Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Open Areas Parking Rule 2014

National Land (Road Transport) Ordinance 2014

I, Jamie Edward Briggs, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development make this Rule under subsection 11 of the National Land (Road Transport) Ordinance 2014.

Dated 25 September 2014



Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development



1 Name of rule  3

2 Commencement 3

3 No parking on open or landscaped areas - offence 3




1                     Name of rule

The name of this rule is the Open Areas Parking Rule 2014.

2                     Commencement

This rule commences on the day after registration.

3                     No parking on open or landscaped areas - offence

(1)   A person must not park or stop a vehicle on any open area (including grassed or landscaped areas) on National Land unless signage permits parking in that area.

(2)   For the purposes of section 3(1):

  1. a vehicle is parked if it is left unattended so that the driver is not sitting in the drivers seat; and
  2. a vehicle is stopped if it is stopped for more than two minutes.

(3)   Contravention of section 3(1) is an offence for the purposes of the Road Transport General Act 1999 (ACT) and the Road Transport (Offences) Regulation 2005 (ACT), as applicable to National Land pursuant to the National Land (Road Transport) Ordinance 2014(Cth)(Ordinance). 

(4)   The Road Transport (Offences) Regulation 2005 (ACT) as applicable to National Land pursuant to the Ordinance, is to be read as if:

  1. the following subsection is included at section 8(1):

“(d)  the offence at section 3(1) of the Open Areas Parking Rule 2014, made pursuant to the National Land (Road Transport) Ordinance 2014”

b.        the following formed part of Schedule 1:

Part 1.16 Open Areas Parking Rule 2014, made pursuant to the National Land (Road Transport) Ordinance 2014

Column 1


Column  2

Offence provision and, if relevant, case

Column 3

Short description

Column 4

Offence penalty (pu)

Column 5

Infringement penalty ($)

Column 6

Demerit points



Park or stop on open area/landscaped area