Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014

made under the Navigation Act 2012

Compilation no. 2

Compilation date: 1 April 2018


This compilation was prepared on 21 March 2018 taking into account amendments up to Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) Amendment Order 2018.

Prepared by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority


Division 1 Preliminary

1 Name of Order

2 Purpose

3 Power

4 Definitions

5 Application

6 Certification taken to be qualification to perform duties

7 Grades of certificate — permitted duties or functions

Division 2 Requirements

8 Propulsion power

9 General requirements

10 Qualifying seagoing service — general requirements

11 Revalidation requirements

Division 3 Transitional arrangements

12 Expiry of previously issued certificates

13 Current engineering certificate holders

Schedule 1 Grades of certificate — permitted duties or functions

Schedule 2 Eligibility requirements for certicates............................10

Schedule 3 Qualifying seagoing service — general requirements

Schedule 4 Requirements for revalidation of certificates



Division 1 Preliminary

1 Name of Order

 This Order is Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014.

2 Purpose

 (1)This Order:

(a) specifies standards of competence to be attained and other conditions to be satisfied by a person to be a qualified engineer officer under the Navigation Act; and

(b) gives effect to the STCW Convention.

Note   The latest edition of the STCW Convention and the STCW Code (including the amendments to the annex of the Convention known as the 2010 Manila Amendments) can be purchased from the International Maritime Organization. See the IMO website at The STCW Convention (ATS series number [1984] ATS 7) and STCW Code (ATS series number [1997] ATS 33) including any amendments in force are in the Australian Treaties Series accessible from the Australian Treaties Library on the AustLII website at

 (2)This Order is to be read with Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014.

3 Power

 (1)The following provisions of the Navigation Act provide for this Order to be made:

(a) section 28 which provides that regulations may provide for seafarer certificates and give effect to the STCW Convention;

(b) subsection 29(1) which provides that regulations may prescribe different classes of seafarer certificates and require an individual to hold a seafarer certificate of a particular kind to undertake particular duties, or perform particular functions, as a seafarer;

(c) subsection 29(2) which provides that the regulations may prescribe, for seafarer certificates, proficiencies, competencies and standards, qualifications, experience, minimum age, character, health, nationality, citizenship or residence;

(d) subsection 29(3) which provides that the regulations may provide for:

 (i) how the attainment of proficiencies, competencies and standards is to be evidenced (including the gaining of sea service and other experience); and

 (ii) the instruction, training and examination of seafarers (including the conduct of exams etc); and

 (iii) the recognition of certificates and other documents granted or issued to or for masters, officers and seafarers under the national law, the law of a State, a Territory or a foreign country; and

 (iv) conditions to which seafarer certificates are subject;

(e) subsection 314(1) which provides that regulations may provide for the following matters for certificates: the persons who may apply, the forms for applying, the way of applying, the information to be included in applications and the documents to accompany applications;

(f) subsection 314(3) which provides that the regulations may provide, for certificates, criteria to be satisfied for their issue, variation or revocation, the time limits for the determination of applications, information to be included in certificates, the person in whose name a certificate is to be issued, conditions to which certificates are subject and conditions that may be imposed on certificates by issuing bodies, the time certificates, variation of certificates and revocations of certificates come into force, the time certificates cease to be in force and ways of replacing certificates;

(g) subsection 314(4) which provides that criteria and conditions may relate to compliance with specified standards;

(h) subsection 314(5) which provides that regulations may provide for the renewal, suspension, transfer and surrender of certificates, and reports and declarations of issuing bodies, inspectors or other persons;

(i) subsection 342(1) which provides for the making of Marine Orders for any matter for which provision must or may be made by the regulations.

 (2)Subsection 339(1) of the Navigation Act also provides a general regulation making power for matters required or permitted to be prescribed by the Navigation Act, or that are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to the Act.

Note   The Navigation Act includes a number of offences relating to seafarer certificates — see Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 3 of the Act. Offences include falsely representing that a person holds a kind of certificate (section 34), performing duties or functions without the appropriate seafarer certificate (section 35) and breaching a condition of a seafarer certificate (section 37).

4 Definitions

 (1)In this Order:

certificate of medical fitness has the meaning:

(a) for the issue of a seafarer certificate — that is given by paragraph (a) of the definition of certificate of medical fitness in section 4 of Marine Order 76 (Health — medical fitness) 2017; and

(b) for the revalidation of a seafarer certificate or a certificate of recognition — that is given by paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of certificate of medical fitness in section 4 of Marine Order 76 (Health — medical fitness) 2017.

chief engineer duties or functions means the tasks, duties and responsibilities of a chief engineer officer that are specified as competencies in STCW Code

Table A III/2, column 1.

electro-technical officer duties or functions means the tasks, duties and responsibilities of an electro-technical officer that are specified as competencies in STCW Code Table A-III/6, column 1.

Engineer Class 3 NC  means a certificate of competency of that name mentioned in NSCV Part D that is issued by the National Regulator under  Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency national law) 2013.

engineer training program short courses means the following courses:

(a) training in advanced fire fighting (that complies with STCW Code Table AVI/3);

(b) training in medical first aid (that complies with STCW Code Table AVI/4 paragraphs 1 to 3);

(c) basic safety training that includes:

 (i) personal survival techniques (that complies with STCW Code Table AVI/11); and

  (ii) fire prevention and fire fighting (that complies with STCW Code Table AVI/12); and

 (iii) elementary first aid (that complies with STCW Code Table AVI/13); and

 (iv) personal safety and social responsibilities (that complies with STCW Code Table AVI/14); and

 (v) security awareness training (that complies with STCW Code section A-VI/6 paragraph 4).

engineer watchkeeper duties or functions means the tasks, duties and responsibilities of an officer in charge of an engineering watch specified by STCW Code, Table AIII/1, column 1.

foreign certificate means a certificate that:

(a) is issued by a country other than Australia in accordance with the STCW Convention; and

(b) is not a certificate restricted to service on vessels engaged on near-coastal voyages (that complies with STCW Code section A-II/1 paragraph 7, A-II/2 paragraph 8, A-II/3, A-III/1 paragraph 10, A-III/2 paragraph 8 or AIII/3 paragraph 8).

Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 NC certificate of competency means a certificate of competency of that name mentioned in NSCV Part D that is issued by the National Regulator under Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency national law) 2013.

propulsion power, for a vessel, means the total maximum continuous rated output power, in kilowatts, of all the vessel’s main propulsion machinery which appears on the vessel’s certificate of registry or other official document.

qualification that is not workshop skills equivalent means any of the following:

(a) an Australian degree or advanced diploma in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or electronics;

(b) Chartered Engineer awarded by the Institute of Engineers Australia;

(c) an approved engineering qualification.

second engineer duties or functions means the tasks, duties and responsibilities of a second engineer officer specified by STCW Code Table AIII/2, column 1.

Note   In the Australian maritime industry, the engineer officer who performs the functions of a Second engineer specified by the STCW Code is generally referred to as the First engineer.

workshop skills equivalent qualification means any of the following:

(a) Certificate III in Engineering/mechanical trade;

(b) Certificate III in Electrical fitting;

(c) Certificate III in Automotive diesel engine technology;

(d) Certificate III in Automotive/mechanical — diesel fitter;

(e) Certificate III in Automotive/mechanical — heavy vehicle road transport;

(f) Certificate III in Automotive/mechanical — heavy vehicle mobile equipment, plant/earthmoving/agriculture;

(g) Certificate III in Automotive engine reconditioning;

(h) Certificate IV in ESI generation maintenance — electrical electronics;

(i)  Certificate IV in ESI generation maintenance — mechanical;

(j) an Australian trade certificate in fitter and turner/machinist;

(k) an Australian trade certificate in diesel fitter;

(l) an Australian trade certificate in electrical fitter;

(m) an Australian Recognised Trade Certificate in the same classification as an Australian trade certificate mentioned in this definition;

(n) any other approved qualification that includes workshop skills.

Note for paragraph (m)   Australian Recognised Trade Certificates are issued in recognition of trade certificates or other qualifications of a country other than Australia.

 (2)Terms defined in Marine Order 70 (Seafarer qualifications) 2014 and used in this Order have the meaning given by that Order.

Note 1   For information on obtaining copies of IMO documents mentioned in this Order see AMSA’s website at or email

Note 2   Some terms used in this Order are defined in Marine Order 1 (Administration) 2013 including:

Note 3   Other terms used in this Order have the same meaning that they have in the Navigation Act, including:

Note 4   For delegation of AMSA’s powers under this Order — see the AMSA website at

5 Application

 This Order applies to the following persons:

(a) a person performing or intending to perform, duties or functions as an engineer officer on a regulated Australian vessel;

(b) a person who holds a seafarer certificate as an engineer officer.

6 Certification taken to be qualification to perform duties

 For section 35 of the Navigation Act, a person is qualified to perform the duties or functions of an engineer officer for a regulated Australian vessel if:

(a) the person holds a seafarer certificate that this Order requires the person to hold to perform those duties or functions; and

(b) the certificate permits the person to perform duties or functions mentioned in Schedule 1 for the grade of certificate.

Note    A seafarer certificate issued under the Navigation Act, including a certificate of recognition, may include endorsements permitting the certificate holder to perform stated duties or functions  — see section 8 of Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014.

7 Grades of certificate — permitted duties or functions

 For paragraph 35(1)(a) of the Navigation Act, a person must hold a seafarer certificate of a grade mentioned in Schedule 1 to perform the permitted duties or functions mentioned in Schedule 1 for the grade of certificate.

Note   A certificate of recognition is a kind of seafarer certificate — see subsection 7(2) of Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014.

Division 2 Requirements

8 Propulsion power

 A seafarer certificate to which this Order applies, other than an electro-technical officer grade of engineer officer certificate, must include the kind of propulsion power to which the certificate applies.

Note   kind, for propulsion of a vessel, means steam or motor – see section 4 of Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014.

9 General requirements

 For paragraph 31(1)(b) of the Navigation Act, the criteria for the issue by AMSA to a person of a seafarer certificate as an engineer officer are as follows:

(a) the person is familiar enough with the English language that the person can fully understand directions and documents relating to the performance of the duties permitted under the certificate;

 (b) the person satisfies the eligibility requirements for the certificate that are mentioned in Schedule 2.

10 Qualifying seagoing service — general requirements

 (1) A qualifying seagoing service eligibility requirement mentioned in Schedule 2 for a seafarer certificate must comply with Schedule 3.

 (2) A qualifying seagoing service revalidation requirement mentioned in Schedule 4 for a certificate must comply with Schedule 3.

Note   See also Subdivision 3.1 of Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 for the general rules for the calculation of qualifying seagoing service.

11 Revalidation requirements

 AMSA may revalidate a seafarer certificate as engineer officer, or a certificate or recognition of that kind of certificate, if satisfied that:

(a) the certificate is not suspended, cancelled or revoked; and

(b) the applicant satisfies the revalidation requirements mentioned in Schedule 4.

Division 3 Transitional arrangements

12 Expiry of previously issued certificates

 A certificate of competency as engineer officer that was in force on 31 March 2018, and any endorsement of it, expires on the day AMSA determined for expiry of the certificate.

13 Current engineering certificate holders

 A person holding a certificate of competency as engineer officer that was issued under Marine Order 3 (Seagoing qualifications) 2004 is taken to hold a seafarer certificate that is a certificate of competency as engineer officer.

Note   seafarer certificate means a certificate issued under s 31 of the Navigation Act see s14 of the Navigation Act.


Schedule 1 Grades of certificate — permitted duties or functions

(section 7)

Grade of certificate

Permitted duties or functions

Electro-technical officer

(a)  Electro-technical officer duties or functions on a vessel powered by main propulsion machinery of any propulsion power in any operating area.

(b)  Able seafarer — engine rating duties or functions

Engineer Watchkeeper (Motor)

Engineer Watchkeeper (Steam)

Engineer Watchkeeper (Steam and Motor)


(a) Engineer watchkeeper duties or functions on a seagoing vessel powered by main propulsion machinery of any propulsion power, of the kind stated on the certificate, in any operating area; and

(b) if endorsed, second engineer duties or functions on vessels <3000 kW propulsion power in any operating area; and

(c) if endorsed, chief engineer duties or functions on vessels <3000 kW propulsion power operating in near-coastal waters; and

(d) electrical, electronic and control engineering duties

(e)  Able seafarer — engine rating duties or functions

Engineer Class 2 (Motor)

Engineer Class 2 (Steam)

Engineer Class 2 (Steam and Motor)


(a) Second engineer or engineer watchkeeper duties or functions on a vessel powered by main propulsion machinery of any propulsion power, of the kind stated on the certificate, in any operating area; and

(b) Chief engineer duties or functions on a vessel powered by main propulsion machinery <3000 kW propulsion power in any operating area; and

(c) electrical, electronic and control engineering duties

(d)  Able seafarer — engine rating duties or functions

Engineer Class 1 (Motor)

Engineer Class 1 (Steam)

Engineer Class 1 (Steam and Motor)


(a) Chief engineer, second engineer or engineer watchkeeper duties or functions on a vessel powered by main propulsion machinery of any propulsion power, of the kind stated on the certificate, in any operating area; and

(b) electrical, electronic and control engineering duties

(c)  Able seafarer — engine rating duties or functions


Schedule 2 Eligibility requirements for certificates

(subparagraph 9(b))

Grade of certificate

Eligibility requirements

Electro-technical officer

Person must:

(a) be at least 18 years old; and

(b) hold:

 (i) an Australian electrical trade certificate; or

 (ii) an Australian Recognised Trade Certificate in the same classification as an Australian electrical trade certificate; or

 (iii) an Engineer Watchkeeper, Engineer Class 2 or Engineer Class 1 certificate of competency; or

 (iv) a foreign certificate AMSA considers to be at least equivalent to an Engineer Watchkeeper, Engineer Class 2 or Engineer Class 1 certificate of competency

Note   For the definition of foreign certificatesee section 4.

Person must also satisfy either of the following 2 sets of eligibility requirements:

Option 1

Person must:

(a) have completed an approved training course of at least 12 months duration that includes a program of workshop skills training of at least 6 months; and

(b) have completed qualifying seagoing service that is:

 (i) of at least 6 months on vessels with a total installed electrical generation  capacity of ≥750 kW as part of an approved training program under the supervision of a person holding an Electro-technical officer certificate, an Engineer Watchkeeper certificate, an Engineer Class 1 certificate or an Engineer Class 2 certificate; and

 (ii) documented in an approved Training Record Book

Option 2

Person must:

(a) have completed an approved training course that includes a program of workshop skills training of at least 6 months; and

(b) have completed at least 30 months qualifying seagoing service in the engine department on vessels with a total installed electrical generation capacity of ≥750 kW;

For both options

The approved training course completed by the person must:

(a) comply with STCW Code section A-III/6; and

(b) include the following:

 (i) training in advanced fire fighting (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/3);

 (ii) training in medical first aid (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/4 paragraphs 1 to 3);

 (iii) security awareness training (that complies with STCW Code section A-VI/6 paragraph 4)

Also, the person must:

(a) have completed an approved course of basic safety training (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/1 paragraph 2); and

(b) hold a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/2 paragraphs 1 to 4); and

(c) hold a certificate of medical fitness; and

(d) have passed a final assessment

Engineer Watchkeeper (Motor)

Engineer Watchkeeper (Steam)

Engineer Watchkeeper (Steam and Motor)


Person must:

(a) be at least 18 years old; and

(b) have completed at least 1 of the following engineer training programs:

 (i) an engineer cadet program of at least 3 years duration;

 (ii) a trainee engineer program;

 (iii) an engineering experience training program; and

(c) if the person has only completed the engineering experience training program hold or have held for at least 12 months an Engineer Class 3 NC certificate of competency or an unrestricted Engineer Class 3 certificate of competency issued by a State before 1 July 2013;

Note   On 1 July 2013 the national law commenced, introducing NC (near coastal) certificates to replace the certificates that had previously been issued by the States and the Northern Territory.

An engineer cadet program consists of the following:

(a) an approved training course that complies with STCW Code section AIII/1 and includes a program of workshop skills training of at least 36 weeks duration in the following competencies specified in STCW Code Table AIII/1 column 1:

 (i) maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment;

 (ii) appropriate use of hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments for fabrication and repair on board;

 (iii) maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment;

(b) qualifying seagoing service that is:

 (i) of at least 36 weeks on vessels ≥750 kW propulsion power, performing engineer watchkeeper duties or functions in an engine room and under the supervision of a person holding an Engineer Watchkeeper certificate, an Engineer Class 1 certificate or an Engineer Class 2 certificate, of which (except for the holder of an Engineer Class 1, Engineer Class 2 or Engineer Watchkeeper grade of certificate of the other kind) at least 16 weeks was on a vessel using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates; and

 (ii) documented in an approved Training Record Book;

(c) the engineer training program short courses;

(d) holding a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/2 paragraphs 1 to 4);

(e) holding a certificate of medical fitness;

(f) passing a final assessment

A trainee engineer program consists of the following, of which the combined program of workshop skills and qualifying seagoing service must be of at least 12 months duration:

(a) an approved training course that:

 (i) complies with STCW Code section AIII/1; and

 (ii) either:

 (A) if the person holds a workshop skills equivalent qualification — does not include a program of workshop skills training; or

 (B) if the person holds a qualification that is not workshop skills equivalent — includes a program of workshop skills training, as determined by the seafarer training organisation providing the course taking into account any relevant education, skills or practical experience of the person, in the following competencies mentioned in STCW Code Table AIII/1 column 1:

 (I) maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment;

 (II) use of appropriate hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments for fabrication and repair on board;

 (III)  maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment;

(b) qualifying seagoing service that is:

 (i) of at least 36 weeks on vessels ≥750 kW propulsion power, performing engineer watchkeeper duties or functions in an engine room and under the supervision of a person holding an Engineer Watchkeeper certificate, an Engineer Class 1 certificate or an Engineer Class 2 certificate, of which (except for the holder of an Engineer Class 1, Engineer Class 2 or Engineer Watchkeeper grade of certificate of the other kind) at least 16 weeks was on a vessel using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates; and

 (ii) documented in an approved Training Record Book;

(c) the engineer training program short courses;

(d) holding a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/2 paragraphs 1 to 4);

(e) holding a certificate of medical fitness;

(f) passing a final assessment

An engineering experience training program, for a person with a State unrestricted Engineer Class 3 certificate of competency or an Engineer Class 3 NC certificate of competency, consists of the following, of which the combined program of workshop skills and qualifying seagoing service must be of at least 12 months duration:

(a) an approved training course that:

 (i) complies with STCW Code section AIII/1; and

    (ii) includes a program of workshop skills training, as determined by the seafarer training organisation providing the course taking into account any relevant education, skills or practical experience of the person, in the following competencies specified in STCW Code Table AIII/1 column 1:

 (A) maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment;

 (B) use of appropriate hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments for fabrication and repair on board;

 (C) maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment;

(b) qualifying seagoing service that is:

 (i) of at least 26 weeks while holding a State unrestricted Engineer Class 3 certificate of competency or an Engineer Class 3 NC certificate of competency on vessels ≥ 750kW propulsion power, of which (except for the holder of an Engineer Class 1, Engineer Class 2 or Engineer Watchkeeper grade of certificate of the other kind) at least 16 weeks was on a vessel using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates; and

 (ii) documented in an approved Training Record Book;

(c) the engineer training program short courses;

(d) holding a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/2 paragraphs 1 to 4);

(e) holding a certificate of medical fitness;

(f) passing a final assessment

For endorsement as Second Engineer (<3000 kW), the holder of the certificate must:

(a) have at least 12 months documented qualifying seagoing service in vessels ≥750 kW propulsion power; and

(b) have completed an approved program of study that meets the standards specified in STCW Code section A-III/3

For endorsement as Chief Engineer NC (<3000 kW), the holder of the certificate must:

(a) have at least 24 months qualifying seagoing service on vessels ≥375 kW propulsion power of which at least 12 months was while holding an endorsement as Second Engineer (<3000 kW), a Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 NC certificate of competency or an unrestricted Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 certificate of competency issued by a State before 1 July 2013; and

Note   For information about NC certificates — see note for Engineer Watchkeeper grades of certificates.

(b) have completed an approved program of study that meets the standards specified in STCW Code section A-III/3

Engineer Class 2 (Motor)

Engineer Class 2 (Steam)

Engineer Class 2 (Steam and Motor)


Person must:

(a) hold or have held any of the following certificates:

 (i) an Engineer Watchkeeper certificate of competency;

 (ii) a foreign certificate AMSA considers to be at least equivalent to an Engineer Watchkeeper certificate of competency;

Note   For the definition of foreign certificatesee section 4.

 (iii) an Engineer Class 3 NC of competency;

 (iv) an unrestricted Engineer Class 3 certificate of competency issued by a State before 1 July 2013; and

Note   For information about NC certificates — see note for Engineer Watchkeeper grades of certificates.

(b) have completed the following documented qualifying seagoing service:

 (i) if holding a certificate mentioned in subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) — at least 12 months qualifying seagoing service on vessels ≥750 kW propulsion power while holding an Engineer Watchkeeper certificate or its equivalent of which at least 9 months was on vessels using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates; or

 (ii) if holding a certificate mentioned in subparagraph (a)(iii) or (iv) — at least 24 months qualifying seagoing service on vessels ≥750 kW propulsion power while holding the certificate of competency, of which at least 9 months was on vessels using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates; or

 (iii) qualifying seagoing service that is a combination of the kinds of seagoing service mentioned in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) that AMSA considers equivalent to the qualifying seagoing service mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (ii); and

(c) have completed an approved program of study appropriate for the certificate that meets the standards specified in STCW Code sections AIII/1 and AIII/2 and includes the following:

 (i) training in advanced fire fighting (that complies with STCW Code AVI/3);

 (ii) training in medical first aid (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/4 paragraphs 1 to 3);

 (iii) security awareness training (that complies with STCW Code section A-VI/6 paragraph 4); and

(d) if holding only the certificate mentioned in subparagraph (a)(iii) or (a)(iv) — have completed the engineer training program short courses; and

(e) hold a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (that complies with STCW Code section AVI/2 paragraphs 1 to 4); and

(f) hold a certificate of medical fitness; and

(g) have passed a final assessment

Engineer Class 1 (Motor)

Engineer Class 1 (Steam)

Engineer Class 1 (Steam and Motor)

Person must:

(a) hold or have held any of the following certificates:

 (i) an Engineer Class 2 certificate;

 (ii) a foreign certificate AMSA considers to be at least equivalent to an Engineer Class 2 certificate; and

Note   For the definition of foreign certificatesee section 4.

(b) have completed the following documented qualifying seagoing service:

 (i) qualifying seagoing service that is:

 (A) at least 36 months in charge of an engine room watch on vessels ≥750 kW propulsion power while holding either an Engineer Watchkeeper or Engineer Class 2 certificate of competency, of which at least 12 months was served on vessels ≥3000 kW using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates; and

 (B) at least 12 months while holding a certificate of competency as Engineer Class 2; or

 (ii) at least 24 months in charge of an engine room watch on vessels ≥750 kW propulsion power of which at least 12 months was served as first engineer on vessels ≥3000 kW propulsion power using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates while holding an Engineer Class 2 certificate of competency; or

 (iii) at least 42 months in charge of an engine room watch on vessels ≥750 kW propulsion power of which at least 18 months was served on vessels ≥ 3000 kW propulsion power using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates while holding an Engineer Class 2 certificate of competency and at least 24 months was served while holding an Engineer Class 3 NC certificate of competency or an unrestricted Engineer Class 3 certificate of competency issued by a State before 1 July 2013; or

Note   For information about NC certificates — see note for Engineer Watchkeeper grades of certificates.

 (iv) qualifying seagoing service that is a combination of the kinds of seagoing service mentioned in subparagraphs (i) and (iii) that AMSA considers equivalent to the qualifying seagoing service mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (iii); and

(c) have completed an approved program of study appropriate for the certificate that meets the standards specified in STCW Code sections AIII/1 and AIII/2 and includes the following:

 (i) training in advanced fire fighting (STCW Code AVI/3);

 (ii) training in medical first aid (STCW Code AVI/4 paragraphs 1 to 3);

 (iii) security awareness training (that complies with STCW Code section A-VI/6 paragraph 4); and

(d) hold a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (STCW Code section AVI/2 paragraphs 1 to 4); and

(e) hold a certificate of medical fitness; and

(f) have passed a final assessment



Schedule 3 Qualifying seagoing service — general requirements

(section 10)

3.1 Service must have been performed as:

(a) an engineer, trainee engineer or engineer cadet, or in an equivalent capacity regularly engaged in engine-room watchkeeping, which may include service on call in periodically unattended machinery spaces on vessels with a propulsion power of ≥750 kW; or

(b) an electro-technical officer engaged in electro-technical officer duties or functions on vessels with an electrical generation capacity of ≥750 kW.

 3. 2 Qualifying seagoing service is calculated as follows:

(a) if the machinery is in use or immediately available for use for at least 8 hours in a 24 hour period and the person is on duty or on call for that period, the sea service is taken to be served as a whole day; and

(b) if the machinery is in use or immediately available for use for less than 8 hours in a 24 hour period and the seafarer is on duty or on call for that period, the sea service is taken to be the actual period the machinery is in use or available for use plus 25% of that time.

 3.3 For clause 3.2, seagoing service calculated to be at least 8 hours in any 24 hour period is taken to be served as a whole day and no more than a whole day.

 3.4 Qualifying seagoing service that forms part of eligibility requirements and is served on an offshore industry mobile unit that is not self propelled, on a dredge that is not capable of self propulsion while conducting dredging operations or on auxiliary machinery run independently of the main propulsion machinery is subject to the following restrictions:

(a) for an Engineer Watchkeeper certificate of competency, the maximum amount of seagoing service that can be credited is 20 weeks;

(b) for an Engineer Class 2 certificate of competency, the maximum amount of seagoing service that can be credited is 6 months;

(c) for an Engineer Class 1 certificate of competency, the maximum amount of seagoing service that can be credited is 12 months.

 3.5 The restrictions mentioned in clause 3.4 do not apply to qualifying seagoing service requirements for revalidation of a seafarer certificate.

Note   For qualifying seagoing service requirements for revalidation of a certificate see Schedule 4.

 3.6 In this clause:

machinery means:

(a) propulsion machinery on propelled vessels; or

(b) generator prime movers and drilling prime movers on:

 (i) off shore industry mobile units that are not self propelled; or

 (ii) floating production, storage or offtake facilities; or

 (iii) facilities similar to those mentioned in subparagraphs (i) and (ii); or

(c) dredging machinery, including dredging machinery contained in machinery spaces on board the dredge but not including portable dredging equipment such as a backhoe. 


Schedule 4 Requirements for revalidation of certificates

(paragraph 11(b))

 4.1 The person must have at least 1 of the following:

(a) documented qualifying seagoing service on vessels with auxiliary machinery or a propulsion power ≥750 kW of any kind calculated in the same way as required for the issue of the certificate to be revalidated, of:

 (i) 12 months in the 5 years before the application for revalidation; or

 (ii) 3 months in the 6 months before the application for revalidation;

(b) completed, within the 5 years before the date of applying for revalidation of the certificate, an approved revalidation course appropriate for the grade of certificate to be revalidated;

(c) performed duties and completed approved courses appropriate for the grade of certificate to be revalidated that together AMSA considers at least equivalent to the service mentioned in paragraph (a);

(d) within the 5 years before the date of applying for revalidation of the certificate:

 (i) completed approved short courses appropriate for the grade of certificate; and

 (ii) have passed a final assessment.

 4.2 The person must also hold a certificate of medical fitness.

 4.3 The person must also have maintained the STCW Code required standard of competence in:

(a) proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (as specified in STCW Code Table AVI/21); and

(b) advanced fire fighting (as specified in STCW Code Table AVI/3); and

(c) security awareness training (that complies with STCW Code Table A-VI/61).

Notes to Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014

Note 1

Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 (in force under subsection 342(1) of the Navigation Act 2012) as shown in this compilation comprises Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 amended as indicated in the following tables.

Table of Orders

Year and number

Registration date

FRLI number

Commencement date

Application, saving or transitional provisions

Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 (MO 2014/4)

24 Feb 2014


1 April 2014

Marine Orders Amendment (Marine Order 76 — consequential changes) Order 2017 (MO 2017/9)

18 December 2017


1 January 2018

Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) Amendment Order 2018 (MO 2018/5)

20 March 2018


1 April 2018

Table of amendments

ad. = added or inserted      am. = amended      rep. = repealed      rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


rep. Legislation Act 2003, s 48D


am. MO2018/5


am. MO2017/9, am. MO2018/5


am. MO2018/5


rs. MO2018/5


rs. MO2018/5


rs. MO2018/5

Schedule 1............

am. MO2018/5

Schedule 2............


Schedule 3............

am. MO2018/5

Schedule 4............

am. MO2018/5