National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014


Select Legislative Instrument No. 131, 2014

I, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Ret’d), GovernorGeneral of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulation.

Dated 04 September 2014

Peter Cosgrove


By His Excellency’s Command

Greg Hunt

Minister for the Environment






1 Name of regulation

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Schedules

Schedule 1—Amendments

Part 1—Main amendments

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008

Part 2—Application and transitional provisions

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008

1  Name of regulation

  This regulation is the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014.

2  Commencement

  This regulation commences on the day after it is registered.

3  Authority

  This regulation is made under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.

4  Schedules

  Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1Amendments

Part 1Main amendments

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008

1  Regulation 1.03


affected group entity: a group entity of a controlling corporation is an affected group entity of the controlling corporation for a financial year if the circumstances in one or more of the following paragraphs exist, or are likely to exist, in relation to the group entity during the financial year:

 (a) the controlling corporation’s group meets a threshold for the financial year under paragraph 13(1)(a), (b) or (c) of the Act and the group entity, or a subsidiary of the group entity, has operational control of a facility for at least part of the financial year;

 (b) the controlling corporation’s group meets a threshold for the financial year under paragraph 13(1)(d) of the Act and the group entity, or a subsidiary of the group entity, has operational control of a facility the operation of which during the financial year causes the group to meet the threshold;

 (c) the controlling corporation makes an application under section 14 of the Act during the financial year and the group entity, or a subsidiary of the group entity, is undertaking or is proposing to undertake a greenhouse gas project to which the application relates.

2  Regulation 1.03

Repeal the following definitions:

 (a) definition of affected group member;

 (b) definition of covered emission;

 (c) definition of designated joint venture;

 (d) definition of exempt landfill emissions.

3  Regulation 1.03


facility of the corporation: if a corporation is required, under Part 3, 3E or 3F of the Act, to report about a facility, the facility is a facility of the corporation.

4  Regulation 1.03 (definition of facility of the person)

Repeal the definition.

5  Regulation 1.03 (definition of feedstock)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

feedstock means a substance that is converted by a chemical process into another substance that is not a greenhouse gas.

6  Regulation 1.03

Repeal the following definitions:

 (a) definition of Greater Sunrise unit area;

 (b) definition of GST group;

 (c) definition of GST joint venture.

7  Regulation 1.03


identifying information, for an entity that is a controlling corporation or a group entity, means the following information:

 (a) the entity’s name and trading name (if any);

 (b) the entity’s identifying details;

 (c) the postal address of the head office of the entity;

 (d) the name, position, telephone number, email address and postal address of a contact person for the entity;

 (e) details of at least one executive officer (or equivalent) of the entity, including the officer’s name, telephone number, email address and postal address;

 (f) if the entity is a foreign corporation—the name of any Australian agent through which the corporation conducts business.

8  Regulation 1.03

Repeal the following definitions:

 (a) definition of identifying information, for a person;

 (b) definition of landfill facility;

 (c) definition of large gas consuming facility;

 (d) definition of legacy emissions.

9  Regulation 1.03 (definition of natural gas supply pipeline)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

natural gas supply pipeline does not include the following:

 (a) anything upstream of a point or flange that is:

 (i) on a pipeline conveying natural gas from a gas processing plant; and

 (ii) mentioned in Schedule 1A for the gas processing plant;

 (b) a gathering system operated as part of an upstream producing operation;

 (c) anything downstream of a point on a pipeline from which a person takes natural gas for use.

10  Regulation 1.03 (definition of OTN or obligation transfer number)

Repeal the definition.

11  Regulation 1.03 (definition of reporting year)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

12  Regulation 1.03 (definition of reporting year)

Omit “3A, 3D,”.

13  Regulation 1.03 (definition of specified taxable fuel)

Repeal the definition.

14  Regulation 1.03 (note)

Repeal the note, substitute:

Note: A number of expressions used in these Regulations are defined in the Act, including the following:

(a) audit team member;

(b) CFI audit;

(c) controlling corporation;

(d) foreign corporation;

(e) greenhouse and energy audit;

(f) greenhouse gas project;

(g) group;

(h) group entity;

(i) member;

(j) official of the Regulator;

(k) Register;

(l) registered greenhouse and energy auditor;

(m) Regulator;

(n) subsidiary.

15  Regulation 2.01A

Omit “a person who is”.

16  Regulation 2.01A

Omit “the person”, substitute “the corporation”.

17  Regulation 2.02

Omit “paragraph (a) of”.

18  Regulations 2.14, 2.16 and 2.17

Omit “person” (wherever occurring), substitute “group entity”.

19  Subregulations 2.18(1), (2), (4) and (5)

Omit “person” (wherever occurring), substitute “group entity”.

20  Subregulation 2.18(6)

Omit “person complies”, substitute “group entity complies”.

21  Paragraphs 2.18(6)(a) and (b)

Omit “person”, substitute “group entity”.

22  Paragraph 2.18(6)(b)

Omit “person’s”, substitute “group entity’s”.

23  Paragraph 2.18(6)(c)

Omit “person”, substitute “group entity”.

24  Regulations 2.19, 2.20 and 2.22

Omit “person” (wherever occurring), substitute “group entity”.

25  Regulation 2.27

Omit “paragraphs 11B (3) (c) and 11C (3) (c)”, substitute “paragraph 11B(3)(c)”.

26  Regulation 2.28 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

2.28  Nomination of group entity

27  Subregulation 2.28(1)

Omit “person or trustee”, substitute “group entity (the nominee)”.

28  Subregulation 2.28(1)

Omit “or 11C (2)”.

29  Paragraph 2.28(2)(e)

Repeal the paragraph.

30  Paragraph 2.28(2)(g)

Omit “facility;”, substitute “facility.”.

31  Paragraph 2.28(2)(h)

Repeal the paragraph.

32  Subregulation 2.28(3)

Omit “If the nomination is made under subsection 11B (2) of the Act, the”, substitute “The”.

33  Paragraph 2.28(3)(a)

Omit “of the other persons who”, substitute “group entity (other than the nominee) that”.

34  Paragraph 2.28(3)(a)

Omit “relevant period”, substitute “period during which the nomination is to be in force”.

35  Paragraph 2.28(3)(a)

Omit “person”, substitute “group entity”.

36  Paragraphs 2.28(3)(b) and (c)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (b) if the identifying information for a group entity (other than the nominee) mentioned in paragraph (a) has not previously been given to the Regulator—the identifying information for the group entity;

 (ba) if the identifying information for a group entity (other than the nominee) mentioned in paragraph (a) has previously been given to the Regulator—the following:

 (i) the group entity’s name, postal address and identifying details;

 (ii) the name, position, telephone number, email address and postal address of a contact person for the group entity;

 (c) if the nominee is a foreign corporation—a statement that all of the group entities (other than the nominee) mentioned in paragraph (a) are also foreign corporations;

37  Subparagraph 2.28(3)(d)(i)

Omit “of the persons”, substitute “group entity”.

38  Subparagraph 2.28(3)(d)(ii)

Omit “person”, substitute “group entity”.

39  Subparagraph 2.28(3)(d)(iii)

Omit “or 55A”.

40  Subregulation 2.28(4)

Repeal the subregulation.

41  Regulation 3.02 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

3.02  Content of application

42  Paragraphs 3.02(1)(d) and (e)

Omit “member”, substitute “entity”.

43  Subparagraphs 3.02(1)(e)(i) and (ii)

Omit “member’s”, substitute “entity’s”.

44  Paragraph 3.02(1)(f)

Repeal the paragraph.

45  Paragraph 3.02(1)(h)

Omit “foreign person”, substitute “foreign corporation”.

46  Subregulation 3.02(3)

Repeal the subregulation.

47  Regulation 3.03 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

3.03  Form of application

48  Regulation 3.03A

Repeal the regulation.

49  Subregulation 3.04(1)

Omit “person registered under Division 3 or 4”, substitute “controlling corporation registered under Division 3”.

50  Paragraph 3.04(1)(a)

Omit “person’s”, substitute “corporation’s”.

51  Paragraphs 3.04(1)(b) and (c)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

52  Paragraph 3.04(1)(d)

Omit “person’s”, substitute “corporation’s”.

53  Subparagraphs 3.04(1)(d)(i) and (ii)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

54  Paragraph 3.04(1)(e)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

55  Subregulation 3.04(2)

Omit “If the registered person is a controlling corporation, the Register must also set out the following”, substitute “For paragraph 16(1)(b) of the Act, the Register must also set out the following for the controlling corporation of a group”.

56  Paragraphs 3.04(2)(a), (b) and (c)

Omit “member of the controlling corporation’s group”, substitute “entity of the controlling corporation”.

57  Subregulation 3.05(1)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

58  Paragraph 3.05(1)(j)

Repeal the paragraph.

59  Subregulations 3.05(2) and (3)

Repeal the subregulations.

60  Subregulation 3.05(4)

Omit “If the applicant is a controlling corporation of a group, the application must also set out the following”, substitute “For paragraph 18B(2)(c) of the Act, an application by a registered corporation to be deregistered must also set out the following information”.

61  Paragraph 3.05(4)(a)

Before “group”, insert “registered corporation’s”.

62  Paragraph 3.05(4)(b)

Omit “controlling”.

63  Subregulation 3.05(5)

Omit “to (j)”, substitute “, (1)(i)”.

64  Regulation 4.01

Omit “3A, 3D,”.

65  Division 4.2 of Part 4

Repeal the Division.

66  Division 4.3 of Part 4 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Division 4.3General information

67  Regulation 4.03

Repeal the regulation, substitute:

4.03  Purpose and application of Division

  For paragraphs 19(6)(c), 22G(2)(c) and 22X(4)(c) of the Act, this Division specifies information that must be set out in a report provided by a corporation to the Regulator under section 19, 22G or 22X of the Act for a reporting year in relation to one or more facilities of the corporation.

68  Regulation 4.04 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

4.04  General information about reporting corporation

69  Subregulation 4.04(1)

Repeal the subregulation, substitute:

 (1) The report must set out the identifying information for the controlling corporation, or group entity, providing the report.

70  Subregulation 4.04(2)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

71  Subregulation 4.04A(1)

Repeal the subregulation.

72  Subregulation 4.04A(2)

Omit “following for the facility”, substitute “following information for each facility of the corporation providing the report (other than a facility that is reported about in accordance with regulation 4.25 or 4.26)”.

73  Subregulation 4.04A(3) (note)

Repeal the note.

74  Regulation 4.05 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

4.05  Purpose and application of Division

75  Before subregulation 4.05(1)


 (1A) For paragraphs 19(6)(c), 22G(2)(c) and 22X(4)(c) of the Act, this Division specifies information that must be set out in a report provided by a corporation to the Regulator under section 19, 22G or 22X of the Act for a reporting year in relation to one or more facilities of the corporation.

76  Paragraph 4.05(1)(a)

Omit “22A, 22E,”.

77  Regulation 4.06

Repeal the regulation.

78  Subregulation 4.07(1)

Repeal the subregulation, substitute:

 (1) This regulation applies in relation to scope 1 emissions from the operation of a facility of the corporation, if those emissions result from fuel combustion.

Note: Fuel combustion is a source.

79  Paragraph 4.07(2)(d)

Omit “the person used Method 2, 3 or 4 in the Measurement Determination”, substitute “Method 2, 3 or 4 in the Measurement Determination is used”.

80  Paragraph 4.07(2)(d)

Omit “that the person”.

81  Paragraph 4.07(2)(e)

Omit “the person used Method 2 or 3 in the Measurement Determination”, substitute “Method 2 or 3 in the Measurement Determination is used”.

82  Subregulation 4.08(1)

Repeal the subregulation, substitute:

 (1) This regulation applies in relation to emissions from the combustion of an energy type at a facility during a reporting year if the scope 1 emissions from the combustion have a carbon dioxide equivalence of 25 kilotonnes or more during the year.

83  Subregulations 4.09(1) and (2)

Repeal the subregulations, substitute:

  This Subdivision applies in relation to scope 1 emissions from the operation of a facility of the corporation.

84  Subregulation 4.10(2)

Repeal the subregulation.

85  Paragraph 4.10(3)(b)

Omit “by the person”.

86  Paragraph 4.11(2)(b)

Omit “by the person”.

87  Subregulation 4.12(1)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

88  Paragraphs 4.12(3)(e), 4.13(2)(b) and (c), 4.14(2)(b) and (c) and 4.15(2)(b) and (c)

Omit “by the person”.

89  Subregulation 4.16(1A)

Repeal the subregulation.

90  Paragraph 4.17(2)(c)

Omit “by the person”.

91  Paragraph 4.17A(1)(b)

Repeal the paragraph.

92  Subregulation 4.18(1)

Omit “(1)”.

93  Subregulation 4.18(1)

Omit “a person”, substitute “the corporation”.

94  Subregulation 4.18(2)

Repeal the subregulation.

95  Subregulation 4.19(1)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

96  Subregulation 4.19(2)

Repeal the subregulation, substitute:

 (2) However, the report need not include information relating to electricity produced by a generating unit that:

 (a) has capacity to produce less than 0.5 megawatts of electricity; and

 (b) generates 100 000 kilowatt hours or less of electricity in the reporting year.

97  Subregulation 4.20(1A)

Repeal the subregulation, substitute:

 (1A) This regulation applies if the operation of a facility of the corporation produces electricity during the reporting year.

98  At the end of regulation 4.20


 (3) However, the report need not include information relating to electricity produced by a generating unit that:

 (a) has capacity to produce less than 0.5 megawatts of electricity; and

 (b) generates 100 000 kilowatt hours or less of electricity in the reporting year.

99  Regulation 4.21

Omit “a person”, substitute “the corporation”.

100  Subregulation 4.22(1) (heading)

Repeal the heading.

101  Subregulation 4.22(1)

Omit “facility of the person”, substitute “facility of the corporation”.

102  Subregulation 4.22(1)

Omit “person must”, substitute “corporation must”.

103  Paragraphs 4.22(1)(c) and (d)

Omit “by the person”.

104  Subregulations 4.22(1A) and (1B)

Repeal the subregulations.

105  Subregulation 4.22(2) (heading)

Repeal the heading.

106  Subregulation 4.23(1)

Omit “to a person”.

107  Subregulation 4.23(1)

Omit “the person”, substitute “the corporation”.

108  Subregulation 4.23(1A)

Repeal the subregulation.

109  Subregulation 4.23(3)

Omit “the person must use the procedure mentioned in the Measurement Determination for this purpose”, substitute “the method mentioned in the Measurement Determination for this purpose must be used”.

110  Subregulation 4.23A(2)

Repeal the subregulation.

111  Subregulations 4.23A(3) and 4.24(1)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

112  Paragraph 4.24(1)(a)

Omit “22A, 22E,”.

113  Subregulation 4.25(1) (note)

Omit “22A, 22E or”.

114  Subregulation 4.25(2A)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

115  Subregulation 4.26(1) (note)

Omit “22A, 22E or”.

116  Subregulation 4.27(1)

Omit “22A, 22E,”.

117  Subregulation 4.27(1)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

118  Subregulation 4.27(1A)

Repeal the subregulation.

119  Paragraph 4.27(2)(b)

Omit “for a report provided under section 19, 22E, 22G or 22X of the Act—”.

120  Paragraph 4.27(3)(b)

Omit “by the person”.

121  Subregulation 4.28(1)

Omit “22A, 22E,”.

122  Paragraph 4.28(1)(a)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

123  Subregulation 4.28(2)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

124  Subregulation 4.30(1)

Omit “22E,”.

125  Subregulation 4.30(1) (note)

Repeal the note.

126  Subregulation 4.30(5)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

127  Subregulation 4.31(1)

Omit “22A, 22E,”.

128  Subregulations 4.31(1), (2) and (4)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

129  Division 4.6A of Part 4

Repeal the Division.

130  Subregulation 4.34(1)

Omit “22B (1), 22C (1), 22F (1),”.

131  Subregulation 4.34(2)

Omit “22B (3) (b), 22C (3) (b), 22F (3) (b),”.

132  Subregulation 5.03(5) (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Reports under section 22G of Act

133  Regulation 6.02 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

6.02  Application under section 54 of Act—other information required

134  Subregulation 6.02(1)

Omit “paragraphs 54 (2) (c) and 54A (2) (b)”, substitute “paragraph 54(2)(c)”.

135  Paragraphs 6.02(1)(i) and (j)

Omit “or 54A”.

136  Regulation 6.03 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

6.03  Application under section 55 of Act—other information required

137  Subregulation 6.03(1)

Omit “paragraphs 55 (2) (c) and 55A (2) (b)”, substitute “paragraph 55(2)(c)”.

138  Subparagraph 6.03(1)(a)(ii)

Omit “or”.

139  Subparagraph 6.03(1)(a)(iii)

Repeal the subparagraph.

140  Paragraph 6.03(1)(d)

Omit “each person”, substitute “each group entity for the controlling corporation”.

141  Subparagraphs 6.03(1)(d)(i) and (ii)

Omit “person’s”, substitute “group entity’s”.

142  Subparagraph 6.03(1)(d)(iii)

Omit “the person”, substitute “the group entity”.

143  Regulation 6.04A

Repeal the regulation.

144  Before Schedule 1


Schedule 1AThings that are not natural gas supply pipelines

Note: See paragraph (a) of the definition of natural gas supply pipeline in regulation 1.03.



1  Definitions

  In this Schedule:

relevant Northern Territory Department means the Department of State of the Northern Territory that deals with energy supply.

relevant Queensland Department means the Department of State of Queensland that deals with energy supply.

relevant South Australian Department means the Department of State of South Australia that deals with energy supply.

2  References to diagrams and drawings

  In this Schedule, a reference to a diagram or drawing (other than Diagram 1 or Diagram 2) is a reference to the diagram or drawing as in force on 30 June 2014.

3  Points and flanges for gas processing plants

  The following table sets out, in column 2, points and flanges on pipelines that convey natural gas from the gas processing plants mentioned in column 1.

Note: Under paragraph (a) of the definition of natural gas supply pipeline, anything upstream of a point or flange mentioned in this Schedule is not a natural gas supply pipeline.


Points and flanges for gas processing plants


Column 1

Gas processing plant

Column 2

Point or flange


Ballera, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 24 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the 2 flanges on the upstream sides of 2 isolating valves upstream of where the pipeline separates into 2 parallel meter runs, as shown on diagram Y, Ballera Gas Centre—SWQ Unit—Epic Pipeline, and marked “CC” and “DD” on the diagram held by the relevant Queensland Department at Brisbane.

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 41 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the pipe weld on the upstream side of the insulating joint leading to the 2 meter runs operated as part of the BalleraMount Isa Pipeline, as shown on diagram Z, Ballera Gas Centre—SWQ Unit—Ballera, and marked “EE” on the diagram held by the relevant Queensland Department at Brisbane.


Beharra Springs, Western Australia

In respect of the pipeline that is the subject of pipeline licence PL18 under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 (WA), the upstream flange of the insulated flange joint that:

(a) is immediately upstream of the first barred tee downstream of the pig launcher; and

(b) is on the through line of the tee.


Central Treatment, Westgrove, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 11 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the 200NB class 900 flange located approximately 0.7 m away from the plant’s main 200NB pipeline and pig launching facility immediately downstream of the plant’s 200NB class 900 main isolation valve, as shown on P & ID Drawing No. 3100100020 Rev 6.


Daandine, Queensland

The exit flange or connection point associated with the Daandine central gas processing plant where the exit lateral connects to the outlet of the plant.


Darwin LNG, Northern Territory

The exit point N2 (Nozzle 2) at the loading arms on the jetty.


Dawson River Central, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 26 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the 150NB class 600 flange located immediately downstream of the 150NB class 600 isolation valve at the tiein station, as shown on P & ID Drawing No. DR—11014 Rev 1.


Devil Creek, Western Australia

In respect of the pipeline that is mentioned in pipeline licence PL86 under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 (WA), exit point number I104 that is located:

(a) at the custody transfer welded tiein point (TIP002) downstream of valve SDV3Z6000, approximately 95 m downstream of the Devil Creek compound meter station; and

(b) below the ground at the northern boundary of the 30 m wide Dampier to Bunbury natural gas pipeline easement.


Dongara, Western Australia

In respect of the pipeline that is the subject of pipeline licence PL1 under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 (WA), the upstream flange of the flange joint at the inlet end of the isolating valve that is at the inlet to the pipeline inlet gas flow meter.


Gilmore, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 15 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the upstream flange of the actuated slamshut valve XV0305 that is located on the metering skid downstream of the gas flow measurement, as shown on Energy Equity’s P & I Drawing No. G10140F0004.


Gorgon Project, Western Australia

In respect of the pipeline linking the Gorgon Project gas processing facility on Barrow Island and the Dampier to Bunbury natural gas pipeline, the outlet face of the flange forming part of the Gorgon Project facility which meets the Dampier to Bunbury natural gas pipeline.


Griffin, Western Australia

In respect of the pipeline that is the subject of pipeline licence PL19 under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 (WA), the downstream flange of the flange joint that connects the 200 mm Griffin Gas Header pipe with the 200 mm pipe connecting with the 250 mm pipe to the pipeline meter station.


Iona, Victoria

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the plant to the Victorian gas transmission grid, the exit flange downstream of meter FT463081, which has a metering installation registration number 30000154PC.

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the plant to the South Australian gas transmission grid, the connection upstream of South East Australia Gas (SEA Gas) pipeline meter FT9207 in the secure fenced SEA Gas yard located at the plant.


Katnook Plant, South Australia

The insulating flange that is located 1 m inside the boundary fence of the plant, upstream of the pipeline branch to Safries and downstream of the emergency shut down skid, as shown on drawing 107.5.1 held by the relevant South Australian Department at Adelaide.


Kincora, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 3 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the 150NB class 600 flange immediately downstream of the Kincora Gas Plant’s 150NB class 600 actuated isolation valve, as shown on P & ID Drawing No. 6001001 Rev 3.


Kogan North, Queensland

The flange or point associated with the Kogan North central gas processing plant where the exit lateral connects to the outlet of the gas meter at the plant.


Lang Lang, Victoria

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the Lang Lang gas plant to the South Gippsland pipeline (pipeline licence number VIC/PL261), the 4 inch flange immediately outside the fence of the plant.

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the Lang Lang gas plant to the Lang Lang pipeline (pipeline licence number VIC/PL265), the 6 inch underground flange inside the fence of the pipeline station at the plant.

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the Lang Lang gas plant to the Pakenham Station, the last flange upstream of the flow metering skid at the station.


Longford gas processing plant, Garretts Road, Longford, Victoria

The exit flanges contained within the Longford Metering Station at Garretts Road, Longford, Victoria, that are connected to the two 600 mm pipes from the gas processing plant to the Longford Metering Station and are:

(a) the 600 mm weld on the 750 mm x 600 mm reducer; and

(b) the upstream flange face of the 600 mm branch valve; and

(c) the 600 mm weld 3 000 mm downstream on the side arm of the 600 mm equal tee;

all of which are immediately upstream of the metering runs which form a part of the Longford Metering Station.


Mereenie Gas Plant, Northern Territory

In respect of the Mereenie Gas Pipeline—the flange:

(a) shown as the insulating flange (I.F.) on the drawing titled Amadeus Basin to Darwin Pipeline Mereenie Meter Station—P & I Diagram Inlet and Station Limit Valve—Drawing Number AD M0007002 (Revision D of 25.2.86) held by the relevant Northern Territory Department at Darwin; and

(b) situated at the Mereenie Gas Plant immediately inside the perimeter fence and downstream of the main gas plant.


Moomba Plant, South Australia

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the Moomba natural gas processing plant to Adelaide, the insulating joint situated between the meter station for the pipeline and EPIC’s after cooler (as indicated in Diagram 1).

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the Moomba natural gas processing plant to Sydney, the downstream weld of the 600 mm x 750 mm reducer situated, upstream of the insulation flange, between the meter station and East Australian Pipeline Ltd’s mainline 750 mm valve on the outlet of the meter station (as indicated in Diagram 2).


Moranbah, Queensland

The exit flange or connection point associated with the Moranbah upstream producing operation at the point where the North Queensland gas pipeline connects to the outlet of the gas meter at the plant.


Moura Central, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 26 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the 150NB class 600 flange located immediately downstream of the 150NB class 600 isolation valve at the tiein station pit, as shown on P & ID Drawing No. DR—11014 Rev 1.


Moura Mine, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in mining lease ML no. ML 80032 under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 (Qld), the downstream face of the flanged ball valve SLV 0202 located between the dehydration unit and the launcher station, as shown on Drawings Nos NP03777P11 and NP03777P77.


North West Shelf Gas Project Domestic Gas, Western Australia

In respect of the pipeline that is the subject of pipeline licence PL40 under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 (WA), the upstream flange of the flange joint immediately upstream of the most upstream of the monolithic insulation joints that are inside the fence of the pipeline’s Dampier facilities compound.


Otway, Victoria

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the plant to the Iona gas plant, the last flange or joint inside the Otway gas processing plant.

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the plant to the SEA gas pipeline (pipeline licence number VIC/PL239), the last flange or joint inside the plant.

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the plant to the South West pipeline (pipeline licence number VIC/PL231), the last flange or joint inside the plant.


Palm Valley Gas Plant, Northern Territory

In respect of the Palm Valley Gas Pipeline, the flange:

(a) shown as the insulating flange on the drawing titled Palm Valley—Alice Springs Gas Pipe Line WellHead Assembly—Drawing Number 10011 (Revision 6 of 8/84) held by the relevant Northern Territory Department at Darwin; and

(b) situated at the plant immediately inside the perimeter fence downstream of the main gas plant and immediately upstream of the launching system.


Peat, Queensland

The 100NB class 900 flange located immediately downstream of the plant shut down valve that is immediately downstream of the moisture analyser.


Rolleston, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 10 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the 150NB class 900 flange located immediately downstream of the 150NB class 900 isolation valve that is immediately downstream of the moisture analyser on the plant’s sales gas metering facility, as shown on P & ID Drawing No. 3500100020 Rev 5.


Rosalind Park, Camden, New South Wales

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence no. 30 under the Pipelines Act 1967 (NSW), the 150NB flange located approximately 2 m upstream of the pipeline insulating joint and immediately downstream of the plant’s sales gas metering facility.


Spring Gully, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline linking the plant and the Spring Gully to Wallumbilla pipeline, the 250NB class 900 flange located in line 250SG001#900000 immediately upstream of the Spring Gully to Wallumbilla pipeline pig launcher PL800003.

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the plant to the Gooimbah lateral pipeline, the 200NB class 900 flange located in line 200SG001C905011 immediately upstream of the takeoff for pressure transmitter number PIT 011001.


Strathblane, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline linking the plant and the Spring Gully to Wallumbilla pipeline, the 250NB class 900 flange located in line 250SG001#900000 immediately upstream of the Spring Gully to Wallumbilla pipeline pig launcher PL800003.

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the plant to the Gooimbah lateral pipeline, the 200NB class 900 flange located in line 200SG001C905011 immediately upstream of the takeoff for pressure transmitter number PIT 011001.


Talinga, Queensland

The 250NB class 900 flange located immediately upstream of the spectacle blind that is immediately upstream of the DN250 class 900 Talinga Meter Station shutdown valve SDV 030002.


Taloona, Queensland

The 200NB class 900 flange located in line 200SG408C900500 immediately upstream of the pipeline tiein valve and split tee located at approximately KP 11.37 on the Spring Gully to Wallumbilla pipeline.


Tipton West, Queensland

The exit flange or connection point associated with the Tipton West central gas processing plant where the exit lateral connects to the outlet of the gas meter at the plant.


Tubridgi, Western Australia

In respect of the pipeline that is the subject of pipeline licence PL16 under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 (WA), the downstream flange of the plant exit shut down valve that:

(a) is between the pipeline pig launcher and the pipeline meter station; and

(b) is the first shut down valve downstream of the connection to the 150 mm pipe from the filter separator.


Varanus Island Hub, Western Australia

In respect of the pipeline linking the plant and the Dampier to Bunbury natural gas pipeline, the insulation gasket located inside the Harriet CS1 meter compound upstream of DBNGP valve ZV1 between the Harriet CS1 meter station and the mainline interconnecting pipe.

In respect of the pipeline conveying natural gas from the plant to the Goldfields gas transmission pipeline, the flange connection located inside the Harriet CS1 meter compound approximately 4 m downstream of valve HV5134.


Wungoona J.V, Wallumbilla, Queensland

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 2 (Wallumbilla to Brisbane) under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the flange located immediately upstream of the series of valves before the meter run, as shown on diagram W, Wungoona JVRBP ML 1A Metering Station, and marked “AA” on the diagram held by the relevant Queensland Department at Brisbane.

In respect of the pipeline mentioned in pipeline licence PPL no. 30 under the Petroleum Act 1923 (Qld), the pipe weld on the upstream side of an insulating joint located immediately upstream of the main flow control valve, as shown on diagram X, Wungoona JV—Duke Energy Pipeline, and marked BB on the diagram held by the relevant Queensland Department at Brisbane.




145  Schedule 1 (note to table)

Omit “person”, substitute “corporation”.

146  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (i) of the cell at table item 1, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit “legacy”.

147  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (j) of the cell at table item 1, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Repeal the paragraph.

148  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (k) of the cell at table item 1, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit all the words after “combustion”.

149  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (l) of the cell at table item 1, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit all the words after “offsite”.

150  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (m) of the cell at table item 1, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit all the words after “flared”.

151  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (j) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit “legacy”.

152  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (k) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Repeal the paragraph.

153  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (l) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit all the words after “combustion”.

154  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (m) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit all the words after “transferred”, substitute “offsite”.

155  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (n) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit all the words after “flared”.

156  Source 2 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (a) of the cell at table item 1, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit “tonnes”, substitute “kilolitres”.

157  Source 2 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (a) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)

Omit “tonnes”, substitute “kilolitres”.

Part 2Application and transitional provisions

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008

158  After Part 6


Part 7Application and transitional provisions

Division 7.1Application and transitional provisions relating to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014

7.01  Definitions

  In this Part:

continuing Act means the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 as it continues to apply because of item 337 of Schedule 1 to the Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014.

old regulations means these regulations as in force immediately before the commencement of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014.

7.02  Transitional—continuation of old regulations

  Despite the amendments of the old regulations made by Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014, the old regulations continue to apply, for the purposes of the operation of the continuing Act, as if those amendments had not been made.

7.03  Application—reports under sections 19, 22G and 22X of Act

 (1) The amendments of the old regulations made by Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014, so far as they relate to reports under section 19 of the Act, apply in relation to reports for:

 (a) the financial year beginning on 1 July 2014; or

 (b) a later financial year.

 (2) The amendments of the old regulations made by Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2014, so far as they relate to reports under section 22G or 22X of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007, apply in relation to reports for:

 (a) the financial year beginning on 1 July 2014; or

 (b) a later financial year.