Australian Communications and Media Authority Omnibus Revocation Instrument 2014 (No.2)
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999
Radiocommunications Act 1992
Telecommunications Act 1997
Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1997
Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Services Standards) Act 1999
The AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA AUTHORITY makes this Instrument under subsection 26(1) and clause 7H of Schedule 2 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, subsection 138(1) and paragraph 139(3)(b) of the Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999, subsections 162(1) and 294(1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992, subsection 376(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1997, subsection 14(1) and paragraphs 15(1)(a), (c) and (ca) of the Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1997 and subsection 8F(1) and paragraph 20(2)(a) of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999.
Dated 20 October 2014
Richard Bean
Brendan Byrne
Member/General Manager
Part 1 Preliminary
1 Name of Instrument
This Instrument is the Australian Communications and Media Authority Omnibus Revocation Instrument 2014 (No.2).
2 Commencement
This Instrument commences on the day after it is registered.
Note All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See
Part 2 Revocation of spent and redundant Broadcasting Services Act 1992 instruments
3 Revocation of licence area plans made under subsection 26(1) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992
The following instruments, made under subsection 26(1) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, are revoked:
(a) the Licence Area Plan - Brisbane Analog Television - November 2002 (FRLI No. F2005B01814);
(b) the Licence Area Plan - Darwin Television - June 2012 (FRLI No. F2012L01495);
(c) the Licence Area Plan - Melbourne Analog Television - November 2002 (FRLI No. F2005B01875);
(d) the Licence Area Plan - Northern NSW Analog Television - August 2003 (FRLI No. F2005B01417);
(e) the Licence Area Plan - Perth Television - February 1997 (FRLI No. F2005B01577);
(f) the Licence Area Plan - Regional Queensland Analog Television - August 2003 (FRLI No. F2005B01421);
(g) the Licence Area Plan - Remote and Regional Western Australia (Television) - February 1997 (FRLI No. F2005B01579);
(h) the Licence Area Plan - Remote Central & Eastern Australia Television - December 1996 (FRLI No. F2005B01560); and
(i) the Licence Area Plan - Sydney Analog Television - November 2002 (FRLI No. F2005B00965).
4 Revocation of Broadcasting Services (Start Dates for Section 38C Licence Areas) Declaration 2010
The Broadcasting Services (Start Dates for Section 38C Licence Areas) Declaration 2010 (FRLI No. F2010L03241), made under clause 7H of Schedule 2 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 is revoked.
Part 3 Revocation of spent and redundant Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999 instruments
5 Revocation of determinations specifying a commencement date under subsection 138(1) of the Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999
The following instruments, made under subsection 138(1) of the Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999, are revoked:
(a) the Digital Television Commencement Date (Remote and Regional Western Australia TV1 Licence Area) Determination 2009 (FRLI No. F2009L02370);
(b) the Digital Television Commencement Date (South West and Great Southern TV1 Licence Area) Determination 2009 (FRLI No. F2009L02369);
(c) the Digital Television Commencement Date (Geraldton TV1, Kalgoorlie TV1 and Western Zone TV1 Licence Areas) Determination 2010 (FRLI No. F2010L01087); and
(d) the Digital Television Commencement Date (Remote Central and Eastern Australia Licence Areas) Determination 2011 (FRLI No. F2011L00495).
6 Revocation of determination specifying a simulcast period end date under paragraph 139(3)(b) of the Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999
The Broadcasting Services (Simulcast Period End Date – Remote Licence Areas) Determination 2012 (FRLI No. F2012L01725), made under paragraph 139(3)(b) of the Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999, is revoked.
Part 4 Revocation of spent and redundant Radiocommunications Act 1992 instruments
7 Revocation of instruments determining spectrum access charges
The following instruments, made under subsection 294(1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992, are revoked:
(a) the Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges - 800 MHz Band) Determination 2012 (No. 1) (FRLI No. F2012L01947);
(b) the Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges - 800 MHz Band) Determination 2012 (No. 2) (FRLI No. F2012L02173);
(c) the Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges - 1800 MHz Band) Determination 2012 (No. 1) (FRLI No. F2013L00010);
(d) the Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges – 1800 MHz Band) Determination 2012 (No. 2) (FRLI No. F2013L00011);
(e) the Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges – 1800 MHz Band) Determination 2013 (No. 1) (FRLI No. F2013L02006); and
(f) the Radiocommunications (Spectrum Access Charges – 2.3 GHz Band) Determination 2013 (FRLI No. F2013L01994).
8 Revocation of Radiocommunications (Data Transmission Equipment Using Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques) Standard 2003
The Radiocommunications (Data Transmission Equipment Using Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques) Standard 2003 (FRLI No. F2005B00175), made under subsection 162(1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992, is revoked.
Part 5 Revocation of spent and redundant Telecommunications Act 1997 instruments
9 Revocation of technical standards
The following technical standards, made under subsection 376(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 are revoked:
(a) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Analogue interworking and non-interference requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network - AS/ACIF S002) 2001 (FRLI No. F2005B00720);
(b) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Analogue Interworking and non-interference requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network - AS/ACIF S002:2005) 2005 (FRLI No. F2006L00085);
(c) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Customer Switching, Multiplexing and Ancillary Equipment for Connection to a Telecommunications Network - AS/ACIF S003) 2001 (FRLI No. F2005B00302);
(d) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Customer Access Equipment for Connection to a Telecommunications Network - AS/ACIF S003:2005) 2005 (FRLI No. F2005L01231);
(e) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Customer Access Equipment for connection to a Telecommunications Network AS/ACIF S003:2006) 2006 (FRLI No. F2006L03764);
(f) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Customer Access Equipment for connection to a Telecommunications Network AS/ACIF S003:2008) 2008 (FRLI No. F2008L03757);
(g) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Voice Frequency Performance Requirements for Customer Equipment - AS/ACIF S004) 2001 (FRLI No. F2005B00301);
(h) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Voice Frequency Performance Requirements for Customer Equipment - AS/ACIF S004) 2004 (FRLI No. F2005B00109);
(i) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Voice frequency performance requirements for Customer Equipment AS/ACIF S004:2006) 2006 (FRLI No. F2006L03765);
(j) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment, operating in the voiceband, for connection to the non-switched Telecommunications Network - AS/ACIF S006) 2001 (FRLI No. F2005B01035);
(k) Telecommunications (Requirements for Authorised Cabling Products AS/ACIF S008:2001) Technical Standard 2001 (FRLI No. F2005B00226);
(l) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for customer cabling products AS/ACIF S008:2006) 2006 (FRLI No. F2006L01981);
(m) Telecommunications Technical Standard (GSM Customer Equipment - ACA TS 018 - 1997) (FRLI No. F2005B00460);
(n) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Customer Equipment for use with CT2 CA1 Cordless Telecommunications Systems - ACA TS 019 - 1997) (FRLI No. F2005B00467);
(o) Telecommunications Technical Standard (MobileSat Terminal Compatibility Requirements for System Access - ACA TS 022 - 1997) (FRLI No. F2005B00468);
(p) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Radio Equipment and Systems for DECT - ACA TS 028 - 1997) (FRLI No. F2005B00470);
(q) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Personal Handy Phone System - ACA TS 034 - 1997) (FRLI No. F2005B00462);
(r) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for DSL Customer Equipment for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network - AS/ACIF S041:2005) 2005 (FRLI No. F2006L00087);
(s) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for connection to an air interface of a telecommunications network - Part 1: General AS/ACIF S042.1:1999) 2006 (FRLI No. F2006L01980);
(t) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network - Part 1: General - AS/ACIF S042.1:2006) 2006 (FRLI No. F2006L01977);
(u) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network - Part 1: General - AS/ACIF S042.1:2008) 2008 (FRLI No. F2008L03764);
(v) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for connection to an air interface of a telecommunications network - Part 2: CDMA (IS-95) AS/ACIF S042.2:1999) 2006 (FRLI No. F2006L01976);
(w) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to a metallic local loop interface of a Telecommunications Network - Part 2: Broadband - AS/ACIF S043.2:2003) 2003 (FRLI No. F2005B00181);
(x) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment for Connection to a metallic local loop interface of a Telecommunications Network - Part 2: Broadband - AS/ACIF S043.2:2005) 2005 (FRLI No. F2005L01229);
(y) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to a metallic local loop interface of a Telecommunications Network - Part 2: Broadband - AS/ACIF S043.2:2006) 2006 (FRLI No. F2006L03766);
(z) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to a metallic local loop interface of a Telecommunications Network - Part 3: DC, low frequency AC and voiceband - AS/ACIF S043.3:2001) 2003 (FRLI No. F2005B00182);
(za) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Safety of Information Technology Equipment - AS/NZS 60950:2000) 2003 (FRLI No. F2005B00178);
(zb) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Safety of Information Technology Equipment - AS/NZS 60950:2000 (Incorporating Amendment No. 1)) 2005 (FRLI No. F2005L04042);
(zc) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Information Technology Equipment - Safety, Part 1: General requirements - AS/NZS 60950.1:2003) 2005 (FRLI No. F2005L04044); and
(zd) Telecommunications Technical Standard (Information Technology Equipment – Safety, Part 1: General Requirements – AS/NZS 60950.1:2003 (Incorporating Amendment Nos 1, 2 and 3)) 2008 (FRLI No. F2008L04289).
Part 6 Revocation of spent and redundant Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1997 instruments
10 Revocation of instruments made under the Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1997
(1) The Telecommunications (Annual Carrier Licence Charge) Determination 2013 (FRLI No. F2013L00985), made under subsection 14(1) of the Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1997, is revoked.
(2) The Telecommunications (Specification of Costs by the ACMA) Determination 2013 (FRLI No. F2013L00989), made under paragraphs 15(1)(a), (c) and (ca) of the Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1997, is revoked.
Part 7 Revocation of spent and redundant Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 instruments
11 Revocation of instruments made under the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999
(1) The Telecommunications (Approved Auditor) Determination 2010 (FRLI No. F2010L02495), made under subsection 8F(1) of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999, is revoked.
(2) The Telecommunications (Period for Providing Return of Eligible Revenue) Specification 2010 (FRLI No. F2010L02427), made under paragraph 20(2)(a) of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999, is revoked.