Taxation Administration Act 1953

Pay as you go withholding

Variation to remove the requirement to withhold from payments for certain US resident entertainers and sport persons – Legislative Instrument

I, Steve Vesperman, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, vary the amount required to be withheld as described below from withholding payments that are:


I make this variation of the amount required to be withheld using the power contained in section 15-15 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to meet the special circumstances of that class of cases.

For payments covered by this variation I use the power contained in section 16-180 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to exempt the payer from providing a payment summary to the relevant payee.


This instrument commences on the day after registration on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.

Class of Cases:

The variation applies:

Amount required to be withheld

The amount to be withheld from payments covered by this instrument is nil.

Variation to the requirement to issue a payment summary

 Where no withholding has occurred from the payments made to a payee in a financial year as a result of this variation, the payer will not be required to issue a payment summary to the payee in respect of these withholding payments.


Signed on 31st of March 2014



Steve Vesperman

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation