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Food Standards (Proposal P1022 – Primary Production & Processing Requirements for Raw Milk Products) Variation



The Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand gives notice of the making of this variation under section 92 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991.  The Standard commences on the date specified in clause 3 of this variation.


Dated 20 February 2015

Standards Management Officer

Delegate of the Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand








This variation will be published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. FSC 95 on 26 February 2015. This means that this date is the gazettal date for the purposes of clause 3 of the variation.


1 Name


This instrument is the Food Standards (Proposal P1022 – Primary Production and Processing Requirements for Raw Milk Products) Variation.


2 Repeal and variation of Standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code


The Schedule repeals and varies Standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.


3 Commencement


This instrument commences on the date of gazettal.




[1] Standard 1.6.1 is varied by


[1.1] omitting from the Schedule


Butter made from unpasteurised milk and/or unpasteurised milk products




not detected in 25 g


Coagulase-positive staphylococci



10 /g

102 /g




10 /g

102 /g

Escherichia coli



3 /g

9 /g




not detected in 25 g





5x105 /g



[1.2] omitting from the Schedule


All raw milk cheese (cheese made from milk not pasteurised or thermised)




not detected in 25 g


Raw milk unripened cheeses (moisture content > 50% with pH > 5.0)




not detected in 25 g



and substituting


Raw milk cheese




not detected in 25 g


Staphylococcal enterotoxins



not detected in 25 g



[2]  Standard 4.2.4 is varied by


[2.1] inserting in subclause 1(2), in alphabetical order


diseased animal means an animal that has signs of an infection.”


documented alternative means a method that –

(a) minimises the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the milk to the same or greater extent as the method prescribed by this Standard; and

(b) does not adversely affect the microbiological safety of any raw milk cheese produced from that milk; and

(c) is documented in a food safety program required by this Standard; and

(d) has been recognised or approved by the relevant authority.”


infection means the entry, development or multiplication of a pathological microorganism that is capable of being transferred to humans through raw milk.”


milk for raw milk cheese means raw milk that is used or is to be used to make a raw milk cheese.”


raw milk means milk that has not been processed in accordance with subclause 16(1), subclause 16(2) or paragraph 16(3)(a) of this Standard.”


raw milk herd means any group of animals from which milk for raw milk cheese is or will be sourced.”


raw milk cheese means a cheese or cheese product made with raw milk.”


[2.2] omitting the heading “Division 2 – Dairy primary production requirements” and substituting “Division 2 – General dairy primary production requirements”


[2.3] omitting the heading “Division 3 – Dairy collection and transportation” and substituting “Division 3 – General dairy collection and transportation”


[2.4] omitting the heading “Division 4 – Dairy processing” and substituting “Division 4 – General dairy processing”


[2.5] omitting from clause 12


“To avoid doubt, Standards 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 apply to the processing of dairy products.”


and substituting


“(1) To avoid doubt, Standards 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 apply to the processing of dairy products.

(2) Clauses 15 and 16 of this Standard do not apply to milk for raw milk cheese.”


[2.6] omitting from subparagraph 16(3)(b) “clause 1 of Standard 4.2.4A” and substituting “Division 5 if used to make raw milk cheese”


[2.7] inserting after clause 16


Division 5 – Additional requirements for raw milk cheese

Subdivision 1 – General


17 Application of Divisions 1 to 4


To avoid doubt, unless the contrary intention appears, the requirements imposed by Divisions 1 to 4 of this Standard apply to the production, transport and processing of milk for raw milk cheese and to raw milk cheese.


Subdivision 2 – Primary production of milk for raw milk cheese


18 Application


A dairy primary production business that produces milk for raw milk cheese must ensure that each requirement of this subdivision is met.

19 Requirement for additional and specific control measures


The documented food safety program required by clause 3 must include control measures that ensure that the requirements of this subdivision are met.


20 Animal health requirements


(1) Milk for raw milk cheese must not be obtained from a diseased animal.


(2) A diseased animal must not be introduced into a raw milk herd.


(3) A diseased animal in a raw milk herd must be –


(a) separated immediately from the herd; and

(b) kept separate from any other animal that will be milked for milk for raw milk cheese.


21 Requirements for animal identification and tracing


Each animal that will be or has been milked for milk for raw milk cheese must subject to a stock identification system that ensures that the animal is uniquely identifiable and traceable.


22 Requirement to control specific inputs


(1) Silage must not be fed to animals milked for milk for raw milk cheese.


(2) Subclause (1) does not apply if the dairy primary production business uses a documented alternative to feed animals milked for raw milk.


(3) Only potable water must be used –


(a) on equipment that comes into contact with milk for raw milk cheese;

(b) to clean the teats of animals; and

(c) for washing by persons milking animals.


23 Health and hygiene requirements


The production of milk for raw milk cheese must comply with the requirements of Division 4 of Standard 3.2.2.


24 Requirement for milking practices


The teats of an animal milked for milk for raw milk cheese must be clean and dry before the animal is milked.


25 Requirements for cooling and storage


(1) Milk for raw milk cheese must be cooled to a maximum temperature of 6°C within two hours of milking.


(2) Subclause (1) does not apply if the dairy primary production business uses a documented alternative to the method prescribed by that subclause.


(3) Milk for raw milk cheese that is stored must be kept at a temperature not exceeding 5°C while in storage. 


(4) Milk for raw milk cheese must be kept separate from milk used or intended to be used for dairy products that are not a raw milk cheese.

26 Requirements relating to non-conforming milk


Milk must not be supplied for raw milk cheese if the milk was produced other than in accordance with this Division or is otherwise unacceptable.


Subdivision 3 – Transport of milk for raw milk cheese


27 Application


A dairy transport business that collects and transports milk for raw milk cheese must ensure that each requirement of this subdivision is met.


28 Requirement for additional and specific control measures


The documented food safety program required by clause 7 must include control measures that ensure the requirements of this subdivision are met.


29 Requirements for temperature control


(1) The temperature of milk for raw milk cheese must not exceed 8°C at any point between the collection of that raw milk from the dairy primary production business that produced it and the delivery of that raw milk to a dairy processing business for processing.


(2) Subclause (1) does not apply if the dairy transport business uses a documented alternative to the method prescribed by that subclause.


30 Handling requirements


Milk for raw milk cheese must be kept separate from milk used or intended to be used for dairy products that are not a raw milk cheese.


Subdivision 4 – Processing of milk for raw milk cheese


31 Application


A dairy processing business that processes milk for raw milk cheese must ensure that each requirement of this subdivision is met.


32 Requirement for additional and specific control measures


The documented food safety program required by clause 13 must include control measures that –


(a) ensure that the requirements of this subdivision are met; and

(b) address each of the following in relation to processing –


(i) starter culture activity;

(ii) pH reduction;

(iii) salt concentration and moisture content;

(iv) storage time; and

(v) storage temperature.


33 Requirements relating to milk receipt and storage


(1) The temperature of milk for raw milk cheese must not exceed 8°C at any point between its collection by a dairy processing business and the commencement of processing of that milk. 


(2) Subclause (1) does not apply if the dairy processing business uses a documented alternative to the method prescribed by that subclause.

(3) Raw milk cheese must not be made from milk that was milked more than 24 hours before processing of that milk commenced.


(4) Subclause (3) does not apply if the dairy processing business uses a documented alternative to the method prescribed by that subclause.


(5) Milk for raw milk cheese must be kept separate from milk used or intended to be used for dairy products that are not a raw milk cheese.


34 Requirements to control specific food safety hazards


(1) Prior to the commencement of its processing, milk for raw milk cheese must be monitored to ensure its suitability.


(2) The level of pathogenic microorganisms in a raw milk cheese must not exceed the level of pathogenic microorganisms in the milk from which the product was made as at the commencement of the processing of that milk.


(3) A raw milk cheese must not support the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.


35 Requirements relating to non-conforming milk


A dairy processing business must only use milk for raw milk cheese that has been produced and transported in accordance with this Division to make a raw milk cheese.”


[2.8] Updating the Table of Provisions to reflect these variations.


[3] Standard 4.2.4A is repealed.