Superannuation (PSS)

Maximum Benefits (2014-2015)

Determination 2014




I, STEPHEN PAUL WHITTON, Director, Manual Calculations, Position No. 44, and Delegate of Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation, pursuant to rules 5.6.5 and 5.7.7 of the PSS Rules, in the Schedule to the Deed in force under section 4 of the Superannuation Act 1990, DETERMINE as follows:


Dated  30 May 2014



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Delegate of Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation





















1 Name of Determination


This Determination is the Superannuation (PSS) Maximum Benefits

(2014-2015) Determination 2014.



2 Commencement


  This determination shall take effect from and including 1 July 2014.     



3 Maximum Benefits – Lump Sums


For rule 5.6.5 of the PSS Rules, the table in rule 5.6.1 has effect, for the financial year starting on 1 July 2014, as if the amounts specified in the following table were substituted for the amounts specified in that table:


Table Maximum Benefits

Average Salary

Maximum Benefit


Less than $67,500.00





$67,500.00 and over


10 times average salary




4                    Maximum Benefits – AFP Lump Sums


For rule 5.7.7 of the PSS Rules, the table in rule 5.7.1 has effect, for the financial year starting on 1 July 2014, as if the amounts specified in the following table were substituted for the amounts specified in that table:


Table – AFP Preliminary Maximum Benefits –         Lump Sums

Average Salary

Preliminary Maximum Benefit


Less than $67,500.00





$67,500.00 and over


10 times average salary


5                     Maximum Benefits – AFP Pensions


For rule 5.7.7 of the PSS Rules, the table in rule 5.7.2 has effect, for the financial year starting on 1 July 2014, as if the amounts specified in the following table were substituted for the amounts specified in that table:



Table AFP Preliminary Maximum Benefits Pensions


Final Average Salary


Maximum Benefit


Less than $67,500.00





$67,500.00 and over


14 times average salary