Determination 2014/19:

Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Public Office

(i)                     Pursuant to subsections 7(3) and 7(4) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973, the Remuneration Tribunal has inquired into the remuneration and allowances to be paid to certain holders of public office, and other matters significantly related thereto, and determines as set out below.

(ii) This Determination takes effect on and from the day following the day it is registered in the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments unless otherwise specified.





1.1 In this part, Determination Number 12 of 2014 (as amended) is referred to as the Principal Determination.

1.2 Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing the entry for the “Infrastructure Coordinator” with the following entry.

Column 1


Column 2

Column 3


Column 4


Column 5


Infrastructure Australia,

Chief Executive Officer





1.3 Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting Clause 2.2.9 after               Clause 2.2.8 as followsInfrastructure Australia: The Chief Executive Officer               will receive an additional loading of $25,600 for the first 12 months of his or               her               appointment. The loading does not count for superannuation purposes. 

1.4 Clauses 1.2 and 1.3 take effect on and from 1 September 2014.

1.5 Table 3A of Part 3 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the               following entry after the entry for “Mr Timothy Wilson, Human Rights               Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission”.

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Mr Nick Ryan

Chief Executive Officer, Australian Aged Care Quality Agency


1.6 Table 3B of Part 3 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following entry after the entry for “Ms C Munro, Chair/Chief Executive Officer, Clean Energy Regulator”.

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Mr Nick Ryan

Chief Executive Officer, Australian Aged Care Quality Agency


1.7 Clauses 1.5 and 1.6 take effect on and from 1 July 2014.


2.1 In this part, Determination Number 8 of 2014 (as amended) is referred to as the Principal Determination.

2.2 Table B3 of Schedule B of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting the entry for “Infrastructure Australia.

2.3 Table A of Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following entry after the entry for “Defence Housing Australia”:

Column 1


Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Column 5

Column 6

Infrastructure Australia




A17, A18


2.4 Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting Clause A17 after Clause A16 in the Additional Sub-clauses to Table A as follows Infrastructure Australia: The Chair will receive an additional loading of $20,480 per annum. The Member will receive an additional loading of $10,240 per annum. These loadings will apply until 31 August 2015.

2.5 Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting Clause A18 after Clause A17 in the Additional Sub-clauses to Table A as followsInfrastructure Australia: The Hon. Mark Birrell, will receive an annual fee of $80,720 from 1   September 2014 for 12 months in lieu of other amounts specified in column two of Table A and Clause A17.

2.6 Clauses 2.2 to 2.5 take effect on and from 1 September 2014.

2.7 Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting Clauses A9 and A14 in the Additional Sub-clauses to Table A.

2.8 Table A of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting A14 in Column 5 of the entry for “Export Finance and Insurance Corporation.

2.9 Table A of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting $97,560in Column 3 and deleting “A9” in Column 5 of the entry for “Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.

2.10 Table B3 of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting the entry for “CSIRO – Advisory Committees”.

2.11 Table A of Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting the entry for “National Competition Council”.

2.12 Table C2 of Schedule C of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following entry after the entry for “Prostheses List Advisory Committee”.

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

 Column 5

 Column 6

National Competition Council








Other Councillors






2.13 Schedule C of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting Clause C2.1 in the Additional sub-clauses to Table C2 as follows “National Competition Council: The annual fee applies to all Council work including governance, meeting preparation and consideration of applications at and prior to scheduled meetings. The daily fee applies only to consideration of applications that are not able to be covered in the scheduled meetings due to statutory timeframes”.

2.14 Clauses 2.11 to 2.13 take effect on and from 1 November 2014.

Signed this 3rd day of October 2014.