15 years old; and

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old


Diagnostic radiology equipment for mammography NKtype

an (NK) item

Subgroup 10 of Group I3

The equipment:

(a) is more than 10 years old and has not been upgraded; or

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 10 years old and is more than 15 years old


Diagnostic radiology equipment for angiography Ktype

a (K) item

Subgroup 13 of Group I3



Diagnostic radiology equipment for angiography NKtype

an (NK) item

Subgroup 13 of Group I3



Diagnostic radiology equipment for fluoroscopic examination Ktype

a (K) item

Subgroup 15 or 17 of Group I3

The equipment is 15 years old or less


Diagnostic radiology equipment for fluoroscopic examination Ktype upgraded

a (K) item

Subgroup 15 or 17 of Group I3

The equipment:

(a) is more than 15 years old and no more than 20 years old; and

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 15 years old


Diagnostic radiology equipment for fluoroscopic examination NKtype

an (NK) item

Subgroup 15 or 17 of Group I3

The equipment:

(a) is more than 15 years old and has not been upgraded; or

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 15 years old and is more than 20 years old


Diagnostic radiology equipment for orthopantomography Ktype

item 57960, 57963, 57966 or 57969

Subgroup 3 of Group I3

The equipment is 15 years old or less


Diagnostic radiology equipment for orthopantomography Ktype upgraded

item 57960, 57963, 57966 or 57969

Subgroup 3 of Group I3

The equipment:

(a) is more than 15 years old and no more than 20 years old; and

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 15 years old


Diagnostic radiology equipment for orthopantomography NKtype

an (NK) item

Subgroup 3 of Group I3

The equipment:

(a) is more than 15 years old and has not been upgraded; or

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 15 years old and is more than 20 years old


Diagnostic radiology equipment Xray Ktype

a (K) item

Subgroups 1 to 9 (other than items 57960, 57963, 57966 and 57969), 11, 12 and 14 of Group I3

The equipment is 15 years old or less


Diagnostic radiology equipment Xray Ktype upgraded

a (K) item

Subgroups 1 to 9 (other than items 57960, 57963, 57966 and 57969), 11, 12 and 14 of Group I3

The equipment:

(a) is more than 15 years old and no more than 20 years old; and

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 15 years old


Diagnostic radiology equipment Xray NKtype

an (NK) item

Subgroups 1 to 9 (other than items 57959, 57962, 57965 and 57968), 11, 12 and 14 of Group I3

The equipment:

(a) is more than 15 years old and has not been upgraded; or

(b) was upgraded on or before it was 15 years old and is more than 20 years old

 (2) Subclause 1.2.1C(1) of the diagnostic imaging services table (age of equipment) applies, for this regulation, in the same way as the subclause applies for the diagnostic imaging services table.

Schedule 2Amendments commencing 1 January 2014


Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Regulation 2013

1  Schedule 1 (items 55735 to 55739)

Omit “, female”.

2  Schedule 1 (items 63457, 63458, 63464 and 63467)

Omit “woman”, substitute “person”.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Regulation 2013

3  Schedule 1 (Group A18 table, subheading Subgroup 1 )

Repeal the subheading, substitute:

Subgroup 1—Taking of a cervical smear from an unscreened or significantly underscreened person

4  Schedule 1 (Group A19 table, subheading Subgroup 1)

Repeal the subheading, substitute:

Subgroup 1—Taking of a cervical smear from an unscreened or significantly underscreened person

5  Subclause 2.22.1(3) of Schedule 1 (definition of nondirective pregnancy support counselling)

Omit “woman” (wherever occurring), substitute “person”.

6  Schedule 1 (item 4001)

Omit all the words from and including woman to and including “that pregnancy”, substitute:

person who:

(a) is currently pregnant; or

(b) has been pregnant in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service to which this item or item 81000, 81005 or 81010 applies in relation to that pregnancy

7  Schedule 1 (items 13215 and 13218)

Omit “female reproductive system”, substitute “uterus or fallopian tubes”.

8  Schedule 1 (item 13506)

Omit “, Minnesota, SengstakenBlakemore or similar,”.

9  Schedule 1 (item 20791)

After “for”, insert “bariatric surgery in”.

10  Schedule 1 (item 20900)

Omit “(including biopsy of male genital system)”.

11  Schedule 1 (item 20940)

Omit “labia,”.

12  Schedule 1 (item 30084)

Omit “with a Jamshidi needle or similar device”.

13  Schedule 1 (items 31539, 31542 and 31545)

Omit “advanced breast biopsy instrumentation (ABBI)”, substitute “a boreenbloc stereotactic biopsy”.

14  Schedule 1 (items 34527 and 34528)

Omit “Hickman or Broviac”, substitute “central venous line”.

15  Schedule 1 (item 34530)

Omit “Hickman or Broviac”, substitute “Central venous line”.

16  Schedule 1 (item 35518)

Omit “premenopausal women and at least 2 cm in diameter in postmenopausal women”, substitute “a premenopausal person and at least 2 cm in diameter in a postmenopausal person”.

17  Schedule 1 (item 35614)

Omit “female”.

18  Schedule 1 (item 37217)

Omit “gold”, insert “radioopaque”.

19  Schedule 1 (item 41884)

Omit “Minitrach or similar”, substitute “mini tracheostomy”

20  Schedule 1 (item 48660)

Omit “, other than a service associated with artificial intervertebral total disc replacement”.

21  Schedule 1 (item 48663)

Omit “(if an assisting surgeon performs the approach)—principal surgeon (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)”, substitute “—principal surgeon (H) (Anaes.)”.

22  Schedule 1 (item 48666)

Omit “(if an assisting surgeon performs the approach)—assisting surgeon (H) (Assist.)”, substitute “—assisting surgeon (H)”.

23  Schedule 1 (item 48669)

Omit “, other than a service associated with artificial intervertebral total disc replacement”.

24  Schedule 1 (item 48672)

Omit “(if an assisting surgeon performs the approach)—principal surgeon (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)”, substitute “—principal surgeon (H) (Anaes.)”.

25  Schedule 1 (item 48675)

Omit “(if an assisting surgeon performs the approach)—assisting surgeon (H) (Assist.)”, substitute “assisting surgeon (H)”.

26  Schedule 1 (item 48684)

Omit “, other than a service associated with artificial intervertebral total disc replacement”.

27  Schedule 1 (items 48691, 48692 and 48693)

Repeal the items, substitute:



Lumbar artificial intervertebral total disc replacement, at one level only, including removal of disc, for a patient who:

(a) has not had prior spinal fusion surgery at the same lumbar level; and

(b) does not have vertebral osteoporosis; and

(c) has failed conservative therapy;

other than a service associated with item 40300 or 40301 (Anaes.) (Assist.)

1 793.65


Lumbar artificial intervertebral total disc replacement, at one level only, including removal of disc, for a patient who:

(a) has not had prior spinal fusion surgery at the same lumbar level; and

(b) does not have vertebral osteoporosis; and

(c) has failed conservative therapy;

other than a service associated with item 40300 or 40301—principal surgeon (Anaes.) (Assist.)

1 208.95


Lumbar artificial intervertebral total disc replacement, at one level only, including removal of disc, for a patient who:

(a) has not had prior spinal fusion surgery at the same lumbar level; and

(b) does not have vertebral osteoporosis; and

(c) has failed conservative therapy;

other than a service associated with item 40300 or 40301—assisting surgeon (Anaes.) (Assist.)



28  Schedule 1 (item 52133)

Omit “Minitrach or similar”, substitute “mini tracheostomy”.

Health Insurance (Pathology Services Table) Regulation 2013

29  Schedule 1 (items 73059, 73060, 73061, 73064 and 73065)

Omit and 73063”, substitute 73063, 73066 and 73067”.

30  Schedule 1 (cell at item 73065, column headed Fee ($))

Repeal the cell, substitute:
