IMMI 15/073








Commonwealth of Australia

Migration Act 1958



(subsection s.9A(6) of the Migration Act 1958)



I, MICHAELIA CASH, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, acting under subsection 9A(6) of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act):


  1. Revoke IMMI 14/077 (F2014L01003) signed on 17 July 2014 determining a regulated operation for the purposes of paragraph 9A(5)(a) of the Act and an activity performed under a licence or a special purpose consent for the purposes of paragraph 9A(5)(b) of the Act; and


2.      DETERMINE, for the purposes of paragraph 9A(5)(a) and (b) of the Act, an operation or activity involving a resources installation that is part of Australia by virtue of section 8 of the Act.


This Instrument, IMMI 15/073 commences on the day it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.


Dated 27 March 2015






Michaelia Cash

Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection