Australian Government


Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006


Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006




I, MICHAEL RONALDSON, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, pursuant to section 18(5) of the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006, approve this instrument made by the Repatriation Commission.

Dated this 26th  day of November  2013

Michael Ronaldson


Minister for Veterans’ Affairs



The Repatriation Commission, pursuant to section 18 of the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006 (the Act):

(a) revokes the instrument made under section 18(2) of the Act known as the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 (2006 No.R33); and

(b) hereby modifies the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (2013 No. R43), in accordance with the Schedule, for its application to the provision of pharmaceutical benefits in connection with the treatment of eligible persons under the Act.

Dated this   13th day of November  2013

Simon Lewis……...Shane Carmody…………Major General Mark Kelly

SIMON LEWIS              SHANE CARMODY             Major General Mark Kelly

                                                                                                            AO DSC

    PRESIDENT              DEPUTY PRESIDENT                       COMMISSIONER




[1] This instrument commences immediately after the commencement of the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (2013 No.R43).




[1][A] This instrument is the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006.




[2] Any process under the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 (2006 No.R33) that had not been finalised before the commencement of the modified RPBS is to be completed under the modified RPBS as if it had commenced under the modified RPBS.

Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006






1.   Modified Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.....................6

2.   Purpose of the Modified Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.........6

Part 1 — Interpretation.....................................................6

3.    Definitions........................................................6

4.   Notification of certain matters in Explanatory Notes................................................13

5.   Department to notify of certain matters as agent of the Commission...........13

Part 2 — Prescribing of Benefits  Procedure by Medical Practitioners..............13


6..  Prior Approval......................................................13

7.   Restrictions........................................................14

8.   Prescribing provisions................................................15

9.   Application of PBS Schedule restrictions and RPBS Schedule restrictions.......15

10.  Prescriptions to conform with State or Territory Law.......................15

11. Form of prescriptions................................................15

11B. Medication Chart Items............................................................................................16

11C. Supply Certification Form.......................................................................................17

12. When prescriptions are invalid.........................................19

13. Maximum quantity and repeats allowed..................................19

14. Prescribing outside the RPBS Schedule or PBS Schedule....................20

15. Medical Practitioner subject to this Scheme...............................20

Part 3 — Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits....................................14

16A. Continued Dispensing..............................................................................................21

16. Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits — Procedure by Community Pharmacists....23

17. Substitution of lesser priced alternative brand of drug.......................23

18. Community Pharmacist to be satisfied as to entitlement.....................23

19. Dispensing of deleted items...........................................24

20. Use of forms as notified by the Department or the Commission...............24

21. Financial responsibility...............................................24

22. Refund in certain circumstances........................................25

23. Expenses incurred in obtaining Pharmaceutical Benefits while not in receipt of a pharmaceutical allowance              25

Part 4 — Claims by Community Pharmacists...................................26

Lodgement of Claims by Community Pharmacists.........................26

24A Paragraph 24 not apply..............................................................................................26


24B Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefit on Basis of Medication Chart Prescription...............................................................................................................27

25. Claims Requirements & Payment........................................30

Part 5 Payments to Community Pharmacists..................................30

26. Dispensing fee payable to Community Pharmacists..........................30

27. Dispensing fee payable to Approved Medical Practitioners and Approved Hospital Authorities              30

28. Other Fees — similar PBS pharmaceutical benefit..........................30

29. Other Fees — notified rates...........................................30

30. Fees not payable in some circumstances..................................31

31. Community Pharmacist not entitled to demand or receive payments............31

32. Community Pharmacist to issue receipt where certain payments received........31

Part 5B Under Co-payment Data Collection.....................................................................35

40A. Giving information....................................................................................................35

Part 6 — Miscellaneous.....................................................36

41. Standards ……………………………………………………………...……… ..36

42. Editions of monographs and standards...................................37

43. Order of precedence.................................................37

44. Discretionary powers................................................37

45. Keeping Documents.................................................37

46. Agreement with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia..........................38


Schedule 1 (Incorporated Documents).......................................................................................39

This is the real copy

3. Paragraph 1 (Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme)




Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006


1. The Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 is authorised by, and subject to, section 18 of the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006.


4. Paragraph 2 (Purpose of the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme)




Purpose of the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006


2. The Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 enables Community Pharmacists to supply Pharmaceutical benefits to a person who, under section 7 of the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006, is eligible to be provided with treatment under that Act.


5.  Part 1 — Interpretation

Definition of “Act”




“Act” means the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006;


Definition of “accepted disability”




“accepted disability”, in relation to a person eligible for treatment under the Act, means the malignant neoplasia of the person.


Definition of “Eligible Person”




“Eligible Person” means a person who holds a Repatriation Health Card - For Specific Conditions and who is eligible for treatment of malignant neoplasia under the Act.


Note: the specific condition covered by the card is malignant neoplasia.


Definition of “income support payment”




Definition of “income support payment under the Social Security Act 1991”




Definition of “MRCA supplement”




Definition of“pension supplement”




Definition of pharmaceutical allowance”




Definition of “pharmaceutical reimbursement”




Definition of “Repatriation Health Card - For All Conditions




Definition of “Repatriation Health Card - For Specific Conditions”




“Repatriation Health Card - For Specific Conditions” means an identification card, or written authorisation, provided to a person eligible under section 7 of the Act for treatment of malignant neoplasia.




Definition of "Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Card" (and Note)




Definition of “RPBS”




“RPBS” means the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme made under section 91 of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 as modified under section 18 of the Act.


Definition of “revoked scheme




“revoked schememeans the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 (2006 No.R33);


Definition of “Scheme”




“Scheme” means the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme made under section 91 of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 as modified under section 18 of the Act.


Definition of “social security pension supplement”




Definition of “SRCA disability”




Definition of “Treatment Principles




“Treatment Principles” means the Treatment Principles (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 made by the Commission under section 16 of the Act;


Definition of war widow/war widower pension







(a) A Community Pharmacist shall not supply a Pharmaceutical benefit to a person on terms that are appropriate for the supply of a Pharmaceutical benefit to a holder of a Repatriation Health Card - For Specific Conditions, unless the Community Pharmacist is satisfied that the person is entitled to receive the Pharmaceutical benefit on those terms.


 (b) Without limiting the generality of subparagraph (a), a Community Pharmacist may refuse to supply a Pharmaceutical benefit to a person on terms that are appropriate for the supply of the Pharmaceutical benefit to a holder of a Repatriation Health Card - For Specific Conditions, unless the person produces such a card to the Community Pharmacist that indicates that the person is entitled to receive the Pharmaceutical benefit on those terms.





8. Paragaph 23 (Expenses incurred in obtaining Pharmaceutical Benefits while not in receipt of a pharmaceutical allowance)




